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12 Gifts for Christmas
Nuncio frowned. “Brains? I do not understand. What is that?”
“Cerebro,” Des translated. “And after my fall, I don’t think mine is working so well. You two will have to help me.”
The children laughed with excitement as Ally told everyone to get on the bed and explained the point of the game. “There’s a prize for the winner.”
Des forced her to look at him. “If we lose, is there a consolation prize?”
She chuckled. “I’ll think of one.”
“How about if I lose, I get to decide what my prize is?” he answered back. “I know exactly what I want.”
Ally couldn’t hold Des’s gaze when she knew exactly what was on his mind. He wasn’t going to let her get away with not explaining her remarks for much longer. She was putting it off because she was enjoying this time with him so much, and she wanted it to last.
And right now she owed it to the children to get into this game.
Des was a tough competitor and tutored the children with surprising patience. In the end, she won three matches and they won two. The kids would have continued trying to beat her for the rest of the day if it weren’t for Inez, who brought food on a tray and told the children she needed them upstairs.
Ally rewarded each of them with a big peppermint candy cane. Since they’d never seen anything quite like them, they were delighted.
After they left, she and Des ate the delicious food Inez had prepared. He sat against the headboard with his long legs extended. He looked relaxed, but she could feel his tension growing—right along with her own sense of impending doom.
She knew their time together was short—in a few days he’d be off on his planned campout and she’d be back in Wyoming. But in the meantime, as she delayed telling him the truth, their relationship was progressing, making a liar out of her.
Before he could pounce and claim his consolation prize, she put down her coffee cup and took the initiative, not able to stand it any longer.
“You want to know my secret? The reason I’ve been keeping my distance? For the last year I’ve told no one, not even Miguel and Inez. But that was before I met you.”
He sat forward. “Go on.”
“I wanted to say something that morning we went climbing. But you were—are—such an attractive man, and I feared alienating you by seeming … forward. You know. A strange woman suddenly baring her soul to you. I’m sure there’ve been plenty of women who’ve come up with some pretty inventive ways to get close to you. I … I didn’t want you to think I was one of them. If I’d blurted out what was on my mind, I was afraid you would think it seemed desperate. I hated the idea that you would consider me pathetic.”
His features hardened. “I know I acted resentful of you, and I’ve apologized for that, but did I seem that much of a monster to you when we were introduced?”
“No!” she cried. “No, Des.” She jumped off the bed, too agitated to sit still. “After you told me about your fiancée, I understood your disdain.”
She paced the floor for a minute. “What I’m trying to say is that this whole situation is about me and my hang-ups. I’m sorry you ever got involved. When I came to the Pyrenees, I didn’t expect …” She faltered for a second. “I didn’t expect to find what I did. To find you,” she mumbled.
He launched himself off the bed and came to stand in front of her with his hands on his hips. “You think I did?”
With that question she realized she wasn’t the only one feeling anxious about how quickly things had changed. “No.” She shook her head. “Of course not.”
He softened his stance. “Just tell me, Ally.”
She struggled for breath then lifted her head to look at him. “After Rex died, I was diagnosed with breast cancer and had a full mastectomy.” She smiled at him through the tears. “A woman gets used to her own body parts. But until I met you, I didn’t know how much it affected me that they were gone.”
Though he stood stock-still, as soon as the words left her lips, she saw his eyes widen in shock and his compelling mouth press into a thin line.
“I’m in remission for now and I’ve been working out to get in the best shape possible, both physically and mentally. But every time I go in for testing, I could find out it’s come back. Then again it might never come back.”
Ally heard his sharp intake of breath. “You think that makes you the Ugly Duckling?”
Des looked and sounded furious.
“In the physical sense, yes. When you kissed me a little while ago, it made me realize h-how much I wanted to be like I was before.” She looked down. “Desirable. Sexy.”
Ally was so embarrassed for having exposed herself to this degree, she started for the door with the tray. “You heard Inez. We’ve been invited to spend Christmas Eve with them. If you’re feeling well enough, come up to their apartment whenever you’re ready. If you decide you want to be alone, no one will bother you. I promise.” She left.
DES stared at the closed door after Ally had gone, devastated for her sake by what she’d told him. Two mortal blows in a row—first she’d had to deal with her fiancé’s sudden death and then the diagnosis of breast cancer.
Up on the frozen waterfall he’d discovered she was the most courageous person he’d ever known. She’d disregarded her own safety to get him to the clinic before hypothermia set in. Without injuring herself, no less! He knew Miguel would have sent out a search party for them if they’d been delayed, but by then Des could have been in real trouble. She had a warrior’s spirit and he stood in awe of her.
So how could someone who’d been so brave on that ice be so insecure about her own body? No matter what he had to do, he was going to get around her fears.
No one knew how long they had to live. And since every minute of life was precious, he had no intention of staying down in his room and away from her. Wheeling around, he picked out what he wanted to wear, then headed for the shower.
After he’d shaved and dressed, he left the room for the front entry to the posada. Pleased to have caught sight of Maricela in the hallway without needing to bother Miguel, he called to her. “Will you show me to Ally’s room? I need to talk to her.”
“Sure. She’s right down here.” He followed her along two different hallways until they came to Ally’s door. “Are you going to come to our apartment later?” the girl asked.
He patted her cute face. “We wouldn’t miss it. Come and knock on the door when you’re ready for us.”
“I will.” Her brown eyes danced before she ran off.
Des turned and rapped on Ally’s door.
Ally didn’t recognize the knock, but thought it could be one of the staff. She’d just come out of the bathroom after blow-drying her hair. She pulled on her pink toweling robe and padded across the room to open the door.
She almost fainted at the sight of him.
It was the same man whose room she’d left just a short time ago, but all she could do was stare at the changes in him. Without her shoes on, he seemed even taller. He was wearing a fabulous midnight-blue dress suit and tie, and he’d dispensed with the hair thong. His hair was swept away from the crown and sides of his head to lie against the back of his neck.
His dark Spanish looks, the contrast of his olive skin against his dazzling white shirt, were so incredible she could only stand there, speechless. Her breath came faster as she detected the enticing scent of the soap he’d used in the shower.
“I … I didn’t expect you to come to my room,” she stammered. “We’re not expected at the Torrillas’ apartment yet.”
He lounged against the doorjamb with his arms folded. “After what you told me earlier, I don’t feel like wasting any time. May I come in while you finish getting ready?”
“Of course,” she answered jerkily. He entered the room. As she shut the door, he removed his suit jacket. “Do you care if I sit on your bed while I wait?”
“No … go right ahead. I’ll finish dressing in the bathroom.” She grabbed the clothes she’d intended to wear and dashed into the other room. But her hands were shaking so hard, she had difficulty pulling and adjusting and fastening everything.
When she eventually came out wearing her long two-piece velvet dress with the three-quarter sleeves, he got up from the bed, eyeing her with what she could only describe as desire.
He murmured, “Exquisita. What do you call that color in English?”
She swallowed hard. “Periwinkle.”
“It suits your coloring.” He moved closer. The next thing she knew he had his arms around her and had lowered his head to kiss her long and thoroughly. Ally’s body gave up a voluptuous shiver because his hunger matched hers. She couldn’t hide her desire for him.
But they had a party to go to and eventually she pushed her hands against his chest.
He loosened his hold on her to feel the fabric on her sleeve. “It’s uncrushable, verdad?”
She nodded.
“Bien.” His hand found hers and he pulled her toward the bed. “Then lie down with me for a little while. I just want to hold you.”
A pain jabbed her heart. “Des … I don’t need comfort.”
“That’s the last thought on my mind.”
His response surprised her.
“Since this is the day for honesty,” he continued, “do you want me to tell you what I want?”
“I’m afraid.”
“I know. That’s why I simply want you to know what it’s like to lie in my arms. We both need this. To feel cherished and loved. Would that be such a penance?”
“No,” she answered softly.
“Then come to me, muchacha.”
The banked fires in his eyes and the deep tone of his husky voice seduced her. She put a knee on top of the bed. That was all the encouragement he needed. He enfolded her into his hard-muscled frame, nestling his face in the profusion of her hair. A long drawn-out sigh escaped him. It was as if his body was letting go of all the angst and tension he’d been carrying. When she felt it leave him, her body also seemed to shed a heavy burden.
She felt like she was floating on a light mist.
“I want to stay like this until Maricela comes for us,” he said against the side of her neck. The caress of his lips against her skin sent rivers of delight coursing through her body.
She pushed away her fears and doubts. She decided to stop thinking and simply feel.
Des watched her sleep. He raised himself up on one elbow to study the features of the incredible woman cradled in his arms. After the experience of the past few days, exhaustion had caught up with her.
Unable to hold back, he lowered his head and pressed his mouth to hers. Very slowly he began kissing her until she started to respond. She made several little moaning sounds before her eyelids fluttered open.
“I’m right here,” he murmured against her lips. “As if I’d be anyplace else.”
In the next breath she began kissing him, causing his senses to leap. One kiss and then another and another until there was no beginning and no end. He rolled her on top of him, cupping her face so he could taste every centimeter of her. “You have no comprehension of how much I want you, amada.”
“Hush,” he said to quiet her. “I don’t want to hear that we haven’t known each other long enough, or that you’re not desirable, or that we come from two different worlds, or any of the dozen reasons percolating in your mind.”
“Allee?” Maricela’s voice broke in as she knocked on the door. “It’s time for the party.”
“I’ll be right there,” she called out.
“I’ll tell Mama. Hurry!”
Des kissed her trembling mouth once more before letting her go. She practically weaved in front of him as she got to her feet. He helped her stand. “I’ve got a lot of repair work to do,” she said, and laughed, looking down at her dress.
He grinned. “There’s no time,” he said, loving to watch her blush. “We’re about to enjoy Christmas Eve with Miguel’s family. No matter what you do, you’ll look thoroughly kissed.” He strolled over to the chair and put on his suit jacket and then held the door open for her as they went to the Torillas’ party.
After a feast of lamb followed by almond pastry, everyone gathered in the living room around the Nativity scene. Miguel read from the Bible about the birth of the Savior. Then he flashed Ally a smile from across their living room where he was seated near the fire. “It’s time for your special surprise, señora. Our children have been waiting and waiting for this.”
They nestled on either side of her on the couch. Inez and Des were seated in separate chairs placed in front of the adorable tree the children had decorated. His black eyes didn’t move from her face.
“All right.” Still feeling breathless since waking in Des’s arms, Ally pulled a big picture book out of her sack. “This is my gift to you. It’s my very, very favorite Christmas story. In America, Santa Claus brings the children presents on Christmas Eve. Your parents told me that in Spain, the Three Wise Men will bring presents to your house in January.”
They nodded.
“So let this be my present to you.” Having learned the words by heart as a child, she stared at Des as she began.
“Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.’”
At that moment she had a vision of being in a house with Des, surrounded by their own children. The vision grabbed hold and wouldn’t let go.
When she looked back at her decision to come to the Pyrenees, she realized she’d wanted to pit herself against the elements and get past her fear. But unless she could get past her biggest fear of Des rejecting her, what was life for? Where was her courage, her faith?
She looked down at the book. After swallowing hard, she finished reading and ended with the famous line, ‘“Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.’”
The children were enchanted and begged her to read it again and again. Finally Des stood up and thanked everyone. “If you’ll excuse us, Ally and I have plans for the rest of the evening.”
“But I thought you were still sick,” Nuncio said.
“Nuncio …” his mother scolded.
Ally tried to stifle her laughter, but it was hopeless. “He has a point, Señor Pastrana.” She smiled into his eyes.
“I may not be a hundred percent yet, but tonight is a special one, above all the other nights of my life, and I intend to enjoy it.” She heard the throb in his deep voice and felt her legs turn to water.
After hugs and kisses for the kids, she put on her coat and walked out of the posada with Des. Once the door closed behind them he stopped and pulled the lapels of her coat together so she faced him.
“Where are we going, Des?”
“To a place I know of where we can see the stars at their most brilliant. But before we do anything else, I want you to know I meant what I said in there just now. Tonight I feel like I’ve been reborn and a whole new beautiful future has opened up for me. Because I’ve fallen in love with you, Ally Bonner. It’s the real thing. I know it in my heart and soul.”
She couldn’t deny her own feelings, either. Not now. “Oh, Des—” She threw her arms around him. “I’m in love with you, too. I don’t know how it could have happened this fast, but it did. With you, I feel as if anything and everything is possible.”
Des crushed her against him. “How lucky we are to have found each other in this refuge, of all places. Mi amor …”
He kissed her and then took her hand as they left to watch the stars fade into Christmas Day … and beyond.
About the Author
TAWNY WEBER is usually found dreaming up stories in her California home, surrounded by dogs, cats and kids. When she’s not writing hot, spicy stories for Blaze®, she’s shopping for the perfect pair of shoes or scrapbooking happy memories. Come by and visit her on the web at www.tawnyweber.com.
Look out for a new Blaze® novel from Tawny in 2012.
WELL, ho, ho, ho.
Mari Madison gave a little hum of appreciation as she stared across the street at what was, in her considered opinion, the nicest ass she’d ever seen. Leaning one shoulder against her mother’s porch pillar, she sipped the viciously strong coffee and decided that this was her reward for moving back home to be closer to her mother.
“Looks like the Coles are gearing up for the town’s annual holiday decorating contest,” her mother said from inside the front door. “I’d love to win that someday, but I’m not very clever with the big outdoor display.”
“I’ll bet we can come up with an awesome idea that’s guaranteed to win,” Mari decided. Her mom had been through so much—a lot of it because of her. Mari’s initial solution had been to leave town—out of sight, out of mind and all that. But she’d missed her mom. When she’d heard the only hairdresser in Ponder Hill was retiring, she’d taken it as a sign to come back home. And now that she had, she was going to do her mom proud. So Mari tossed a warm smile over her shoulder and promised, “I’ll help. This year will be your year.”
With another wistful glance and a laugh, her mom warned her not to get too chilly, then returned to baking yet another batch of gingerbread.
Mari leaned against the pillar again, eyeing the sexy carpenter across the street. Despite her hot coffee and even hotter view, she shivered. After five years of California living, Ponder Hill, Tennessee, in the winter was a shock to her system. It was freaking cold here. She’d bundled up in a thick sweater under her fleece-lined denim jacket, jeans and two pairs of socks tucked into a sweet pair of wedge-heeled hiking boots. Totally impractical, but a girl had to have priorities. Cute shoes were definitely at the top of hers.
The hottie across the street didn’t seem to have a problem with the temperature. Like her, he was wearing jeans and boots, although his were clearly for work, not fashion. But instead of layers and a knit beret, he wore a white T-shirt.
Not that she was complaining. This gave her a great view of his rounded biceps as he swung his hammer at a big slab of wood. His hair, dark enough to contrast nicely where it brushed the collar of his shirt, gleamed in the morning light.
Her gloved fingers itched to test the weight and texture of his hair to see if it was as wavy and thick as it looked. Occupational hazard, she figured. Though the tingle of desire in her belly had nothing to do with being a hairdresser and everything to do with attraction.
Then he turned. Mari’s eyes focused on the nice fit of his jeans, noting they were just as promising from the front as the back. The tingle heated up as desire intensified. Her gaze took a slow, appreciative slide up his flat belly, over a chest worth sighing about and paused briefly to give a little hum at the impressive width of his shoulders.
Oh, yeah, they built them nice here in Ponder Hill. Nicer than she’d remembered, even. Anticipation tight, she let her gaze rest on his face.
A lock of dark hair fell across his forehead, giving a little-boy sweetness to a face that was hard planes and masculine angles. Sharp cheekbones, a chiseled jaw and a mouth that just begged to be kissed. Yum.
Her eyes met his—and widened in shock. Though she was too far away to see the color, she knew those deep-set eyes were a vivid green, like a grassy field on a hot summer day.
Declan Cole.
Well, shit. Mari’s fingers constricted on the mug.
Figured. The sexiest guy she’d seen in years was the one who’d ruined her high school reputation. It looked like payback would be topping her holiday list this year.
DECLAN Cole stepped back from the Christmas display he was building and swiped his hand over his forehead to shove his hair out of his eyes. Definitely time for a haircut. But grooming hadn’t been a high priority this month, what with having to return to his hometown to settle his father’s estate and then having his family gang up on him to get him to settle here permanently.
As he walked around the almost completed manger on his aunt and uncle’s front yard, something bright pink caught his gaze. He glanced across the street and let out a low whistle as his body went from chilly to steaming in three seconds flat. Her face was shadowed and her body was bundled in winter layers. But the sexy vibe he was picking up was humming loud and strong.
Crazy … he couldn’t even tell what she looked like. But she was definitely someone his body wanted to see a little closer. He tossed his hammer on a sawhorse. But before he could take a step, his aunt came out of her house with a steaming mug and a loving smile.
“Dec, you’ve done a great job. I can’t believe how quickly it’s coming together,” she said, gesturing at the various pieces he’d already built.
He warmed at the compliment. He wanted this holiday scene to be perfect. Eric and Amanda had offered him and his mom a place to hide a few times when the old man had been on another of his violent benders. They’d been among the few people in town who had believed the wickedly bad Declan Cole was worth a damn. And they were the only reason he was even considering basing his construction business in Ponder Hill.
But even love for his family wasn’t enough to make him believe it’d work out. Sure, after years as a construction foreman, he could strike out on his own anywhere. But why would he choose a town that saw him as nothing more than a chip off the ol’ drunken block?
“Thanks, Aunt Amanda,” he said. His eyes cut across the street again, lingering on the figure on the porch. Maybe he’d just found another reason to stick around Ponder Hill for a little while.
“Old Man Hanover must have family in for the holidays,” he mused, fishing for details.
His aunt followed his gaze. “Oh, no. Marsha Madison bought that house a little while ago after Mr. Hanover went into the nursing home. Marsha mentioned her daughter was moving back around the holidays. That must be her.”
Declan went from interested to turned-on in a heartbeat.
Mari Madison. The sexiest woman he’d ever dreamed about.
His aunt said something, then patted his arm and walked back into the house. Staring across the street, he barely noticed.
Mari had been a sweetheart. Someone who’d seen him for himself, and yes, judged him for his own wild ways. But never for his father’s. A couple years behind him in school, she’d been forbidden territory. Except for that one time …
Before he could move, she set her cup on the porch railing and bounded down the porch steps. As she crossed the street, his gaze did justice to the gorgeous view.
She’d only improved with age. Sunlight-blond hair slid like water under her funky pink hat, and her dark blue eyes sparkled. He had no idea what the hell those things were on her feet, but the rest of her curves were enough to make his mouth water and his body harden.
“Well, well,” he said with an appreciative grin. “If it isn’t sweet little Mari Madison. Here to give me another kiss?”
“I’D RATHER kiss a frog,” Mari said with a sniff, furious that Declan was even more gorgeous up close.
Why hadn’t he aged poorly, dammit? He’d been so wild, some of that debauched living ought to show on his face. Instead, all he was sporting was healthy color and a five o’clock shadow. At nine in the morning? Hadn’t he learned to shave yet? With a rush of lust, she remembered how those hair-roughened cheeks had felt against her soft skin. Which only made her madder.
“You ruined my reputation, Declan Cole. Because of you, my life—and my mother’s—became pure hell,” she accused, stepping closer to glare at him better. Even in her four-inch boots, she still had to tilt her head back. As her gaze met his gorgeous green eyes, she couldn’t remember how to breathe, let alone say the words she had meant to speak. Why was he so damned sexy? “What do you have to say for yourself?” she finally managed to ask.