Полная версия
12 Gifts for Christmas
Slowly his senses picked up other things. The warmth of two feminine hands closed around his, the subtle fragrance of wildflowers found in the highest meadows.
“Please wake up and talk to me,” the sweet voice called to him.
With that urgent entreaty, he made the effort and opened his eyes to discover an enchanting face bent over him, wet with tears. She’d been crying. He didn’t understand why.
The tips of her light brown hair, streaked with gold highlights, brushed against his jaw. Those liquid-filled eyes of amber brown … He’d seen them before. But where? Right now they were full of anxiety and a plea for him to stay with her.
“I’m Ally. Do you remember me?”
He was trying to think, but the pain at the side of his forehead kept interfering with his concentration. “Ally who?” he whispered.
“Ally Bonner. Miguel asked if you would take me ice climbing.”
Something clicked in his brain. “You’re the Teton girl who wears the cowboy boots!”
Her smile of relief radiated a universe of sunshine. It seeped into those dark places where he’d been living for such a long time. “Thank heavens you’re going to be all right.”
He took a deep breath. “I remember reaching you and handing you the ax. Then I was overwhelmed by dizziness and couldn’t hold on.”
She squeezed his hand before letting go. “So that’s what happened! I watched you fall. I’ve never felt so helpless in my life.”
“I’ve never felt that sick in my life. I was supposed to be protecting you. Where am I?”
“At the clinic here in Puerto d’Ara.”
“Why are you crying?”
He heard her take a shuddering breath. “Because you’re alive… . My … fiancé wasn’t as lucky.”
Fiancé? “What happened to him?”
“We were doing a float trip together down the Snake River with a group of tourists from the dude ranch I help my family run. Like you, he said he’d put his helmet on in a minute. When we hit the rapids at the wrong angle, it tipped and Rex was thrown. He hit his head on a boulder. We managed to rescue him from the water but he was unconscious… . He never came out of the coma,” she said on a whisper.
Des’s stomach clenched, imagining the horror of it. He’d heard her anguish.
“When I saw you lying there, I couldn’t bear it.”
“I’m sorry for your loss, Ally.”
She drew herself up and wiped her eyes. “It’s in the past now. What’s important is that you’re awake and will live to climb another day.”
“Thanks to you. How did I get here?”
“I brought you.”
He frowned, but even that hurt. “How?”
The corner of her mouth lifted. Though she wasn’t conscious of it, he found her smile seductive. “The old-fashioned way.”
What? He stared hard at her. “You mean you dragged me off the ice by yourself?”
She nodded, causing her wavy hair to dance along her shoulders. He remembered she’d been wearing it in a ponytail before. Either way, she was a knockout. “Those harnesses come in handy for a lot of reasons. The hardest part was getting you in the back of your truck.”
“But you managed it. And got me here.” A swell of gratitude and admiration took over, shocking the hell out of him. Only then did he realize there was an IV in his other arm. “What time is it now?”
“Five in the evening.”
“How long have I been asleep?”
“On and off since yesterday afternoon.”
He’d lost a whole twenty-four hours? “But that’s impossible!”
“Your body needed the rest. Besides having a slight concussion, the doctor says you have the flu. It hit you hard, that’s why you’ve been sleeping so long.”
Des was incredulous. He passed a hand over his jaw and felt his growth of beard with disgust. “I remember feeling nauseous for the last few days, but figured it was a bug and would pass. Instead of obeying the warning signs, I endangered your life.”
“No, you didn’t,” she insisted. “You did such an expert job of preparing me that I was able to respond. But next time, take your own advice and put your helmet on before you do anything else, okay?”
Des was in awe of this woman. She’d endured heartbreak and grief. Des’s experience with his fiancée couldn’t compare. Now he could truly see it for what it was—a blow to his pride, nothing more. He felt the fool for having allowed it to affect him so much. He’d wasted the past year of his life. On a trifle.
“What’s put that fierce look on your face?” she asked.
“I was also engaged once … this time last year, in fact. But I broke it off and am happy to say that by now she has probably found herself someone greedier than she is.” At her surprised expression, he explained his words. “When I took her ice climbing for the first and only time, she bruised her ankle, then sued my company to make money off an injury that was so minimal she could walk on it within a day.”
“Oh, dear. Are you very rich?” she teased.
“Extremely,” he said in total honesty, unafraid to admit it to her.
“Is she very beautiful, the way I imagine Bizet’s Carmen? Long black hair? Fiery dark eyes, passionate to her very soul with a figure to die for?”
“I’ll admit her beauty was extraordinary.” But her soul …
“Then you’re probably right, and she has the kind of marriage she’s been waiting for all her life, where both grasping parties have their needs completely met.”
After that comment Des broke into full-bodied laughter, delighted by her intelligence and the fact that she didn’t take herself seriously.
“Señor Pastrana,” the doctor said as he walked into the room. “I’m happy to hear you laugh like that. It is the best of signs. And I’m glad that you’re now fully awake and talking to Señorita Bonner. She’s been at your bedside since yesterday, waiting for you to open your eyes. Welcome back. How are you feeling?”
“Good.” It was the truth … since he’d awakened to an angel staring down at him.
The doctor checked Des’s vital signs while Ally kept watch. “Can you give me a few more details, por favor?”
“My head hurts, but it’s not that bad and I’m no longer feeling sick to my stomach.”
“Muy bien. We’ve been giving you antinausea medication in your IV. Keep this up and tomorrow you’ll be able to go home—provided you take care of yourself.”
Ally’s face lit up. “That’s wonderful news.”
For several reasons, Des agreed.
The doctor smiled at him. “You were fortunate your lovely climbing companion here got you off the ice quickly. Otherwise we would have had to treat you for hypothermia. But I would be remiss in my duties if I didn’t warn you of the dangers of pushing yourself too hard. You may be the head of a successful business empire and famous throughout Spain, but you are still human.”
“I’ve had a lot of work to accomplish,” he admitted.
“Don’t we all, but that’s the reason why this particular flu hit you especially hard. Follow my advice and take it easy for a while.” He smiled. “I’ll see you in the morning.”
“Gracias, doctor.”
“De nada.”
As Des looked at Ally again he considered the doctor’s words. Perhaps he should take some time off from work and find more … pleasurable ways to fill his life.
“DON’T leave yet, Ally.” Des was afraid she’d follow the doctor out of the room.
She gripped the side rail of his bed. “You need to rest.”
“I’ve been unconscious for twenty-four hours, I feel like company. Do you mind?”
As Des said the words, he realized he meant them. But not just any company would do. Only hers. He realized that, too. His friend Raoul wouldn’t believe how quickly his whole attitude was changing. Des would have to text him later.
“I’ll stay for a while longer.” She pulled up a chair to the side of the hospital bed. “Oh, before I forget, Miguel went up to the amphitheatre and brought back all our things. There was a trail of debris from the cascade to the car.”
“When you went through my pockets, did you find my phone?”
“Oh, yes—” She reached in her purse. “Here it is. I’ll put it on your bedside table.”
“I’m afraid I didn’t have another thing on my mind after you passed out except to drive you here. I’ve still got the keys to your truck, too.”
“That’s good,” he murmured. “Keep them until tomorrow. That way if you’re willing, you can visit me and then drive me home.”
There was a slight hesitation that concerned him before she said, “Of course I will. You went out of your way to accommodate me. Until you fell, I was really enjoying the climb.”
A nurse came in to change his IV bag, then slipped out again.
Ally smiled at him. “Can I bring you anything from your room at the posada?”
“I could use my electric razor. It’s in the bathroom with my other things.”
“Tell you what. Why don’t I leave now and bring them back to you?”
“In other words, I could do with a shave.”
“Did I say that?”
His black brows quirked in amusement. “You didn’t have to.”
“Where’s the card key for your room?”
“A monk’s cell doesn’t have something as modern as an electronic card to open the door—it has a metal key. It’s with my car keys.”
“Oh—” She reached in her purse once more and brought out the keys. “Which one opens your room?”
He took hold of her hand to show her. It trembled at the contact. Pleased by the response he said, “It’s the middle one.”
She quickly eased her hand away. “What room number?”
“Mine doesn’t have one. It has an exterior entry around the west side of the posada. You can’t miss it since it’s the only one.”
“That sounds rather mysterious.”
A low chuckle came out of him. “Wait till you see it.”
She moved the chair against the wall. “I’ll be back soon.”
“Hurry,” he called out as she opened the door and left.
More than the word, the urgency in Des’s tone caused Ally to tremble again. She couldn’t believe he was the same forbidding stranger she’d met in the posada dining room, let alone the unconscious man she’d brought into the hospital so ill she’d feared for his life.
The warm, compassionate Spaniard who’d just listened to her heartache and then told her about his own broken engagement showed a completely new side of him, and the change was doing odd things to her equilibrium. The increasingly strong attraction she felt toward him sent off warning bells in her brain. She’d come here for adventure, not to get involved in a romance.
He was a gorgeous man. Against the pristine white of the clinic’s sheets and pillow, his coloring and rugged features made him the most sensational-looking male she’d ever seen. Too sensational. Too perfect. Unlike her.
If those black eyes were ever to see what cancer had done to her body … She couldn’t face that. She’d needed to get away from him. Which was why she’d jumped up and offered to go get his things from the hotel. Anything to keep her distance.
Not that he’d shown any sign of romantic interest. Though she knew he was grateful for her help, she was under no illusions that his attraction to her was as powerful as hers was for him. And even though he had to be feeling terrible right now, he was awake and probably itching to get out of the hospital.
A dynamic man like him who ran a multibillion-dollar hotel business and went ice climbing to relax was probably a horrible patient and couldn’t take advantage of the rest.
When she drove back to the posada, she found Inez at the front desk and filled her in. “I know the children were hoping I could eat dinner with them, but Señor Pastrana needs a little waiting on. Tell them I’ll be back tonight and I can read a story to them before they go to sleep. I bought them some Christmas books. Tonight we can read one of my favorites—How the Grinch Stole Christmas. They’ll love it.”
“I’m sure I will, too!” Inez smiled. “But don’t worry about anything else right now. Des’s health is more important.”
“He’s doing amazingly well. The doctor said he only had a light concussion.”
Inez crossed herself. “I’ll tell Miguel. We’ve both been anxious. We visited him twice, but both times he was still asleep.”
“Thankfully he’s awake now. I better go and get his things. See you later, Inez.”
After a shower in her room and a change of clothes into jeans and a kelly-green crewneck sweater, Ally dashed out the front doors of the inn and around the side. She felt strange walking into Des’s private hotel room, but he had given her permission.
Once she stepped over the threshold, she was delighted by the way the room felt and looked like a window into the past. But she didn’t have time to examine everything; Des needed his things.
Later, when she entered his room at the clinic, his black eyes darted from her to the suitcase.
“I didn’t know what you’d want so I just brought everything,” she explained.
For the second time in the past few hours he burst into laughter. The sound thrilled her.
“Why don’t you put the bag down and pull up a chair so we can talk.” As she did his bidding, he rolled onto his side toward her, taking care with the IV in his arm. “What did you think of my room?”
She glanced at him. “It felt as if I’d just stepped into a seventeenth-century priest’s inner sanctum. To be honest, I loved it so much I wish I’d known about it so I could have reserved it before I arrived.”
“You can’t reserve it. When the corporation bought the monastery, I had it all remodeled except that room. It’s mine.”
“Well, lucky you.” She paused. “I felt kind of naughty, letting myself in like that and then leaving with the suitcase.”
“If anyone had seen you, they would think I was a very fortunate man,” he said, his gaze fixed on her mouth. A curling warmth traveled through her body. Followed immediately by a burst of panic. If she let the attraction between them go any further, he’d see her scars and be repulsed by them. He wouldn’t want her then.
“Thank you, but if they knew my secrets, they would think nothing of the sort.” She’d said it to jar him, and it looked as if she’d succeeded because a puzzled expression entered his eyes.
“Should I bite?”
Ally shook her head. “It’s not worth the trouble of an explanation.”
“I disagree,” he responded. “You just intentionally threw up a wall to shut me out.” To her astonishment he reached for her arm with his free hand, capturing it with surprising strength. “Why would you do that when I only want to get closer to you?”
ALLY tried to ease away from the grip he had on her arm, but he refused to let her go yet.
“Des … please listen. We may have just met, but you and I shared a life-and-death experience, which puts our relationship on a different level. I believe in being honest and assume you do, too. Wouldn’t you have preferred to learn the truth about your fiancée at the beginning, instead of the eleventh hour?”
He grimaced. “Ah, I see. So you’ve decided to kill whatever relationship might develop between us right now. But why? What truth are you so afraid of?”
“I have my reasons. I’m sorry.” She removed her arm and got up, putting the chair back against the wall, ready to leave.
His brows furrowed. “No, you’re not.”
“Please don’t be angry with me.”
“That’s the last emotion I’m feeling.”
“Then I’m glad.”
“You’re not making sense. Help me understand.”
She breathed deeply. Get out of here, Ally. “I’d rather not talk about this, especially after your harrowing ordeal.”
“Come over here. Por favor.”
Even though her mind was screaming at her to run, she wasn’t immune to his throbbing entreaty. She hesitantly walked over to the side rail. “Is there something else I can do for you? Open your suitcase and get things out, maybe?”
“No. The nurse will do it.” Once more he reached for the hand closest to him. Turning it over, he kissed the palm then looked up at her. “I forgot to thank you for saving my life.”
The touch of Des’s lips against the skin of her hand sent a sizzle through Ally’s body, setting her on fire. Earlier his thumb had made lazy circles over the pulse at her wrist, shooting an erotic warmth through her body, causing sensations she was afraid to acknowledge.
“No woman of my acquaintance could or would have done what you did for me. If there’s anything I can do for you, all you have to do is ask.”
She could ask that if he ever saw her mastectomy scars, he wouldn’t reject her and turn away, but that was a pipe dream.
Ally took a fortifying breath. “It’s because of me that you had the accident. The only favor I ask is that you get well soon. That means no winter sports for a little while.”
He kissed her fingertips before letting her go. “If I’m going to deny myself, then I’m going to need someone to help me get through the withdrawal period.”
Ally broke down laughing. She couldn’t help it. “I believe you’d go into withdrawal.”
He shot her devilish glance. “There are certain indoor sports I enjoy even more than climbing.”
That came as no surprise. Once upon a time she’d shared the same sentiment, but those days were over. He wouldn’t want her when he saw the truth for himself. “I do, too, as a matter of fact. How good are you at Scrabble? I bought the children the junior version to help them with their English.”
“They won’t mind if we christen it first?”
“Not if we all play,” she said on a burst of inspiration. It was the only thing she could think of to keep him at bay. “You can be on their side. You’ll need the handicap,” she said, adding the dare to spice things up. In reality his English was so good, she probably wouldn’t be able to beat him.
“You’re on,” he said with a speculative gleam in those black eyes.
Before either of them could say anything else, the nurse came in.
Ally’s eyes darted to Des. “I’ll go now, but I’ll be over in the morning to get you.”
“No good-night kiss?”
Her body tautened. “You already got one kiss this evening. Let’s not tempt fate. Next time you might find yourself kissing the Ugly Duckling.”
Des’s face suddenly looked like a thundercloud. That was good.
“Buenas noches, Señor.”
“Rest when you’re sleepy. Eat what appeals to you and you will be fine in a few days, Señor Pastrana.”
Des thanked the doctor as they left the clinic. Per the doctor’s orders, Des let Ally carry his suitcase for him and drive him home. His adrenaline had surged when she’d entered his hospital room at eleven o’clock, dressed in jeans and a bright red pullover.
The hair he longed to run his fingers through had been tied at the nape with a narrow red ribbon. Tiny red-and-green Christmas ornaments dangled from each end. It would be so easy to tug on one of them, allowing the silklike strands to swing loose… .
Her comment about the Ugly Duckling had bothered him all night. He understood the metaphor from the old fairy tale well enough, but there was nothing ugly about Ally, inside or out. He knew that to the depth of his soul. She was a stunning woman who had little conception of her impact on a man. Her lack of awareness was part of what made her so desirable. Her beauty radiated outward to that creamy skin he longed to caress.
But clearly she didn’t think the same about herself. Before the day was out he intended to uncover the secret she’d alluded to, tossing it down like a gauntlet. The list of possible secrets was starting to drive him crazy. It was a challenge, and he’d never passed up a challenge. It wasn’t in his nature.
Yet for some reason Des had the premonition that this would be the most important one he would ever face. The feeling shook him.
After she parked the truck outside his room at the inn, she hurried to the door and unlocked it for him.
Now that the nausea had gone and his forehead wasn’t as sore, he felt surprisingly good and would have enjoyed a short walk in the frigid air with her. But he decided that for once he would follow doctor’s orders. Plus it would get him a lot further with Ally, who still felt some ridiculous residual guilt for having gone climbing with him.
He was the one who felt guilty. If the truth were known, he’d taken one look at her in the dining room and something shocking had happened to him.
For so long he’d avoided women, not wanting any entanglements, but after Miguel had unintentionally laid the groundwork, Des realized he wanted to get to know the beautiful American woman who was so beloved by Maricela and Nuncio. You couldn’t fool children. They saw through to the heart of a person.
He paused at the door of his room. Things had changed since he’d last been in his monk’s cell. A fire blazed in the hearth, and there was a two-foot-high Christmas tree decorated with lights and ornaments placed on the dresser to greet him. The scent of pine was one of those wonderful smells, intoxicating and comforting.
“I hope you don’t mind the additions,” Ally said in a quiet voice as she brought in his suitcase. “It’s too dark in here without any windows and today is Christmas Eve.”
Touched by her generosity of spirit that showed in everything she did, he looked around. On the small wooden table—
one of the original pieces he’d kept—she’d added some snacks and drinks and a few Spanish sports magazines. She’d thought of everything.
She saw where his eyes had wandered. “Those are meant to help with the withdrawal.”
He couldn’t hold off any longer and he reached for her, gripping her arms to bring her close. Her eyes were like warm brandy, but they were conflicted. He could see fear in them, but he also found the emotion he was looking for. Desire.
HOLDING Ally in his arms, Des whispered into her ear, “Happy Christmas Eve day, Allison Bonner. I thought I never wanted to celebrate another one, but you’ve managed to cure me.”
With or without her permission, he covered her heart-shaped mouth with his own and kissed her the way he’d dreamed of doing all night long.
After a brief hesitation, she returned his kiss with a passionate response that thrilled him to his core. He began to draw her over to the bed, needing to hold her closer in his arms. But when she sensed his direction, she tore her lips from his and eased out of his embrace. In the firelight her cheeks were flushed.
“What’s wrong? Why did you pull away from me?”
“The children have been watching for us. They’ll be down any second with their present.”
The Scrabble game. He’d forgotten about it—and everything else.
She’d brought him alive, and he loved this new feeling like he’d never loved anything in his life. But for some reason he sensed that she was still keeping him at a distance.
“Where shall we play?”
“On your king-size bed. That’s where you should be. The priest who lived here should have been so lucky.” The words were barely out of her delectable mouth before there was a knock on the door.
“Allee? Desidiero? Is it all right to come in?”
Des took the initiative and opened the door. “Make yourselves at home, niños. We’ve been waiting for you.”
Nuncio carried the game under his arm. He scrutinized Des. “I thought you were sick, but you don’t look it.”
“That’s because Ally helped me make a magical recovery.”
“Papa said she saved your life.”
“Your papa is right,” he said, staring at Ally.
“Mama’s going to bring you some soup and bread.”
Des smiled and tousled the boy’s head. “I can’t wait.”
“Ooh,” Maricela crooned, walking over to the tree. “I love it.”
Ally busied herself offering the children some candy. “If the three of you have any hope to beat me at this game, you’ll need some sugar for your brains.”