Полная версия
Degree of Risk
* * *
Ethan could hardly sit still as Sarah found him in the chow hall, carrying her tray and sitting down opposite him. Happiness glimmered in her blue eyes. She smiled at him and he felt his heart open.
“That was a beautiful poem you wrote for me this morning,” she said, giving him a shy look. “Thank you.”
The chow hall was packed, the noise high. Luckily, Ethan had found the last table next to the wall and only a few guys were sitting at the other end of it. They could talk quietly and have a real conversation without others overhearing them.
“I wrote it for a reason,” Ethan admitted, catching her self-conscious gaze. Sarah’s hair was recently washed, the black strands still damp around her flushed features. It would dry in a hurry with the low humidity and high temperature at the FOB.
Sarah cut into her eggs. “I know,” and she told him about the master chief calling her into his office this morning.
Ethan grinned. “Two days, Sarah. We have two days together. I damn near fainted when Master Chief told me about it this morning.”
She spooned the eggs into her mouth, silently absorbing the elation in Ethan’s expression. “I need to call Emma and see if they are open to us coming over.”
“No need. I talked to Khalid already.” Ethan gave her a big grin. “He told us to come on down. He and Emma will be gone during that time, but he said we can have the run of their villa and to make ourselves at home.”
“God,” Sarah whispered, “this is like a dream come true, Ethan.” She clung to his heated gaze, his gray eyes going stormy with need. Her body clamored to be held by him, loved by him. “When I get done with this twenty-four-hour duty, we can take off for Bagram at 0800.”
Rubbing his hands together, he gave her a feral look. “And what do you want to do with that time?” He could hardly stand the anticipation. Sure, he wanted to make love with Sarah, but equally, he hungered for time and space with her. Ethan so badly wanted that downtime; it was a part of exploring, getting to know one another on deeper levels.
Sarah grinned between bites. “Let’s see? Sex? Sex and more sex?”
Ethan chuckled. “That’s a start.” Seeing the lust in her eyes was such a turn-on for him. He suspected Sarah was becoming aware that she could look at him a certain way and make him run hot. She was discovering her power as a woman and it made him ache even more for her.
“I haven’t really given it much thought,” Sarah murmured, buttering her whole wheat toast and then slathering it with blueberry jam.
Ethan finished up his bacon and reached for his stack of six pieces of toast. “I wish we were in San Diego,” he murmured. “I’d take you down to walk on the beach. We’d scuba dive off the kelp beds of La Jolla. I’d find us some abalone on the ocean bottom, bring them up and we’d cook them and some corn wrapped in foil on a grate at the beach. Then we’d watch the sunset, listen to the waves and just be in one another’s arms.”
“That sounds beautiful,” she whispered. “But no ocean here, Quinn. Just desert, mountains and rock.”
“I’m a dreamer when I’m around you,” Ethan confided, his voice gritty as he held her warm blue gaze. “You inspire me, Sarah. Maybe, in those two days I can show you just how much.” God knew, he wanted desperately to be there for Sarah, to continue to show her a man’s positive side. He wanted to give her happiness for the rest of his life. And he still couldn’t believe that she’d agreed to marry him.
Her body reacted to his growling, intimate words. “I’m in shock we’ll be together, Ethan.” Sarah shook her head.
“When you got off that mission, I was upset,” he admitted. He saw her lift her chin, her brows moving down. “Dammit, Sarah, I don’t want you heaving your guts out. It hurts me. It makes me feel like I can’t protect you.”
She heard the tightness in his voice. SEALs, she had discovered, were protectors in their own right. It was part of their ethos as warriors. They protected those they loved. Fiercely. Without apology. She’d already been on the receiving end of SEAL care via Ethan, his SEAL brothers and Master Chief Hunter. “Look,” she said, resisting the urge to reach out and touch his arm, “you can’t protect me all the time, Ethan.”
“I can damn well try,” he said, lips thinning, unhappy.
“I’m just overly sensitive to the smell of blood, that’s all.” Sarah shrugged. “Don’t you have something you’re sensitive about?”
“Yes, a woman or child being hurt by a man.”
His eyes went dark, his voice uneven. Sarah knew he was referring to her past when she was young and hadn’t been safeguarded by child protective services or the social workers. “I’ll be okay out there, Ethan.” Sarah knew how much he worried about her medevac missions. “I’ve managed nine years at this and so far, so good.”
“I just don’t have a way to protect my feelings where you’re concerned, angel.” And it was true. This was new to Ethan. How did he not worry about the woman he loved? Not imagine her being shot at and killed while sitting in that cockpit? Or her Black Hawk being blown up by a Taliban RPG? He knew all too well it could happen in a heartbeat.
“Oh, Ethan,” Sarah murmured softly, giving him an apologetic look. “I didn’t mean to hurt you. I really didn’t. It’s just that our jobs are dangerous.”
“Are you able to protect yourself when I’m out on a patrol?” Ethan asked.
“Hell, no. If I’m not on duty, I go over to the ready room, listening to any transmissions you give to master chief. I get scared, Ethan. So damned scared that I feel like I’m going to crawl out of my skin sometimes because I know you and your team are in harm’s way.”
“How do you deal with it? I’d sure like to know because I haven’t been able to very well with you,” Ethan groused.
Sarah shared a pained look with him. “How can I protect myself against loving you, Ethan?” Right now she wished she was anywhere but here. To be alone with him. To hold him, to feel his strong arms holding her. He always made her feel safe and protected in his arms. “Maybe, these two days we have off, we’ll find some answers.” Maybe not. Love couldn’t be put into a box and shielded as much as he might want to do just that. Love was organic, it moved, it grew, it unfolded and it deepened between them. And there was no way Ethan had figured out yet how to protect Sarah because she held his heart and soul in her long, graceful flight hands.
Chapter 3
“We’re home,” Sarah whispered to Ethan as she stood in the living room of the villa. She watched him close and lock the front door. The housekeeper smiled, bowed and placed a note in her hand. She then left and went back to her room in another wing of the massive stone villa.
Ethan came silently up behind Sarah, sliding his arms around her waist. Sarah sighed and leaned back against him, her head resting against his shoulder. “Home. Has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?” he rasped, kissing her hair.
“It does,” Sarah whispered, feeling a month’s worth of stress sloughing off her as Ethan pressed small kisses across her hair, her temple, and then began to nibble seductively at her ear. She lifted the note. “It’s from Emma and Khalid,” she whispered, her voice catching as his teeth caught and teased her earlobe. A zigzag of heat and sparks flew to her tightening breasts beneath her soft pink tank top. The man could turn her on like a light switch.
“Mmm,” he growled, sliding his hands to her hips and turning her around. Her eyes were drowsy with lust, no question. And when he surveyed her features, her cheeks slightly flushed, her lips parted and that pouty lower lip calling to him, Ethan had to call on his patience. They had two days. He was damned if he was leaving the bed for very long in between bouts of loving Sarah, teaching her, allowing her to learn from him.
“We should at least read the note,” Sarah chided him, giving him a bad-girl look. She held it between them and read it. “Dear Ethan and Sarah. Make yourselves at home. The housekeeper will make all your meals. Just enjoy and be. Love, Emma and Khalid.”
“They are wonderful people,” Ethan said, taking the note and laying it on a sideboard in the huge dining room. “And we owe them plenty.”
“I told Emma that I’d fly with her on my days off if she needed a copilot,” Sarah said, admiring the way his black T-shirt spanned his incredibly powerful chest and broad shoulders. “That’s the least I can do. They’ve given us safe haven.”
Sarah allowed her fingers to trace his shoulders. Just watching the tightening of his mouth, the smoldering look burning in Ethan’s gray eyes, she felt her thighs shiver with anticipation.
“That’s fair,” Ethan murmured, holding her hands flat against his chest with his. Looking down into her eyes, he said, “You look like a gorgeous goddess come to earth in a tank top and jeans. Angel, you really fill them out in just the right way.” He grinned, kissing the tip of her nose.
His hands were large and covered hers completely. Ethan had such animal grace and charisma. SEALs even referred to themselves as animals. No mistake in that one.
“What do you want to do?” Sarah asked, looking at him through her dark lashes. She watched that beautifully shaped male mouth of his draw into a confident, predatory grin.
“This,” Ethan rasped, suddenly lifting her off her feet and into his arms.
Sarah gasped, caught off guard, quickly settling her arms around his neck. “You’re such a rogue, Quinn,” she muttered, loving him. He carried her as if she were weightless.
“Hey,” Ethan protested, turning down the hall toward their suite, “I’m just a poor man who has this sumptuous goddess visiting me so I have to carry her off to my cave and never let her go.”
Sarah relaxed fully in Ethan’s arms. “Well, this goddess is whipped. She’s happy to have her mere human steal her off to his abode.”
She knew Ethan loved the Greek myths and had read them as a child. His mother, who was an English teacher, had schooled her children to speak Latin and read myths and fables from around the world. She wondered if that was what enabled him to write such heart-stirring poetry.
Ethan nudged the door open with the toe of his sneaker and carried Sarah into the dimly lit suite. “Yeah, well, too bad if you’re tired. I’m not.” He laughed as he brought her over to the bed and set her down on the edge. Ethan turned and went over to the door, shut and locked it. The SEAL in him wanted no interruptions.
Pouting, Sarah watched him pull the T-shirt off, revealing his darkly haired chest. Her breath caught, witnessing the economical, graceful male motion of his body. “I think you’ve just inspired this goddess.” She gave him a wicked look. She watched Ethan drop the T-shirt, push his sneakers off his large feet. Her heart rate picked up as his long, powerful hands unsnapped his Levi’s and unzipped them. It was no secret he was fully erect. It excited her. She could feel herself clenching inwardly, starving to have Ethan within her. Where he belonged.
Ethan gazed down at her. He knelt down and slowly opened her thighs so he could come closer to her. “I think this goddess loves her human so much, that her other world will just dissolve as he makes love to her.” He glided his hands from her knees up across her curved thighs. The rough jean material didn’t stop Ethan from feeling her beautiful, long thighs suddenly tense with anticipation. Smiling into her eyes, those black lashes framing their incredible glacier-blue, he took her mouth gently. And as he did, he moved his hand between her thighs, cupping her, already feeling her heat, the fabric damp beneath his exploring fingers.
A small breath caught in Sarah’s throat. She reacted to how his hand moved and held her in place. Instantly fire ignited in her lower body as he possessed her mouth, tongue touching hers, teasing her. His fingers roved suggestively against her entrance. Sarah cried out, the intense need within her almost painful when he pressed his hand against the material.
“Easy, Sarah,” he rasped, guiding her down on the bed, lifting her legs. Sarah’s eyes were wide with raw heat. There was nothing more powerful to Ethan than her wanting him. He lay on the left side of her, stretching out his naked length next to her. Leaning over on his elbow, he could feel Sarah’s neediness, saw it in her eyes, the way her lips parted, her breath becoming uneven. “You are so sensitive,” he said, kissing the lids of her eyes, wanting to worship her, touch every part of her. “Your eyes are like the blue sky and your mouth,” he leaned down, curving his lips over hers, feeling the softness of her lower lip, “nectar of the gods...”
“Ethan...” Sarah groaned, turning onto her side, wanting to be closer to him.
“Tell me what you want.”
“I want you,” Sarah whispered hoarsely, sliding her hand across his chest, feeling his muscles leap beneath his taut flesh. “Now. Not later, Ethan.”
He laughed huskily. “My little goddess has teeth,” and he saw her give him a dark, challenging look.
“I’ll show you teeth if you don’t stop teasing me. I want you now, Ethan. Not half an hour from now.”
He grinned, applauding her spirit. This wasn’t the Sarah whom he’d bedded three months ago. He unsnapped her jeans and pulled the zipper down. “Now you’re getting frisky,” he warned her in a low voice. “I like a woman who’s a warrior in my bed.”
The words sunk into her, triggered Sarah and she noticed that gleam in his eyes, the hunger. Every time they had made love, he’d encouraged her to tell him what she wanted. How she wanted it. Ethan had always said she came first, she was in control. He’d loved her carefully, tenderly and gently. Well, the way her body felt today, like a volcano ready to explode, she didn’t want nice or tender this morning.
Sarah sat up, pushing off her leather shoes and wriggled her jeans off, letting them drop carelessly to the carpet. In one motion, the tank top fell to the floor. She came and knelt beside him, flattening her hands out on his chest, dressed in only a white bra and silky panties. He looked curious but not surprised, his mouth engaged in boyish delight over her change. “Okay, you really want to know how I feel?” she demanded.
Ethan skimmed his hands up her arms, holding her serious expression. “Tell me, Sarah. Tell me everything.”
He sat up, moved his hands around her torso and unhooked her bra, her beautiful breasts spilling out of the cups. Her mind shorted out as he dropped the bra to the floor, curved his hands around those sensitive globes.
“You don’t play fair!” Sarah choked, leaning into his hands, her entire body trembling violently as he moved his thumbs across her hard nipples. She began to melt as bolts of electricity shot from her breasts straight to her womb. Her mind started to dissolve.
“I’m a SEAL,” he rasped, leaning down, taking one beautiful nipple into his mouth, suckling her, feeling her tremble and cry out. “I like to win,” he murmured, lifting his head. “Now, what do you want me to do to you? I’m listening.”
Sarah could barely think, his roughened hands caressing her, the heat intensifying in her lower body. “I—” She gulped, forcing herself to think through the haze of sex overtaking her. “Ethan,” she said, holding his smiling gray eyes, “I won’t break, dammit! Stop treating me like I’m some priceless vase that will shatter if you touch it the wrong way.” Her voice broke. “Please?”
“Are you sure?” he growled, holding very still, holding her beautiful soft warm breasts in his palms.
Sarah felt herself unraveling with hunger so sharp, it almost pained her. “I’m positive, Ethan.” His expression was questioning, as if he weren’t sure. “You said I had the control. Okay, fine, I do. I’ll be the first one to tell you to stop or not do something. I have a mouth. I speak. So, stop worrying, will you?”
A slow grin came to his mouth. “I hear you, sweet one. Are you ready to ride?”
Confused, Sarah looked at him. “What?”
Ethan released her breasts and slid his hands downward to the band of her silky white panties. Easing them off her, he coaxed her, “Come on,” he said, spanning her waist. “Climb on top of me.”
Sarah trusted Ethan with her life. As he lay down on the bed, he positioned her so that her thighs rested on either side of his hips.
“Now,” he grated, “sink down on me. Take what you want. When you’re hungry like this, this is a hell of a fast way to get what you’re after.”
His dark words echoed like fire though her. She sank lower and instantly, her wet, aching core contacted his erection. Eyes shuttering closed, Sarah felt the heat and raw pleasure as her weight settled upon his length. Ethan’s powerful thighs tensed and he groaned. His hands remained loose on her hips, not forcing her to do anything.
Ethan looked into her half-closed eyes as she placed her hands against his chest. “Experiment. Move. See what feels best for you.”
What wasn’t a pleasure? He was so hard and she melted like sweet honey around him. The moment he settled his hands on her hips, pulling her down upon him a little more firmly, a cry erupted in surprise from her.
“Put you full weight down on me,” he growled, watching her cheeks flame pink as the pleasure fired through her body. “You can’t hurt me....” It was almost as if Ethan was so intoxicated by her he could barely put two words together.
That was all the coaxing she needed. Sarah leaned forward, her hands splayed out across his chest, the delicious sensations rippling through her core and leaving her gasping in surprise. Her fingers tunneled through the fine, dark hair across Ethan’s chest as she rocked back and forth, discovering where the most pleasure could be found. Her whole lower body throbbed, clenched, wanting even more. Ethan lifted his hips, moving slowly into her, widening her, causing her to cry out in whimpers of raw, primal rapture.
Her body accommodated, flexed as Ethan slowly began to thrust into her. Capturing her hips, he brought her firmly down upon him. Instantly her womb spasmed and she couldn’t take in a breath. He slid her against him faster and when Ethan lifted his hips, the downward pressure on her core splintered into a million exploding suns, undulating throughout her in wave after wave of ecstasy.
Sarah arched, a low, animal-like cry tearing out of her. She was a helpless prisoner to her hungry orgasm, clenching and unclenching, driving her to the edge of faintness. Sarah lost her mind, tumbling and falling into her awakened, famished body. She felt singed, like Icarus who had flown too close to the sun, exploding into flames and falling, falling, falling....
Ethan smiled as Sarah experienced the gift of release. She tightened around him, muscles squeezing him so damned tightly, he could barely control himself. Her body was flushed, her eyes tightly closed, her fingers digging deep into his chest. He felt tortured, so damn close to coming, wanting to surge into her, take her, but he waited until she began to collapse around him.
“Come here,” he said, gently taking Sarah and placing her on her back.
She was gasping for air, her chest heaving, trembling. Ethan gave her a very feral look, sliding his hand beneath her hips, pulling her up against him. Her eyes flew open. He thrust deeply into her. A wild moan tore out of her, the pleasure amping up within her like unexpected lightning.
Ethan felt her tightness around him, the sweetness of her body enclosing him, and he gave a guttural groan, feeling the searing edge of ecstasy stalking him. Gritting his teeth, he jerked and surged powerfully into the liquid fire of her body. Sweat coursed down his temples, his shoulders and chest damp as the release flowed out of him. His entire body felt paralyzed with fiery pleasure. Dimly, he heard Sarah cry out, gripping his thick shoulders, her hips bucking against him. He wished he had that kind of staying power and helped her prolong her pleasure until she finally collapsed beneath him, breaths tearing out of her mouth.
Lying across her, mindful of his weight, Ethan planted his elbows just above Sarah’s shoulders. Leaning down, he skimmed his mouth across her parted, panting lips. Sarah’s eyes barely opened, a burning turquoise-blue.
Ethan smiled faintly. “Damn, you’re an incredible goddess. And so hot and sweet...” He took her mouth, drawing her ragged breaths into him. Eventually Ethan removed himself, brought Sarah to his side and then wrapped his arms around her, tucking her against his body.
* * *
Sarah awoke sleepily. Her body still glowed in the aftermath. She became aware of Ethan curved protectively around her, one of his arms beneath her neck, the other across her waist. His breath was shallow, indicating he was sleeping. Sarah had no idea what time it was. The light peeking around the dark floor-to-ceiling drapes didn’t tell her anything. She didn’t want to move, warm and happy in Ethan’s arms. His moist breath feathered softly across her temple and brow. Closing her eyes, Sarah simply wanted to imprint the moment, the fierce love she held for him in her heart. Even in sleep, Ethan guarded her and shielded her. She didn’t know that a man could make her feel protected until Ethan had stepped into her life.
Sarah felt Ethan awaken, nothing sharp or jolting, rather as if coming out of a deep, luxurious sleep. He moved his hand to her belly, his long fingers splaying out across it. His breathing changed, became deeper and slower. Opening her eyes, she turned her head and met his sleepy gray eyes. Her gaze dropped to his mouth and she couldn’t resist, lifting herself to kiss him softly. For the next few moments they languished.
Groaning, Ethan turned on his back, drawing Sarah into his arms, her head coming to rest against his right shoulder. “I was dreaming I was making love to this incredible goddess. She had such full, beautiful breasts, nice widely curved hips, the kind a man can hold on to....”
She smiled and nestled against him, his flesh warm and hard against hers. “I like the dream,” she whispered, “I think I was in it.”
“Sarah, you were the main attraction.” He wiped his eyes with the palm of his hand. “God, you can drive a man insane with that body of yours.”
She laughed softly, moving her fingers through the silky hair across his chest. “Well, you certainly help me lose my mind, too.”
“We’re good together,” Ethan agreed.
Sarah nodded, happy just to have this quiet time with him. “I love you, Ethan....”
Her whispered words flowed through him like sunlight. “I love you, too, angel. I wanted to tell you that but damn, during lovemaking, you just steal my mind and I can’t think one word.”
“I never knew how good this could be,” she murmured.
“It will only get better,” Ethan promised, moving his hand across her shoulder. A shoulder that handled so much responsibility when she was in the air. Sarah was strong and it had helped her open up and finally trust the woman’s side of herself. Humbled, Ethan lifted his head and looked at the digital clock on the dresser. Groaning, he muttered, “It’s almost noon.” They’d arrived at 0900.
“We were both tired,” Sarah said, inhaling his masculine scent, the hot sunlight and the pine-scented soap he’d used to shower with earlier.
She grinned. “Not anymore.” Sarah felt his chest rumble with laughter, watching his mouth carelessly curve. Ethan’s face was strong, darkly tanned, and the beard did nothing but give him that air of dangerousness. When he slid a look toward her, she pouted and said, “Well, maybe we had dessert first. I am kind of hungry, for a goddess...”
* * *
They made beef sandwiches at 1300 after finally deciding they’d better get out of bed and get some protein. Sarah found a jar of butter pickles, Ethan found some chips. They ate at the long, oval dining room table. The housekeeper did not appear and Sarah was glad she respected their need to be alone. The villa almost felt as if they owned it and they were sitting down to enjoy a lunch with one another. Ethan discovered some beer in the fridge and opened two bottles to go with their scavenger lunch.
He sat at the end of the table, his plate on an orange place mat. Sara sat to his right. He watched her nibble on the pickle, her lips so damned beautiful. He wanted her to nibble on him like that. It didn’t get any better than this.