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2) Is there any milk in the bottle?

3) Yes, there is (some). No, there is not (any).

4) There isn’t any milk in the bottle.

2. В чашке (какое-то количество) кофе.      1) There is some coffee in the cup.

2) Is there any coffee in the cup?

3) Yes, there is (some). No, there is not (any).

4) There isn’t any coffee in the cup.

3. В банке (какое-то количество) варенье.      1) There is some jam in the jar.

2) Is there any jam in the jar?

3) Yes, there is (some). No, there is not (any).

4) There isn’t any jam in the jar.

Exercise 4

1.На полке (лежат, имеются, находятся, есть) несколько книг.      There are some books on the shelf.

Are there any books on the shelf?

Yes, there are (some). No, there are not (any).

There aren’t any books on the shelf.

2.Во дворе ( имеются, находятся, есть) несколько машин.      There are some cars in the yard.

Are there any cars in the yard?

Yes, there are (some). No, there are not (any).

There aren’t any cars in the yard.

3.На диване (лежат, имеются, находятся, есть) несколько кошек.      There are some cats on the sofa.

Are there any cats on the sofa?

Yes, there are (some). No, there are not (any).

There aren’t any cats on the sofa.

Exercise 5

На кухне кто-то есть.        There is somebody in the kitchen.

В коридоре никого.        There is nobody in the hall. (there isn’t anybody)

А есть ли кто-нибудь в шкафу?        Is there anybody in the wardrobe?

В ванной (находятся) все.        There is everybody in the bathroom.

А есть ли кто-нибудь во дворе?        Is there anybody in the yard?

Во дворе никого.        There is nobody in the yard. (there isn’t anybody)

Под столом кто-то есть.        There is somebody under the table.

В комнате (находятся) все.        There is everybody in the room.

Есть ли кто-нибудь в саду?        Is there anybody in the garden?

В саду кто-то есть.        There is somebody in the garden.

В парке никого.       There is nobody in the park. (there isn’t anybody)

Все (находятся) на концерте.       Everybody is at the concert.

Exercise 6

А есть ли что-нибудь в коробке?        Is there anything in the box?

В коробке ничего.        There is nothing in the box. (there isn’t anything)

Под кроватью что-то есть.        There is something under the bed.

Под столом всё.        There is everything under the table.

А есть ли что-нибудь в сумке?        Is there anything in the bag?

В сумке ничего.        There is nothing in the bag. (there isn’t anything)

Но в кармане что-то есть.        But there is something in the pocket.

В холодильнике (есть) всё.        There is everything in the fridge.

А есть ли что-нибудь в шкафу?        Is there anything in the cupboard?

В шкафу нет ничего.        There is nothing in the cupboard. (there isn’t anything)

Но что-то есть под шкафом.        But there is something under the cupboard.

В баре есть всё.        There is everything in the bar.

Exercise 7

Ты пойдешь куда-нибудь?        Are you going anywhere?

Я пойду куда-нибудь.        I am going somewhere.

Ты никуда не пойдешь.        You are going nowhere.

Я буду летать везде.        I am going to fly everywhere.

В субботу она ходит куда-нибудь.        On Saturday she goes somewhere.

Эту книгу ты можешь найти везде.        You can find this book everywhere.

Она всегда дома, она никуда не ходит.        She is always at home, she goes nowhere.

Я нигде не могу найти мои перчатки.        I can’t find my gloves anywhere.

Они живут где-то около Лондона.        They live somewhere near London.

Ты живешь где-то около моей сестры?        Do you live anywhere near my sister?

Он живет где-то в Сибири.        He lives somewhere in Siberia.

Я поеду куда-нибудь в будущем году.        I am going somewhere next year.

В наши дни банки везде.        The banks are everywhere today.

Могу я купить молоко где-нибудь здесь?        Can I buy some milk anywhere here?

Осень. Везде вода.        It is autumn. There is water everywhere.

Нигде нет хорошего вина, но пиво везде.        There isn’t good wine anywhere, but there is beer everywhere.

Exercise 8

В бутылке много молока.      There is much milk in the bottle.

There isn’t much milk in the bottle.

Is there much milk in the bottle?

Yes, there is. No, there isn’t.

Is there much or little (a little) milk in the bottle?

How much milk is there in the bottle?

На улице много машин.      There are many cars in the yard.

There aren’t many cars in the yard.

Are there many cars in the yard?

Yes, there are. No, there aren’t.

Are there many or few (a few) cars in the yard?

How many cars are there in the yard?

На улице мало снега.      There is little snow on the street.

There isn’t little snow on the street.

Is there little snow on the street?

Yes, there is. No, there isn’t.

Is there little or much (a little) snow on the street?

How much snow is there on the street?

На улице мало машин.      There are few cars in the yard.

There aren’t few cars in the yard.

Are there few cars in the yard?

Yes, there are. No, there aren’t.

Are there few or many (a few) cars in the yard?

How many cars are there in the yard?

В столе много ручек.      There are many pens in the table.

There aren’t many pens in the table.

Are there many pens in the table?

Yes, there are. No, there aren’t.

Are there many or few (a few) pens in the table?

How many pens are there in the table?

В реке мало воды.      There is little water in the river.

There isn’t little water in the river.

Is there little water in the river?

Yes, there is. No, there isn’t.

Is there little or much (a little) water in the river?

How much water is there in the river?

На диване много кошек.      There are many cats on the sofa.

There aren’t many cats on the sofa.

Are there many cats on the sofa?

Yes, there are. No, there aren’t.

Are there many or few (a few) cats on the sofa?

How many cats are there on the sofa?

В бутылке много минеральной воды.      There is much mineral water in the bottle.

There isn’t much mineral water in the bottle.

Is there much mineral water in the bottle?

Yes, there is. No, there isn’t.

Is there much or little (a little) mineral water in the bottle?

How much mineral water is there in the bottle?

На полу много игрушек.      There are many toys on the floor.

There aren’t many toys on the floor.

Are there many toys on floor?

Yes, there are. No, there aren’t.

Are there many or few (a few) toys on the floor?

How many toys are there on the floor?

В кружке мало пива.      There is little beer in the mug.

There isn’t little beer in the mug.

Is there little beer in the mug?

Yes, there is. No, there isn’t.

Is there much or little (a little) beer in the mug?

How much beer is there in the mug?

Exercise 9

На диване кошка.        There is a cat on the sofa.

Кошка на диване.        The cat is on the sofa.

Во дворе собаки.        There are dogs in the yard.

Собаки во дворе.        The dogs are in the yard.

Деньги в банке.        The money is in the bank.

В банке есть деньги.        There is money in the bank.

В кармане нет денег.        There is no money in the pocket.

Деньги не в кармане.        The money isn’t in the pocket.

Во дворе нет детей.        There aren’t any children in the yard.

Дети не в школе.        The children aren’t at school.

Во дворе пять машин.        There are five cars in the yard.

Пять машин не во дворе.        Five cars are in the yard.

В деревне есть школа.        There is a school in the village.

Школа находится в деревне.        The school is in the village.

Exercise 10

1. Во дворе была собака.      1) There was a dog in the yard.

2) There wasn’t a dog in the yard.

3) There was no dog in the yard.

4) Was there a dog in the yard?

5) Yes, there was. No, there wasn’t.

6) Was there a dog or a cat (crocodile…pig) in the yard?

7) What was there in the yard?

2. В саду был пруд.      1) There was a pond in the garden.

2) There wasn’t a pond in the garden.

3) There was no pond in the garden.

4) Was there a pond in the garden?

5) Yes, there was. No, there wasn’t.

6) Was there a pond or a spring (lake…stream) in the garden?

7) What was there in the garden?

3. На ферме был большой бык.      1) There was a big bull in the farm.

2) There wasn’t a big bull in the farm.

3) There was no big bull in the farm.

4) Was there a big bull in the farm?

5) Yes, there was. No, there wasn’t.

6) Was there a big bull or a small pig (a cow…a hen) in the farm?

7) What was there in the farm?

Exercise 11

В саду было 8 яблонь.      There were eight apple-trees in the garden.

There were no apple-trees in the garden.

Were there eight apple-trees in the garden?

Yes, there were. No, there weren’t.

Were there eight or three (seven…five) apple-trees in the garden?

How many apple-trees were there in the garden?

На диване лежало две кошки.      There were two cats on the sofa.

There were no cats on the sofa.

Were there two cats on the sofa?

Yes, there were. No, there weren’t.

Were there two or three (seven…five) cats on the sofa?

How many cats were there on the sofa?

В парке было семь скамеек.      There were seven benches in the park.

There were no benches in the park.

Were there seven benches in the park?

Yes, there were. No, there weren’t.

Were there seven or three (two…five) benches in the park?

How many benches were there in the park?

Exercise 12

Здесь будет новая станция метро.      There will be a new subway station here.

There won’t be a new subway station here.

Will there be a new subway station here?

Will there be a new subway station or a bus-stop (park…cinema) here?

What will there be here?

В гараже будет стоять новая машина.      There will be a new car in the garage.

There won’t be a new car in the garage.

Will there be a new car in the garage?

Will there be a new car or a bicycle (chair…sofa) in the garage?

What will there be in the garage?

В кармане будут деньги.      There will be money in the pocket.

There won’t be money in the pocket.

Will there be money in the pocket?

Will there be money or a paper (postcard…key) in the pocket?

What will there be in the pocket?

Exercise 13

18.      There are many things in my bag.

19.      How many hats are there on the shelf?

20.      There is one door in this house.

21.      How many doors are there in this house?

22.      There are nine streets in this village.

23.      There is no cloud in the sky.

24.      There are no clouds in the sky.

25.      Are there many animals in the zoo?

26.      How many brothers and sisters are there in your family?

27.       There are many banks in this city.

28.       Are there many melons here?

29.       There is one water melon in the fridge.

30.       Look! There is a rainbow in the sky.

31.       How many carrots are there in the fridge?

32.       It’s summer now. There are many people in the parks

33.       Is there an egg in the fridge?

34.       There are many tasty pears in the vase.

Exercise 14

1.      Сколько яиц в холодильнике?       1.      How many eggs are there in the fridge?

2.      На столе только одна груша.       2.      There is only one pear on the table.

3.      Холодно. На улице нет людей.       3.      It’s cold. There are no people on the street.

4.      На столе три морковки.       4.      There are three carrots on the table.

5.      На полке красивая шляпа. Чья это шляпа?       5.      There is a beautiful hat on the shelf. Whose hat is this?

6.      В мире есть только одна важная вещь. Что это?       6.      There is only one important thing in the world. What is it?

7.      Посмотри, сразу две радуги.       7.      Look, there are two rainbows at once.

8.      Здесь есть где-нибудь банк?       8.      Is there a bank anywhere here?

9.      На небе много туч. Будет дождь.       9.      There are many clouds in the sky. It is going to rain.

10.      В этом длинном коридоре только одна дверь. Интересно…       10.      There is only one door in this long corridor. It’s interesting…

11.      Сколько улиц в этом городе?       11.      How many streets are there in this town?

12.      В нашей квартире только одно животное. Попытайся угадать.       12.      There is only one animal in our flat. Try to guess.

13.      В моей семье нет братьев и сестер.       13.      There are no brothers and sisters in my family.

14.      В этом овощном магазине нет дынь, есть только арбузы.       14.      There are not any melons in this greengrocery, there are only watermelons here.

15.      В этом городе 31 банк.       15.      There are thirty one banks in this town.

16.      Много интересных вещей в этом мире.       16.      There are many interesting things in this world.

Exercise 15

У меня есть дом.        I have a house.

Мой дом в прекрасном месте.        My house is in a beautiful place.

Мой дом недалеко от моря.        My house is not far from the sea.

Вокруг моего дома прекрасный сад.        There is a beautiful garden around my house.

В саду много фруктовых деревьев.        There are many fruit trees in the garden.

Там много яблонь, груш, фруктовых деревьев, персиковых деревьев, дынь и арбузов, а также есть виноградная лоза.       There are many apple-trees, pear-trees, fruit trees, peach-trees, melons, watermelons, and there is grapevine there.

Каждую осень я собираю много винограда и делаю много прекрасного вина.        Every autumn I gather much grape and do much good wine.

В доме два этажа и подвал.        There are two floors and a cellar in the house.

В доме семь комнат, кухня, кладовка, и подвал.        There are seven rooms, a kitchen, a pantry and a cellar in the house.

На верхнем этаже три спальни, детская и мой кабинет.       Upstairs there are three bedrooms and my study.

На нижнем этаже большая гостиная, небольшой спортивный зал и кухня.        Downstairs there is a big living-room, a small gym and a kitchen.

В подвале гараж и кладовка.        There is a garage and a pantry in the cellar.

В гараже пять машин.       There are five cars in the garage.

В моем доме 37 окон и 16 дверей.        There are thirty seven windows and sixteen doors in my house.

Недалеко от моего дома находится церковь.        There is a church not far from my house.

Посредине сада мой маленький вертолет.        There is my small helicopter in the middle of the garden.

Exercise 16

1.      Do you have a house or a flat?       1.      I have a house. (flat…house-boat)

2.      How many rooms are there in your house (flat)?       2.      There are five (two…three) rooms in my house.

3.      What is there near your house?       3.      There is a cafe (theatre…cinema) near my house.

4.      Is there a green lawn near your house?       4.      No, there isn’t. (yes, there is)

5.      Is there a rubbish chute in your house?       5.      Yes, there is. (No, there isn’t.)

6.      Is there a water-supply in your house?       6.      Yes, there is. (No, there isn’t.)

7.      Is there a post office near your house?       7.      No, there is not. Yes, there is.)

8.      What is there in your room?       8.      There is a sofa, a wardrobe, a desk and a chair (Tell the truth, please) in my room.

9.      What is there on the left of the door in your room?       9.      There is a vase with a flower (Tell the truth, please) on the left of the door in my room.

10.      What is there on the right of the door in your room?       10.      There is a sofa (Tell the truth, please) on the right of the door in my room.

11.      What is there in the middle of your room?       11.      There is a carpet (Tell the truth, please) in the middle of my room.

12.      Is there build-in furniture in your flat (house)?       12.      No, there is not. (Yes, there is.)

13.      How many fruit trees are there in your garden?       13.      There are two (six…no) fruit trees in my garden.

14.      Is there a balcony in your flat?       14.      Yes, there is. (No, there isn’t.)

15.      How many cars are there in your garage?       15.      There is one (six…five) car in my garage.

16.      How many windows are there in your house (flat)?       16.      There are nine (six…five) windows in my house.

Exercise 17

1.      У меня есть квартира.       1.      I have a flat.

2.      В моей квартире две комнаты, кухня, ванная комната и балкон.       2.      There are two rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a balcony in my flat.

3.      Моя квартира на втором этаже пятиэтажного здания.       3.      My flat is on the second floor of a five-story building.

4.      Недалеко от моего дома находится дорога, и я всегда слышу шум проходящих машин.       4.      There is a road not far from my house, and I always hear the noise of passing cars.

5.      Мне нравиться моя комната.       5.      I like my room.

6.      Слева от двери диван с двумя подушками на нем.       6.      There is a sofa with two pillows on it on the left of the door.

7.      Справа от двери книжный шкаф.       7.      There is a bookcase on the right of the door.

8.      Рядом с книжным шкафом находится плательный шкаф.       8.      There is a wardrobe near the bookcase.

9.      Посредине комнаты круглый стол.       9.      There is a round table in the middle of the room.

10.      На нем мой компьютер.       10.      There is my computer on it.

11.      В правом углу стоит старый телевизор.       11.      There is an old TV in the right corner.

12.      На окнах красивые шторы.       12.      There are beautiful curtains on the windows.

13.      Около дивана кресло. Я люблю сидеть там и читать интересную книгу вечером.       13.      There is an armchair near the sofa. I like to sit there and to read an interesting book in the evening.

14.      В моей комнате нет встроенной мебели.       14.      There is no build-in furniture in my room.

15.      Иногда ночью я смотрю в окно и думаю о моей жизни.       15.      Sometimes at night I look out the window and think about my life.

16.      Мне нравится моя квартира.       16.      I like my flat.

Exercise 18

1.      Слева от моего дома находится парк.       1.      There is a park on the left of my house.

2.      Справа от моего дома находится банк.       2.      There is a bank on the right of my house.

3.      Напротив моего дома находится церковь.       3.      There is a church in front of my house.

4.      Позади моего дома находится почта.       4.      There is a post-office behind my house.

5.      На крыше моего дома телевизионная антенна.       5.      There is a TV antenna on the roof of my house.

6.      В подвале моего дома кладовка.       6.      There is a pantry in the cellar of my house.

7.      На чердаке старые вещи.       7.      There are old things in the attic.

8.      Стены моей квартиры белые.       8.      The walls of my flat are white.

9.      В моем доме пять окон и семь дверей.       9.      There are five windows and seven doors in my house.

10.      Моя спальня большая.       10.      My bedroom is big.

11.      Посреди моей спальни круглая кровать, посредине потолка большое круглое зеркало.       11.      There is a round bed in the middle of my bedroom; there is a big round mirror in the middle of the ceiling.

12.      В гостиной сервант.       12.      There is a sideboard in the living-room.

13.      На кухне буфет.       13.      There is cupboard in the kitchen.

14.      На стенах гостиной много картин.       14.      There are many pictures on the walls of the living-room.

15.      В коридоре вешалка.       15.      There is a coat rack in the corridor.

16.      На кухне стоит холодильник.       16.      There is a fridge in the kitchen.

17.      Слева от двери пианино.       17.      There is a piano on the left of the door.

18.      На столе газеты и журналы.       18.      There are some newspapers and magazines on the table.

19.      На полке ваза.       19.      There is a vase on the shelf.

20.      В вазе цветы.       20.      There are some flowers in the vase.

21.      На туалетном столике расческа и маленькое зеркало.       21.      There is a comb and a small mirror on the dressing table.

Exercise 19

1.      There are 5 eggs in the fridge. (how many)       1.      How many eggs are there in the fridge?

2.      There is a pear on the table. (What)       2.      What is there in the table?

3.      There are 4 chairs in the room. (how many)       3.      How many chairs are there in the room?

4.      There is a table in the kitchen.(what)       4.      What is there in the kitchen?

5.      There are 9 bushes in the garden. (how many)       5.      How many bushes are in the garden?

6.      There is a tree in the street. (what)       6.      What is there in the street?

7.      In the dining-room there is a TV set. (what)       7.      What is there in the dining-room?

8.      In the chest of drawers there are 5 shirts. (how many)       8.      How many shirts are there in the chest of drawers?

9.      There is a blanket on the bed. (what)       9.      What is there on the bed?

10.      There is a garden in front of the house. (what)       10.      What is there in front of the house?

11.      There is a fire-place downstairs. (what)       11.      What is there downstairs?

12.      There 4 rooms upstairs. (how many)       12.      How many rooms are there upstairs?

13.      There is a candle on the table. (what)       13.      What is there on the table?

14.      There 17 buildings in the street. (how many)       14.      How many buildings are there in the street?

15.      There is a rug at the door. (what)       15.      What is there at the door?

16.      There are many flowers in the garden. (how many)       16.      How many flowers are there in the garden?

Exercise 20

1.      На окнах есть шторы?       1.      Are there curtains on the windows?

2.      На улице много людей.       2.      There are many people in the street.

3.      Здесь много машин?       3.      Are there many cars here?

4.      Сколько человек во дворе?       4.      How many people are there in the yard?

5.      Сколько комнат вверху (на верхнем этаже)?       5.      How many rooms are there upstairs?

6.      Около двери маленький коврик.       6.      There is a small rug near the door.

7.      В гостиной большой ковер.       7.      There is a big carpet in the living-room.

8.      Сколько зеркал в ванной?       8.      How many mirrors are there in the bathroom?

9.      Сколько цветов в саду?       9.      How many flowers are there in the garden?

10.      Сколько комнат внизу (на нижнем этаже)?       10.      How many rooms are there downstairs?

11.      Что в серванте?       11.      What is there in the cupboard?

12.      В серванте чашки.       12.      There are cups in the cupboard.

13.      Сколько морковок в корзинке?       13.      How many carrots are there in the basket?

14.      Что имеется в зале?       14.      What is there in the hall?

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