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Treasure of the tower
When two hours later they returned home, Misha accompanied Katya to her private house, where she lived, she suddenly said:
– Dad offered me a ticket to Switzerland in August, in a hotel in Zurich. A package for two, do you want to come with me?
Misha almost lost the gift of speech from such an offer. It seemed that the very conduct led him to the Swiss banks, where many different treasures are stored. He looked at the girl with a dumb smile, then asked:
– And, what is needed for this?
– Nothing special. It’s a tour package; Dad said that I can invite anyone from friends. So I decided that the best friend, than you does not have, so decided.
– Of course, I agree.
“Then, we’ll come to you now, and you’ll give me your passport, you need to issue a visa.”
– Well and without any problems…
The trip abroad was scheduled for the tenth of August. Up to this date there was still a month and a half.
Chapter – 11.
For the time remaining until the tour, Misha decided to find out how to legalize the treasure with the greatest benefit. He rummaged on the Internet, looking for possible options for opening an account with Swiss banks, but it was all in vain. Citizens of the Russian Federation had no opportunity to open accounts abroad, except for offshore companies. But to sell or sell gold, without any problems, only the precious metal had to be delivered to the place of delivery. No one at the tourist will ask about the origin of the metal, if only there was a sample on it and the sample corresponded to the content. Of course, they watched who surrenders and what gold is for surrender, since the possibility of suppressing theft was always, and exists to this day, so the world is organized. He puzzled over how to transport the ingot so that no one was able to reveal that he has a half kilogram of the purest gold of the highest quality. In the evenings, he was engaged in drawing a special belt and decided to hold the ingot, fixing it on his back. From a dense denim material, he began to make out a wide belt with a pocket in the middle where he decided to put the metal and then fasten the belt on the buttons at his waist, so that the pocket with the ingot found him in the region of the waist. After the patterns and marking, Misha installed my mother’s hand sewing machine, which was stored in his room, which was still left by my grandmother when she was sewing sisters to mom and Aunt Natasha when they were children. And began to scribble the material. Mom at this time fiddling in the kitchen with cooking, heard the knock of a working machine, looked into the room.
“You decided to take up handicrafts with your son, did not you?”
– Mom, I read in one magazine that when you pull your back when playing football, you have to blame such a belt.
Mother came closer: – And, what helps? She asked concernedly.
“You know, Mom, I have not tried it yet, but when I try, I’ll tell you.”
“Wait, what is this pocket in the middle?”
– It’s in the bag you pour the rock salt heated on the pan, then stuff it into this pocket and put on the belt. And you can go to bed. In the morning you wake up perfectly well, without any pain in your back.
– Interesting. When you try, you tell me whether it helped or not. Yes, I almost forgot, and for a long time you had a backache?
– No, it was told to me by the girls, we went with them to a picnic, how to treat back pain. Do you remember, you had reticulated, you did not know what to do about it? And for a long time, even then, I read in the journal “Health” about this belt.
– Well, okay, line, machine gunner. – Having said this, Mama left, closing the door of Misha’s room.
When the belt was ready, Misha tried it on, fitting it up, sewn on the buttons. Then he took the ingot into his belt pocket and put it on. Then he put the suit jacket on top. Turned around the mirror. The pocket with the ingot protruded like a bulge on the back. No, that’s not right, he should think that it is still possible to take steps to exclude a noticeable allocation of contraband on his back.
– “And, that if you attach a couple more pockets on the sides, next to the center.” Thought and attached two more pockets.
At the end of July, my mother ended her vacation, and she began to go to work. Now Misha could go for bars and already three ingots were placed in the pockets of the belt. He fixed the belt with six buttons, put on his jacket and, turning in front of the mirror, realized that smuggling was not visible. I sat down a couple of times, jumped; the belt held the load tightly and reliably sat in my pockets on my back. He hid the ingots in winter shoes, and before leaving for a tourist trip, he would put on a belt with ingots for a vest, then a shirt and a jacket.
If you pass this gold abroad, you can get fifteen thousand dollars, Misha estimated. Now they have a good relationship with Katya. Misha did not like the girl very much, but Katya was in love with Misha, as people say without memory. Almost every day she came for him, and together they went to the beach on hot days, and in cloudy weather they went to the cinema to be alone, to feel already grown-up. In the travel agency, the manager who handed them the documents with the vouchers, said:
– In Zurich you will be met by our guide and will settle your entire group in the hotel. And from Nevyansk you go by train to Moscow to Sheremetyevo, there you will be joined by tourists at the airport, and you will pass all together, customs control and border guard, so as not to take gold things with you, remember that the metal can not be hidden, it must be declared. The system of frames reveals any metal, as it is not hidden, still tingle.
– And, how are the suitcases, they do not go through the framework? Misha suddenly asked.
“Ah, that you carry a lot of gold with you?” – Looking into the eyes, asked the manager.
– Kilogram and a half in ingots. – Without batting an eyelid, Misha answered densely, blushing.
– Ha, ha, ha! You, young man, with a good sense of humor.
Misha and Katya laughed heartily, and then, when they left the travel agency, remembering this reply to the manager, they laughed gaily and for a long time.
At home, Misha began to think about how to bring the gold. On the back in this belt of course will not work. It is necessary to undertake something else. He suddenly decided to hide the ingots in cans of beer. Four cans of beer, one prolapsed, “Zhigulevskoe” were bought in a kiosk, and when Mom went to work, Misha set to work. At the bottom of the can, he cuts, bent the edges when the beer leaked into the sink, pushed the ingot through the bottom into the jar. Then the voids between the ingot and the walls of the jar filled with cotton so that the sound of gold against the wall could not be heard. And the bends of metal, he leaned back in place. After that, I held the jar in my hands, “chatted”. By weight of the can with an ingot corresponded to the weight of a half-liter volume of a can of beer. In the second hand took a full jar of beer and chatted with both banks in their hands. What turned out to be that the beer in the bank is squished inside the volume, and the bank with the ingot “is silent?” It will be suspicious for the customs officer to inspect the contents of the suitcase, what good will he also look at the warped bottom in the bank. Thus, the banks of beer looked intact, if viewed from above and did not distinguish at all. But to make sure that the sound of sloshing liquid was heard, then such a bank of beer would not cause suspicion, not from one inspecting thing of an official. And that if you put a bag of water in a plastic bag in the upper part of the ingot, then the squishing sound of the beer would be audible. Misha immediately got down to business. He built a bag with scissors from a polyethylene bag, gluing the edge of the iron to the desired size with an iron. Filled with water, and dried from the water edges of the bag glued iron. It turned out an excellent squelching sound that in a jar with an ingot, as in a clogged jar of beer. So, he will take these three cans of “beer” in a suitcase with things and put them in the luggage. Banks will ring, and it will be normal. And what about the banks with the bottom? And suddenly the eye of an official falls to the bottom, and everything is gone, and that’s already… but Misha did not want to think about such an outcome. He decided to correct the situation. In the kitchen in the kitchen cupboard I found a foil for baking, began to think how to attach to the bottom, so as not to distinguish the foil from the silvery stainless material of the can. The concave surface of the foil was made using a darning fungus for darning socks, gently smoothing the surface so as not to damage the foil material. Then, cutting out a neat circle of prepared foil, tried on the bottom of the jar, then with glue, gluing various materials, stuck the hemisphere to the bottom of the jar. When the glue caught the foil, it was gently pushed to the concave surface, closing the traces of the bottom cuts. It turned out an ideal color match. And the bottom of the can with the ingot now was no different from the bottom with a clogged can of beer. So Misha decided to take three bars of gold in a tourist trip to Switzerland in banks of beer Zhigulevskoe.
Chapter -12.
Katya was overjoyed. With her beloved boy, she seemed to be uncomfortable. The day was a joyful sunny happiness. The girl thought that everyone around her smiled at her and rejoiced with her and this sunny day, and the summer and youth. A wonderful and carefree time when you are still a schoolgirl and there are no worries.
They with Misha, left the train at the railway station in Moscow, and immediately moved in a taxi. In Sheremetyevo, without any difficulty, they found a group of tourists who traveled to Zurich on tour agency permits, which had branches in Russian cities. Misha struggled to hide his excitement, and he managed to do it, he also succeeded because he did not know at all what punishment the hidden gold bullion was supposed to offer and what would possibly happen in case of detection of smuggling on a particularly large scale. He held himself solidly and confidently, and Katya was proud of the fact that next to her, Misha was holding on like an adult man, although he did not even have bristles on his face, but only a harsh fuzz, the prototype of the future vegetation on his face.
When the guide who meets the tourists at the airport and is in charge of boarding them on the plane that commits a charter flight to Zurich, noted in the list, warning:
– Follow the check-in forms for the flight. It is necessary to fill in the declarations and hand over the suitcases to the luggage.
– Here are our tickets and tickets. – said Misha, filing permits and passports.
The woman checked the names with her list, checked the Swiss tourist visas, and, collecting a whole pile of passports, carried to the counter, behind which two stewardesses had already registered, registering seats and taking their luggage. Misha and Katya took the line and moved closer and closer to the reception desk. Misha was worried more and more, but decided to stick to the end. Katya noticed his red face, asked anxiously:
“You’re not ill, by any chance?”
– No, it’s just my first trip abroad and I’m worried.
– Yes, do not worry so, while my dad is the director of the iron works, we will often be with you on vacation outside the borders. – She specifically said, using the original words, for courage, distracting Misha from stiffness.
Misha, of course, was not worried because of this, but because of another, especially when he put the suitcase on the acceptance transporter and tied the boarding pass to the handle, and the suitcase slowly went to other things of the passengers, through the access control device. But the suitcase passed without any problems and, having received tickets, Katya and Misha went to the border control room. Suddenly Misha saw his suitcase on the shelf of customs inspection. The official approached them.
– Excuse me, are you Mikhail Sitnikov? – He turned to Misha.
– Yes, and what’s the matter? The guy asked worriedly. Katya began to look inquiringly at the customs officer, then at Misha.
– Nothing special, go to your things and open the suitcase. We have selective control.
– I’m with him, can I go through? – In a tone that does not tolerate objections, Katya asked. The customs officer nodded his head in agreement. When all three came to the checkpoint, the customs official said, open it. Misha opened the suitcase. The customs officer pointed to the banks with the “beer”, said:
– Next time, a young man, beer is not recommended to take without plastic packaging, since in flight the bank can explode from a pressure drop and spoil things.
“I have a polyethylene bag,” Katya began to say quickly, pulling a bag out of her purse.
– Well, if the girl cares about you, then hide the jars in the bag and you can fly. – Having said this, the customs officer went to the next suspicious suitcase. Misha, with trembling hands put the jars in a bag, tightly tied it and put it back in its place. Katya at the same time, smiling cunningly, said:
“Come and have a beer!” Her cheerful smile shone with sincerity and good-naturalness. Misha looked into her green eyes, full of love, and suddenly realized that this girl was better than this girl. He suddenly felt ashamed of the fact that he was kissing Sophia, and for a moment introduced her. The beauty of Sophia arose in his memory, putting a quivering feeling that prompted him that now he fell in love with both Katya and Sofia, and what to do with it, he did not know and did not understand that in life such things are possible. Katya looked at him, imagining him now forever for her boyfriend and that now and surely no one will give it to him, so that it does not happen. She suddenly fell into the zealous feelings that arose from the fact that Misha certainly slept with Sophia in one tent. She suddenly looked sternly at Misha and asked:
– Misha, just tell the truth? – She concentrated, looking at him with serious eyes, waiting for an answer.
– What are you talking about? – Building guesses, he suddenly said.
“Did you sleep with that girl when you went to a picnic with your brother?” Sitnikov, tell me, just tell the truth?
“Where did you get that, Katya?” I told you a thousand times that I did not!
The girl suddenly hugged him by the neck and kissed her on the lips.
– She, young people, where are your tickets? – The stewardess, standing at the gangway, asked kissing.
The girl pulled away from Misha’s lips, turned to the stewardess and slipped her tickets.
– Take your boarding passes. There are your places listed, they may not coincide with those in the ticket, but still you are sitting next to each other.
– Well, thank you. – Answered Misha. He took coupons from the stewardess, and they climbed into the passenger cabin of the Boeing…
Their plane landed at the international airport Kloten, Zurich. Having received his baggage without any problems, Misha was beside himself with joy. Now you can take the ingots into the pawnshop in the very Mecca of financial Europe, and get your 32000 Swiss marks per kilogram of gold.
He suddenly remembered that he had a little more gold than one kilogram, and after calculating in his mind, 1305 grams were issued, which would be 41760 Swiss marks, or more than 15 thousand dollars in recalculation on US dollars. Wow, and if you sell all the gold, then you can calmly become a respected person involved in business here. Class, he dreamed that he heard the words of Katya, only when he received a good kick from the girl’s fist in his right side:
– You, again think of a picnic with a whore?! The girl suddenly cried out.
“Well, what else do you want?” I’m not lying to you, I always tell the truth, especially you, Katarina Korobkova. And you, girl, do not like it? – Misha said in his heart.
“Why, when I tell you not to lag behind our group and break me, you did not raise an eyebrow?” Katya said shrewdly.
“Katya, my dear, forgive me.” I was dreaming about how good I am with you and that this has never happened to me. And that I, I think, is in love with you. – Misha’s last words were said by some kind of gentle voice that is not peculiar to the boy and very quiet.
– And you are mine! I like it when you say that. – Katya again embraced him, and they froze, kissing in the middle of the street on the pedestrian zebra. And only a piercing signal, passing by the car, returned the lovers to reality.
– And, where is the group?! Cried Katya. Misha at this time grabbed the girl’s hand, and they rushed to the waiting for them two minibus. In the small cabin of the subcompact there were only 10 people. Tourists are a wealthy pair of pensioners, with welcoming smiles greeted by late lovers. Obviously, it was that each of these couples recalled their young years and sympathized with the young people, it was immediately evident to Misha, who, embarrassed, tried not to raise his eyes, sitting down, at the free two seats for him and Katya. The guide, who was sitting in the front side seat near the doors, with a command voice, announced:
– Well, it seems everything is in place! – And, looking at the driver, ordered, – Petro Ivanovich, let’s drive to Lindbergh Plats 1. The ride around the city was accompanied by the guide’s story about the sights of Zurich, which prompted the passengers to turn their heads in one direction or another, where the object was sailing past the windows.
The travel agency formed groups of ten people, this average number of tourists provided uninterrupted work of the agency and brought the necessary profit. Under this number of tourists and hired transport for the maximum convenience of tourists. In the Lindbergh Plats street 1, there is a 4-star hotel Zurich Messe Airport. There, after small formalities, to each pair of tourists, the tour guide accompanying them gave out the keys to the rooms and, telling them in which tomorrow they would have breakfast in the restaurant, asked not to be late.
When Misha and Katya came into their room, both were shocked by the spacious room and the maximum amenities. A huge kitchen with a refrigerator stuffed with all sorts of strong drinks, kitchen furniture with a set of services, with which you can lay a table for five, atoms and more people.
– Where so much? Misha said in surprise.
– Come quickly here! – Katya called him, examining an open bedroom door. Misha went to the girl and looked at the huge double bed, Katya pointed to that bed.
– Wow, – to his surprise there was no limit, – a whole football field. “Hugging the girl,” he said.
“I will be terrified of sleeping in such luxury.”
“Do not worry, I’ll be right there on that rug next to the bed.”
Katya pushed him into the shoulder with a swan sound, and laughing, she began to take her things out of her travel bag, laying out and hanging it in her closet.
Misha did the same. Katya suddenly noticed the cans of beer in Misha’s suitcase.
“Oh, sir, you promised me a beer.” – She said.
– Yes, of course, in the refrigerator I saw German beer; there is a whole green packaging. Now decompose things and go, let’s try.
– And I want our “Zhiguli”. – Insisted the girl.
– I want German beer.
– You will drink the German I Zhigulevskoe, is it?
“Yes, commander!” – Misha thought how well that he bought, then in the kiosk four banks and took one with a beer. He put a jar of beer on the parquet floor from the suitcase, and hid it back in a suitcase.
– Ah, The is not in the refrigerator? – Katya asked with curiosity.
– Yes, I will not drink it. You first try German beer, and then compare with our beer. Our “Zhigulevskoe” is bitter and is not stored for a long time, especially in banks. And German, here it is a real pleasant taste and an absolute absence of bitterness…
Chapter – 13.
In the Lindbergh Plats street 1, there is a 4-star hotel Zurich Messe Airport. There, after small formalities, to each pair of tourists, the tour guide accompanying them gave out the keys to the rooms and, telling them in which tomorrow they would have breakfast in the restaurant, asked not to be late.
“Are not we going to dinner?” – considering the contents of the refrigerator, said Katya, referring to Misha.
“I do not know, you do as you wish.” – Neutral replied the guy.
– We must go, there will be read out the program of our excursions for tomorrow. “Taking out a bottle of German beer from the refrigerator,” Korobkova said.
“This will be at breakfast, too.” – Trying to persuade Katya not to go anywhere, he put a jar of “Zhiguli” beer on the table, which he brought with him. – Here, you asked, try.
“Ah, you German.” – Katya put a bottle of cold beer on the table, and opened the lid, taking off the key. The cork, having issued the inherent cotton, fell to the floor and rolled under the table. Misha bent down to take the lid and throw it into the trash can, to which Katya said:
– They cleaned every day, and you can not throw out, among other things, there are garbage chutes right here, you can trash, and throw empty containers, directly flies into the container below.
“Wow, there are plenty of snacks here”. – Here is a slicing sausage. – He took out of the refrigerator sliced smoked sausage and cheese.
“And there’s bread in the cupboard.” I’ll take it with cheese powder, I like it terribly. – Kate applauded enthusiastically, putting bread and rolls on the table with a ruddy powder of cheese.
Misha, meanwhile, uncorked a can of beer and put it in a saucer, because foam was pouring out of the neck, the beer flowed along the wall of the jar on the saucer. High beer glasses appeared in Katy’s hands, and Misha poured the foamy liquid of Zhigulevsky beer from the can into the glass. Then I began to do this operation with German beer. The aroma of the drinks began to fill the spacious room of the kitchen, mixing and exciting the presence of the holiday for the lovers.
– Well, now I’ll try with your glass. – Katya gave Misha half a glass with a beer “Zhiguli”, took and sipped a glass of Mishin.
“No, it’s German, I do not like it, it’s tasteless.” – I concluded.
– Do you know why? – Misha asked seriously, looking at her.
– And why?
“Because you’re a redhead!” – That’s why! – Misha barely managed to dodge, from the slap Katya, who had hit the head. Both began to chase each other, for a friend issuing wild screams of laughter. They were well together…
Misha could not fall asleep because of the smuggled gold. Katya fell asleep with a strong, carefree dream of a happy girl in love. It was two in the morning. Carefully freeing himself from Katya’s embrace, the guy got off the bed, silently pushed aside the sliding door of the wardrobe and carefully, so as not to create unnecessary noise, he opened the suitcase. From the suitcase I took out a belt that I sewed for ingots, hoping to hold gold in it. And pressing his right hand three banks with the inscription “Zhigulevskoe”, tiptoed to the toilet. After carefully closing the door, he sat down on the toilet and placed the banks in front of him on the tiled marble of the floor. Knife began to bend the cuts in the bottom of the cans, removing ingots of gold from one and two other cans. Then he put the belts in his pockets. Dense and tight pockets held the ingot firmly. He wagged his belt, the ingots held tightly in their pockets. Hanging the belt on his shoulder, he took three cans and went into the kitchen. Then he folded the empty jars into the garbage black bag, tied the bag and, so as not to create noise, threw it into the garbage chute. Sneaking into the bedroom, he carefully hung the belt on the hanger where his suit hung, under his trousers so that the belt was not visible, making sure of that, he ducked under the blanket to Katya.
– Where did you go? – The girl asked in a dream.
“I ran to the toilet.”
“I, too, want to, I can not wake up,” said Katya, turning to her right side with her back to Misha.
In the morning, Katya woke up first, as she slept serenely, and she had nothing to worry about. Misha was still asleep when she entered the bedroom with the bathroom.
“Hey, sleepyhead, get up.” – Unceremoniously, pushing the sleeping Misha began to kiss on the lips.
– And, what? – Not yet realizing that and where he is, finally the guy woke up.