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Treasure of the tower
– Damn! – Sasha exclaimed in his heart. – Everything is lost. Probably overloaded, here and a brigade of loaders can not do. – Inspecting the dam, commented Sasha.
“Look, the whole ceiling with the dome crashed.” Wow! – Looking up, Misha said up.
“Ah, it’s fixed with him, what can not be, that will not pass.” – Sasha remarked philosophically. To which Misha replied:
– Yes it does not sound like that; which have not be avoided! That’s how it should be! They both laughed together.
“Come on, let’s have our beer with our ladies in the kitchen.” – Sasha ordered, referring to his mother and Mishin.
Guys sneaked home. When they arrived, it was already 10 am. Their mothers sat in the kitchen and talked about how to warn Sasha about it.
“My scabby left a note so they would not wait for them for dinner”. – Said Misha’s mother.
– All I’m calling my champion. “She answered her sister in unison.
– Mama! – Sasha shouted. – I’ve already come; I do not need to call. – He ran into the kitchen, without removing the sneakers, and traces of dirty shoes imprinted on the parquet floor of the corridor.
– Sergei Avramenko suddenly flew home and demands me to return. So decide, I can leave you here, and I can take Misha with me. – Said Aunt Natasha.
– No, I will not let him go anywhere. – Misha’s mother objected.
“Well, no, it’s not,” said Sasha’s mother.
– Ladies, but at least someone asked us? – Sasha got into conversation with adults.
Everyone fell silent, looking inquiringly at Sasha. He blushed, remained silent, and remained standing with his mouth open. The silence was broken by Aunt Natasha:
“In short, son, we’re going to the house by the evening train.” Our lord demands us.
The woman, silently, went into the bedroom and began to pack things in the suitcase. Misha from the refrigerator took out a jar of oil; Misha remembered how they collected mushrooms at the end of last summer and amicably preserved them with their mother.
“Take Natasha, this is our family dish.” We had a drink there; we almost ate all of them, the last jar, especially cared for you.
Sasha left with his mother on an evening train to Yekaterinburg home…
Chapter – 9.
In the morning Misha woke up at five in the morning from an incomprehensible anxiety. He began to recall Sophia and Lusya. I got a Smartphone from Sasha and opened the photos, where Sasha and his stepfather Sergei Avramenko are hovering in the bathhouse with the naked girls of Luce and Sophia. Both sat on a bench of steam room wrapped in sheets, and the girls in various frozen poses depicted a naked striptease. Of course, Sasha explained to Misha that the girls then hit the head of seducing men, seeing them in this institution. And they turned on their Smartphone, installing it on the stand to make this shot, which they managed, except for temptation. Sergei spanked both dancers in the ass and pushed them out of the steam room into the adjacent female department. Misha liked Sofia. He mentally began to recall their sortie with tents outside the city. Overnight, his hike in the bushes with Sofia, no, there was nothing like this, there was not in the tent, except passionate kisses and all. But the hike into the bushes, how many quivering minutes of waiting for something that a woman can give, and was not. There they parted in the bushes, and each one did his own business, making room for picnic sweets. Suddenly, a grassy gap in the ground arose in memory. Misha did not attach any importance to this, whether a little animal dug a hole for itself and abandoned its shelter. But for some reason Aunt Natasha said that when they were with his mom, an entire expedition of scientists visited the area and the ruins of the prison and said that they found only an underground passage that had been immured there, which led to the plant.
Or maybe this is the same underground passage? Misha thought, the hand slowly reached for the Smartphone, I wanted to share the conjecture with Sasha. No, it will not be serious. We need to examine the place to make sure that it is an underground passage, but only then, if it turns out so, then, and only then, it will be possible to tell Sasha. Gradually, Misha dozed off and fell asleep again.
In the morning he was awakened by his mother:
– They call me back to the factory in the office of the plant management. We must pack up and run.
“Mom,” Misha said in a sleepy voice, “I’m not a little one, I’ll manage it.” I know where the food is, I know what’s for dinner and where the clothes are. – He looked at his mother with a smile on the filly and good-naturedly.
“You, son, for me always and for the rest of your life will remain a small and not a smart kid.” So do not be bored. – She was already dressed in her strict suit, where she went to work. On the move she threw: – The director said that he would pay as for two working days. – Cotton closed the apartment door, confirmed that Mom was gone.
On his alarm clock, which was ticking on the bedside table next to the bed, the arrows showed exactly 9—00. He jumped out of bed and looked out the window. At the bottom of his mother came to the factory “Volga”. The driver stood near the cabin, smoking, and waiting for her. When the woman came closer, carefully opened the front seat door, giving the opportunity to get into the car. Misha watched as the car left the yard, and slowly went to the bathroom with a towel on his shoulder.
After bathing procedures and coffee in the kitchen, he finally completely woke up and realized that he was left to himself. What a whole day at his disposal and that the backpack with the inventory, which they collected with Sasha for sally into the basement of the ruins, has not yet been dismantled. There in the backpack Untouched cooked things, which he and Sasha considered, it was necessary to take with them.
“So what am I waiting for?” – Misha said aloud, asking himself a question, – Michael, forward to the unexplored expanses of the region!
He put on his jeans, on top, on a T-shirt, a green T-shirt and got into the sneakers, putting on his backpack, he left the apartment, carefully locking the door behind him. In these factory five-story houses there were no elevators, and Misha quickly ran down the stairs, downstairs found himself on the street. The wilderness through which they went with Sasha to the ruins was in front of their house, and the hilly terrain aside from the wasteland, it was necessary to walk five hundred meters along the highway and then turn right to the path leading to the hilly terrain. This area was not built up, as under a thin layer of earth rock was discovered, which prevented the laying of foundations for the construction of housing. The city did not move in this direction, and the terrain was untouched, until better times, the city authorities of Nevyansk decided.
He quickly discovered the place where they had a picnic. This place once again reminded Misha of Sofia, her burning kisses, as if his lips were being burned again, further memories plunged the guy into despondency. He wanted to see the girl again, and he reached for the Smartphone to dial her phone number. Then, having thought, decided not to stir up memories that were even stronger, he began to drive away the image of Sophia, trying to concentrate on the goal of his coming here.
So they went with her in this direction, Sasha and Lusya left the opposite. Misha remembered that the bushes, where they were moving with Sophia, those that were already in thick foliage, went to them. There is a failure in the earth. Here the ascent to the hill began. Misha’s heart beat faster. He saw that it was not a hole dug by a fox or a badger, but a failure. He knelt down, dug a hole in his hand, came upon the brickwork. He did not believe in his luck. The hand did not feel obstacles and penetrated farther and farther along the shoulder itself. He probed the edges of the dip and realized that the overgrown bush with roots had destroyed the masonry, and some of the bricks fell down. Misha realized that this is an underground passage, there was no doubt about it. The bush covered this gap with overgrown branchy vegetation and foliage, so this failure was not discovered by tourists, that they visited picnics here. Misha decided to illuminate the flashlight inside the underground passage, to see what’s inside. Taking out a flashlight from the backpack and a sapper blade, widened the passage and pulled out several bricks. The bricks were yellow and sturdy and only two of the interlacing of the roots of the bush fell out. Misha unearthed a little masonry, took a hammer from the backpack and knocked on the edges, struck, widening the passage more. Then he shined the inside of the stroke. In one and the second direction, the underground passage led to the side of the city and to the other side of one of the hills. Misha jumped to his feet and, sensing that he had discovered something important, walked away from the gap and looked around. It became clear to him that this place can be disguised as natural vegetation. He chose the grass thicker and cut off a piece of ground with grass with a demolition shovel to cover the entrance. I took this land with grass and put it to the entrance. It turned out a good layer of green grass, closing the entrance to the dungeon. Then he took it off the entrance, put it next to it and climbed into the break. The feet touched the bottom. He stood in the underground passage to his feet so that only his head was sticking out from the break. Misha turned on the flashlight, put it down and covered the ground with grass input. Then he cursed himself for his mistake, because he forgot to take his pack with him. Again it was necessary to push aside a layer of the ground with a grass, falling asleep lavishly for a collar of a T-shirt of earth crumbs. When this was all over, and the backpack landed on Misha’s shoulders, he felt that the dungeon was pretty cool. Again he took off his backpack, shone a flashlight, taking out his windbreaker. He put on his hood and pulled on his hood, feeling that now it would be more comfortable and warmer, having mounted the backpack on his back, decided to pass by an underground passage to the side, as it seemed to him, of a hilly terrain…
Lighting his way with a flashlight, he moved in a narrow underground passage forward. The walls of this turn were lined with yellow brick; the ceiling is made of a semicircular shape made of the same brick. The floor was earthy. Misha was surprised by the design of the move. Why so neat to lay out a brick, to mock the walls of the course leading to nowhere. After twenty meters, he suddenly found a void ahead. Going another ten meters, I got into a spacious room with shelves arranged along four walls of the room. Misha guessed that the room was hollowed out in the rock of one of the hills that he was observing at the top of the hilly terrain where the guys were having their picnic. Along the walls on the shelves lay a lot of neat rectangular tiles, exactly the ones of which were laid out the facade of the house.
– Nahren needed so many tiles, and even hides on shelves? He said excitedly to himself. To satisfy his pure curiosity, Misha came closer to the regiments and took a tile. Wow, yes it’s heavy. No, this is not a tile for the facade. After lighting closer, Misha rubbed his eyes in surprise.
– Can not be? – broke out from him. He again shone on the brick. Brushed off the dust, and gold gave the surface with the inscription: – “PROBA 999. ВЕСЪ = 1. l b”. Above the inscription is a round image of a snake devouring its tail? Misha suddenly became frightened of this embossing. Crowded bad thoughts about some kind of witchcraft, about treasures guarding snakes with deadly stings. From these thoughts with the “tile” of gold in his hands, he slowly sat on the floor. I waited. But nothing happened. He felt great, even more cheerful. And from this feeling, weight measures began to appear in memory. What does "1.lb" mean, Misha remembered that this pound is so designated and equal to close to 500 grams. Or, to be precise, the pound is approximately 453 grams. Misha carefully examined the shelves and what they were made of. Shelves were made of black metal with no signs of rust. Gold tiles are neatly folded. For the exact number of pieces on the shelf, the ability to correctly count the amount of gold stored here.
– “Exactly the metal shelves, like the mounts on the Demidov Tower”. – He thought. And embossing on an ingot” a snake devouring its tail, “what is it? Misha recalled a school excursion to the” slanting “tower where he learned that Demidov Akinfiy Nikitich had been studying abroad at the European Metallurgy Center, which then was Germany, Seems to be in Saxony, and there he learned how to extract silver from gold as well, and used the same method for gold mining and copper smelting from copper ore, which is exactly what his gold is hidden here. “Misha thought again. He began feverishly counting the neatly laid ingots on the shelves that had been installed to the very ceiling of the low, with his room’s growth. Counting five hundred, or six hundred pieces, lost count. Then he happily spat, counting that the number of ingots on each shelf is the same. And, counting the number of pieces on the shelf, you can easily estimate how many such gold bars are counted here, multiplying by the number of shelves. Which he did. Counting the number of shelves, there were 12 of them. Each shelf has 100 pieces of ingots, the total number of ingots was 1200 pieces, it turned out that there were 522 kilograms of gold hidden there.
– “What to do, what to do?!” – thoughts ran around Demigov’s treasure, trying to drive the boy crazy from suddenly fallen wealth, from the joyful feeling of being involved in the discovery of this amazing treasure. He decided to take himself in hand and introduced himself to the place of Akinfiy, who lived in the midst of the poorest sections of the population and yet managed to hide the treasure under his nose from all sorts of royal auditors and scammers. They also brilliantly calculated the place of shelter here in a useless area for construction work. And Misha decided to find out, but where the next move leads. And he did not hesitate for a long time, taking an ingot of gold with himself, moved back, penetrating the underground passage in the opposite direction. After passing an underground tunnel a hundred meters, he found that the course goes under a downward slope. And if we assume that there is a river, then it passes under it and evidently closes under the Nevyan Tower. After fifty more steps, he saw that the course goes under the water. Everything became clear, the second part of the course was flooded. Because of the long time under the water tightened with mud and hidden by algae for centuries. That’s why in this desert area nobody ever looked for Demigov’s treasures. With this, Misha returned to his hole and got out. After looking around, carefully disguised his hole with the grass growing on it, trampled on it, figured out that to detect to outsiders this The place is unlikely to wander into someone’s head, he went home with an easy heart. And only near the house I found out that his smartphone was showing time of 16—00. Mom was not at work yet. He quickly entered the bathroom, looked around. He looked like a miner mining coal in the face after the change. He quickly took off his clothes, climbed into the bathroom and took a shower. Already wiping himself with a towel, I heard that my mother had come.
– Misha! Misha, are you at home? – began to call his son. Misha came out of the bathroom and showed his mother. Mother said that she would be at home tomorrow and that she no longer needed to work, she could continue her vacation…
Oh, how Misha wanted to tell Mom that now she would not have to go to work, that now they are very rich and that with this gold he can afford much that was not available to him. He wants to buy a car, the latest brand, or a villa abroad. Wherever you are in Italy or the Bahamas. He can travel all his life, or study at a prestigious university abroad, forgetting that he can get the best education in his homeland. In general, his thoughts were carried away to the pink distance, where the milk rivers flow with the July banks and the evergreen gardens bloom, giving tasty and satisfying fruits. When he realized that reality is not as rosy as he would like, he came to himself and began to think about his find more comprehensively. The mind told him that it was impossible to talk about the treasure to anyone, and this at the very time when I wanted to share the find with whom and to discuss the appropriate actions to preserve the treasure. On the other hand, he read somewhere that the appropriation of treasures is considered to be an illegal act, and that all government institutions that accept or buy gold are required to report to the authorities on large offerings of gold by the owners. So Misha and his discovery had serious sales problems. So far, he had one way – to inform the competent authorities about the gold found, then he could receive 25% of the total value of the treasure, on a legal basis, without hiding the source of income from the tax services, and what now? Misha racked his brains, not knowing what to do and what to do in this case. Among other things, his friends, with whom he was on a picnic, could also claim part of the treasure. Since without a picnic, he would never have found Demigov’s gold.
Yes, Misha was over, than to think. And the joy of the find was overshadowed every minute. And again the thought came to mind when you do not know how to solve the problem, and you are completely confused – go to bed. He remembered that he remembered something like this, the saying of the Chinese sage and philosopher Confucius sounds. The clock already showed 22 hours. He undressed and went to bed. Mom glanced into the room. “What’s so early?” You’re not sick, son? She asked worriedly.
“No, Mom, I’m all right.” I just want to go to bed early, that’s all.
Mother calmed down and left. From the kitchen, there was a knock of dishes – Mama washed soap and cups, but Misha did not hear that…
Chapter – 10.
Misha was still asleep when, a call came from his new Smartphone. It was already 9am. The alarm clock on the bedside table gently ticked, the Smartphone was torn from an insistent call. Misha lazily stretched, took the phone:
“Hello,” Katya called.
– Hi!
– You, how, eh?
– Ah, what? – Misha answered sleepily with a question.
– Yes, well, not Che. What are you doing today? The classmate asked. Misha felt that Katka was tormented by something.
– Yes, I do not do this.
– Maybe we’ll go, wherever? Katherine asked persistently.
– “Here’s another trailer,” thought Misha, then he asked aloud: “Where shall we go?”
– Well I do not know. – The girl answered puzzled, then said, – Wherever we come up with.
– Listen to Korobkova, but it’s true that when you were ill, well, then in the winter, did you teach the teacher in memory of Eugene Onegin? They told me about you, huh?
– Ah, what?
– Well, is it true?
– Well yes. A h here is? I have a memory, you know what, oh the, what. I once read that no-one, I can literally retell at once from memory. In, how!
– Well, let’s go anywhere. About! Let’s go on an excursion to the slanting tower.
– Yes, I’ve been there a hundred times. We went to the movies better.
– What do you want to kiss? – could not stand Misha, so as not to pin up the girl.
– Ugh, you fool! – Katya dropped the receiver.
Misha smiled. Slowly put the Smartphone on the nightstand. Then he got out of bed, pulled on his sports pants and went into the kitchen. There was already a mother, drinking coffee and reading Nevyansk news in the local newspaper.
– Good morning. Misha said sleepily.
– Good morning, Misha. You, that did not wash yet and immediately from the bed to the kitchen. Wash your hands, then come.
Misha turned, went out into the corridor and heard again, called the Smartphone.
“Yes, it’s you, Korobkov.”
– Listen, bear, do not call me Korobkova, I have a name.
“Katherine, are we going to the tower?”
“Ah, you agree.” So I’m already dressing.
“Katya, wait, the excursions there begin at eleven.” And I have not even washed myself yet.
– All right, sleepyhead, let me come to you, and let’s go, it’s not far from you.
– Come on. Let’s go and get acquainted with this amazing attraction.
– We go back for the tenth time. Katya hung up the phone. An hour later, she already called Misha’s apartment door. She was discovered by Misha’s mother:
– And, Katya is passing, pass, And I thought, who is Mishka waiting for? – the woman smiled affably, let the girl into the corridor.
– Hello, Aunt Olya! I’m just going to Misha. – Said Korobkova, and entered the apartment.
Misha came out of the kitchen, wiping his lips with his handkerchief from his drunk coffee. He wore black trousers and new black shoes. Snow white T-shirt.
“Katya, here I can go already.” – He came closer and kissed the girl in a plump cheek. Katya blushed to the ears, she thought: “That’s bad luck; it turned red like a tomato.” It’s good that my aunt Olya did not see.”
“Mom, we’re gone!” – Misha shouted and pushed the girl ahead of her from the apartment to the landing. They, laughing, ran down the stairs to the exit from the house.
The famous tower could be seen from a distance, and the battle of the chimes with a wonderful bell-tinged melody reported that it was already 11 o’clock.
– So far we will go, the museum will already receive tourists. – Misha informed.
“I hope so.” – The girl’s cunning eyes looked at the guy and smiled.
– You, Katka, somehow look at me strangely? – Asked Misha. “Do you have something to say to me?” – Inquiringly, looking at the girl, he asked.
– I was told that you were with your brother on an overnight stay, with you there were two city whores from his college. It’s true?
– Yes, not whores, and his classmates. Normal girls. – Misha refused.
– Yes, normal girls? And they slept, of course, separately, yes? – Katherine did not stop.
“Are you that the Korobkov prosecutor is on interrogation?” Misha asked in displeasure.
“Ah, what’s your business, what do you say?” – With tears in her eyes, almost sobbing, suddenly asked the girl.
“Katya,” he stopped, like Misha, “are you jealous of me for Sophia?”
– And, so her also called Sophia? – Two pigtails with woven bows at the ends jumped on the girl’s red head when she stopped impetuously, in front of the guy.
– Korobkova, can I kiss you? – looking into the green eyes of the girl, asked Misha, coming closer to her. Katya rushed violently with her right hand on the boy’s left cheek. A lashing blow reflected a rippling slap in the face. Misha, not feeling the pain from the blow, grabbed Katya by the shoulders, pulled him to him, and started kissing her on the lips. Having issued a swan rumbling, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her body against him, trembling like an aspen leaf in the wind. When quite a long time had passed, and the girl, taking breath, tore herself away from Misha’s lips, whispered in his ear, resting his chin on the shoulder of the guy:
“I love you, you fool!” – Gently, looking into his brown eyes, again eagerly clung to his lips.
Misha’s cheek flushed, the girl’s fist reflected on her, but he paid no attention to it. They climbed the steps of the tower, climbing up behind the tourists, scattered listening to the guide. Then the tour descended to the basement of the tower. There were mannequins chained to the chains of serf masters from the smelter, who according to legend minted Demidov gold and silver coins. Misha carefully examined the walls of the cellar, trying to find the entrance to the dungeon. But the whitewashed walls were smooth and even without hints on the underground passages. Misha could not restrain himself and asked the guide out loud:
“Tell me, where is the entrance to the underground passage?” – Katya, standing next to, grabbed Misha’s hand and began to yank.
– You, what are you asking such nonsense? – But the guide, accustomed to various issues, answered with a smile.
– There are many myths and legends associated with the Nevyan Tower, but no one can yet say for sure why Akinfiy Demidov built it with a slope. And even this caused the people to believe that when he specially flooded the basement of the tower with water, to drown the masters who minted coins to him, then the ground beneath the foundation sagged and the tower gave a roll. – The guide never answered Misha, is there an entrance from the basement of the tower in the dungeon or not? Misha did not ask anymore.