Your Chinese Horoscope for Each and Every Year
Your Chinese Horoscope for Each and Every Year

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Similarly, regular contact with friends and time set aside for recreational pursuits can do Rats a lot of good this year.

For those enjoying romance, again care and attention will be very necessary if relationships are to strengthen. With the aspects as they are, this is no time for Rats to take the feelings of others for granted or be too reticent or guarded.

Overall, however, they can fare well this year and build on their achievements, especially in their work. It is a good year for developing their knowledge and skills and raising their profile. However, Dog years can be demanding and Rats do need to make sure that their busy life is also a balanced one. Giving time and attention to others is so very important this year.

Tips for the Year

Consult others and listen to what they have to say. The better your communication, the better you will fare. In addition, with such a lot happening, stay well organized and concentrate on priorities.

Rat Fortunes in the Year of the Pig

The Pig year offers interesting prospects for the Rat and will see the successful culmination of many plans, projects and activities. But it is also a year for treading carefully and Rats will face many demands on their time as well as a few anxious moments.

At work, their resourcefulness will be valuable and they should aim to contribute, particularly if there are situations requiring new ideas or creative input. This is a year to be proactive and many of the ideas that Rats put forward during it will find favour and enhance their reputation. This is a time when their proven skills can bear fruit, and when positions offering greater responsibility fall vacant, they should be quick to follow them up, as there is the potential to make important headway.

For Rats currently unfulfilled or seeking work, this can be an ideal year to reappraise their situation and consider what it is they actually want to do. In some cases, training or refresher courses could be worth considering. Important opportunities can be identified, and although some of what these Rats take on could come with a steep learning curve, they will often have the chance to establish themselves in a new capacity.

Although progress at work can lead to an increase in income, money matters do need care and attention, however. In particular, Rats should be wary of making hurried decisions or taking on anything potentially risky. When entering into any important agreement, they should check the terms and obligations, and seek clarification if they have any concerns. They should also take care of their possessions, as a loss could be upsetting. Rats, take note and be thorough and vigilant.

More positively, travel will tempt and some exciting plans can take shape. In addition to the possible benefits of a holiday, Rats should allow themselves the chance to relax and unwind from time to time. In this busy year they need an occasional respite. Also, if feeling tired or listless or having any particular health concerns, they would benefit from seeking medical advice. A good lifestyle balance and some self-care are especially advised this year.

If there have been strains in a relationship or friendship of late, this is also an excellent year to address concerns and heal any rift or disagreement. The Rat’s personable nature will help in this. And for Rats who are alone and perhaps have experienced some personal hurt, this is a time to draw a line under the past and regard this year as a new start. Pig years reward a positive ‘can do’ approach and many active and earnest Rats will benefit from their actions during it. Some important new friendships can be formed this year and romantic prospects are potentially significant.

Domestically, too, Pig years favour shared activities, and by drawing on the help of their loved ones, Rats will often be pleased with the domestic plans they carry out as well as see the completion of some longer-term projects. What is achieved this year can be especially gratifying. However, with all the activity going on, some relaxation and quality time should be factored in, as well as, if possible, a holiday. Pig years favour togetherness. Also Rats need to be careful not to let their enthusiasm run away with them and to overcommit themselves or accede to too many requests. Some discipline is needed.

In general, Pig years can be significant for Rats. They reward commitment as well as encourage opportunity and growth. There will be a lot for Rats to do and enjoy, but, because of their involvement in so many activities, they need to look after themselves and take the time to savour the rewards of their efforts.

Tips for the Year

Develop your strengths and make the most of your opportunities. The Pig year’s legacy is often significant. Also, enjoy spending time with others and set aside some ‘me time’ as well. With your busy lifestyle, you need to use your time and energies effectively.

Thoughts and Words of Rats

I want to be all that I am capable of becoming.

Katherine Mansfield

Cherish your visions, your ideals, the music that stirs in your heart. If you remain true to them, your world will at last be built.

James Allen

Life is a great big canvas, and you should throw all the paint you can on it.

Danny Kaye

Our doubts are traitors,

And make us lose the good we oft might win

By fearing to attempt.

William Shakespeare

An enterprise, when fairly once begun

Should not be left till all that ought is won.

William Shakespeare

Flaming enthusiasm, backed by horse sense and persistence, is the quality that most frequently makes for success.

Dale Carnegie

Believe that you will succeed, and you will.

Dale Carnegie

Every individual has a place to fill in the world and is important in some respect, whether he chooses to be so or not.

Nathaniel Hawthorne

There are no gains without pains.

Adlai Stevenson

I have brought myself by long meditation to the conviction that a human being with a settled purpose must accomplish it, and that nothing can resist a will which will stake even existence upon its fulfilment.

Benjamin Disraeli

The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes.

Benjamin Disraeli

The Ox

11 February 1937–30 January 1938 — Fire Ox

29 January 1949–16 February 1950 — Earth Ox

15 February 1961–4 February 1962 — Metal Ox

3 February 1973–22 January 1974 — Water Ox

20 February 1985–8 February 1986 — Wood Ox

7 February 1997–27 January 1998 — Fire Ox

26 January 2009–13 February 2010 — Earth Ox

12 February 2021–31 January 2022 — Metal Ox

31 January 2033–18 February 2034 — Water Ox

The Personality of the Ox

For thousands of years mankind has valued the strength of Oxen. Reliable and hard-working, they can be depended upon and many of their sterling qualities are also found in those born under the Ox sign.

True to their word, Oxen are redoubtable figures. Never half-hearted, when they commit themselves to something, they like to see it through. They are also no-nonsense sorts and, favouring tradition, stick to the tried and tested. New methods, gimmicks and constantly changing from one thing to another are not for them. Instead, they are practical, methodical and thorough. They aim to do things well. However, being self-willed, they can also be stubborn, and changing an Ox’s mind once it has been made up is no easy task.

Oxen are also very thoughtful and consider their words and actions carefully. Indeed, when in company, they tend to be reserved and do not open up easily. They have a small but close circle of trusted friends and these friendships will have formed over a long time, with some dating back to childhood. Similarly, in matters of the heart, Oxen like to be sure before they commit themselves and their romances are often long and protracted. Here again they take their responsibilities seriously and are very loyal to and protective of those who are dear to them. In the home, though, they do like to make most of the decisions and will strive to run a well-ordered and efficient household. If anyone slacks off or annoys them in some way, they will be sure to let them know. When rankled (which is rare), they can have a formidable temper.

Oxen like to proceed steadily and surely in most areas of life and when they have chosen a career, they are likely to remain with it, becoming ever more proficient as the years go by. While not outwardly ambitious or materialistic, they like to establish themselves in a certain field of work and take pride in what they do. In many a workplace, their solid nature, know-how and work ethic are greatly valued by their colleagues, with many taking on a more managerial role in later life. They can make good leaders and, with their high standards, also be hard taskmasters. They can find fulfilment in specialist areas where mastery of detail is important. Engineering, design, education and the law could appeal, and with their ability to use their hands, they can also make skilled technicians, surgeons and dentists. Oxen have an affinity with the outdoors, and farming and horticulture could also appeal to them. Another gift and passion can be music – some Oxen are to be found enjoying distinguished careers as musicians or composers.

In matters of finance, Oxen are cautious and manage their situation well. They like to consider their purchases carefully. They do not tend to overindulge and are good providers, making sure their own needs and those of their loved ones are well met. When saving or investing, Oxen prefer more traditional routes, including those offering a set return, rather than speculating. However, should situations ever go against them (financial or otherwise), they can feel it deeply. They are poor losers and regard failure as a personal affront. But in time, they are sure to make good. Resolute, persevering and objective, Oxen are doers and survivors.

They are also very much ‘take me as you find me’ sorts and do not tend to be flamboyant or showy in nature. It is because they are down to earth and unpretentious that so many hold them in high regard. You know where you stand with them. The female Ox tends to be more outgoing than the male, but, like him, she has a mind of her own, knows what – and who – she likes and sets about her activities in an efficient and organized way. She has a practical disposition and could also have a deep interest in the arts and be talented in certain areas. Both male and female Oxen value family life and regard their home as a private sanctuary for them and their loved ones, as well as a buffer from the sometimes crazy world outside. As parents, Oxen are caring and encouraging as well as inspirational teachers, but are also strong on discipline.

The patient and measured ways of Oxen mean they sometimes hold back and may appear distant and aloof. They certainly do not lower their guard easily and take time before they feel at ease in the company of other people. However, they are loyal, sincere and dependable, and it is because of these qualities, together with their commitment and hard work, that they often do well in life. Napoleon Bonaparte, himself an Ox, once declared, ‘Victory belongs to the persevering,’ and Oxen are certainly persevering. Slowly, steadily and patiently, they are capable of achieving a great deal – and doing so in their own way and often on their own terms.

Top Tips for Oxen

 You are a private individual and like to keep your thoughts and feelings to yourself. You do not readily engage in idle chatter. However, your reserved nature can sometimes deny others the chance of seeing the depth and warmth of your true personality. Try to open up more, for you could gain so much from interacting with those around you on a deeper level and from networking and allowing others to get to know you. Aim to be more visible so you can be appreciated more.

 You take your responsibilities seriously and work long and hard. But it is important that you give yourself the chance to enjoy the fruits of your endeavours. Quality time with your loved ones and time spent relaxing and on pleasurable pursuits can do you a lot of good as well as help you to be at your best.

 You may favour tradition and have set views and interests, but, rather than distrust change, do consider the advantages it can bring. Adapting, learning and exploring new areas can open up a whole new world. Venture out from time to time!

 You do not like to fail, so set about your activities cautiously and carefully. This may mean you don’t always make the most of chances or fully explore your talents and ideas. Have faith in yourself and be bold. Oliver Wendell Holmes, an Ox, wrote, ‘Many people die with their music still in them.’ You have so much to give that you do need to make sure you use your gifts and talents fully. Life can be all the more fulfilling (and potentially successful) as a result.

Relations with Others

With a Rat

The Ox likes the Rat’s warm and personable nature and relations between them are generally good.

In work, each will recognize and value the strengths of the other and together they will make an effective team. The Ox will especially appreciate the Rat’s drive and inventive streak.

In love, these two are well suited. Both value their home life and the Ox will find the Rat supportive and encouraging and value the colour they bring into their life. A close and often successful match.

With another Ox

There may be respect and understanding between these two, but both are independent-minded and like to have their own way. Relations could at times be problematic.

In work, both are cautious, favour tradition and are also very hard-working. If they can unite in a common aim, their tenacity and sense of purpose can deliver some good results.

In love, two Oxen will seek security and stability, but, as both are strong-willed and forthright, differences of opinion could prove awkward. Also, there is a risk they could become set in their ways. With care, however, these two can unite and make their relationship work.

With a Tiger

The Ox, who values stability and keeping things on an even keel, will feel ill at ease with the irrepressible Tiger and relations between the two will be difficult.

In work, the cautious Ox could consider the Tiger colleague rash and impulsive. Sooner or later their styles will clash.

In love, their very different natures may at first be intriguing to both, but, as they live life at different speeds and have many different views (including on how to manage the household budget), there will be issues to address. A challenging match.

With a Rabbit

With many shared interests and a fondness for the quieter things in life, these two signs relate well to each other.

In work, they can combine their strengths to good effect, and the Ox will value the Rabbit’s careful approach and sound business sense.

In love, both yearn for a settled existence and attach much importance to their home life. The Ox will appreciate having such a thoughtful and affectionate partner and together they can enjoy much happiness. An ideal match.

With a Dragon

Each recognizes the strengths of the other and in some situations this can work to their advantage while in others can pose problems.

In work, both are ambitious and diligent, and when united in a common aim, they can harness their different strengths to good effect, with the Ox valuing the enthusiasm and enterprise of the Dragon.

In love, again the Ox can enjoy the warmth and zest of the Dragon, but, as both are strong-willed and the Ox prefers a quiet existence and the Dragon a livelier one, there will be differences to reconcile. A tricky match.

With a Snake

Quiet, reserved and thoughtful, these two feel comfortable in each other’s company and relations between them are good.

In work, there will be mutual trust and respect and the Ox will value the Snake’s patient resolve and thoughtful approach.

In love, they can find considerable contentment together, with each admiring and encouraging the other. Both have cultured tastes and they will share many interests. The Ox will appreciate the Snake’s considerate and affectionate ways and gentle humour. A good match.

With a Horse

With both being strong-willed and strong-minded, sooner or later these two will clash. And it will most likely be sooner.

In work, they are both industrious and redoubtable, but the Ox favours a steadier and more cautious approach than the Horse. These two will prefer to stick to their own ways and methods.

In love, these two live their lives at different speeds – the Ox prefers slow and steady, while the Horse favours rushing about – and neither will be disposed to compromise. A difficult match.

With a Goat

The practical and dutiful Ox finds it hard to relate to the imaginative and carefree Goat. Relations between them will often be poor.

In work, the approach and style of the Ox and Goat are so very different that there will be a lack of accord between them.

In love, the Ox, who is so careful and orderly, could soon despair over the Goat’s more easy-going and ‘live for the moment’ ways. A challenging match.

With a Monkey

Their personalities are very different, but there is good respect and accord between these two and relations will often be mutually beneficial.

In work, both have drive and ambition and the Ox will recognize the Monkey’s resourceful and enterprising spirit. They can often combine their different strengths to good effect.

In love a positive, optimistic Monkey partner can be good for the Ox and these two complement each other well. Together they can find much contentment and can gain a lot from their relationship.

With a Rooster

The Ox has great admiration for the orderly and efficient Rooster. They have similar interests and relations between them will be good.

In work, both are methodical, conscientious and keen planners, and the Ox will hold the Rooster’s abilities and commitment in high regard. Together they make an effective combination.

In love, their similar outlooks and values combine well, as do their shared interests, including a liking for the outdoors. These two can have great understanding and love for each other.

With a Dog

Both are dutiful and dependable, but can be forthright and stubborn. Relations can sometimes be tricky.

In work, the Ox likes to get on with things and could feel hindered by the Dog’s deliberations, worrying and idealistic tendencies. Not an effective combination.

In love, these two share a major quality: loyalty. In addition, the Ox will value the Dog’s affectionate and well-meaning nature, but they are both redoubtable characters and much effort will be needed if their relationship is to endure.

With a Pig

The Ox likes and admires the genial and principled Pig and relations between the two will be good.

In work, both are scrupulous in their dealings and work hard and well together. The Ox has great respect for the Pig’s commercial acumen and enterprise.

In love, both value a calm and harmonious home life and, with interests in common (including a love of the outdoors), can find much happiness together. The Ox can also benefit from the Pig’s more outgoing ways.

Horoscopes for Each of the Chinese Years

Ox Fortunes in the Year of the Rat

One of the key characteristics of Oxen is that they like to proceed in measured ways and this is exactly what many will do this year. Rat years are encouraging for them and they will be able to make good headway.

At work, many will find their commitment well rewarded this year and, especially for those who have been with their current employer for some time, their experience and in-house knowledge can make them excellent candidates for greater responsibilities. For Oxen on a particular career path, this is a year when they can progress to new levels and extend their knowledge and experience in the process. Oxen like to advance slowly and steadily and in the Rat year their potential will be recognized and encouraged.

For those looking to broaden their experience by a move elsewhere, or seeking work, determined effort will be required. With openings sometimes limited, it could take time and tenacity to secure a suitable position. Progress needs to be worked for this year, but when it comes, it will give many Oxen a good platform to build on.

What is achieved now can often have long-term value and Oxen should take advantage of any work-related training courses available to them. Similarly, if they have personal interests they are keen to advance, this is an ideal year to do so. Oxen in education will also find their commitment rewarded and their results (and qualifications) helping their prospects. Indeed, the Rat year can leave a valuable legacy that can be built on in the future, especially in the following Ox year.

Progress made now can lead to a rise in income and some Oxen will be able to supplement their earnings through putting an interest, skill or idea to profitable use. Their diligence can be well rewarded this year. However, to make the most of any financial upturn, they should manage their budget well. If able to reduce borrowings and/or make savings, they could help their overall position.

With the long hours many Oxen work, it is important recreational matters do not fall by the wayside this year and that Oxen allow themselves time to rest and unwind. They cannot expect to drive themselves on without respite. Many will find interests that have a social element or allow them to do some exercise can do them a lot of good. Also, in view of their busy lifestyle, they should aim to take a holiday during the year. Again a rest and change of routine can benefit them greatly.

Although Rat years are generally positive, increased mindfulness is advised in relations with others. Oxen have a strong will, but to prevent possible discord this year they do need to pay close attention to the views of others and, in some instances, be more accommodating. To remain intransigent could lead to problems and undermine rapport. Oxen, do take note.

Over the year all Oxen should, however, make the most of the social invitations they receive as well as go to special events and other occasions that appeal to them. Going out can add balance to their lifestyle as well as give them the chance to relax, unwind and get to meet people who could become helpful contacts.

Oxen who find love or are in the early stages of a relationship should let the romance develop in its own way rather than make commitments before they feel ready. This way they will be more certain of their feelings. Also taking time, rather than rushing, suits the Ox psyche.

Domestically, this promises to be an active year, with many Oxen being especially proud of the achievements of a loved one or reaching a personal milestone. There could be good reason for a family celebration in many an Ox household. Oxen will also be keen to embark on some practical projects about the home. They should, however, be realistic in what is doable at any one time. Short-term projects that can be broken down and tackled in stages will be easier and more satisfying than overambitious undertakings. To help, Oxen should consult those around them, be mindful of their views and involve them in their plans. This will not only lead to more happening but also more being appreciated.

Overall, Oxen will find their commitment and efforts rewarded this year. Progress can be made and experience gained. Relations with others will need care, attention and good communication. However, if Oxen make the effort, they can gain a lot from the Rat year and emerge from it with knowledge to build upon and opportunities to develop.

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