Your Chinese Horoscope for Each and Every Year
Your Chinese Horoscope for Each and Every Year

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In this favourable year, Rats desiring change or seeking a position should actively explore possibilities. This is a time when initiative, enterprise and determination will make a difference – all qualities that are very much part of the Rat make-up. Such are the aspects that those who take on new responsibilities early in the Dragon year could find these giving rise to other opportunities later on in the year.

Progress made at work will also help financially. However, while many Rats will welcome an increase in earnings, rather than spend too freely (or over-indulge!), they should set funds aside for specific plans and purchases. This is a year for good financial management.

In general, Dragon years have great potential for Rats and if they seize their opportunities, they can make some well-deserved progress. And, pleasingly, some of the Dragon’s luck can rub off on them too.

Tips for the Year

This is a year to act with determination and make the most of your strengths. Also, enjoy your good relations with those around you and value their support. With resolve and self-belief, you can make this a highly successful year.

Rat Fortunes in the Year of the Snake

A year for patience and care. Rats need to appreciate that Snakes do not like haste and prefer to proceed in measured ways. In the Snake year, they need to temper their zealous natures and let situations develop in their own time. Although this may be frustrating, they can still learn a lot from the year and their prospects will gradually improve as it wears on. Indeed, some of their efforts in the first part of the Snake year can come to fruition in the later months.

At work, rather than regarding this as a time for substantial progress, Rats should concentrate on establishing themselves in their current area of work. By learning more about their industry and familiarizing themselves with ongoing developments, as well as seizing any chances to network and add to their skills, they can help both their present situation and their future prospects. Indeed, what they can do ‘behind the scenes’ this year, be it gaining extra knowledge, showing initiative or building contacts, can be to their subsequent advantage.

Many Rats will remain with their present employer this year and for those who feel their prospects could be improved by a move elsewhere or who are seeking work, developments can be slow. These can be frustrating times. However, Rats are above all tenacious, and with persistence and self-belief, many will succeed in securing a positon which is a considerable change (and opportunity) for them. Snake years encourage Rats to broaden their capabilities and an important legacy of the year can be the knowledge and skills they now acquire.

They will need to be thorough in financial matters, however, and be wary of risk and haste. To hurry decisions or make rushed purchases could lead to regret. Also, they should exercise careful control over the purse-strings. It could be easy to overspend this year. Financial paperwork and forms also need to be attended to carefully and the terms of any agreement checked. This is a year for vigilance and good control.

More encouragingly, personal interests can prove satisfying and recreational pursuits can be a valuable outlet in this often demanding year. For creative Rats, especially those who enjoy writing, Snake years can be inspirational, and some Rats will be enthused by projects started now.

Throughout the year Rats will also be grateful for the support and advice of their loved ones. However, to benefit, they do need to be forthcoming rather than keep their thoughts or anxieties to themselves. Also, they should consult others about any domestic projects and purchases they have in mind. This is a year for combining talents and sharing ideas. Even though some decisions and plans may take longer than envisaged, the improvements that result will be much appreciated, as will some of the year’s family occasions, including the celebration of individual successes.

When possible, Rats should also aim to take a holiday over the year, as they will benefit from the rest and change of scene this brings. There could be additional travel opportunities in the closing weeks of the Snake year.

They will enjoy the year’s social opportunities as well, particularly any special events they attend. However, they do need to remain aware of what is going on around them. Another person may let them down or they may find themselves concerned by rumour or gossip. For the unattached, the path of true love could also be bumpy. The patience and personal skills of many Rats will be tested over the year. Rats are adept and can successfully overcome or avert many a difficulty, but this is a time to be alert and attentive to others.

This may not be the easiest of years for Rats, but it is often by being challenged that skills can be gained and strengths highlighted, and so it will be for them this year. By showing patience, they can not only see the results of their efforts but also gain important new insights into their capabilities. Overall a constructive year, even though results may sometimes be slow in coming through.

Tips for the Year

Be vigilant and thorough. Question anything that is unclear and liaise well with those around you. Also make the most of any chances to extend your knowledge as well as to enjoy your personal interests. You can make this a useful and instructive year.

Rat Fortunes in the Year of the Horse

Rats have commendable energy and drive. They like to be at the forefront and involved in what is going on. Unfortunately, this year their best endeavours may not get the results they desire. Horse years can be tricky and Rats will need to remain alert and on their guard. However, this is one of the values of Chinese horoscopes. By being forewarned, Rats may be able to avoid the more negative aspects of the year and emerge with gains they can build on in the future.

One area requiring particular care is finance. Throughout the year Rats will need to monitor spending, otherwise outgoings could be greater than allowed for and economies have to be made later. When making sizeable purchases, Rats should also take the time to check that their requirements are being met and that they are conversant with the terms involved. The more care they take, the better their choices will be. They should also be cautious if lending to another person and careful when dealing with financial paperwork. This is no year to be lax or trust to luck. Rats, take note and be vigilant.

Work could also be demanding, especially as some Rats may feel they are not receiving the credit they are due or have misgivings over certain developments. However, frustrating though some situations may be, they could work to their advantage over the longer term. In the meantime, it would be politic for Rats to keep a low profile and focus on what they have to do. As the year proceeds, they are likely to have the chance to further their experience and prove themselves in an often different capacity, perhaps through training, taking on additional duties or applying for a sudden vacancy.

This also applies to those currently seeking work. By keeping alert for openings and remaining determined, they may be able to secure a position with future potential. In work matters, results may be more modest or muted this year, but what is accomplished can have great value at a later stage, when more substantial opportunities arise.

A key feature of the Horse year will be the way that Rats can add to their working knowledge. This also applies to their interests. Despite the pressures of the year, they should allow time for recreational pursuits and look to build on their skills. Some activities can prove immensely satisfying this year and be a good outlet for their talents and ideas. Also, for those lacking regular exercise, some attention to their own well-being could be helpful.

In their personal relations, although Rats have great people skills and are born under the sign of charm, in the Horse year they will need to proceed carefully. In both work situations or when out socializing, they should take note of the sensitivities of others and any potentially awkward undercurrents. To be too candid, outspoken or obtuse could cause problems and possible upset. However, by being forewarned, many Rats can successfully avoid some of the year’s pitfalls. And tricky though the aspects may be, the Horse year can still provide a good mix of social opportunities and some lively occasions to enjoy.

Rats enjoying romance, or who find it this year, will need to remain aware of the feelings of others, however. Inattention and preoccupation could lead to problems. As with so much this year, greater awareness and extra care can make an important difference.

With the busyness of the year, Rats will especially appreciate their home life and the activities they can share with their loved ones. They will value the support they are shown during times of pressure, and towards the end of the year there could be some pleasing family news.

Overall, the Horse year will be demanding and sometimes exasperating. Rats like to get on with things, but conditions will not always allow this. However, Rats are survivors and, by seizing their chances to further their knowledge and experience, they can invest in themselves and their future. Developing interests and enjoying time with loved ones can also be of great value, especially in view of the year’s pressures.

Tips for the Year

Be wary. Think situations through, be tactful and avoid rush or risk. Also use any chances to add to your skills. Knowledge gained now can be put to good use this year and be an investment in your future.

Rat Fortunes in the Year of the Goat

A welcome upturn in fortunes. And also luck! Having worked hard for recent results and experienced some frustrating times, Rats will find the Goat year bringing a welcome change. To benefit fully, though, they should set about their activities with renewed vigour and go after their goals with a positive ‘can do’ approach. Their actions can bear fruit now and on a personal level there will be good times to be had.

A key feature of Goat years is that they encourage creativity and trying the new. And for Rats, who are so skilled at seeking out opportunities, these can be interesting and successful times. Particularly in work, the skills and experience they have built up can now deliver. For Rats on a particular career path, positions they have been preparing for could now become available and many Rats will be moving forward and finding a greater level of fulfilment over the year.

Rats who are frustrated in their present position or seeking work should actively pursue openings as well as consider other ways in which they could use their skills. Some interesting openings can be found this year. This is no time to hold back or stand still, and the drive and energy of many Rats will see them reinvigorating their career and prospects.

For those whose work involves communication or has an element of self-expression, this can be a particularly successful year, and these Rats should make the most of their ideas and opportunities. Goat years favour innovation and professional development.

Rats who enjoy creative pursuits should also look to develop their skills and possibly promote what they do. This can be an exciting and stimulating time. Projects and activities started now can prove satisfying and often offer additional benefits, including a greater lifestyle balance. Goat years are encouraging and inspiring ones and Rats can benefit from them.

Financially, progress made at work may bring additional earnings and some Rats will also find ways of supplementing their income through their ideas and interests. However, while any increase will be welcome, with Rats’ active lifestyles and ambitious plans, outgoings will be high, and they should keep careful control over their budget and ideally make advance provision for larger outgoings.

They will welcome the increased social opportunities of the year, and if they are alone or have had some recent personal upset, they will find the Goat year heralds a brighter time. Chance too can play a big part and a fortuitous meeting could lead to a potentially significant friendship, or for the unattached, be capable of transforming their life.

Rats should also make the most of what is happening in their locality. With Goat years favouring culture, there could be a good mix of events and special occasions taking place. Rats like to be involved and there will be opportunities aplenty.

They will also value their home life. The Goat year favours a coming together and the addressing of any difficulties or concerns, and this will be particularly appreciated by Rats who have experienced strains in some relationships of late (possibly not helped by tiredness and preoccupation). With good communication, understanding and a more balanced lifestyle, their home life this year can be much improved. By sharing ideas and projects, they can see exciting plans take shape and enjoy many special occasions with their loved ones. In addition, there could be several personal achievements to mark. Domestically, it is a year favouring togetherness and cooperative effort.

With Rats often doing a great deal this year, it could also be to their advantage to consider their own well-being. Some attention to their diet and level of exercise could help them give of their best.

Resourceful and keen to make the most of opportunities, Rats can do well this year. Whether through improved work prospects, a new position, rewarding personal interests or good relations with others, they have a lot in their favour and can accomplish a great deal.

Tips for the Year

Make good use of your ideas and creative strengths. Also, be willing to venture forward. Good progress can be made this year. Sharing time with others can also bring both pleasure and increased support.

Rat Fortunes in the Year of the Monkey

With openings to pursue and ideas aplenty, Rats will feel inspired and motivated in this encouraging year. For those nurturing particular aims or wanting to start new projects, this is an excellent time to do so. A great deal is possible.

At work, the Monkey year can see much activity. Many workplaces will be implementing change as well as be affected by internal reorganization and reviews. As a result, opportunities will arise and Rats will often be well placed to benefit. When they sense an opening, they should be quick to signify interest. Initiative and speed count for a lot this year and much of it will be conducted at a fast pace.

Rats who are unfulfilled in their work or seeking a position should not be too restrictive in what they consider. By widening their search, many will secure a position which not only suits their abilities but also offers future potential. Work-wise, Monkey years are encouraging and the versatile Rat can fare well.

Travel too can feature prominently over the year, whether work-related, connected with personal interests or purely for pleasure. There could be the chance of some short breaks – often organized quickly – and their spontaneity will add to their appeal. Monkey years have the capacity to surprise.

This is also an excellent year for personal and career development and if Rats feel that another skill or qualification could be to their advantage, they should see what can be arranged. What they do now can be an investment in both themselves and their future. Those currently studying or embarking on courses will find that commitment can lead to some impressive results. The Monkey year is an encouraging one for Rats.

This also applies to their personal interests. Over the year they should allow themselves time to develop their ideas and skills, as a lot can be gained from them.

While many Rats will enjoy an increase in income over the year, spending does need to be watched, however, and large projects or purchases, especially for home, carefully considered and budgeted for. It is a time for good financial management.

Socially, Rats will delight in the considerable opportunities the Monkey year will bring and revel in the chance to extend their network of friends and contacts. As is the way, some existing friends and acquaintances will fall away as circumstances change, but new interests and situations will bring Rats into contact with others, and their charm and conviviality will make them popular company.

Affairs of the heart can be special and existing romances will often become more significant, while some Rats who start the year unattached will find new romance.

Domestically, too, this can be an active year and see Rats on inspired form and keen to make home improvements. However, projects could easily become more extensive and time-consuming than envisaged. Rats, be warned, and ideally tackle practical undertakings in stages, while drawing on the help and expertise of others. Amid all the activity there will, though, be personal highlights, family successes and travel to enjoy.

Monkey years offer considerable scope for Rats and if they take their opportunities and look to improve on their position, they can make this a constructive time.

Tips for the Year

Monkey years favour action and initiative. There will be progress to be made, interests to pursue and relationships and travel to enjoy. Seize the moment in this full and often special year.

Rat Fortunes in the Year of the Rooster

Rats like to lead a busy lifestyle and the Rooster year will not disappoint them! A lot is set to happen during its 12 months, but while a lot can be gained, there can be some awkward moments too. Rats cannot afford to slack or relax their guard in Rooster years.

On a personal level, this can be an especially busy time, and throughout the year Rats will need to remain mindful of those around them and show some flexibility. With support, however, much can be accomplished, and synergy will be an important factor.

Socially, in particular, there will be an increase in activity. Rats will have a good range of occasions to enjoy and their personable nature will help them build new friendships and make some potentially important connections.

For the unattached, there will be good romantic possibilities, and if time is allowed for relationships to develop, they may truly blossom. Even for Rats who find a certain romance is not to be, there will be valuable lessons to learn and the chance to move on. Much happens for a reason in Rooster years and often what happens will be to the Rat’s ultimate advantage.

This will also be a busy year domestically and cooperation will be required. Domestic and work-related decisions need to be talked through and help offered at pressured times. As always, though, Rats will delight in assisting their loved ones. Some ambitious practical projects will also go ahead in many Rat homes. While sometimes these will involve more time and cost than initially envisaged, the eventual benefits will often delight both the Rats themselves and their loved ones.

Rats do, though, need to follow the correct procedures if undertaking anything hazardous as well as give some thought to their general well-being over the year, including their diet and level of exercise.

Similarly, busy as they may be, they should allow themselves some ‘me time’. Developing their interests could open up some interesting possibilities, and creative Rats in particular will feel on inspired form in this encouraging year.

Travel, too, could appeal. Not only do Rats need a break in this active year, but a carefully chosen destination could give rise to some memorable times.

At work, the Rooster year can be demanding. Some weeks are likely to be frenetic as new pressures arise, targets are revised and staff shortages or other problems occur. Many Rats will feel challenged by what is required of them, but what occurs will give them the chance to both use and widen their skills and many will enhance their reputation. As a consequence, they will often be well placed when opportunities arise. After much effort, good headway is possible.

Similarly, for Rats who are seeking work or keen to move on from what they currently do, there may be surprising developments in store. In some cases, these Rats will take on something very different from what they have previously been doing and will delight in the fresh start. Rooster years may be challenging, but are not without opportunity.

In money matters, Rats will, though, need to be vigilant. They should be thorough when attending to paperwork or taking on a new commitment and seek professional advice if unsure. This is not a year for risk. Also, in view of some of the expensive plans and undertakings of the year, they should keep careful control over their budget.

Overall, Rats will often be astonished by the great deal they manage to do in these very full and fast-paced 12 months. However, they need to be mindful of developments and respond accordingly. Also, throughout the year, they would do well to listen to their feelings and their inner voice. When faced with difficulties, they will know in their heart what to do, and they should not go against their instincts. Though this is a demanding year, it can, however, also be a rewarding one. Relations with others can be of great value and, with support and joint effort, much can be accomplished.

Tips for the Year

Remember that things happen for a reason. So, make the most of opportunities to build on your skills and experience. With commitment, what you achieve now can lead on to other possibilities. Also, in view of the general busyness of the year, aim for a balanced lifestyle and give time to those who are special to you.

Rat Fortunes in the Year of the Dog

A reasonable year which also calls for a certain care. While Rats can make good progress, they will need to be alert, attentive and aware of potentially troubling areas, especially in their relations with others. Fortunately, their canny nature will serve them well.

At work, the Dog year will see much activity and many Rats will be able to profit from their considerable experience. As developments occur and workloads become greater, there will be the chance for many to take on further responsibilities and make encouraging headway. They can help their position by working closely with their colleagues and getting themselves better known. Those who work in a creative environment in particular may find themselves winning plaudits for their work. With commitment and their typical enthusiasm, they can enjoy this promising and productive time.

Rats seeking work or keen to take on something different should not only explore possibilities but also speak to contacts and employment advisers. By keeping alert and taking note of any suggestions offered, many could secure an important opening which offers the chance of further progress in the near future. Perseverance and some patience may be needed, but Dog years invariably deliver.

Another important factor of the year is the way it encourages personal development. This is a time for Rats to build on their skills and capabilities and further personal interests. Some may choose to enrol on courses of study, while others develop in other ways, but efforts made now can not only be personally satisfying but also have far-reaching value.

Progress made at work can help income and some Rats may also find ways to put a skill or interest to profitable use over the year. The enterprising talents of some could really pay off. However, while financially an improved year, it may also be one in which outgoings are high, especially as many Rats will proceed with costly plans and purchases for their home as well as take on new financial commitments. As a result, they will need to watch their outgoings as well as check the terms of any new agreement. A risk, oversight or hasty decision could lead to regret. Rats, take note and be thorough.

Another area where care is required is relations with others. With busy lifestyles and often demanding work situations, Rats could feel under pressure or be preoccupied with certain matters. At such times, they do need to share what is on their mind. If they bottle up their feelings, there is a risk that difficulties could arise. Also, throughout the year, they should ensure that, where possible, quality time with others does not suffer. Shared activities, interests and home projects can ease tensions and lead to some enjoyable times.

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