Полная версия
Do UFOs Exist?
— But are you sure this guy is your client? — I heard that policeman ask him again.
— Yes, I have no doubt — said the owner of the hotel at that time —. I know that vest very well, because on some occasion I had told him that I had never seen them like that, but of course he is very changed, but yes, I think so, it is him.
Suddenly I remembered that detail, the owner of the hotel liked my vest. From the first moment he saw it, the amount of pockets it has, said that this way he could carry everything on top and everything placed in its place so as not to leave them forgotten. I took my vest and when the man saw me he said:
— Is it true that we have talked about those pockets?
I shook my head affirmatively and when the man saw me, he said to the police
— See how he is? Yes, I have no doubt.
That police officer, still looking doubtful at me, approached the gate and, inserting the key into the lock, opened the door and let me out.
Immediately I rushed to hug the owner of the hotel, thanks to him I was free, but he made a gesture that I did not understand, and saw how he separated from me.
That surprised me, but at that moment I did not give it much importance. I just wanted to get out of there, leave, get to my room and rest in that bed that I remembered so comfortably.
I was walking down the street, next to the man, the one who had taken me out of my confinement. I saw how people looked at me and talked to each other, it is as if something was happening that I did not understand.
I decided to stop looking at them, I was only interested in arriving soon and I kept going on. When I arrived at the hotel, as soon as I entered the door, the man told me that he had no other place, that everything was full, and led me down a long corridor.
We walk through the kitchen and after standing up he opened a small door. I had gone quite confused behind the man asking myself where he would take me. I saw that little dark room, there next to some buckets and more piled up objects that I couldn’t see well. There was also a small bunk. I just wanted to rest and I indicated with my head that it was fine and he left closing the door behind him.
When I was finally alone I did one thing, what I was most looking forward to, to rest, this must have been a bad dream, and I was sure that when I got up again it would have happened, and everything would still be fine, but before falling asleep I glanced around as if wanting to make sure that what I was seeing could not be real.
Four dirty walls, a little window near the ceiling, I also saw there hanging on one of the walls a small piece of mirror, and followed by an unstoppable impulse I got up and went to look at it and…
Why am I remembering all this in these moments? They were difficult times, but finally I have been able to overcome them. I could never have imagined that this would happen to me, but what are you going to do? There is a saying that says “Curiosity killed the cat”, because that was what must have happened to me for having been curious.
Of course that I say that if I had been calm, at home, none of that would have happened to me, but I would not have also seen as many and as many things as I could have seen, because it is true, that sometimes, my eagerness to know this or the other has taken me to unusual places, but it is that, if not, I would never have known it.
No one wants to speak clearly about these issues. So many bullshit has been said and written about it, that it seems that nobody wants to be involved, but I say, who is interested in not being discovered?
There are many people like me, who want to know something, not much that is the truth, we are just hobbyists, but it is not surprising that they leave it for being tired because as soon as they start to move a little, they only find tripping and bad faces, and that tires anyone.
But I think, “If there is a volcano fuming, and that smoke is seen from a distance, then why does someone insist on denying the existence of such volcano?.” The same with this, if there are multiple evidences of its existence, why are there so many interests in which the truth is not known? And they not only deny it, but also the one who is trying to look for the evidence has so many impediments.
When I put my foot on that ladder of the plane I was already decided, it had been difficult for me to make that decision, it is the truth, I did not feel like going through hardships, and I knew that if I continued with the same issue it would happen, but once started, nothing or no one was going to make me give up on the idea.
I had to get to the end of the matter. I did not want to be another of the many who had stayed halfway and when obstacles began to be found decided to give up because of fear, comfort, or who knows for what other reason. I did not want to give up; therefore, my resolution was strong and I think that this aptitude was going to help me a lot from now on.
I kept going up, calmer now, it was my first flight in such a device, it didn’t look very safe, but I had no other way to get there. I would have to put my fears aside, and trust that everything would turn out well, because If I did not encourage myself, surely no one would.
I had paid the pilot in advance what we had agreed, but when I saw myself sitting there, I thought, “If I got to know what this is like on the inside, I would not have been in trouble.”
When I was thinking about it, the pilot approached me. We still hadn’t started and I thought when I saw him that he was coming to ask me for more money. I really don’t know why that was my thought, but it was, and what would not be my surprise, which was, on the contrary, he gave me the bundle of bills that I had given him the day before.
— The only thing missing is what I have spent on these drinks. I couldn’t miss this, so thanks for cheering me up — the man was saying to me.
I stared at him, I suppose, with a silly face, because he laughed out loud.
— Dude, that’s right, thanks to you, I’m going to go to places that I have wanted to visit all my life, so it wasn’t fair to charge him. You have given me the push I needed, and in return I will take you there for free. Yes, I know that you don’t understand it now, but you’ll see how in your moment you do understand everything.
And without more he turned around and when he was walking away to get into his cabin I heard him saying:
— Fasten your seatbelt tight, we´ll be off in a few seconds.
I stood there without knowing what to say. I looked and in my hand I still had the bundle of bills he had given me. Why would he have done it?
I did not understand him. He had told me that at the moment he would not understand it, of course! How could he understand that strange ability? That I would have hired him the day before and I´d have given him the money that we had agreed, and that at the beginning of the trip, I would return that money.
It was incomprehensible of course, and I also remembered in those moments that he told me that later on he would surely understand it. What did he expect would happen later? I got an answer which was absolutely absurd. The pilot will take me in his plane for free. What strange things happened to me!
Half asleep I was going when surely a “turbulence”, as the pilots say, made me hit my head , and I got up, looked around to see what was happening and I found myself up there in that plane.
I was sitting and next to me there was my backpack, the one that had all my belongings. I said to myself “What could you tell me if you could speak?” And smiling, I looked at it again, and I said again “You better stay quiet, because surely there would be times that you would not let me get into any of the problems we have experienced together.”
— Take over that belt. We’re already arriving — I suddenly heard the pilot saying.
I instinctively reached out my hand and saw that he was tight, and I thought “Well, if he’s not a good pilot, a little belt won’t be useful.”
Instead of belts, what they should give to those who take planes is a good helmet for the head, one of those worn by motorcyclists, so if people are given helmets, their heads will not be hit.
“Well — then I thought —. Really, what else gives a tap on the head. If this device falls, I will not tell the story in any way.”
When I was thinking about it, I saw through the window that was next to my left shoulder, some nearby trees, and at the moment the pilot was already slowing down. “Good — I thought —. This time I’m free!”, and before I could think anything else, I already had the pilot encouraging me to go ashore.
— Well, we started the adventure, I’m all ears. You give orders my friend because you´re the one who understands best — said the man, to whom he had a good mood.
I looked at him surprised, but what was this man saying to me? That he was coming with me? I had no plans for that. I just wanted to continue, as usual, with my things, but without company, and above all, what kind of company was this old man offering me? Come with me?
That was impossible. If he seemed like he couldn’t take two steps with that skinny body, what was he trying to achieve? Climb? How?
— Friend, I am stronger than I seem, do not be influenced by appearances, surely I can keep up with you and that I will not be a hindrance at any time” he said and was standing there looking at me very seriously.
I was sleeping peacefully in this paradise, never in my entire life had I imagined that such a place could exist. I had taken a bath in the waterfall water. What a delight! It came to me wonderfully, after the long walk.
We picked up a fruit along the way which we ate sitting quietly in the shade and we both commented on how it was possible that there were still places with this charm.
— I’m sure no one has ever been here — Peter said to me —. If someone had discovered it, they would have already taken care of spoiling it. I do not know what we have that we cannot stay quiet and whenever we touch something, we break its harmony.
— Come on! Don’t be exaggerated — I replied —. We have done something well, I say, don’t be so fatalistic!
— Well, yes, something sure, but what? Come on! I invite you to reflect a little and find me a place where the man has put his hand and has improved it. I’m sure you’re not going to find any of them, it’s just that we are like this. What are you going to do? We have little hands, we’d better stand still.
— Come on! Keep eating, don’t tell me it wasn’t worth getting to this place — I said, while I threw myself another bite of that delicious wild apple.
— No, if the place seems wonderful to me, that’s not what I’m talking about, but look, if by any chance it occurs to us to stay here to live to enjoy all this, don’t you think we would have to make some arrangements for it, to make it livable? And every thing we do for our comfort would be to spoil nature, which if it has it that way is because that is how she likes it, who owns it, and not as intruders who want to put it, modifying the environment. Do not tell me that you have not been tempted to tell me that you would stay here to live, because the truth is that as soon as I have seen it, I have said, this is my place!, from here I do not move anymore, whoever wants something mine has to come up here.
— Dude, I see you’re an exaggerated — I said, smiling.
— Exaggerated! What do you say? When I saw that crystal clear water falling into the lake, I was delighted. I have been a long time without being able to stop looking at it, until I have decided to take a bath, I did not want to break the harmony of the moment, but I said to myself, what the hell! This place is so magical. I want to belong to that magic, and when I have immersed myself in it, it is as if my whole body, at the same time that I was feeling its freshness, was recharging something. I don’t know how I could explain it to you. Do you know what happens to a cupcake when you put it in the milk bowl? It swells. Well, I have had that feeling for a moment, it has been as if I was filling myself with something that was entering my body. I could not tell you, but it was a delicious sensation. I think I have never felt anything like it in my life.
— But Peter, we have already visited many places and you have always found some charm, I think in all of them.
— Yes, it is true because all the sites have their… I don’t know, I like them, I can’t help it! But this one, my friend, this one I tell you, is unique. What I have felt as soon as I have looked at this place, I would not know how to explain it in words, but what I do tell you is that I do not move from here. If you want to continue with that task, well, I have already found my place, and I think I will stay. Yes, every moment I spend here I am more determined to it, and also sure that I can adapt to the site without making any changes. I am sure that the place will welcome me and I will be able to spend the rest of my days there — he was saying very convinced.
— Come on! Don’t be exaggerated. How am I going to leave and you stay here? That can’t be possible. Look, if you want we can be here for a while, living, both of us, I don’t know what you want, anyway they are waiting for us nowhere, but then one day we will have to leave. This site is fine, I do not discuss it, it is wonderful, but listen to the task that we have in our hands, we are not going to abandon it, at least for the moment, I think we still have a lot to do — I said to try to distract him from his idea.
I was a little thoughtful, I did not know what my friend meant with that he was staying here. Yes, I understood the words, but I think there was another meaning that I did not quite understand, and I asked him quietly:
— Peter, did you feel like this is your place?
— Yes — was his flat reply.
— How? — I asked again with fear, since I was already dreading the answer.
— I have been with you for several years traveling different parts of the earth, and you know because you know me perhaps better than I do myself, that I do not make drastic decisions.
— No, that’s not your thing. I know that well — I replied.
— Well, now I want you to understand that if I told you that, it’s because that’s how I feel it and I think that’s the way it should be, and I shouldn’t leave this place. I cannot give you any more explanations because I am not clear about it either, but I would like you to respect my decision, as you have done so many times, that even though the place, where I asked you to be smiling, always smiling, was very rare, because dear friend, that’s what I like most about you, your smile. Well, as I was saying, with a smile on your face you said to me “Well, we don’t have anything better to do, why not?.” And we prepared everything to start an adventure to that place again — Peter was saying to me in a very serious tone.
— Yes, I don’t know where you have always got your ideas, but the passing of the years has proven me right, following your “hunches” like flames, we have gone to unusual places and we have had experiences that, if it had not been for you, we could never have had them.
— Look, well the same as in those times that you are referring to. In these moments I am having that hunch, here is where I must stay. I do not know if it will be for a long time or for a short time, that answer is still not very clear to me, but I must let you go, and I must be alone here. It is a stage of my life that I must go through in solitude, and do not think that it will be easy for me to get away from you, you have accustomed me to your morning ditties, those that I do not know where they come from but that make me wake up with joy, because its lyrics always invite you to have a good day, and I recognize that it is a great way to feel positive, even though I have ever told you to let me sleep a little more, that the previous night we had been seeing the stars until very late.
— Peter, do you remember when we met?
I don’t know why I asked him that in that instant, but his mention of the ditties had brought to mind that moment.
— Of course! How do you pretend I forgot it? I was on the motorbike, so calm, I wasn’t in a hurry and that’s why I was going so slowly, when I passed that field I heard someone sing. The truth is that I found it amazing, a guy there singing to the moon. I couldn’t believe it!
At first I thought, and excuse me, but I don’t think I could think another thing. I thought you were like a vat, and I stopped the bike, because the lyrics of the song seemed beautiful to me. I was there listening, I don’t know how long. You did not get tired of saying those things, which I had never heard in my life, and certainly they could not have occurred to me, so I did not have the slightest doubt of waiting for you to finish, I had to talk to you. After listening to it for a while, I understood that he was not drunk. A person who says these things is very sane. What was evident was that you thought that no one was listening to you, although the lyrics clearly showed that you were saying it to someone.
— But were you there for a long time? We’ve never talked about it.
— Well, I don’t know when you had started, but my time flew by, it was very interesting. You know, you seemed like a minstrel of those who speak the books that in the Middle Ages narrated the events in the form of songs. That was what I heard that night, a series of inexplicable events for me in those moments, but the more I continued to listen to it the more they hooked me, as they say, all that, that you seemed to have very clear became more and more interesting and that’s why I waited for you to finish. I didn’t want to interrupt you, what you were doing was very important to you, I noticed that immediately.
— Today we have History, gentlemen!
The professor was talking very seriously, we all knew it, of course he was the history professor. What was he going to give us? We did not understand very well why he had told us that.
The whole class was surprised, we looked at each other, until one of the classmates, possibly the one who had less patience than the others, could not wait any longer, said:
— Sir, we already knew that.
— Yes, I know — he replied —. But what I am sure you do not know is the topic we are going to deal with — said the professor, putting a big smile on his face.
He had our full attention, it was the first day of class, and that it started that way, we all found it very strange, so we were quiet to see where it came from. What would he want to tell us?
— Have you ever heard of Charlemagne? — he asked very seriously.
— No! — was the general reply.
— Well, I’m sure he was the brother of Alexander the Great, and that Magno was his last name — said one of the companions.
— No! — said the professor —. They did not get to know each other.
— Well, at least they would be cousins — said another of the companions.
— I doubt that, but let’s continue with what we were. Charlemagne, who was the king of the Franks and the Lombards, was crowned Emperor Augustus by Pope Leon III in the year 800 in Rome. He was the son of Pipino el Breve, and fought against the Muslims in his advance through the Iberian Peninsula, until he was defeated at Roncesvalles.
He told us his story, how good it was! It was interesting, but we got tired of it because it was getting longer, and we were beginning to hear some whispers in class.
— What a problem! — was suddenly heard from the back of the class.
The professor, that old man, taking off his glasses, leaving them very calmly on the table, got up and said:
— Do you think that’s a problem? And if I tell you something…
— Yes, but don’t let it be another problem — he heard himself being told, interrupting again.
He was very thoughtful, in silence, so he was that way a few moments. We thought he was angry, and he was planning something to punish us.
It was the first day of class, and it seems that we had started off on the wrong foot, but what would not be our astonishment, when he returned to speak he asked us:
— Who knows what a UFO is? — And he fell silent again.
We all look at each other for a moment and then we laugh.
— Why are you laughing? Did I say something funny? — asked the professor.
— A UFO? That doesn’t exist! — jumped one from one of the last rows, those who sit there because they want to interrupt, without anyone knowing who it is.
— What happens? Haven’t you seen them? That’s why he makes that statement — Don Carlos replied.
The whole class was very quiet, we were expectant.
— Has anyone seen them? — he asked suddenly.
— No! — was everyone’s answer.
— Then why do they say they don’t exist? They can only say that they haven’t seen them. Come on! I say, that it would be their correct answer.
We laughed, we thought he must be joking, but the very serious one kept saying:
— Have any of you been to Egypt and seen the pyramids?
We all naturally answered “no”. What a question he was asking us.
— Then they don’t exist? — he was asking us very seriously.
— Of course them exist! — most of us who were there told him —. There are a lot of photographs of them in many books. How can they not exist? Is it that you have not seen them? — we asked puzzled.
We did not fully understand what he wanted to tell us.
— Yes, but even if there are those photos that you say, we have not seen them, because you have told me that you have not been there. That is true, right? — he asked us again, but before we answered, he continued —. Look! If I ask you if you have seen our beautiful Cathedral, you will all tell me “of course!” How can you not see it?
So, as you have seen that it exists, there is no doubt about it, but if I ask you if the Chinese have seen it, surely your answer is no, or at least most of them. Some of them may have been sightseeing and have seen it. Then, for those who have not come, our Cathedral does not exist, because they have not seen it, as it surely happens to you with your Great Wall, that it is possible that some have never even heard of it. Look! All this problem, as you say, I have released it, so that you understand that, although one does not know or have not seen a thing, it does not mean that it does not exist, of course our Cathedral, the Chinese Wall and the Pyramids exist.
— What about UFOs? Do they exist too? — a classmate asked from the back of the class, laughing.
— Gentlemen, I have not seen them, so I do not know if they exist or not, but Charlemagne does say that they exist, because he tells us the story that he saw them.
His words shocked us, that could not be true! But the teacher continued to tell us that the existence of whatever that is, because it is not very clear, it has been trying to be demonstrated for a very long time and although there is evidence of their existence, it has never been admitted because there have been more detractors on the issue, and that when someone claims to have seen them, the opinions are more powerful than those who say that they do not exist.
We were all very quiet, and he, hearing the bell that indicated that the class had come to an end, said to us:
— Gentlemen, this is the work that you will have to present me at the end of the course: is there life elsewhere apart from Earth?
Look, I have had different classes in all my student years, but it has never been any like that.
The professor left, and we all, we all stayed there debating the theme. It seems that it had captured our full attention because it was the most interesting course of the whole course of studies.
We made study teams, some in favor of the existence of these alien beings, and others to look for evidence of the contrary.
When we had free time, one of the small groups could be seen through the corridors or sitting on the campus lawn, debating something we had found, and it was also a topic that was spread through the university and many students from other courses joined us in that study, which every time we progressed, it became more exciting.