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Do UFOs Exist?

Juan Moisés de la Serna
Translated by Gastón Jofre Torres
Tektime Editorial
“Do UFOs exist?”
Written by Juan Moisés de la Serna
Translated by Gastón Jofre Torres
1º edition: June 2020
© Juan Moisés de la Serna, 2020
© Tektime Editions, 2020
All rights reserved.
Distributed by TekTime
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The night was dark. Suddenly, a great glow came through the window and such clarity flooded the room that woke me up. Amazed, I looked everywhere. What was going on? I rubbed my eyes and I really didn´t know if I was still asleep and that was a dream.
I sat up in bed. I had to see what was happening because I did not understand what had happened. Trying to wake up a bit, I put my feet on the floor and the coldness of the tiles ended up waking me up. I saw that I was in my bedroom and was still at night. Through the window, nothing could be seen, only darkness, not a single star in the sky could be seen. But in my head, still dazed, I remembered what had woken me up. Although I didn´t know what it had been, a feeling came to my mind, something like a great light, or a glow, maybe it would be a flash light.
To my parents
Do UFOs exist? Have they existed?
Or are they just a chimera?
maybe they are real
your doubt is not the first one.
Some people say they have seen
and they want to show it
something that flies, different
and they will not forget it.
Because if they are sure
they will not change their opinion
they saw it, it´s true.
they will always affirm it.
But then why others
have never seen them?
if they fly
from one side to the other.
Maybe, it´s not sure
that´s why you have to doubt
If I haven´t seen it, I can´t
believe your reality!
Are there UFOs? I don´t know!
I can´t prove it
For the one who has seen them
it´s easy to affirm.
Everywhere it is said
that UFOs can be seen
but the truth
is that few people see them today.
Is it sure there are?
you say it, I don´t know!
if you have seen them flying
I already know the answer.
But if you haven´t
you can also affirm
that it is just a chimera
that´s your reality.
Some yes, others no
Who tells us the truth?
both of them will be right
they might have their reason.
I don´t have your evidence
I didn´t see them, you know
if that was a UFO
only you will affirm it.
This takes a long time
Are they hoaxes or reality?
Do they exist? Have they existed?
I don´t know, you will tell me!
The night was dark. Suddenly, a great glow came through the window and such clarity flooded the room that woke me up. Amazed, I looked everywhere. What was going on? I rubbed my eyes and I really didn´t know if I was still asleep and that was a dream.
I sat up in bed. I had to see what was happening because I did not understand what had happened. Trying to wake up a bit, I put my feet on the floor and the coldness of the tiles ended up waking me up. I saw that I was in my bedroom and was still at night. Through the window, nothing could be seen, only darkness, not a single star in the sky could be seen. But in my head, still dazed, I remembered what had woken me up. Although I didn´t know what it had been, a feeling came to my mind, something like a great light, or a glow, maybe it would be a flash light.
At that moment, I thought that it could be a dream that I had and that made me wake up for some reason. I left the bedroom and I went to the kitchen. I would drink hot milk to warm my body. I remembered what my mother always told me when I was a kid “There is nothing like milk to make the body react”.
When I stood up, the coldness of the ground ended up waking me up. A chill ran through my whole body leaving me a bad sensation, as if a gust of icy wind had passed next to me, like the one that you feel in winter. And the truth is that it was very strange because everything was closed inside the house and there was no electricity. How could that have happened to me?
I walked through the hall while I was thinking about it. Suddenly, I noticed something. Under the door of the living room, light came out. How strange that I had left it on! I remember that before going to bed I had turned it off. Yes, I´m sure, I did it when I came back to clean the street door as I did every night. It couldn´t be. You have to see what strange things were happening to me tonight! Well, I would go to turn it off and then I would go to the kitchen to do what I was going to do.
I opened the door. Incredible! I was stuck there where I was with the doorknow in my hand. What was happening?
For a moment, I thought that I was still asleep and that all this would be a dream. That was more credible than seeing what was happening. The intense light did not come from the living room, it was not the lamp, nor anything from inside. It entered through the window. But, how?
Outside there was only the garden and there was not any light bulb, or anything like that, that could give light and also there was not any lamp that gave light in such an intense way as the one I was looking at right now coming in there.
After I don´t know how much time, it would surely be a few moments but they were eternal, in which I was motionless trying to give myself a logical explanation about what could be happening. I carefully released the doorknob and I dared, still undecided, to take some steps and go to the window to be able to see what was happening.
I reached out my trembling hand. I had the intention of drawing the curtains and look at what was happening outside. I could not understand why it trembled in that way but the truth is that it was so. What was that fear that I had in my body coming from? I was inside my house, with everything closed. What could happen to me? Nothing for sure but even though I thought that, I also said to myself “If the garden is a closed place and nobody could put anything there without me noticing it, so where does that light come from? And what will they be doing it with in order to have so much intensity?”
I don´t ever remember having seen anything like it. It is as if the headlights of a car were focused on the window. What a stupid thing I´m saying! How could someone have entered a car in my garden? And why? Which would the objective be?
I finished arriving next to the window. I had crossed the room so carefully that I didn´t know how long I took, but I didn´t dare to separate the curtain so that I could see well what was happening outside. Suddenly, I heard a noise and I remained nailed to the ground. It seemed that I had heard him behind my back. That was not possible. In the house, there was nobody else but me. What would it have been then what I had heard?
Perhaps it would be a joke of my imagination, product of the fear that I had in those moments. Maybe, what was happening to me was the result of bad digestion. What had I had for dinner? I had to remember, yes. Because all this could not be real. Of course it was that, only a reaction of something that I had eaten and that had made me feel sick.
It´s been a long time since I came to this house to live. I needed to be alone. Since I finished my studies, I spent my time travelling to know the world. As I said to my family, and even though they didn´t understand, that day when I told them when we finished having dinner, they answered me:
— Well, your life is yours, live it as you wish, but don’t get in trouble.
— Relax! I just want to see something, before I settle down — I replied.
— Something of what? — they asked me. Don’t you have enough going on holidays from time to time?
— No, that’s little time, I have to travel, it’s like a necessity, I want to know other cultures — I told them.
I was determined not to be convinced, it was an idea that had been going through my head and after I thought about it a lot, it was finally time to say it to my family.
— But for what? — they said, surprised —. What do you want to know specifically?
— I don’t know yet, I just know that I need that, to have time for myself — And it was so much firmness that I had to put into words that they didn’t insist anymore.
— Son — added my mother —. I know that you are prudent, but remember that there are dangerous countries, do not be confident and always be attentive.
— Don’t worry! I’ll do it, rest easy that I won’t get into anything, I only go on my own, you know I don’t drink.
— Son, be careful with drugs — my mother said worriedly.
— Mum! Trust me! You know those things don’t work with me.
— Yes, that’s now, who knows who you are going to hang out with, and you know… then, to be fair, they do stupid things.
— Mom, don’t worry! Trust me, you’ve taught me well, and I’m not going to disappoint you.
My two brothers who had remained silent looked at me and both said:
— Remember that we are here.
— Sure! How can I forget? Surely when you finish your studies you will also decide something like that.
— It’s great to travel like this because you learn more than you do in books — my father said when he heard me.
But my mother who did not agree protested a little hurt:
— But abroad? Isn’t Spain big enough?” — he said as few tears escaped from her eyes.
— Mum! — I said —. Don’t worry, you’ll see how nothing happens to me, and before you know I’m gone I’m already back — and I kissed her to reassure her.
After several years of going from one place to another, I returned, yes, that had also always been very clear to me, where I wanted to live, it was next to my people, well, next door, but not mixed.
When I came back, and I said that I would live in this place, they really were not very happy, but they had no choice but to hold on, because it was a decision that I had adopted, as usual after meditating on it, because I never liked taking a decision without giving much thought to the pros and cons.
The house was decorated according to what I like, with nothing left over, those gossip that are usually stored as memories and that only serve to accumulate layers of dust, I only had the necessary things, but those that made me feel good.
Few have visited me, I have always been a loner, that is the truth, I prefer an afternoon out, watching how the sun is gradually hiding, while the wind is hitting my face, than spending time, “losing it” as I say, with friends, I do have them, although I recognize that they are few, but they know that when they need me, I am there for them, as well as for the family, but if not, we can spend some time without seeing each other, that’s the truth.
How many afternoons I have gone out for a walk and it has become dark and sitting on the ground, on the grass, I have fallen back, to contemplate those stars, those luminous dots in the sky, is there anything else… magical, wonderful?, I don’t think there is a word that can describe it in its fair beauty.
Yes, they are right when they call me loner, but I do not think that anything can compare to that feeling, it is as if something expands inside me and makes me fly to those stars, as if the Earth let me escape and then at I am back again, as if drawn to reality.
Well, I do not know, because on more than one occasion, I have found myself there, when the dawn sun hit me in the face, I had spent the whole night, yes, that is the truth, and where better to stay than in nature?
The road was lonely, I had been informed that I had to be careful, but determined to get there, I went inside. I’ve never been scared, but I still remember how had gotten goosebumps on my skin, as they say.
When I heard that, I stood still for a moment, but I thought, “If someone or something wants to do to me whatever it wants, I am an easy target” so I started running, intending to go into those trees that I saw in the distance, there I could hide well.
What happened next is difficult for me to explain, it seems that I had misjudged the distance, because the grove seemed to me to be moving away instead of getting closer.
Already exhausted I stopped, I had to rest, I had no breath, I left the backpack on the floor and sat next to him.
It was impossible for me to go a step further, I don’t know how long I had been running, I only know that those trees, which at first seemed close to me, were still there, far away, in the same place.
The truth is that they looked good, but as much as I had tried, I had not managed to shorten the distance that I was missing to get to where they were, what had happened? Where was I? Why was everything so dark?
I tried to force my gaze, to see what was happening, I could not distinguish anything from what must have around me, of course I immediately noticed that I was not in the middle of that road, where I remember perfectly that I had stopped.
With a quick wave of my hand, I tried to see if I was fine, I don’t know, it was an instantaneous impulse, but what was it?
I could not move, the arm when trying to move had experienced a jerk, something prevented me from moving, I immediately deduced that it must be tied, immobilized in some way, but by whom? Why?
If I hadn’t done anything, and I hadn’t seen anyone around, what had happened to me?
The first thing I had to find out was where I was, this was not in the middle of nowhere, I felt that not even a blade of air was running, so I deduced that it must be indoors.
I thought quickly of that tremendous noise I had heard, that caused me so much fear, the one that had made me run, surely it must have been caused by someone, who in the end reached and caught me, but what did it do? Will it have transported me too? And how far?
My head hurt, I realized at that very moment, why would it be? Maybe they beat me before taking me as a prisoner, yes, that must have been and that’s why I didn’t remember anything that had happened.
How long had I been there? I had lost track of time, who would have done that to me? Determined to clarify it, I wanted to start talking, I had to discover something of what was happening, but even though I tried, I could not pronounce a single word. That left me perplexed, I didn’t even hear my own voice, and I think it did shriek, but nothing, no matter how hard I tried, there was no way I could hear my own shriek, that was really weird. Was I deaf?
Now that I realized, I hadn’t heard any sound since I woke up or whatever. Maybe it wasn’t a dream, but rather that I was conscious again, after the blow they should have given me, but why was everything so dark?
I don’t remember ever being in place like that. I tried to calm down so I could focus on something else. What did it smell like?
Yes, I noticed something, the smell was pleasant, like flowers, I wouldn’t know how to explain, but I would say that not far away, there must have been several flowers, because it wasn’t just one class of them, that smell that I was perceiving, but rather, the one who can give off a bouquet, made up of various kinds, but that would be very rare, that someone would have put me in a hole, because that is the conclusion, that in those moments I had more at hand, that someone had kidnapped me hitting me on my head, and it would have taken me to some dark and remote place, but if it had a bouquet of flowers there, it didn’t seem logical to me.
Suddenly I noticed something approaching me, it was… I don’t know, I felt as if someone was breathing next to me at that moment, but no matter how hard I tried, nothing, I saw absolutely nothing, but I felt something touching me and I jumped at that moment, it is as if the contact with that had produced me an electric shock.
What a strange feeling! I could not explain it, it was something unexpected, unpleasant, everything around me lit up, it was as if someone had turned on a very powerful light, but despite that enormous clarity, I still did not see anyone. Or is it that there was not anything nearby?
I could not say it for sure, only that my eyes hurt because there was so much light and I closed them immediately. That’s what I remember, and then I don’t know what happened. How long have I been I like this? No idea. Minutes ? Hours? Days? I don´t know.
In a moment, I moved and felt something, the wind hitting my face. How could that be?
I could not explain it to myself, I remember that before nothing was noticed, perhaps someone would have opened a nearby window, because each time I could see it with more intensity. I opened my eyes and astonished I looked at the place where I was. I was on the ground, with my head resting on the backpack, with a posture of having been sleeping. Was I asleep?
That was impossible. I would never have gone to sleep in the middle of a road, but there I was, without being able to suppose what had happened to me.
I got up, slowly, doubting if I should do it, I don’t know, I was so amazed that the first thing I thought was, “Surely from the race I had to take, I was so tired, that when I sat down to rest, the tiredness beat me, and I fell asleep without even realizing where I was.”
Absentmindedly I ran my hand over my face, when something I touched on it left me again with another doubt. My face, which I perfectly remembered shaving this morning, before leaving the hotel, was now covered in hair.
It could not be possible! It does not grow so fast, in fact I can spend several days without shaving my face and it is hardly noticeable, but now I ran my hand again to verify what I had just noticed, and yes, I had a beard of at least a week or more, that couldn’t be possible! How had it grown so much in just a little while?
Without leaving my amazement, I took the backpack to put it on my back and a foul smell suddenly gave me. What could that be?
I put it back on the ground and opened it, and what would not be my surprise, when I saw that the fruit, the one I always carry when I go out into the field, was all spoiled.
After looking at her, and looking at her a couple of times, to see that what was in front of her was true, incredulous, I threw the bag in which she was carrying it. How could she have put herself like this?
I don’t know, an apple, well… But all of them? And that way?
It seemed that they had been several days in which they were no longer edible. With that idea in mind I put the backpack on my back, and turning around, I headed for the place I remembered coming. I wanted to return.
I looked for the last time at those trees in the distance, and I thought, “It may be that they are further away than I thought” but really, it seemed that they were close, almost, you could almost touch them with your hand. I would say they weren’t even half a kilometer away and look that I’m used to walking distances and I already have the measurements in my head and I’m not usually wrong, but this time I don’t know what had happened, I still remembered the great race I had had and nothing, I couldn’t get to those trees.
Well, now I did not want to think about any of that. I was going to head back to the town and lie down for a while, they surely were astonished last night because I did not return, although thankfully I am a foresight and that I had already warned them that sometime when I find a nice landscape I like to spend the night in it.
So when I get there, I will tell them that I have done that, that I have spent the night looking at the stars, although now that I think about it, I don’t even know if it was a starry night.
Well, then, I will only tell them that I wanted to spend the night in the countryside, lest it be one of those nights when it is cloudy and nothing is seen, and strange people ask me where I have been and I do not know what to answer.
When I got to town, I noticed something strange in the people who were meeting me, they looked at me, I don’t know, as if I were a strange bug. Suddenly some children approached me, so much that they even touched me and then ran away. What was happening?
It was not normal. I had been living here for a few days and had never seen that it would awaken so much expectation.
I kept walking, but I saw more and more people around me getting closer, and they talked to each other, whispered as they say, and laughed. Suddenly, I don’t know where they came from, but two policemen stood in front of me, and prevented me from continuing to walk. I wanted to ask them why they were doing that, what was going on, that I just wanted to get to the hotel where I was staying and have a rest.
I was surprised, I didn’t hear anything, just silence, that is, I didn’t hear my own words. I heard the other people well, but not my voice. What was happening to me?
One of the policemen took me by the arm, and I, with a sudden movement, tried not to do it, but I must have miscalculated my forces because the policeman fell to the ground.
I was amazed, it could not be possible, I had not pushed him, I had only tried to get him not to catch me, it would surely be that he stumbled.
He got up very angry as usual, and asked me, with the club in his hand, to go to the right. I, who did not want any problem, did what he wanted immediately, of course that made me end up with my bones in prison, locked up there, and unable to say anything because I couldn’t speak, I didn’t know what had happened to me, but I was mute, and so it was impossible to explain myself.
Lying there on a bunk, which was in a corner of that small cell, I don’t know how long it had been, when I saw the hotel owner approaching the gate.
I was glad to see him and I got up quickly. I went to speak to him but I could not even hear myself, and of course neither did the others, although I do believe that he moved his lips, because I saw how the man looked at them attentively as trying to understand what he was saying, but nothing, it could not be possible.
— Yes, I think it’s him, but it’s impossible, it’s been two weeks — I heard him answer the policeman behind him.
When I heard that, I was stunned. What did that man say? It couldn’t be possible! He was wrong, or was it that I misunderstood him?