Birds of New Zealand, Hawaii, Central and West Pacific
Birds of New Zealand, Hawaii, Central and West Pacific

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Birds of New Zealand, Hawaii, Central and West Pacific

Язык: Английский
Год издания: 2019
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Erythrura kleinschmidti

91.8 Fiji Parrotfinch Fi 1–4,6,28

Erythrura pealii

Tonga Endemics

73 species, including the following 2 endemics:

34.3 Niuafo’ou Scrubfowl Ton 7

Megapodius pritchardii

84.4 Tongan Whistler Ton

Pachycephala jacquinoti

Nauru Endemics

27 species, including the following endemic:

76.9 Nauru Reed Warbler Na

Acrocephalus resei

Samoa Endemics

82 species, including the following 8 endemics:

57.2 Tooth-Billed Pigeon Sa

Didunculus strigirostris

67.5 Flat-Billed Kingfisher Sa

Todiramphus recurvirostris

72.3 Samoan Triller Sa

Lalage sharpei

79.6 Samoan Flycatcher Sa

Myiagra albiventris

80.6 Samoan Fantail Sa

Rhipidura nebulosa

83.1 Samoan White-Eye Sa 1

Zosterops samoensis

84.6 Samoan Whistler Sa

Pachycephala flavifrons

86.8 Mao Sa

Gymnomyza samoensis

American Samoa

66 species, no endemics.

Kiribati Endemics

74 species, including the following endemic:

76.3 Christmas Island Warbler Ki 4,5,13

Acrocephalus aequinoctialis

Marshall Islands

83 species, no endemics.

Micronesia Endemics

223 species, including the following 15 endemics:

57.4 Caroline Islands Ground-Dove Mi 2,3

Gallicolumba kubaryi

62.2 Pohnpei Lorikeet Mi 2

Trichoglossus rubiginosus

68.5 Caroline Islands Swiftlet Mi 1,2,3,?4

Aerodramus inquietus

75.9 Caroline Reed-Warbler Mi 2–4

Acrocephalus syrinx

79.1 Pohnpei Flycatcher Mi 2

Myiagra pluto

79.2 Oceanic Flycatcher Mi 3

Myiagra oceanica

80.2 Pohnpei Fantail Mi 2

Rhipidura kubaryi

81.1 Truk Monarch Mi 3

Metabolus rugensis

81.3 Yap Monarch Mi 4

Monarcha godeffroyi

82.7 Yap White-Eye Mi 4

Zosterops oleagineus

82.8 Truk White-Eye Mi 3

Rukia ruki

82.9 Long-Billed White-Eye Mi 2

Rukia longirostra

83.6 Plain White-Eye Mi 4

Zosterops hypolais

83.8 Grey White-Eye Mi 1,2

Zosterops cinereus

94.5 Pohnpei Starling Mi 2

Aplonis pelzelni


34 species, no endemics.


29 species, no endemics.


31 species, no endemics.

Cook Islands Endemics

50 species, including the following 6 endemics:

59.2 Cook Islands Fruit-Dove Co 1,3

Ptilinopus rarotongensis

67.2 Mangaia Kingfisher Co 2

Todiramphus ruficollaris

68.4 Atiu Swiftlet Co 3

Aerodramus sawtelli

76.5 Cook Islands Reed-Warbler Co 2,9

Acrocephalus kerearako

78.1 Rarotonga Monarch Co 1,3

Pomarea dimidiata

94.2 Rarotonga Starling Co 1

Aplonis cinerascens

Guam Endemic

93 species, including the following endemic:

36.6 Guam Rail Gu, NMa 4(I)

Gallirallus owstoni

Wallis and Futuna

39 species, no endemics.

Pitcairn Islands Endemics

43 species, including the following 5 endemics:

37.4 Henderson Island Crake Pi 1

Porzana atra

59.8 Henderson Island Fruit-Dove Pi 1

Ptilinopus insularis

62.6 Stephen’s Lorikeet Pi 1

Vini stepheni

76.6 Pitcairn Reed-Warbler Pi 2

Acrocephalus vaughani

76.8 Henderson Island Reed-Warbler Pi 2

Acrocephalus taiti

Northern Marianas Endemics

109 species, including the following 2 endemics:

81.4 Tinian Monarch NMa 2

Monarcha takatsukasae

84.2 Golden White-Eye NMa 1,3

Cleptornis marchei

Palau Endemics

152 species, including the following 10 endemics:

57.9 Palau Ground-Dove Pa 3–6

Gallicolumba canifrons

60.1 Palau Fruit-Dove Pa

Ptilinopus pelewensis

68.7 Palau Swiftlet Pa

Aerodramus pelewensis

69.8 Palau Owl Pa

Pyrroglaux podarginus

75.1 Palau Bush-Warbler Pa

Cettia annae

79.3 Palau Flycatcher Pa 1–5

Myiagra erythrops

80.1 Palau Fantail Pa 1–5

Rhipidura lepida

84.1 Giant White-Eye Pa 3,5

Megazosterops palauensis

84.3 Dusky White-Eye Pa 1–5

Zosterops finschii

85.5 Morningbird Pa 1–5

Colluricincla tenebrosa

French Polynesia Endemics

121 species, including the following 24 endemics:

45.8 Tuamotu Sandpiper FrPo 2

Prosobonia cancellata

57.5 Polynesian Ground-Dove FrPo 5–8

Gallicolumba erythroptera

57.8 Marquesas Ground-Dove FrPo 9 Gallicolumba rubescens

58.4 Polynesian Imperial-Pigeon FrPo 4,11

Ducula aurorae

58.5 Marquesas Imperial-Pigeon FrPo 12,13

Ducula galeata

59.3 Grey-Green Fruit-Dove FrPo 4,14–19

Ptilinopus purpuratus

59.4 Makatea Fruit-Dove FrPo 11

Ptilinopus chalcurus

59.5 Atoll Fruit-Dove FrPo 2, excl.11

Ptilinopus coralensis

59.6 Rapa Fruit-Dove FrPo 29 (Rapa)

Ptilinopus huttoni

59.7 White-Capped Fruit-Dove FrPo 12,13,20,23,25,26

Ptilinopus dupetithouarsii

62.8 Ultramarine Lorikeet FrPo 12,13,23

Vini ultramarina

67.7 Tahiti Kingfisher FrPo 4,19

Todiramphus veneratus

67.8 Tuamotu Kingfisher FrPo 30

Todiramphus gambieri

67.9 Marquesas Kingfisher FrPo 25,?20,?26

Todiramphus godeffroyi

68.2 Polynesian Swiftlet FrPo 4,19

Aerodramus leucophaeus

68.3 Marquesan Swiftlet FrPo 12,13,23,25,26,28

Aerodramus ocistus

76.1 Tahiti Reed-Warbler FrPo 4,15,19

Acrocephalus caffer

76.2 Marquesan Reed-Warbler FrPo 3

Acrocephalus mendanae

76.4 Tuamotu Reed-Warbler FrPo 2

Acrocephalus atyphus

76.7 Rimatara Reed-Warbler FrPo 27

Acrocephalus rimatarae

78.2 Tahiti Monarch FrPo 4

Pomarea nigra

78.3 Marquesas Monarch FrPo 28

Pomarea mendozae

78.4 Iphis Monarch FrPo 13

Pomarea iphis

78.5 Fatuhiva Monarch FrPo 26

Pomarea whitneyi

New Zealand Endemics

337 species, including the following 65 endemics:

1.6 New Zealand Grebe NZ

Poliocephalus rufopectus

2.1 North Island Brown Kiwi NZ 1

Apteryx mantelli

2.2 Okarito Brown Kiwi NZ 2

Apteryx rowi

2.3 Southern Brown Kiwi NZ 2,3

Apteryx australis

2.4 Little Spotted Kiwi NZ 1,?2

Apteryx owenii

2.5 Great Spotted Kiwi NZ 2

Apteryx haastii

3.7 Yellow-Eyed Penguin NZ 1–3

Megadyptes antipodes

15.2 New Zealand Storm-Petrel NZ

Oceanites maorianus

Breeding location unknown.

19.1 Spotted Shag NZ 1–3,5

Phalacrocorax punctatus

19.2 Bronze Shag NZ 2,3

Phalacrocorax chalconotus

19.3 Rough-Faced Shag NZ 2

Phalacrocorax carunculatus

19.4 Chatham Islands Shag NZ 4

Phalacrocorax onslowi

19.5 Campbell Islands Shag NZ 7,8

Phalacrocorax campbelli

19.6 Bounty Islands Shag NZ 5,9

Phalacrocorax ranfurlyi

19.7 Auckland Islands Shag NZ 5,6

Phalacrocorax colensoi

19.9 Pitt Island Shag NZ 4

Phalacrocorax featherstoni

23.5 Paradise Shelduck NZ 1,2,4,10

Tadorna variegata

25.1 Blue Duck NZ 1,2

Hymenolaimus malacorhynchos

25.7 Brown Teal NZ 1,2

Anas chlorotis

25.8 Auckland Islands Teal NZ 6

Anas aucklandica

25.9 Campbell Islands Teal NZ 7,12

Anas nesiotis

28.2 New Zealand Scaup NZ 1,2

Aythya novaeseelandiae

33.5 New Zealand Falcon NZ 1–3,6,7

Falco novaeseelandiae

36.8 Weka NZ 1–4

Gallirallus australis

36.9 Auckland Islands Rail NZ 6

Lewinia muelleri

38.6 Takahe NZ 1,2

Porphyrio mantelli

39.1 Variable Oystercatcher NZ 1–3

Haematopus uni colour

39.3 Chatham Oystercatcher NZ 1

Haematopus chathamensis

39.4 South Island Oystercatcher NZ 1,2,4,5,10

Haematopus finschi

39.8 Black Stilt NZ 1,2

Himantopus novaezelandiae

40.2 Shore Plover NZ 1,2,4

Thinornis novaeseelandiae

40.3 Wrybill NZ 1,2,4

Anarhynchus frontalis

42.5 Red-Breasted Dotterel NZ 1–3

Charadrius obscurus

46.2 Subantarctic Snipe NZ 6–8

Coenocorypha aucklandica

46.3 Chatham Islands Snipe NZ 4

Coenocorypha pusilla

51.3 Red-Billed Gull NZ 1–7

Chroicocephalus scopulinus

51.5 Black-Billed Gull NZ 1–3

Chroicocephalus bulleri

55.4 Black-Fronted Tern NZ 1–3,5

Chlidonias albostriatus

58.1 New Zealand Pigeon NZ 1–3

Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae

63.6 Kea NZ 1,2

Nestor notabilis

63.7 New Zealand Kaka NZ 1–3

Nestor meridionalis

63.8 Kakapo NZ ?1,?2,?3

Strigops habroptila

64.1 Antipodes Parakeet NZ 8

Cyanoramphus unicolor

64.2 Yellow-Fronted Parakeet NZ 1–3,?5

Cyanoramphus auriceps

64.3 Red-Fronted Parakeet NZ 1–6,10

Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae

64.4 Chatham Islands Parakeet NZ 4

Cyanoramphus forbesi

64.5 Malherbe’s Parakeet NZ 2

Cyanoramphus malherbi

71.1 Rifleman NZ 1–3

Acanthisitta chloris

71.2 South Island Wren NZ 2

Xenicus gilviventris

74.9 Fernbird NZ 1–3

Megalurus punctatus

77.1 Grey Gerygone NZ 1–3,5

Gerygone igata

77.2 Chatham Island Gerygone NZ 4

Gerygone albofrontata

77.3 Yellowhead NZ 2

Mohoua ochrocephala

77.4 Whitehead NZ 1

Mohoua albicilla

77.5 Pipipi NZ 2,3

Mohoua novaeseelandiae

80.7 New Zealand Fantail NZ 1–5

Rhipidura fuliginosa

85.1 Tomtit NZ 1–6

Petroica macrocephala

85.3 Chatham Robin NZ 4

Petroica traversi

85.4 New Zealand Robin NZ 2,3

Petroica australis

85.5 North Island Robin NZ 1

Petroica longipes

85.7 Stitchbird NZ 1,11,12

Notiomystis cincta

85.8 New Zealand Bellbird NZ 1–3,6,7

Anthornis melanura

86.1 Tui NZ 1–6,10

Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae

95.4 Kokako NZ 1,?2,?3

Callaeas cinereus

95.5 Saddleback NZ small Is off mainland

Philesturnus carunculatus

The largest number of endemic species is found in New Zealand (65), followed by Hawaii (33), Fiji (28) and French Polynesia (24). New Zealand and Hawaii also have completely endemic families, in New Zealand the kiwis (Apterygidae, five species), the New Zealand Wrens (Acanthissittidae, two species) and the Wattlebirds (Callaeidae, two species) and in Hawaii the family of Hawaiian Creepers (Drepanididae, 20 species). All members of the Hawaiian Creepers’ family relate back to a finch-like bird, which arrived in Hawaii a long time ago and who’s offspring diversified into a large number of species, of which only these 20 remain today. Other bird groups that are represented by many endemics in the area are:

• Rails and Crakes (family Rallidae); in total 135 species worldwide, of which 21 are found in the area, including six endemics;

• Ground-Doves (genus Gallicolumba); in total 16 species in Philippines, Indonesia and Polynesia, of which six are found in the area, including four endemics;

• Fruit-Doves (genus Ptilinopus); in total 51 species in Melanesia, Philippines and Polynesia, of which 15 are found in the area, including 11 endemics;

• Reed-Warblers (genus Acrocephalus); in total 37 species worldwide, of which 15 are found in the area, including ten endemics;

• Monarch Flycatchers (family Monarchidae); in total 100 species in the tropics, of which 21 are found in the area, including 15 endemics;

• White-eyes (family Zosteropidae); in total 96 species in the tropics and subtropics, of which 14 are found in the area, including ten endemics.

The large family of the Parrots Psittacidae (worldwide 347 species) is represented by only 28 species, relatively a small amount, of which 16 are endemic and ten are introduced.

Except the ‘true’ endemics there are also several breeding endemics, especially seabirds who visit countries in the area only to breed but disperse widely after breeding. New Zealand counts 12 breeding endemics, given in the following list:

3.1 Fiordland Penguin

Eudyptes pachyrhynchus

3.2 Snares Penguin

Eudyptes robustus

3.3 Erect-Crested Penguin

Eudyptes sclateri

6.5 Buller’s Albatross

Thallasarche bulleri

9.9 Magenta Petrel

Pterodroma magentae

10.1 Chatham Petrel

Pterodroma axillaris

10.8 Cook’s Petrel

Pterodroma cookii

11.1 Pycroft’s Petrel

Pterodroma pycrofti

12.7 Westland Petrel

Procellaria westlandica

12.9 Parkinson’s Petrel

Procellaria parkinsoni

14.2 Buller’s Shearwater

Puffinus bulleri

14.5 Hutton’s Shearwater

Puffinus huttoni


1 Grebes & Loon

1.1 PIED-BILLED GREBE Podilymbus podiceps [Grèbe à bec bigarré] L 34cm. Note heavy bill. Rather vocal. Moults before departure from winter quarters. Wings unmarked in flight.
Winters on sheltered freshwater ponds near vegetation.
Series of nasal, trumpet-like or hollow notes.
1.2 RED-NECKED GREBE Podiceps grisegena [Grèbe jougris] L 47cm. Note yellow base to long bill and thick neck. Br and N-br wing pattern like Br plumage of smaller 1.3.
Winters in open estuaries and other coastal waters and on open ocean.
Ha 7.
1.3 HORNED GREBE Podiceps auritus [Grèbe esclavon] L 35cm. From 1.4 by pale tip to bill. Br plumage from 1.4 by colour of neck. Crown of N-br plumage peaks further back than in 1.4. N-br wing pattern like 1.4.
Winters normally on quiet inland waters, sheltered bays and (occasionally) on open ocean.
Ha 7.
1.4 EARED GREBE Podiceps nigricollis [Grèbe à cou noir] L 31cm. Differs in N-br plumage from 1.3 by different head silhouette with diffuse streak behind eye.
Winters normally on coastal waters and open ocean.
Ha 2,6,13. V
1.5 HOARY-HEADED GREBE Podiocephalus poliocephalus [Grèbe argenté] L 29cm. From 1.3 and 1.4 by range. Rather pale and slim without chestnut tones in plumage (see Br plumage of 1.6). Note clean white cheeks in N-br plumage.
Fresh and saline waters of open wetlands and estuaries. Occasionally on farm ponds.
High, frog-like puRrreeh in series of 2–3.
NZ 1,2,5.
1.6 NEW ZEALAND GREBE (or NZDabchick) Podiocephalus rufopectus [Grèbe de Nouvelle-Zélande] L 29cm. Br plumage unmistakable by chestnut neck and silvery streaked head. N-br plumage from similar 1.7 by more elongated jizz and lack of yellow at bill base.
Small, shallow waters such as farm dams and sewage ponds.
Low, raspy wró’wo’róugh.
NZ 1,2. E.NZ
1.7 AUSTRALASIAN (or NZEastern Little) GREBE1 Tachybaptus novaehollandiae [Grèbe australasien] L 25cm. Smallest grebe. Yellow bill base and compact build diagnostic. Small water bodies like ponds, dams, quiet streams and swamps.
Very high, twittering peepeepeep—.
NZ 1,2.
1.8 GREAT CRESTED GREBE2 Podiceps cristatus [Grèbe huppé] L 50cm. Unmistakable by head pattern. Br and N-br plumage of NZ ssp similar. Imm. without ruff and with short crest. Juv. like all other grebes with striped face and neck sides.
Open lakes.
NZ 1,2. R
1.9 PACIFIC LOON Gavia pacifica [Plongeon du Pacifique] L 65cm. Bill normally held horizontally as compared to other loons, but more upturned than most grebes. In N-br plumage with very narrow white eyering and sharp contrast dark-white on neck. Back faintly barred in N-br plumage and with distinct white flash on rearmost part of flanks.
Winters on open ocean and deep bays.
Ha 2,6,17. V

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