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Our ability to control all of these genetic pathways will fundamentally transform medicine and the shape of our everyday lives. Indeed, it will change the way we define our species.

And yes, I realize how that sounds. So let me explain why.



ON APRIL 15, 2003, NEWSPAPERS, TELEVISION PROGRAMS, AND WEBSITES around the world carried the story: the mapping of the human genome was complete.

There was just one pesky problem: it really wasn’t. There were, in fact, huge gaps in the sequence.

This wasn’t a case of the mainstream news media blowing things out of proportion. Highly respected scientific journals such as Science and Nature told pretty much the same story. It also wasn’t a case of scientists overstating their work. The truth is simply that, at the time, most researchers involved in the thirteen-year, $1 billion project agreed that we’d come as close as we possibly could—given the technology of the time—to identifying each of the 3 billion base pairs in our DNA.

The parts of the genome that were missing, generally overlapping sections of repetitive nucleotides, were just not considered important. These were areas of the code of life that were once derided as “junk DNA” and that are now a little better respected but still generally disregarded as “noncoding.” From the perspective of many of the best minds in science at the time, those regions were little more than the ghosts of genomes past, mostly remnants of dead hitchhiking viruses that had integrated into the genome hundreds of thousands of years ago. The stuff that makes us who we are, it was thought, had largely been identified, and we had what we needed to propel forward our understanding of what makes us human.

Yet by some estimates, that genetic dark matter accounts for as much as 69 percent of the total genome,45 and even within the regions generally regarded as “coding,” some scientists believe, up to 10 percent has yet to be decoded, including regions that impact aging.46

In the relatively short time that has come and gone since 2003, we have come to find out that within the famous double helix, there were sequences that were not just unmapped but essential to our lives. Indeed, many thousands of sequences had gone undetected because the original algorithms to detect genes were written to disregard any gene less than 300 base pairs long. In fact, genes can be as short as 21 base pairs, and today we’re discovering hundreds of them all over the genome.

These genes tell our cells to create specific proteins, and these proteins are the building blocks of the processes and traits that constitute human biology and lived experiences. And as we get closer to identifying a complete sequence of our DNA, we’ve come closer to having a “map” of the genes that control so much of our existence.

Even once we have a complete code, though, there’s something we still won’t be able to find.

We won’t be able to find an aging gene.

We have found genes that impact the symptoms of aging. We’ve found longevity genes that control the body’s defenses against aging and thus offer a path to slowing aging through natural, pharmaceutical, and technological interventions. But unlike the oncogenes that were discovered in the 1970s and that have given us a good target for going to battle against cancer, we haven’t identified a singular gene that causes aging. And we won’t.

Because our genes did not evolve to cause aging.


My journey toward formulating the Information Theory of Aging was a long one. And in no small part, it can be traced to the work of a scientist who toiled without fame but whose work helped set the stage for a lot of the longevity research being done around the world today.

His name was Robert Mortimer, and if there was one adjective that seemed to come up more than any other about him after he passed away, it was “kind.”

“Visionary” was another. “Brilliant,” “inquisitive,” and “hardworking,” too. But I’ve long been inspired by the example Mortimer set for his fellow scientists. Mortimer, who died in 2007, had played a tremendously important role in elevating Saccharomyces cerevisiae from a seemingly lowly, single-celled yeast with a sweet tooth (its name means “sugar-loving”) to its rightful place as one of the world’s most important research organisms.

Mortimer collected thousands of mutant yeast strains in his lab, many of which had been developed right there at the University of California, Berkeley. He could have paid for his research, and then some, by charging the thousands of scientists he supplied through the university’s Yeast Genetic Stock Center. But anyone, from impecunious undergraduates to tenured professors at the world’s best-funded research institutions, could browse the center’s catalog, request any strain, and have it promptly delivered for the cost of postage.47

And because he made it so easy and so inexpensive, yeast research bloomed.

When Mortimer began working on S. cerevisiae alongside fellow biologist John Johnston48 in the 1950s, hardly anyone was interested in yeast. To most, it didn’t seem we could learn much about our complex selves by studying a tiny fungus. It was a struggle to convince the scientific community that yeast could be useful for something more than baking bread, brewing beer, and vinting wine.

What Mortimer and Johnston recognized, and what many others began to realize in the years to come, was that those tiny yeast cells are not so different from ourselves. For their size, their genetic and biochemical makeup is extraordinarily complex, making them an exceptionally good model for understanding the biological processes that sustain life and control lifespans in large complex organisms such as ourselves. If you are skeptical that a yeast cell can tell us anything about cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, rare diseases, or aging, consider that there have been five Nobel Prizes in Physiology or Medicine awarded for genetic studies in yeast, including the 2009 prize for discovering how cells counteract telomere shortening, one of the hallmarks of aging.49

The work Mortimer and Johnston did—and, in particular, a seminal paper in 1959 that demonstrated that mother and daughter yeast cells can have vastly different lifespans—would set the stage for a world-shattering change in the way we view the limits of life. And by the time of Mortimer’s death in 2007, there were some 10,000 researchers studying yeast around the globe.

Yes, humans are separated from yeast by a billion years of evolution, but we still have a lot in common. S. cerevisiae shares some 70 percent of our genes. And what it does with those genes isn’t so different from what we do with them. Like a whole lot of humans, yeast cells are almost always trying to do one of two things: either they’re trying to eat, or they’re trying to reproduce. They’re hungry or they’re horny. As they age, much like humans, they slow down and grow larger, rounder, and less fertile. But whereas humans go through this process over the course of many decades, yeast cells experience it in a week. That makes them a pretty good place to start in the quest to understand aging.

Indeed, the potential for a humble yeast to tell us so much about ourselves—and do so quite quickly relative to other research organisms—was a big part of the reason I decided to begin my career by studying S. cerevisiae. They also smell like fresh bread.

I met Mortimer in Vienna in 1992, when I was in my early 20s and attending the International Yeast Conference—yes, there is such a thing—with my two PhD supervisors, Professor Ian Dawes, a rule-avoiding Australian from the University of New South Wales,50 and Professor Richard Dickinson, a rule-abiding Briton from the University of Cardiff, Wales.

Mortimer was in Vienna to discuss a momentous scientific endeavor: the sequencing of the yeast genome. I was there to be inspired. And I was.51 If I’d harbored any doubts about my decision to dedicate the opening years of my scientific career to a single-celled fungus, they all went away when I came face to face with people who were building great knowledge in a field that had hardly existed a few decades before.

It was shortly after that conference that one of the world’s top scientists in the yeast field, Leonard Guarente of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, came to Sydney on holiday to visit Ian Dawes. Guarente and I ended up at a dinner together, and I made sure I was sitting opposite him.

I was then a graduate student using yeast to understand an inherited condition called maple syrup urine disease. As you might imagine from its name, the disease is not something most polite people discuss over dinner. Guarente, though, engaged me in a scientific discussion with a curiosity and enthusiasm that was nothing short of enchanting. The conversation soon turned to his latest project—he had begun studying aging in yeast the past few months—work that had its roots in the workable genetic map that Mortimer had completed in the mid-1970s.

That was it. I had a passion for understanding aging, and I knew something about wrangling a yeast cell with a microscope and micromanipulator. Those were essential skills needed to figure out why yeast age. That night, Guarente and I agreed on one thing: if we couldn’t solve the problem of aging in yeast, we had no chance in humans.

I didn’t just want

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In a wide-ranging interview to promote his memoirs, Lanzmann said of his masterpiece film about the Holocaust, “I wanted to get as close as possible to death. No personal accounts are told in Shoah, no anecdotes. It’s only about death. The film is not about the survivors.” “‘Shoah’ Director Claude Lanzmann: ‘Death Has Always Been a Scandal,’” Spiegel, September 10, 2010,


The study looked at three concepts about death that children come to understand before they are seven years old: irreversibility, nonfunctionality, and universality. M. W. Speece and S. B. Brent, “Children’s Understanding of Death: A Review of Three Components of a Death Concept,” Child Development 55, no. 5 (October 1984): 1671–86,


The author attended the birth of her daughter’s first child along with her son-inlaw. R. M. Henig, “The Ecstasy and the Agony of Being a Grandmother,” New York Times, December 27, 2018,


The film’s exhortations to make the most of every day took on a darker hue after the suicide of its star, Robin Williams. P. Weir, director, Dead Poets Society, United States: Touchstone Pictures, 1999.


The author argues that rather than focusing on cancer and cardiovascular issues, medical research should be focusing on “reducing ageing and age-related morbidity, thereby increasing both our health and our wealth.” G. C. Brown, “Living Too Long,” EMBO Reports 16, no. 2 (February 2015): 137–41,


In a survey coconducted by the Economist, the majority of respondents from four countries expressed the wish to die at home, although only a small number thought that they would do so. With the exception of Brazilians, most felt that dying without pain was more important than extending life. “A Better Way to Care for the Dying,” Economist, April 29, 2017,


See my conflict disclosures at the end of this book and at


My editor made me write self-centered things about myself to give me credibility. I hope she doesn’t see this endnote and make me delete it.


In 2018, my family and I made a pilgrimage to London to see the original account of Captain James Cook’s “voyage round the world” and the original Australian botanical specimens collected by Sir Joseph Banks. There were stop-offs to see Watson and Crick’s original model of DNA, fossils of early life, a Moai statue from Rapa Nui, a cross-sectional cut through a 1,500-year-old sequoia tree trunk, a statue of Charles Darwin, the Broad Street pump, Winston Churchill’s War Rooms, and the Royal Society, of course. Tracing the path of Cook along the lower east coast of Australia, or “New Holland,” as it was called then, it is obvious that Banks already had a colony in mind, one that would never forget him. Not only was the original site named Botany Bay, the coast was named “Cape Banks.” After exploring Botany Bay, the explorers’ tall ship, the HMS Endeavor, sailed north, past the heads of a harbor they called Port Jackson, which, thanks to its much deeper waters and the presence of a stream to supply fresh water, ended up being a far superior site for Governor Phillip to start a penal colony eight years later.


“Phillip’s Exploration of Middle Harbour Creek,” Fellowship of the First Fleeters, Arthur Phillip Chapter,


The Spanish explorer and conquistador’s search for the mystical spring known as the Fountain of Youth is apocryphal, but it makes for a good story. J. Greenspan, “The Myth of Ponce de León and the Fountain of Youth,” “History Stories,” April 2, 2013, A&E Television Networks,


According to the Creation Wiki: the Encyclopedia of Creation Science (a website of the Northwest Creation Network,, in Genesis, most of us once got to 900 years, then we didn’t. Then most of us got to 400, then we didn’t. Then most of us got to 120, then we didn’t. In more recent times, as Oeppen and Vaupel have written, “Mortality experts have repeatedly asserted that life expectancy is close to an ultimate ceiling; these experts have repeatedly been proven wrong. The apparent leveling off of life expectancy in various countries is an artifact of laggards catching up and leaders falling behind.” J. Oeppen and J. W. Vaupel, “Broken Limits to Life Expectancy,” Science 296, no. 5570 (May 10, 2002): 1029–31.


There is some debate as to what constitutes verifiable age. There are humans who have claimed, and provided considerable evidence, of being of great age, but who don’t have formal Western-style records of their year of birth. In any case, these people are one in a billion, if that. In November 2018, the Russian gerontologist Valery Novoselov and the mathematician Nikolay Zak claimed that after much research, they believe that Jeanne Calment’s daughter, Yvonne, usurped Jeanne’s identity in 1934, claiming that the daughter had died instead of the mother to avoid paying estate taxes. The debate continues. “French Scientists Dismiss Russian Claims over Age of World’s Oldest Person,” Reuters, January 3, 2019,


Italian researchers found after studying 4,000 elderly people that if you make it to age 105, the risk of death effectively plateaus from one birthday to the next, the odds of dying in the next year becoming approximately fifty-fifty. E. Barbi, F. Lagona, M. Marsili, et al., “The Plateau of Human Mortality: Demography of Longevity Pioneers,” Science 360, no. 396 (June 29, 2018): 1459–61,


“If people live on average to 80 or 90, like they do now, then the very long lived make it to 110 or 120,” says Siegfried Hekimi, professor of genetics at McGill University in Canada. “So if the average lifespan keeps expanding, that would mean the long-lived would live even longer, beyond 115 years”; A. Park, “There’s No Known Limit to How Long Humans Can Live, Scientists Say,” Time, June 28, 2017,


“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” “Arthur C. Clarke,” Wikiquote,


D. Damer and D. Deamer, “Coupled Phases and Combinatorial Selection in Fluctuating Hydrothermal Pools: A Scenario to Guide Experimental Approaches to the Origin of Cellular Life,” Life 5, no. 1 (2015): 872–87,


According to precise radiological and geological readings and recent discoveries about the early chemistry of life, this is an accurate picture of how the inanimate was animated and life took hold. M. J. Van Kranendonk, D. W. Deamer, and T. Djokic, “Life on Earth Came from a Hot Volcanic Pool, Not the Sea, New Evidence Suggests,” Scientific American, August 2017,


J. B. Iorgulescu, M. Harary, C. K. Zogg, et al., “Improved Risk-Adjusted Survival for Melanoma Brain Metastases in the Era of Checkpoint Blockade Immunotherapies: Results from a National Cohort,” Cancer Immunology Research, 6, no. 9 (September 2018): 1039–45,; R. L. Siegel, K. D. Miller, and A. Jemal, “Cancer Statistics, 2019,” CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians 69, no. 1 (January–February 2019): 7–34,


As far back as Aristotle, scientists and philosophers have struggled to resolve the enigma of aging, the authors wrote. D. Fabian and T. Flatt, “The Evolution of Aging,” Nature Education Knowledge 3, no. 10 (2011): 9,


A bat from Siberia set a world record when it reached 41 years of age. R. Locke, “The Oldest Bat: Longest-Lived Mammals Offer Clues to Better Aging in Humans,” BATS Magazine 24, no. 2 (Summer 2006): 13–14,


Small colonies of lizards on a series of Caribbean islands were likely to explore islands where there weren’t predators, while less adventurous animals survived better when predators were present. O. Lapiedra, T. W. Schoener, M. Leal, et al., “Predator-Driven Natural Selection on Risk-Taking Behavior in Anole Lizards,” Science 360, no. 3692 (June 1, 2018): 1017–20,


Richard Dawkins eloquently made this point in River Out of Eden, arguing that primitive societies don’t have a place in science, using as an example their belief the moon is an old calabash tossed into the sky. R. Dawkins, River Out of Eden (New York: Basic Books, 1995).


See “The Scale of Things” at the end of this book.


Szilard spent his last years as a fellow of the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in La Jolla, California, as a resident fellow. He lived in a bungalow on the property of the Hotel del Charro and died on May 30, 1964.


R. Anderson, “Ionizing Radiation and Aging: Rejuvenating an Old Idea,” Aging 1, no. 11 (November 17, 2009): 887–902,


L. E. Orgel, “The Maintenance of the Accuracy of Protein Synthesis and Its Relevance to Ageing,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 49, no. 4 (April 1963): 517–21,


Harman concluded that the diseases related to aging, as well as aging itself, stem fundamentally from “the deleterious side attacks of free-radicals on cell constituents and on the connective tissues.” The source of the free radicals, he continued, was “molecular oxygen catalyzed in the cell by the oxidative enzymes” and metal traces. D. Harman, “Aging: A Theory Based on Free Radical and Radiation Chemistry,” Journal of Gerontology 11, no. 3 (July 1, 1956): 298–300,


Nutraceuticals World predicts that a rising appetite for synthetic antioxidants at the same time as a fall in costs, combined with increasing demand for them by food and beverage companies, will power market growth for the next few years. “Global Antioxidants Market Expected to Reach $4.5 Billion by 2022,” Nutraceuticals World, January 26, 2017,


The sharp growth in demand for drinks with a health benefit, a beverage industry website finds, goes hand in hand with consumers wanting ingredients they value. A. Del Buono, “Consumers’ Understanding of Antioxidants Grows,” Beverage Industry, January 16, 2018,


I. Martincorena, J. C. Fowler, A. Wabik, et al., “Somatic Mutant Clones Colonize the Human Esophagus with Age,” Science 362, no. 6417 (November 23, 2018): 911–17,


The authors concluded that their data “calls into serious question the hypothesis that alterations in oxidative damage/stress play a role in the longevity of mice.” V. I. Pérez, A. Bokov, H. Van Remmen, et al., “Is the Oxidative Stress Theory of Aging Dead?,” Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1790, no. 10 (October 2009): 1005–14,


A. P. Gomes, N. L. Price, A. J. Ling, et al., “Declining NAD(+) Induces a Pseudohypoxic State Disrupting Nuclear-Mitochondrial Communication During Aging,” Cell 155, no. 7 (December 19, 2013): 1624–38,


W. Lanouette and B. Silard, Genius in the Shadows: A Biography of Leo Szilard: The Man Behind the Bomb (New York: Skyhorse Publishing, 1992).


According to the NIH fact sheet, “clones created from a cell taken from an adult might have chromosomes that are already shorter than normal, which may condemn the clones’ cells to a shorter life span.” “Cloning,” National Human Genome Research Institute, March 21, 2017,


In the debates over Dolly the cloned sheep, the question that has proved to be challenging to answer is how old an animal is at birth when cloned from an adult’s cell. The answer an author on the site The Conversation found was that other clones born from the same cell as Dolly lived normal lifespans. “The new Dollies are now telling us that if we take a cell from an animal of any age, and we introduce its nucleus into a nonfertilized mature egg, we can have an individual born with its lifespan fully restored.” J. Cibell, “More Lessons from Dolly the Sheep: Is a Clone Really Born at Age Zero?,” The Conversation, February 17, 2017,

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