Полная версия
The Real Mr Right
“Rick was Lynn’s only child. She was already heartsick. I can’t imagine what she’s going through. I should be with her, but I couldn’t leave until—”
The garage door rumbled open. Kelly’s eyes shot to Matt’s as her heart bounded into her throat. He’d gone perfectly still, his breathing calm and steady, like Rick’s had been in the delivery room with Coop, back when things were good. When she’d taken “forever” for granted, could have never imagined what would happen. But now it was Matt holding her gaze, being a rock in the midst of her turbulent emotions, helping her breathe through a pain she doubted anyone else would understand. And for the moment—since this is all it was, this freakish, momentary intersection of their lives—she was grateful.
She struggled to her feet. “I should get the kids’ things together.”
“Why?” Matt said, standing, as well.
“Um, so we can go back home? Since we don’t need to hide out anymore?”
“Plenty of time to do that tomorrow. Or whenever.” At her undoubtedly puzzled expression, he said, “Don’t you think it might be better to let the kids stay in a neutral zone for now? Especially Cooper.”
Cooper. Oh, dear God. Fresh tears sprang to her eyes. “How am I going to t-tell him, Matt?” At his frown, she said, “It wasn’t all bad. I swear. Not for a long time, at least. Coop used to worship his daddy. And I think what hurts the most is that, in spite of everything, he probably still does. Or at least wants to.”
For a moment, something sharp flickered through Matt’s eyes. Then his gaze softened. “Do you want me to tell him?”
Not in a million years was that going to happen. Even so, catching her haggard reflection in a nearby mirror, she sighed. But then, why shouldn’t she be upset? Whatever had happened between her and Rick, this was a horrible shock. Was going to be horrible for some time. And to pretend otherwise would be hideously unfair to their son.
“Thanks. But no.”
“You sure?”
Not at all. But such was life, right? Nodding, Kelly turned back to Matt. Concern buckled his forehead and her heart swelled. For his goodness, if nothing else. That he’d grown up even better than she’d imagined he would.
Whereas she was still a very shaky work in progress.
“I’ve spent far too much of my life avoiding the hard stuff, letting other people run interference for me. The last thing I need to do right now is let Cooper think his mother is a wuss.”
“He will never think that,” Matt said softly, a moment before Abby and the children burst into the room. Coop took one look at her and stopped dead in his tracks.
“Mom? What’s wrong?”
Not even bothering to check her tears, Kelly opened her arms.
* * *
“What’re you doing out here?”
Slouched in one of the big rattan chairs in the sunroom off the dining room, Matt shrugged at Abby’s question. “Thinking,” he said, stretching out one foot to lay it on the matching ottoman.
“That’s not like you,” she said, and he smiled in spite of the knot in his chest. “You okay?”
“Me being okay isn’t the issue.”
Abby tromped across the terra-cotta-tiled floor and dropped into another chair a few feet away. “Which is why I don’t get why you’re out here and not in there.”
“Did you see the look Cooper gave me after Kelly told him about his dad?”
“Please don’t tell me you think that was really aimed at you? For God’s sake, the kid was in shock.”
Punching out a frustrated breath, Matt pressed his thumb and forefinger against his eyelids, still trying to figure out how the world could go ass-over-teakettle in less than a day. Bad enough that some chick he’d never expected to see again shows up out of the blue, but then her ex—who was the reason for her showing up to begin with—dies? Holy hell. Although you’d think, considering how often life had clobbered him in the past, he’d be used to it by now. Coop, however...
Matt squinted against the glare of late-day sunlight slashing across the leftover snow outside. No, he didn’t know the kid. Or, beyond what Kelly had told him, anything about his relationship with his father. But he understood the upheaval and uncertainty, the “what comes next?” the kid was probably feeling. And Abby was right, the boy’s reaction wasn’t personal. In fact, it had nothing to do with Matt. A fact that would probably make a lot of men sigh in relief.
Except relieved was one thing he most definitely was not right now, logic be damned. Frustrated as hell was more like it—
“You’re pissed that you can’t fix this, aren’t you?” Abby said, startling him.
A slight, slightly smart-ass smile touched his sister’s mouth before she stood, contorting her arms into the most painful-looking position to crack her spine. Then, releasing what sounded like a blissful sigh, Abby punched her hands into her hoodie pockets. “I know that look. God knows I’ve seen it often enough. And not just on your face. On Dad’s, too. Never mind that you haven’t seen this woman in years, that you don’t know these kids. If someone’s in trouble, you want to make it better. No...you have to. Am I right?”
Glaring at the backyard, Matt locked his hands behind his head. “Yeah. And maybe that’s why I do what I do.”
“And we all love you for it,” his sister said, leaning over to give him a quick hug. “Most of the time, anyway.”
Matt pushed out a dry chuckle and Abby straightened, her hands in her pockets again. And maybe it was the light, or because his brain was on overload, but suddenly he saw a...seriousness behind the sparkle in those bright blue eyes he’d never noticed before. Huh. His baby sister was all grown up.
Then her gaze shifted to the open French doors behind him. Matt twisted around, surging to his feet when he saw Kelly in her coat and scarf, her curls abandoned to fend for themselves. In the stark light she looked paler than ever, her hand tightly fisted around the purse strap straddling her shoulder.
“I hate to ask, but...” A nervous smile flickered around her mouth, apology screaming behind those ridiculous glasses. “I really do need to go see Rick’s mom for a little while, but...I’m not sure I should take the kids—”
“I’m so sorry,” Abby said. “I’d be glad to watch them, but I’ve got to get back to work—”
“You go on, Abs,” Matt said. “I’ll stay.”
“You’re sure?” Kelly said as Abby hustled past her. “I mean, if it’s a problem I’ll take them—”
“Kelly, for crying out loud, I ride herd with Ethan’s rugrats all the time. I’ve got this, okay?”
“Except these rugrats just lost their father. I mean, Aislin’s okay—about that, anyway, she doesn’t really understand what’s going on, although God forbid you give her the wrong sippy cup, your ears will never be the same. But Coop...” Her chin trembled for a moment, killing Matt. She looked back—no, more like leaned back—into the house. “He didn’t say a single word when I told him. Didn’t cry, nothing.” Worried eyes met his again. “Is that even normal?”
Given what she’d said? The kid’s emotions were probably more tangled than Kelly’s hair. “Everyone reacts differently—”
“I shouldn’t leave him, should I? I mean, I know Lynn needs me, too, she doesn’t have anyone else, but she is an adult. Damn it—” Kelly shoved the heel of her hand into her temple. “Why can’t I figure out what to do?”
Speaking of tangled emotions.... “It’s okay,” Matt said, wanting to hold her. Wanting to run. Most of all, to wind back the clock. “Really. We’ll all get through this, I promise.”
After a moment, she nodded, clutching that purse strap like she’d fall into the abyss if she let go. “I should be back by dinnertime. I hope. And they’re in the family room, watching a movie—”
At that, Matt took her by the shoulders, gently swiveling her toward the front door. “You can call me every five minutes if it’ll ease your mind. But the sooner you go, the sooner you’ll be back.”
Her eyes searched his for a moment before, with another nod, she left.
In the family room, Aislin lay on the carpet, staring blankly up at the beamed ceiling, thumb in mouth. Matt figured the toddler had five minutes, tops, before she zonked out. Coop, however, was scrunched up next to Alf in the sectional’s corner, head propped in hand, gaze fixed at the garishly hued figures cavorting across the fifty-inch screen.
“Hey,” Matt said softly. Alf thumped her tail, but neither kid responded. Matt entered the room, the seen-better-days recliner wobbling and groaning when he sat on its edge.
“You don’t have to stay,” Coop said, not looking at Matt. “I’m watching Linnie.”
“I can see that.” Matt leaned forward, his hands clasped together. “Just checking in.”
God knew he’d been around enough kids that they didn’t scare him, like they did some men. Actually, he thought they were pretty awesome, the way they processed the world around them, how they’d say whatever popped into their brains. Ethan’s brood slayed him, the stuff that came out of their mouths. Of course, some kids were harder to read, to connect with. Same as adults. But Matt discovered some time ago he liked the challenge, figuring out how to make that connection. Like the Colonel used to do. Yeah, he’d studied under the master, for sure.
“Whatcha watching?”
Coop gave the tiniest shoulder shrug and said, “I’m not. But movies help Linnie fall asleep, so Mom put it on.”
Matt nodded, then asked, “You okay?”
The boy reached up to rub his eye underneath his glasses, knocking them askew. Shoving them back into place, he shrugged again.
Alf lifted her bearlike head, ears perked, her tail thumping with a little more oomph. Dogs were supposed to understand about one hundred and fifty words, Matt had heard. In Alf’s case, at least ninety percent of those were food related.
“No. Thanks.”
The beast swiveled her massive head toward the boy, before, with an equally massive doggy sigh, lowering her chin back onto her front paws. From a few feet away, Matt caught the slow-motion drift to earth of Aislin’s hand as her thumb disconnected from her sagged-open mouth. He pushed himself up to grab the afghan from the back of the sectional, crouching to carefully drape it over the now-sleeping baby.
“Mom does that, too,” Coop said behind him, and Matt glanced over his shoulder. His forehead slightly knotted, the boy was looking at his sister. “Lets her sleep wherever. Because she’ll wake up if you try to move her.”
Stretching out his back muscles as he rose, Matt smiled. “Abby was like that, too. So I know the drill.”
“Abby said you took care of her a lot when she was little.”
“We all did. All of us kids, I mean. She was like another pet. But louder. And smellier.”
Coop sort of smiled. “Mom said Linnie doesn’t know. That Dad died.”
Matt sat again on the recliner. “She’s a little young, yeah.”
“So she won’t even remember him?”
Sad though the conversation was, that the boy was even talking to him warmed Matt through. It took a lot to earn a child’s trust. As well he knew. “Maybe not. I sure don’t remember anything from when I was three. Do you?”
The boy’s forehead scrunched harder. Then he shook his head. “Not really.” He shifted on the sofa; the dog shifted right with him. Then they all fell into a silence so brittle Matt could practically feel the air molecules shattering between them. A silence brought on, he suspected, by a little boy’s holding in a boatload of thoughts and feelings that would only keep multiplying and expanding until they nearly strangled him. He knew that drill, too.
“Um...if you want to keep talking, I’m a pretty good listener.”
This time, Coop shot him an are-you-nuts glance, then faced the TV again. “Why would I do that?”
“Because sometimes it helps. To get all the stuff crammed in your head out of your head—”
“That’s okay, thanks.”
“Just an idea,” he said with a doesn’t-matter-to-me hitch of his shoulders. “Anyway, you’d probably rather talk to your mom—”
The child’s emphatic head shake both confirmed Matt’s suspicions and told him not to push. Not the time or the place. Or his place, frankly.
“Well, okay, then.” Matt plucked a paperback novel he was halfway through off the coffee table. “If you need me, I’m right in the living room. Okay?”
“Sure,” the kid said, pointing the remote at the screen to switch back to cable, clearly not caring one whit whether Matt stayed or went.
* * *
Kelly didn’t get back to Maple River until nearly eight, at which point all she wanted to do was fall into bed, any bed, and not wake up for three days. But alas, there were children who needed to be tucked in and cuddled with and, in Coop’s case, reassured, and after all that she was somewhat reenergized. Somewhat being the operative word.
And hungry, she realized, since she hadn’t eaten since breakfast, despite Lynn’s food-pushing attempts. So when she entered the kitchen and Matt greeted her with a sandwich big enough to feed the Bronx, she almost kissed him. Which only proved how exhausted she was.
“Kids asleep?” he asked.
“Finally, yes. Alfie’s in bed with Coop. I hope that’s okay?”
“You kidding? She’s in heaven. Although fair warning, she snores. And the kid’ll smell like dog in the morning.”
“He’s smelled worse, believe me.”
Finally she hauled herself up onto the bar stool, only to then rest her head in her hands for a moment.
“Praying?” Matt asked.
“Yes. For the strength to eat this.” Kelly lifted her head to see the sorta smile peeking out from that whiskered face, thinking how strong he looked. And how weak she felt. In more ways than one. She didn’t want hanky-panky—she was far too tired and emotionally drained for hanky-panky—but once again the thought niggled that it might be nice to be held by someone bigger than she was. And blessed with a Y chromosome. “And what’s this?” she asked when he placed a tall glass in front of her.
“A chocolate shake. With extra protein. Another of my specialties. And yes, you need to drink it—the skeletal look is not good on you.”
Tears seared her eyes because she was about to keel over and her world was still imploding and she had so much on her plate that stuff was spilling over the sides, and this man had made her a chocolate milk shake. With extra protein.
“Hey,” Matt said quietly, when she realized she’d made this pathetic little hiccupping sound. She looked up into those lovely brown eyes all soft with concern. And hiccupped again. “It’s okay, the kids are okay, you’re here and we’ve got it covered.”
“Me. Abby. The dog. So eat. Then take a hot bath and go to bed. How’s that sound?”
“Like heaven.” Kelly took a deep breath, then bit into the sandwich. And groaned. “Oh, my God—what’s in this?”
“Whatever I could scrounge up. Beef. Turkey. Bacon. Salad stuff. And some Asian dressing I found in the door, I assume belonging to my sister.”
“Speaking of heaven...” She pointed to the sandwich. “Dude.”
Matt grinned. One of those grins that, had she not been so tired, had life not been so insane, had this not been her and Matt...
Eat your sandwich, chickie.
“How were the kids?” she said, tilting the shake to her lips.
“Fine. Baby passed out ten minutes after you left, ate a huge bowl of mac and cheese when she woke up, after which she terrorized the dog until right before you got back.”
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