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Life and Science. Popular exposition

Life and Science. Popular exposition
Rem Wоrd
© Rem Wоrd, 2021
ISBN 978-5-0051-4474-4
Created with Ridero smart publishing system
Dear Reader! If you are fond of science, technology, psychology and politics, I strongly recommend reading this book. Young in spirit, very well if also in body, the researcher will find here the results of practical experiments and schemes of experiments to be performed. You will learn that the past lives here and now, it acts on the present and has not gone anywhere. Light can be “fast”, “slow” and even “zero”. Nature not only isolates, but also copies objects, ranging from microscopic particles to quite tangible objects. We can and must take its methods to serve ourselves (and humanity). Biology, psychology, history, even politics – everything obeys the physical laws of separation and conservation.
The high-order energy does not decrease to an overall uniform background. She returns to the world in a completely natural way, without complicated instruments and devices. These are not just beautiful arguments, but workable schemes and formulas. Take them and put them into practice.
At the end of the book you will find out why all this is needed …
Light of Time
Protests of everything when everything goes according to plan. Scientifically

In Belarus. And everywhere, from the beginning of time. Time abhors monotony
No gag! Pure dispassionate science. Are you ready to know the abstruse truth?
…The meaning of a series of physical experiments from the author. Check the influence of one experience on another, similar to it, but not associated with it in a visible way. Is there a time trace, noted by some other researchers?
In the simplest, but also the most obvious form, the course of action is as follows. Here, 20 exactly the same galvanized plates. There is a bottle with hydrochloric acid solution. Pour acid into the burette. Let’s dip a plate into it. For a strictly defined time. At the end, we fix the result with a camera. We wash the container thoroughly. Pour the acid again, and dip the next plate. So over and over again, all 20 metal rectangles.
What turns out?

Corrosion of metal. Takeoff, decline, takeoff. Recession. Low level. Etc…
The first experience is the most powerful reaction. Then a decline and a short-term rise. Which, however, no longer reaches its original value. This “second breath” is followed by a series of approximately identical results with a low reaction intensity.
You can increase the level of interaction by moving the burette a meter or two to the side. Within the home laboratory. The initial peak, slide, and subsequent plateau will reappear. Eventually the change of scenery stops working. It is necessary to drastically change the conditions of experiments or wait for two months, when something in the surrounding space will change by itself.
The moral of this research is this, friends. It doesn’t matter what is repeated – the interaction of reagents, germination of seeds, or day after day, year after year, existence under the leadership of one leader. In Nature itself, there is a mechanism for the extinction of the reaction during its multiple monotonous repetition.

Life itself requires a constant change of directors and scenery
If the salt loses its strength…
…So, the doctor prescribed a medicine for you. You are taking a course. It’s getting good. After some time, you decide to repeat the success yourself, and you find that the effect is not at all the same. No initial desired action!

Medicines are no longer effective. This is a very strange banality.
What’s the matter?! You go to the doctor for the second time and state your upset feelings. The doctor, wiggling his fingers, prescribes another drug for you. The effect is essentially the same, but with a slightly different composition. So, little things. And the packaging is different… Here, and this medicine again makes an impression on the body. Until it “weakens” again.
“What’s the matter?” You ask a medical professional. “Used to” – the successor of Avicenna’s case will smile. That’s all the explanation. Details should not be expected.
You will not get them from the luminaries of science, gray-haired academicians. “Addiction”. The conversation is over, go. What is addiction, its subtle visual mechanisms, chains of impulses, memorization at the level of molecules is not explained. Do the atoms themselves involved in chemical reactions “get used”? Are biological molecules tired of boring monotonous work? What?
No answer.
So what I’ll tell you… My experiments represent the essence of this phenomenon at a purely physical level. Addiction is also relevant for simple chemical reactions. It works not only in biological objects. And all this is easy enough to check…

Decay graph of reactions
We have already gone through this, dear friends. Galvanized plates, or something else like that – all the same. The first experience is the most powerful reaction. To be precise – the maximum yield of the product (gases), but these details are not so important. After two or three experiences decline, and again rise. Which, however, does not reach the initial level. Recession. An extended plateau of approximately equal low-intensity reactions.
Do you understand the essence?..
I was shocked by experiments with crystals of hyposulfite (or, indeed, sodium theosulfate). Here, the factory packaging, a kilogram of something that resembles granulated sugar. Divide into portions of 100 g. Heat in a water bath, melt. We leave to “freeze”. The first two or three experiments are all like in textbooks. Melts-crystallizes. And then – all new portions of hyposulfite simply flatly refuse to crystallize. And with melting too – inexplicable oddities.
You can restore the status quo by moving the burette with acid or crystalline solution a meter or two within the home laboratory. However, over time, the permutations cease to work. The “slide of reactions” system – the decline is replaced by chaos. It is necessary to wait, sometimes quite long (a month or two), for the atmosphere to clear itself of the pressure of the past.
The extinction law of the reaction is clearly visible in a series of experiments on sugar fermentation. And in seed germination. On pure hydroponics. The first shoots are the most powerful. Two or three repetitions – decline. Climb. What’s next, dear readers, I just didn’t have the strength and time to find out in detail.

“Steam” farming system. The earth needs “rest”. The mechanisms of the loss of fertility and its restoration are not known to official science

So, so that the past of the earth does not suppress the present, it is necessary to alternate
This suggests a parallel with the “steam” method, which is widespread in agriculture. For two years the field is taken out of circulation, so that it “rests”. But what does “rested” mean? Fertilizers fly into the soil from the air? The mechanism for the return of fertility is nowhere clearly clarified. What can bacteria restore? I suppose my experiments with the (temporary) extinction of reactions may be quite useful to farmers.
And to you, dear reader, too. Well-known medicines no longer help you? Change your diet, habits, clothes, home decor. Step aside. Try to take the medicine in other forms… for example, simply dissolving in water. And… maybe it will help. Then – let me know!
Why doesn’t nature like to repeat itself?

Rise, flowering, golden autumn and fall of civilizations. This is also a reflection of the law of extinction (development) of reactions
…We continue the topic of experiments on the time trail, which has gained a kind of popularity with a seasoning of political news in Belarus.
…A series of identical repeated experiments (chemical, biological, scheme, pattern of any actions) leads to the fact that the force of interaction between elements weakens. In the first variant of the naming, this is the Law of Reaction Fading.
You are interested? Would you like to summarize? In a previous publication, experiments were mentioned with seeds germinated in one substrate, on water. Crops are not visibly related to each other. Moreover, only that they are produced in one relatively small area of space. The same picture. First sowing – lush seedlings. Extinction. Ascent that does not reach the original level. Deep recession. “Stabilization”. I did not begin to find out further regularities, because each germination up to the height of stalks of 8—15 cm takes two weeks. But, there is something here.

Artificial felt field
Water-soaked technical felt substrates are used. The substrates are changed every time, but the germination of a new batch of seeds (from one package) is carried out in the same place in the room.
Similar results are revealed in experiments, hmm, in the fermentation of sugar (the volume of carbon dioxide released) and with the rate of crystallization of hyposulfite.
And here is the feature. It is possible to restore, at least partially, the strength of the reaction if the place of the experiments is changed somewhat. Or – to radically change the decor of the room. Or – just wait a long time for some kind of change.

Our Mission – Stability – Impossible
To generalize is to generalize. Although, if we draw bold analogies, it becomes a little sad. Hence, any peaceful civilization is simply doomed to extinction. Here you are, a farmer. Plowed in the field. Not so much bothering yourself. Somewhere let’s say in Mesopotamia. Or Ancient Egypt. Fascinating birdsong… They plucked a handful of dates and ate with pleasure. We caught a fish in cool clear water. A lovely wife prepared a delicious dinner. We ate fish with appetite, drank some sweetish hake beer, and…
The flow of love is powerCarries me to youSwim quickly my dearSwim to me soon!Herons walk in the riverBare breasts, no restraintsTransparent water dropsHow lotuses bloomYou hold my handAnd around – flowersI am yours, without a soundAfter all, my dear – you(Ancient Egyptian poetry, free translation by Gena Cher)

Just a girl from the country of Kemt
…Day in the field, the second. Summer replaces autumn, another year. Everything is according to a measured schedule. Things are good. But – the same thing. There is no change. Here, however, my wife, like something, began to shout at you. You drink your favorite “hake” with saffron, 12% on the banks of the Nile, but… there is no former relish. Should we try to increase the fortress? The river flows and flows. She no longer speaks to you with the voices of sacred crocodiles and naiads. Fish tastes like papyrus. The flow of love in a general sense dries up.
Here is a new generation, as it is already obvious, without the former excitement. Boys are not particularly interested in girls. Girl and girl, nothing like that. And on the other hand, the same reaction. None of these young men are lions, but just donkeys, it’s good if they have silver bars in their luggage. I want something new… but where can I get it? After all, it was said by wise scribes and by Pharaoh himself, how our ancestors lived, so let it always be afterwards. Our goal is stability!
And everything around goes to the extinction of all kinds of reactions. Yes, now, almost it has come. Jumping off the pyramid, for the novelty of sensations?
But now… from the side of Assyria, or the previously obedient country of Nub, a storm is approaching. Swords – lightning, shields – thunder. The settlements are compared to the desert. Everything gets mixed up. Everything is changing.
And is reborn.
…At the same or even the highest level of reactions:

Reaction restored
The sun rises and setsAnd in the desert there are miragesWhat’s happening to meStupid heart, tell me!You are racing in a chariotMy beloved hero…I want to merge with youLate sometimes!In the meantime, I’ll paint my eyesFor you my soulI will lure you like in a fairy taleQuietly, slowly…
Time Machine for the Poor
We have found that repeated actions, chemical reactions, biological processes somehow cancel each other out. A banal constant, the force of interaction between the atoms of the reagents in a series of independent identical experiments, decreases markedly. It is convenient to extrapolate the results to different things: … from setting rural fields to “fallow”, to restore their fertility, to the principles of the extinction of civilizations.

Interactions. Both horizontally and vertically
Let’s go straight to the complex. Identical forms interact not only in time but also in space. Here and now.
A very simple outwardly experience. Two burettes with ink solution. We saturate A4 paper sheet with clean water, carefully put it on the surface of the solution. Not very fast, the ink diffuses to the surface. At this moment, they are very sensitive to any impact. If a certain field slows down or accelerates the force of intermolecular interactions, it will become visible on the surface.
Also, put a “label” on this sheet. It can be a small plastic triangle, rectangle, pentagon. At this point, the diffusion rate obviously changes.
Next to the burette “A” we place exactly the same container “B”. With a sheet. But already without a label.

Experience with similar forms. Ink and white sheets
1. form B
2. reflections of the mark in the form B
3. brightest reflection of the mark in B
4. development of the reflection of the mark on the membrane, side view
5.ink solution B
6. form A ink solution
7. мembrane Form A
8. “mark” on the membrane
9. “mark” on membrane A, top view
10. form A
11. reflection of the mark in the form of A
The experience starts. An hour later, the outline of the mark appears on sheet A. In other places. Which, obviously, repeat in their properties the area adjacent directly to the label.
And, similar outlines appear on sheet B. Yes, action at a distance. Scientific magic. If you like, quantum teleportation is for the poor.
The first experience is the clearest. He delights the soul of the experimenter very much. The second one is so-so, but it is also good. The third is practically nothing. Fourth, we begin to worry, rush, and reproach ourselves for imaginary negligence. But that’s all right. The more one experiment is similar to another, the more they are related. It does not even matter whether such an attitude existed in the past or exists now. In general, the pileup of “souls” of the same experiences in one place smears the results in the present time. The law of extinction of reactions is only a particular manifestation of a much more interesting and extensive System of interaction of similarities in Space of Time.

Simple in the present. Inseparable continuum
“And there is no more time”
A series of repetitive reactions according to the same scenario tends to fade away. These reactions include almost everything – from interactions of atoms to biological cycles. The first result is maximum, decline, rise, decline – and a plateau of monotonous low-intensity reactions. The past affects the present. Action is aimed at blurring the results of the next similar Phenomenon.
Are you yawning already? Then a short spoiler. What is the meaning of research?
…If we unravel the mechanism of this action, then… We will be able to see the Past itself. Time, in its entirety… Or even materialize the necessary fragments of it. Modeled after the present. A pleasant bonus is the victory over aging.
Do you know what the Pauli principle is? We open our beloved Wikipedia. “Pauli’s principle can be formulated as follows: within one quantum system in a given quantum state there can be only one fermion, and the state of the other must differ by at least one quantum number.” Fermion is all atoms of the periodic table. In addition to helium, and even then, at temperatures around absolute zero.
The Pauli Prohibition principle in human language sounds like this. In one atom there should not be two completely identical particles, in one molecule, in a cluster (speck of dust) … The dimensions of a “quantum system” are simply not defined by physics textbooks. The mechanism of repulsion, or even rejection of complete mutual similarities is not considered. So it is, that’s all. Leave me alone. Let’s not go into details…
Two separate identical macroscopic objects also have the same set of energetically identical microparticles. Is it okay that I used the same words in one phrase? This is prohibited by the rules of the literary language. Each atom of, say, our galvanized plate can be opposed to a “forbidden” atom from another plate. Inside them, there are initially no completely identical microparticles.
What happens if you connect two identical material objects visible to the eye? Explosion? Annihilation? Warm, but not quite. Let’s postpone this question for another time. Now let’s try to reverse the Pauli exclusion principle along the vertical. In quantum mechanics, not that is allowed. So, in our opinion, it is forbidden to find identical objects not only in one small area of space, but also in time. It is possible to show some dissatisfaction of the Space of Time with the repetition of the past, for example, if one reproduces the same reactions without leaving the place. Chemical or biological, not much difference. The past suppresses the present according to the schedule you already know:

Decay graph of reactions
Did you understand? By performing a physicochemical experiment, we can find out for sure whether a similar experiment was put here before. A certain complication of the research scheme makes it possible to determine some of the distinctive features of the object that was in a given place.
This is a victory over Time

I don’t quite understand what this picture means, but let it be an illustration. The past in the present
The past is in the present. Or – zero speed of light

Speed of light and memory of place. How is this interconnected?
In addition to the modernized Pauli principle, there is another variant of the development of ideas about the mechanisms of memorizing the Universe of the events that took place in it. Perhaps they are the same thing, only a side view
…The paradox, dear friends, is that the speed of light is constant and non-constant at the same time. How can this be?
Our eye sees predominantly in a narrow yellow-green spectrum. A certain length of light waves. Infrared range. Ultraviolet – no longer. We know this and do not complex about it. Our capabilities are complemented by special devices.
And this does not mean at all that light with wavelengths greater or less than the yellow-green part of the spectrum does not exist.

Postulates of the Theory of Relativity. They are known in all languages of the world. Let us draw the red forbidding line
The same is true for the speed of light. Here, not only the eye, but also most of the known devices cannot “see” light, the speed of which differs from the standard value “C”, three hundred thousand kilometers per second. Particles of light, photons, they are sometimes waves, pass through them unnoticed. Energy levels do not match. All this correlates perfectly with the well-known laws of physics. This state of affairs is illustrated by the almost everyday Mössbauer effect.
…By and large, the constancy of the speed of light is very necessary for quantum mechanics. Without it, Maxwell’s basic equations simply refuse to work. But this decision may well resolve the paradox and allow one to move towards new horizons.
Thermal imagers, X-ray machines, and other devices that operate with beams of different frequencies are useful and important. Well, is that all? Imagine now that we are entering a fundamentally new line of devices that allow you to see “fast” or “slow” non-standard light. That’s quite possible. You just need to know how.
And what will we see?
Frozen near objects, light clouds emitted by them. Light with a speed of zero, or near-zero relative to the atoms that emitted them. Reflective body structure. Weak, specific, but affecting rough matter. And I, dear friends, will once again allow myself to use a tempting picture. A vision of an ancient sailing ship on the site of a dry sea. Who Said Science and Feelings Can’t Be Together? Like two equal wings of a bird…

Without words… And with words. According to some assumptions, “slow” light sensors are capable of registering past events. Light matter accumulates in places of events, like clouds. Information casts can be seen. Slow light, with a speed of zero or near-zero relative to material objects, is very interesting. These “clouds” migrate and are quite capable of settling in objects similar to those already destroyed. They strive to restore them to their previous model. As if you know, souls.
We continue without a break.
According to Einstein’s postulate, the speed of light is constant. It doesn’t matter if a cyclist has a flashlight, as shown in the pictures illustrating the Special Theory of Relativity (SRT), on board an airplane or a starship. No matter how you measure, you will get the same 300 thousand kilometers per second. The wavelength will change, you can say the intensity of the light. But not speed.
Question: who checked it? There are space observations. The images of stars revolving around their axis, floating in the abyss of space, are not blurred, which means that light has the same speed. Otherwise, the “slow” and “fast” light from parts of the stars with different speeds, instead of a shining point, would show something like a comet.
But Cosmos is Cosmos. And you prove something within the terrestrial laboratory. The Italians of the OPERA group in Gran Sasso have already shown that something is not good with the theory of relativity. Lightweight neutrinos easily exceed the speed of light.