Prayers Against Marine Spirits
Prayers Against Marine Spirits

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Prayers Against Marine Spirits

Язык: Английский
Год издания: 2020
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Dr. Olusola Coker

Prayers Against Marine Spirits

Dr. Olusola Coker
Prayers Against Marine Spirits:
Powerful Prayers and Declarations to Totally Destroy the Activities of Water Spirits
© 2020 – Dr. Olusola Coker


The time has come to put a final stop on the activities of Marine Spirits.  In recent times Marine Spirits has caused a lot of damages to the human race including Churches by influencing their behavioral pattern. Marine Spirits conduct their operation inside waters and made the oceans, rivers, seas, streams, and lakes their stronghold.

However, it is extremely difficult to detect Marine Spirits than any other Spirits including witchcraft spirit. Unlike Witchcraft spirits who are aggressive and impatient in their operation, Marine Spirit is different, they are patient, well mannered and cultured in their operation.

Are you finding solutions to any or all of the problems below but you find it difficult? Then this book is for you

Uncontrollable sex

Uncontrollable masturbation

Watching of pornographic videos

Chronic Anger in You

1. Dead in everything in a man's life, eg, dead brain, dead organs, dead spiritual life.

2. The weakening of pastors power to perform a miracle or cast out demons

3. Inability to get married on time

4. Frequent divorce

5. Bankruptcy

6. Spirit wife

7. Spirit husband

8. Sex in the dream

Please find below the characteristics of Marine Spirits

Marine Spirits are wicked as witchcraft spirits

Marine spirits can wait for years to destroy their victims

Marine Spirits come in the form of beautiful ladies and they work with a purpose in mind

Marine Spirits are always materialistic

Marine Spirits can make victim wealthy temporarily but later deal with them ruthlessly.

Marine spirits have their agents everywhere especially in Churches, who hide under the cover of church and lead people into immorality, fornication, lesbianism, homosexuals and so on.

In some cases, Marine Spirit agents could be pastors, general overseer, and church leader and so on. Such pastors engage in various forms of an immoral act with Church members. You have to be careful about which church you attend.

Marine Spirit executes their plans by possessing either a man or a woman.

The marine kingdom is headed by the queen of the coast.

Marine Spirits possess female than male

There are two types of Marine Spirits. They are conscious and unconscious. The formal know they are possessed, while the latter doesn't.

Marine spirits use sex to oppress men and scatter homes through the power of sex.

Marine Spirits are extremely fashion-crazy,  they dress to attract on purpose, they walk to attract on purpose.

Most ladies that date married men without remorse are Marine Spirits.

They enjoy breaking the hearts of their victims so as to render them emotionally unstable.

They make their victims take wrong decisions that will render their life useless.

Marine Spirits agents are very unstable in relationships and they cannot keep a relationship for too long.

Marine Spirits agents are good pretenders.

The worse thing that can happen to a man is to fall in love with a lady possessed with Marine Spirit.

If a man decides to end the relationship, the lady possessed with Marine spirit begins to behave well and the moment the man changes his mind, she starts tormenting the emotion of the man, constantly frustrating the man.

Lesbianism, homosexuality, and pornography are marine initiations

Marine Spirit agents are party goers

How do you know you are under the influence of a Marine spirit?

Number one way you can know if you are afflicted with marine spirit is through uncontrollable sex

When you sleep with a man or a woman you are not married to, you may be afflicted with Marine Spirit. If you dream that you are having sex with a known and or unknown man woman, then the marine spirit is at work in your life. In addition, when you sleep with an influential man or woman particularly celebrities, the marine spirit is operating in your life.

Prayer points

O Lord, I repent from my sins and that of my entire family including the sins of my forefathers, in the name of Jesus.

O Lord, my Father, have mercy on me and forgive me all my sins in the name of Jesus Christ.

O Lord, let my soul, my spirit and body be filled with the blood of Jesus Christ.

I eliminate every serpentine bite that I have received in my body through the dream in the name of Jesus Christ.

Agents of Marine spirit, what are you doing in my life, come out and die in the name of Jesus Christ.

You marine spirit hear the word of the Lord, lose your hold over my by the power in the blood of Jesus Christ.

O Lord, crush out every Marine spirit agent working against my marital favor, in the name of Jesus.

I totally bind every image representing me in the marine kingdom in the name of Jesus Christ.

I command the stubborn marine spirit spouse to be separated from me by the power in the blood of Jesus

You, Marine Spirit agent attacking my progress, I crush your head with the power of the Holy Ghost.

By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ, I separate myself from every ancestral covenant with water spirits in Jesus Name.

I burn to ashes every evil material transferred into my body through contact with marine witchcraft agents in the name of Jesus Christ.

Every arrow shot into my life by witchcraft powers from the waters, I soak you in the blood of Jesus and return you back to the sender, in Jesus name.

I roast to death by the fire of the Holy Ghost every marine spirit agent sent to disgrace me,  in Jesus name.

Marine Spirit hiding in my house, be utterly flushed out by the Lightning of God today, in the name of Jesus Christ.

Today, I command every problem that has come into my life through contact with any marine spirit agent, to receive divine solution by the power in the blood of Jesus Christ.

I burn to ashes every strange eye of the marine spirits over my possession, in Jesus name.

Every marine spirit poison in my spirit, soul, and body, be purged out, in Jesus name.

Every linkage with the marine spirit with my life, break to pieces, in the name of Jesus.

Every covenant formed on my behalf with marine spirit by my ancestors/parents, break by the power in the blood of Jesus Christ.

Every python sent to destroy me, return to your sender, in the name of Jesus.

As a child of the Lion of Judah, I chase out every marine spirit from my life in the name of Jesus.

I burn to ashes every strange underground house in the water having my picture in Jesus name.

I burn to ashes the Pots of darkness in the water controlling my spouse in Jesus name.

I paralyze the Marine parasites, Marine virus, Marine bacteria hiding in my body in Jesus name.

I destroy by fire every spirit of seduction influencing my life negatively and delaying my marital glory, in Jesus Name.

I wash off every attraction of the serpent spirit to my life, by the power in the blood of Jesus Christ.

I burn to ashes all demons coiling around my head spiritually, in Jesus name.

I clean every pollution done to my financial blessing by the marine agents, by the power in the blood of Jesus Christ.

Every marine snail placed upon my legs; catch fire, in Jesus name

I burn to ashes every demonic possessed power attaching themselves to my glory, in Jesus Name.

Every crown of the queen of the coast upon my head is set ablaze in Jesus name.

I renounce the children of python out of my life, in Jesus name.

Every spiritual marriage, dowry, ring, gown given to me by the marine spirit, be dissolved by the blood of Jesus.

I withdraw all my information from the possession of the marine spirit kingdom, in Jesus name.

Any prolong delay in my life as a result of sexual contact with marine spirit agent be flushed out by the blood of Jesus, in Jesus name.

O Lord, every bewitchment from the water controlling my marriage shall die by fire, in the name of Jesus.

Any incision in my body, used as an entry point by marine spirit agents be flushed out by the power in the blood of Jesus Christ.

I withdraw my organ in the water used for sacrifice in Jesus name.

The strategy of water demons to separate me from my partner scatter by fire, in the name of Jesus.

I break and lose my self from marine covenant in Jesus name.

I burn to ashes the Certificates of spirit wife/husband in my domain in Jesus Name.

O Lord, end my marriage from strange waters in the name of Jesus Christ.

Any marine stronghold holding me down as a child of God, lose your grip over me, in Jesus name.

Every marine power operating at the edge of my destiny, I bury you alive today, in Jesus name.

Any evil priest connecting me with water gods from the marine kingdom, catch fire, in Jesus name

I bind and cast out of my life, every foul spirit troubling my deliverance, in Jesus name.

Marine spirit agents from the water monitoring me in my dream shall die by fire, in Jesus name.

I reverse every marine judgment and decisions ever taken against me,  by the power in the blood of Jesus.

O Lord, I free myself free from every marine bondage, in Jesus name.

I command the Python spirit in my foundation attacking all women in my family, to die in Jesus Name.

Any household power that will not allow me to prosper dry up by the fire, in Jesus name.

Any ring cowries deposited in my body by marine spirit come out of me and catch fire, in Jesus name.

Spiritual children sucking my breast release and die by fire, in Jesus name.

Any of my hair attachment, lipsticks, indecent dressing that have initiated me into the marine coven burn in the name of Jesus.

A strongman from the marine kingdom assigned to monitor me you are a liar die by fire, in Jesus name.

Family marine altar catches fire and dies in the name of Jesus.

I challenge the forces of witchcraft serpent against my marriage to lose your hold and die, in Jesus name.

Materials from the marine kingdom, cowries, beads, jewelry inside my stomach, receive fire come and be roasted, in Jesus name.

Any stubborn chain from my father's house and mother's house binding me down to one spot catch fire, in Jesus name.

Spirit husband ruling over my marital breakthrough your end has come today, die by thunder.

Any name given to me by spirit husband or wife be changed by the blood of Jesus, in Jesus name. I command the Strong Goliath from the marine kingdom that has taken my dowry to return it and die, in Jesus name.

I cancel all decision and judgment of marine witchcraft over my life and family, in Jesus name.

Agenda of the marine spirit to paralyze my destiny-dreams, die by fire, in Jesus name.

Evil idols in my father's house bringing hardship and introducing financial wasters, catch fire.

I release myself from every evil inheritance, in the name of Jesus.

O Lord, flush out by the blood of Jesus Christ, every evil pronouncement that has been transferred into my foundation through evil covenant.

I reject any link between me and any river, in Jesus Name

I destroy every evil priest manipulating my life with marine witchcraft, by the power in the blood of Jesus Christ.

O Lord, I claim the anointing of God to destroy every marine spirit and their kingdom that come upon my life in Jesus name.

Thou jellyfish anointing inviting me to the river; die, in Jesus name.

Witchcraft oppression from my mother's house and my father's house and my place of birth, expire, in the name of Jesus.

Every Water goddess hindering my marital star shall die in Jesus Name.

O Lord, let Thunder of God strike down evil altars in the sea bearing my name, in Jesus name.

I throw down any fish of darkness revealing my greatness to goddesses, in Jesus name.

Familiar spirits cast upon me by spirit children; backfire, in Jesus name.

Crown of the queen of the coast placed upon my dream on my head catch fire, in Jesus name

Power of marine witchcraft tormenting my reproductive organ; die, in Jesus name.

Calendar of spirit spouse updating my life for sex to a spirit husband/wife; catch fire.

Marine wedding gowns tormenting my physical wedding gown; catch fire, in Jesus name.

I dissociate myself from the use of marine materials by fire, in Jesus name

Number two way to discover you are under the control of a marine spirit is through uncontrollable Masturbation

Masturbation is an evil act and it is dangerous to the human race especially men.  Most men these days have been rendered to the background through Masturbation.  When you find it difficult to quit masturbating, the marine spirit is controlling your life.  You need to pray for all the prayer points in this book to be set free. Masturbation due to the act of man or woman release their seed when the man's seamen are withdrawn and falls to the ground, it attracts Demon that create demon Larvae. According to God's word, Masturbation and Withdrawal are both one:

Facts you need to know about masturbation

Masturbation is the greatest sin  ever

Masturbation is a very serious attack

Marine Spirit inflicts people of all ages both young and old with the Masturbation spirit for pleasure. It is unfortunate that believers' even pastors are in this evil act.

Masturbation causes stagnation in both male and female. It is a known fact that anyone in the act of masturbation does not succeed in whatever they lay their hands on especially in their business. Masturbation hinders blessings and no amount of prayers for financial breakthrough will manifest if you usually masturbate for pleasure.

Masturbation produces the spirit of lust and immorality.

Masturbation can weaken your sexual organ.

Masturbation brings your spiritual level very low

Bad thoughts bring about Masturbation

Foundational problems produce masturbation

Watching porn films and magazines can make you masturbate

Evil association and playing with your organ can bring about masturbation

Lack of sexual satisfaction can bring about masturbation

Masturbation separate you and God

Masturbation can steal your glory

Masturbation brings financial limitation and disgrace

Masturbation exposes a person to terrible attacks,

Masturbation  leads to weakness of the organ

Masturbation destroys life completely.

To stop masturbation you must repent and stay away from sins

Prayer points against Masturbation

O Lord, help me to stop masturbation

O Lord, help me overcome lust in Jesus Name.

I come against the demon of masturbation in my life in the name of Jesus Christ.

I rebuke all negative friends in the name of Jesus Christ.

I recover all my blessings stolen due to masturbation in Jesus Name.

I release myself from every marine bondage in the name of Jesus Christ.

Marine bondage, break and release me now, in Jesus name.

I burn to ashes by fire all arrow of masturbation hiding in my private part, in Jesus name.

O Lord,  I destroy from my life all power of masturbation in Jesus Name.

I roast by fire all Serpent and scorpion of masturbation in my life in Jesus name.

I separate myself from every Spirit of masturbation programmed into my devices knowingly or unknowingly, In Jesus name.

Any satanic website calling my name to come and watch pornography, lose your grip over me and die, in Jesus name

O Lord, deliver me from Marine spirit in Jesus Name.

O Lord, all Properties of masturbation hiding around my life shall disappear forever, in Jesus name.

I render useless any negative power, supervising evil in my in Jesus name.

Number three ways to discover you are under the control of a marine spirit is through Pornography

Pornography is from Marine spirit and is a very bad spirit which leads to full demonic possession

Pornography is fully practiced among the teenagers.pornography is very common among j the sexually deprived to justify their behavior.

Pornography can create a distorted vision of intimacy making it nearly impossible to maintain a real romantic relationship.

Pornography is difficult to quit except by the divine intervention

Please note that anybody addicted to pornography will almost always masturbate as regularly as he watches porn so the correlation is direct.

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