
Olusola Coker

Книги автора: Olusola Coker

Молитвы Против Морских Духов
Пришло время окончательно прекратить деятельность морских духов. В последнее время морские духи причинили много вреда человеческой расе, включая церкви, оказывая влияние на их поведенческий паттерн. Морские духи проводят свою деятельность внутри вод …
Пришло время окончательно прекратить деятельность морских духов. В последнее время морские духи причинили много вреда человеческой расе, включая церкви, оказывая влияние на их поведенческий паттерн. Морские духи проводят свою деятельность внутри вод …
Заповедь Дня
Заповедь дня-это утренняя молитва, направляющая и защищающая вас в предстоящей задаче дня. Вы сможете сосредоточить свое время и внимание на поиске Божьего плана на каждый день каждого месяца. Эта книга ценна для тех, кто нуждается в мире, поддержке,…
Заповедь дня-это утренняя молитва, направляющая и защищающая вас в предстоящей задаче дня. Вы сможете сосредоточить свое время и внимание на поиске Божьего плана на каждый день каждого месяца. Эта книга ценна для тех, кто нуждается в мире, поддержке,…
Молитвы Против Морских Духов
Пришло время окончательно прекратить деятельность морских духов. В последнее время морские духи причинили много вреда человеческой расе, включая церкви, оказывая влияние на их поведенческий паттерн. Морские духи проводят свою деятельность внутри вод …
Пришло время окончательно прекратить деятельность морских духов. В последнее время морские духи причинили много вреда человеческой расе, включая церкви, оказывая влияние на их поведенческий паттерн. Морские духи проводят свою деятельность внутри вод …
Заповедь Дня
Заповедь дня-это утренняя молитва, направляющая и защищающая вас в предстоящей задаче дня. Вы сможете сосредоточить свое время и внимание на поиске Божьего плана на каждый день каждого месяца. Эта книга ценна для тех, кто нуждается в мире, поддержке,…
Заповедь дня-это утренняя молитва, направляющая и защищающая вас в предстоящей задаче дня. Вы сможете сосредоточить свое время и внимание на поиске Божьего плана на каждый день каждого месяца. Эта книга ценна для тех, кто нуждается в мире, поддержке,…
950 Prayers That Overcome The Spirit Of Delayed And Detained Blessings
Spirit of delayed and detained blessings is a terrible spirit. Anyone afflicted will not be able to achieve anything in life. They are always on the last line to achieving anything, the last to get married, and the last to be promoted, the last to ga…
Spirit of delayed and detained blessings is a terrible spirit. Anyone afflicted will not be able to achieve anything in life. They are always on the last line to achieving anything, the last to get married, and the last to be promoted, the last to ga…
I Am Not Ready To Be A Slave
The time has come for women to be equal to men in various works of life. In the world today, almost 90 percent of women are not meeting up with life, they are suffering despite the fact that they are good managers if given a chance. Culture especiall…
The time has come for women to be equal to men in various works of life. In the world today, almost 90 percent of women are not meeting up with life, they are suffering despite the fact that they are good managers if given a chance. Culture especiall…
Bye Bye To Witchcrafts
The time to put an end to witchcraft activities and powers is now. Witchcraft powers have destroyed so many lives and if unchecked, the result could be disastrous. It is a known fact that the majority of people may not achieve or make an impact in li…
The time to put an end to witchcraft activities and powers is now. Witchcraft powers have destroyed so many lives and if unchecked, the result could be disastrous. It is a known fact that the majority of people may not achieve or make an impact in li…
Prayers Against Marine Spirits
"The time has come to put a final stop on the activities of Marine Spirits. In recent times Marine Spirits has caused a lot of damages to the human race including Churches by influencing their behavioral pattern. Marine Spirits conduct their operatio…
"The time has come to put a final stop on the activities of Marine Spirits. In recent times Marine Spirits has caused a lot of damages to the human race including Churches by influencing their behavioral pattern. Marine Spirits conduct their operatio…
Command The Day
Command the Day is a morning prayer to guide and protect you for the day’s task ahead. You will be able to focus your time and attention on seeking God's plan for each day of every month. This book is valuable for those that need peace, encouragement…
Command the Day is a morning prayer to guide and protect you for the day’s task ahead. You will be able to focus your time and attention on seeking God's plan for each day of every month. This book is valuable for those that need peace, encouragement…
I Am Not Ready To Be A Slave
The time has come for women to be equal to men in various works of life. In the world today, almost 90 percent of women are not meeting up with life, they are suffering despite the fact that they are good managers if given a chance. Culture especiall…
The time has come for women to be equal to men in various works of life. In the world today, almost 90 percent of women are not meeting up with life, they are suffering despite the fact that they are good managers if given a chance. Culture especiall…
Prayers Against Marine Spirits
"The time has come to put a final stop on the activities of Marine Spirits. In recent times Marine Spirits has caused a lot of damages to the human race including Churches by influencing their behavioral pattern. Marine Spirits conduct their operatio…
"The time has come to put a final stop on the activities of Marine Spirits. In recent times Marine Spirits has caused a lot of damages to the human race including Churches by influencing their behavioral pattern. Marine Spirits conduct their operatio…
Powerful Prayers Against The Activities Of Satan
It is now time we Christians realize that God has given us the power, the right information through the Scriptures to overcome satanic attacks. God is on our side. The weapon of our warfare is the scriptures and if we use it right, the world, the fle…
It is now time we Christians realize that God has given us the power, the right information through the Scriptures to overcome satanic attacks. God is on our side. The weapon of our warfare is the scriptures and if we use it right, the world, the fle…
Are You Still Single?
Are you still single? And you are unhappy about it. Every day of the year; you keep on asking yourself some questions, when am I going to get married? Another day has dawned and here you are… single as the day you were born. Sure, no one needs someon…
Are you still single? And you are unhappy about it. Every day of the year; you keep on asking yourself some questions, when am I going to get married? Another day has dawned and here you are… single as the day you were born. Sure, no one needs someon…
Command The Day
Command the Day is a morning prayer to guide and protect you for the day’s task ahead. You will be able to focus your time and attention on seeking God's plan for each day of every month. This book is valuable for those that need peace, encouragement…
Command the Day is a morning prayer to guide and protect you for the day’s task ahead. You will be able to focus your time and attention on seeking God's plan for each day of every month. This book is valuable for those that need peace, encouragement…
Prayers That Routs Satan And Demons
Satan is highly interested in putting fear, anxiety, and discouragement into your mind and soul. We're in a battle in this world and Satan is all out to destroy us, so you have to be vigilant and be at alert to defeat Him. The Bottom line is that you…
Satan is highly interested in putting fear, anxiety, and discouragement into your mind and soul. We're in a battle in this world and Satan is all out to destroy us, so you have to be vigilant and be at alert to defeat Him. The Bottom line is that you…
Are You Still Single?
Are you still single? And you are unhappy about it. Every day of the year; you keep on asking yourself some questions, when am I going to get married? Another day has dawned and here you are… single as the day you were born. Sure, no one needs someon…
Are you still single? And you are unhappy about it. Every day of the year; you keep on asking yourself some questions, when am I going to get married? Another day has dawned and here you are… single as the day you were born. Sure, no one needs someon…
¿Sigues En La Soltería?
¿Sigues en la soltería? ¿No te sientes feliz con esto? Cada día del año sigues haciéndote la misma pregunta: ¿cuándo voy a casarme? Otro día llega y aquí sigues… en la soltería tal y como cuando naciste. Claro está que nadie necesita a alguien más pa…
¿Sigues en la soltería? ¿No te sientes feliz con esto? Cada día del año sigues haciéndote la misma pregunta: ¿cuándo voy a casarme? Otro día llega y aquí sigues… en la soltería tal y como cuando naciste. Claro está que nadie necesita a alguien más pa…
Orações Poderosas Contra As Atividades De Satanás
Agora é o momento de nós, cristãos, tomarmos posse do poder que Deus nos deu, a informação certa através das Escrituras para vencermos os ataques satânicos. Deus está do nosso lado! As armas para nossa batalha são as Escrituras, e se a usarmos da for…
Agora é o momento de nós, cristãos, tomarmos posse do poder que Deus nos deu, a informação certa através das Escrituras para vencermos os ataques satânicos. Deus está do nosso lado! As armas para nossa batalha são as Escrituras, e se a usarmos da for…
Il Potere Delle Preghiere Contro Le Attività Di Satana
Quando fai uso delle Scritture in ogni situazione ritrovi te stesso, e ringrazierai Dio per le armi che ti ha fornito per le tue vittorie.Egli ce l'ha promesso. E' tempo che i Cristiani realizzino che Dio ci ha dato il potere, la giusta Sapienza attr…
Quando fai uso delle Scritture in ogni situazione ritrovi te stesso, e ringrazierai Dio per le armi che ti ha fornito per le tue vittorie.Egli ce l'ha promesso. E' tempo che i Cristiani realizzino che Dio ci ha dato il potere, la giusta Sapienza attr…
Des Prières Pour Combattre Les Esprits Marins
Il est temps de mettre fin aux activités des esprits marins. Les esprits marins ont eu des impacts dévastateurs sur le comportement des gens ces derniers temps, y compris dans les églises. Les esprits marins sont actifs dans les étendues des eaux, et…
Il est temps de mettre fin aux activités des esprits marins. Les esprits marins ont eu des impacts dévastateurs sur le comportement des gens ces derniers temps, y compris dans les églises. Les esprits marins sont actifs dans les étendues des eaux, et…