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A Forever Family: Reunited By Their Baby
The funeral had robbed him of an appetite, but the thought of being with Fran for the rest of the evening had brought it back. In fact, he was starving, and he wagered she was hungry, too.
More pleasant surprises greeted him to discover she was waiting for him at the window overlooking Stygmata Square. She’d put on a pair of jeans and a short-sleeved cotton top in a raspberry color. Her skin absorbed some of its hue. With her luscious honey-blond hair worn up, she presented a prim, cool look, making him long to put his lips to the curve of her neck.
He wandered over to her, once again aware of her wildflower fragrance. “We’ll be walking in that area beyond the square,” he pointed out. “I know a taverna that serves flaming sausages and grilled trout to die for. But if that doesn’t appeal, there are dozens of restaurants offering what you would consider traditional Greek cooking.”
Purplish-blue sparks lit up her eyes. “I’m one tourist who doesn’t want traditional fare.”
“Then be prepared for a gastronomical adventure. Let’s go.”
They rode the elevator and set off for the Plaka, the oldest part of the city. The place swarmed with visitors buying everything from furniture to jewelry in the shops lining the streets.
Hunger drove them to eat before they did anything else. She ate the trout and sausage right along with him. While they sat watching people and making up outrageous stories about who they were and where they’d come from, a girl selling flowers came up to their table.
“Isn’t she sweet, Nik?”
“I agree.” He bought a gardenia and put it in Fran’s hair. The flower gave him an excuse to touch her. He wanted to touch her and the desire was growing.
Filled with good food and wine, he ushered her through the streets so they were constantly brushing against each other. While she marveled over all the souvenir shops, he marveled over her. She didn’t want to buy anything, just look.
They ended up on top of the roof at the outdoor theater. With the Acropolis lit up in the background, they watched a local film with English subtitles. “The tragic story was ridiculous, but I loved it,” she confided after they left to explore another street. Nik had been so aware of her, he hadn’t been able to concentrate on the story line.
“Around the next corner is a taverna famous for its ouzo. Would you like to try some?”
“I experimented the last time I was in Athens and didn’t care for it, but please don’t let that stop you.”
He smiled. “I don’t like it either.”
His comment prompted laughter from her. “How unpatriotic! I promise I won’t tell anyone. Let’s go down this narrow little alley and see what goodies could be hiding there.”
Nik guided her along, amused at the way she expressed herself.
One of the shops sold every type of cheap figurine, both religious and mythological. He thought she’d just look and keep going. Suddenly she stopped and picked up a small metal figure of Atlas holding up the world. She asked the owner how much. He named a price and she paid for it with euros.
“Shall I wrap it?”
“No. I’d like to take it just as it is.”
When they’d walked a little ways further, she turned to Nik. “It’s getting late and I have to go to Kellie’s. Before we leave, please accept this as my gift for showing me your world today. If you dare to keep it on your office desk, it will remind you about the necessity of taking a breather once in a while.”
“The table by my bed will be an even better place for it,” he fired back. “Each night it will be the last thing I see before I fall asleep. What greater way to help me keep my priorities in order.”
They eyed each other for a moment. “Thank you for tonight, Nik. I’ve never had a better time.”
Neither had he. The realization had made a different man of him.
He reached for the simple gift. It meant more to him than she could imagine. Instead of her begging him to buy her something the way one of his girlfriends would have done, she’d turned the tables. Her generosity of spirit ranged from saving a baby in the aftermath of a tornado, to presenting him a keepsake he’d always treasure.
“On our way back to the apartment, there’s one more place you have to visit.”
“Will I like it?”
“I’ll let you be the judge.”
Nik had been saving this stop until the end. He needed to get closer to her. The Psara taverna was housed in two old mansions with a roof garden. You could dance while you enjoyed a view of the Plaka. Getting her in his arms had been all he could think about.
He asked her to keep the figurine in her purse until later. After they’d consumed an ice cream dessert, he led her out on the floor. The band played the kind of rock whose appeal was fairly universal. At last he was able to clasp her to him while they moved to the music.
“You’re a terrific dancer,” he whispered against the side of her neck. “I could stay like this all night.”
“I’m enjoying it, too.”
“Have you dated much since your divorce?”
“There’ve been a few men, but if you’re fishing for compliments, I can tell you now they don’t dance like you.”
“It’s my Greek blood, but please continue. Flattery will get you everywhere, Kyria Myers.”
Her body shook with silent laughter.
He relished the feel of her, pulling her even closer. “Don’t fly back to the States tomorrow.”
“I have to, Nik.”
He pressed a kiss to her temple. “You do realize Kellie is running away from her husband.”
The second he spoke, she stopped dancing and looked up at him. “Did Leandros confide in you?” She sounded anxious.
“He’s told me nothing, but it’s clear they’re having problems. I felt something was wrong from the start. Leandros isn’t the same man I’ve known in the past.”
“Neither is Kellie,” she said in a tremulous voice.
Unfortunately it was Nik’s fault the mood had been altered. “It’s eleven-thirty. I heard her warn you not to be late. Let’s go back for your cases. My driver will run us to their apartment. Are your bags packed?”
“Yes. I put them outside the bedroom door.”
“Then I’ll have them brought down.”
As they moved through the crowds, he pulled out his phone to make the arrangements. When they reached his apartment building, the limo was waiting for them. He helped her in the back. Once he’d told his driver where to take them, he got in across from her so he could look at her. She had a glow about her he’d noticed while they were dancing.
“You’re not really going to California.”
She put the flat of her hands against the seat. “I don’t honestly know.”
“So if I flew over to the States, too, would I find you home tomorrow evening, or not?”
“Are you pursuing me?” she asked with refreshing bluntness.
“Isn’t that obvious? I know you’re not indifferent to me.”
She stirred in place. “No woman could be indifferent to you, Nik, and you know it.”
“So you’re already branding me as a Romeo with no staying power.”
Fran looked away. “You said it, I didn’t.”
“The tabloids never print the truth, but the public will consume it.”
She rolled her eyes. “Give me a little credit for not believing everything I read. As long as you’re still single, I guess it’s your lot to be labeled. But I haven’t done that.”
“If this isn’t about me, then it’s personal where you’re concerned.”
“Not at all. But we both know you won’t be making any trips to Pennsylvania.”
“If you knew the real me, you wouldn’t make such a careless statement.”
In the silence that followed, her cell phone rang. He checked his watch. “It’s five to twelve, Cinderella.”
She eyed him almost guiltily before pulling it from her purse to check the caller ID. “It’s Leandros—” Her voice sounded shaky before she clicked on. Once she’d said hello, the color drained out of her face. She only said a few more words before hanging up.
“What’s happened?”
“It’s Kellie. This evening at the apartment she became ill and fainted. They’re in the E.R. at the Athens regional medical center. Will you please ask your driver to take us there?”
Nik alerted him, then moved across to sit next to her. Without conscious thought he drew her into his arms. Whispering into her hair he said, “I’m sure whatever it is, she’s going to be all right.”
If Nik just hadn’t joined her on the seat…
If he hadn’t held her like some cherished possession…
While they’d been dancing earlier, the contact had been wildly disturbing. But this comforting tenderness was too unexpected and welcome for her to move away from him. She’d been worried sick about Kellie. Now her worst fears were confirmed and he knew it.
“Do you have any idea what could have brought on her fainting spell?” His lips grazed the side of her forehead before she buried her face in her hands.
“You might as well know the truth. She’s going to file for a legal separation after she’s back in Philadelphia. They probably quarreled tonight. Kellie’s emotions have been so fragile, I was afraid the stress might be too much.”
“I didn’t realize their problems had reached such a serious state. Otherwise I wouldn’t have suggested the four of us take a trip together.”
His sincerity reached her. “Don’t feel guilty. In truth, I didn’t suspect anything was wrong until she called me several weeks ago and insisted I take my two-week vacation right now. She said Leandros would be away on business and it would be the perfect time.
“They’ve been so happy, I couldn’t believe she didn’t want to travel with him the way she always does. That was my first warning all wasn’t well.”
“I’m sorry for them—and you.” The limo pulled up near the doors of the E.R. “Let’s find Leandros.”
To Fran it was déjà vu as they entered the emergency room. Nik must have been having similar thoughts because his hand tightened on her arm. “Hard to believe it was only a few days ago I was rushing into the hospital to find out if the baby you’d rescued was our little Demi.”
“Thank heaven it was!”
An ashen-faced Leandros came forward and put an arm around her. “Thanks for coming.”
“As if I wouldn’t. Do you know why she fainted?”
“The doctor couldn’t find anything wrong, but he’s still waiting for the blood-test results. Kellie doesn’t want me in there and is asking to see you. Maybe if you talk to her, she’ll settle down.”
She’d never seen Leandros this frantic. “I’ll go to her now. Where is she?”
“In the last cubicle.”
“Try not to worry.” She turned to Nik. “I’ll be back out in a few minutes.”
His compassion-filled eyes played over her features. “Take as long as she needs. I’ll keep Leandros company.”
“Thank you.” She had an urge to kiss his cheek for being so understanding, but she held back. Without a minute to lose, she hurried through the E.R. and pulled the blue curtain aside.
“Fran—I thought you’d never get here.”
“I’m so sorry, Kellie.” She pulled up a chair. “How are you feeling right now?”
“Foolish. The doctor just came in and said nothing showed up on the tests. He says I fainted because I hadn’t eaten all day. They gave me something to eat so I’m fine now. I’d like to get out of here and check into a hotel. The last thing I want is to go home with Leandros.”
“He won’t allow you to go anywhere without him. At least not tonight. Kellie? What else aren’t you telling me? This is truth time. I can’t do anything to help you if I don’t know what’s going on.”
She sat up. “Not ten minutes after we arrived back, Karmela let herself in the apartment carrying a stack of work for Leandros to look over. She looked positively shocked to find me there.”
Fran’s eyebrows knitted together. “If she had plans to be alone with him, she should have been the one who fainted to realize you weren’t on vacation with me yet.”
“She’s not the type to faint. That woman is as cool as the proverbial cucumber, treating me like I was the interloper and not his wife. No doubt she was allowed to use the security hand code to get in while her sister was alive and Leandros never deleted it.
“Leandros disappeared into the study with her for a few minutes. When she came out again, she flashed me this satisfied smile and bade me a safe flight in the morning. Fran—how could she have known my plans if Leandros hadn’t discussed them with her? I don’t want her knowing my business. I tell you, that was the last straw.”
She groaned. “It would have been for me, too.”
“When he came to find me, I was in the kitchen getting some juice and didn’t say anything to him about her. He hovered around me until it drove me positively crazy, so I said goodnight and went to bed in the guest bedroom. It wasn’t long before he came in and found me on the phone with Aunt Sybil. He told me to hang up because he wanted to have a serious talk with me.”
“Did you?”
“Yes. I’ve never seen him in a rage before. He swore he didn’t know Karmela would be by. The more he tried to explain his way out of it, the more I couldn’t listen to him. Suddenly I felt so sick I passed out.”
“I’m not surprised. Under the circumstances it’s a good thing we’re flying home tomorrow.”
“Please forgive me, Fran. I’m ashamed to have to confess I got you to Athens on my terms, not yours. It was horribly selfish of me when you wanted to wait until September.”
“None of that matters. You need help.”
“So do you,” came Kellie’s cryptic comment. She stared hard at Fran. “You’re back late. I don’t need to ask if you had a good time with Nik tonight.”
“I did.” It was a night she’d always remember.
“With that droopy gardenia in your hair, I can just imagine. Did he put it there before or after he kissed you?”
“There was no kiss.” Except on her forehead.
“Not yet maybe, but it’s coming. It’s the Angelis charm working like clockwork. Just be careful you don’t get completely sucked in.”
“Why do you say that?”
“He already wants to go on vacation with you!”
“Kellie—he was only flirting.”
“No. Nik Angelis is a compelling force in the corporate world, and he’s an even more compelling sensual force when it comes to women. One of the secretaries in Leandros’s office says he’s had a string of them over the years. Leandros claims that when Nik wants something, he’s relentless until he gets it. I can see where his persuasion tactics are leading where you’re concerned.”
“In what way?”
“He wouldn’t think twice about asking you to quit your job at the hospital and move to Greece in order to become his niece’s nanny.”
Fran swallowed hard. “He already has. I turned him down. When the doctor at the hospital in Leminos mentioned he’d like to hire someone like me, Nik said something about having other plans in mind for me.”
“I knew it!” Kellie muttered. “He’s going to use every trick in the book to get you to take care of Demi. His plan is to make the moves on you to ensure victory. He’s counting on a beautiful, vulnerable divorcée like you to cave. Have you told him you can’t have children?”
“No, of course not.”
“Then don’t! That piece of information would be all he needed to get you to say yes. You can’t do it, Fran, or you’ll be facing even greater heartache than with Rob. He’s got enough money to buy anyone he wants, but not you—” Her eyes pooled with moisture. “I say this because you’re the best person I’ve ever known and you’re beyond price.”
“Oh, Kellie—” She gave her friend a long, hard hug.
“Promise me you won’t let him get to you. If you do, it will mean you’ve given up on marriage altogether. You and I have talked about you falling in love again with a widower who has small children. Isn’t that what you said?”
She pulled away from Kellie and wiped her eyes. “Yes, and you know it’s what I’d like to happen.”
“Then if you really mean that, don’t get any more involved with Nik. I promise that if you do, you’ll end up being stuck in the Angelis household as nothing more than a glorified servant. I don’t care how strong your maternal feelings are for Demi. The years pass quickly. Think, Fran! One day she’ll grow up and won’t need you anymore. Then what will you do? You’ll be too old for what you really want, and you’ll live the rest of your life with a broken heart! After we’re home I’ll concentrate on helping you meet a terrific guy. There are hundreds of widowers looking for a wife online through a dating service.”
“Ugh. That sounds horrible.”
“Maybe not. You deserve to meet someone fantastic and fall in love with him. It happens to lucky couples all the time. Second marriages can be wonderful if you’re not desperate, and if you take the time to meet that one person you can’t live without.”
“I know.”
“Then remember something else. One of these days Nik’s parents will bring pressure to bear and he’ll have to get married, thus joining the ranks of his married brothers. They’ll all have families except for you. So, what then? When Demi goes to college, will you go back to the States and get another job at another hospital, only to keep taking care of other people?”
The words stung, but she knew Kellie was saying them partly from her own pain and partly to help Fran think straight.
“You need to take charge of your life and live for you. I think you should have gotten out of your marriage the first time Rob said he didn’t want to adopt. That was a year into your marriage. Look at the time you’ve wasted! I never said anything to you about it, but I wanted to.”
Fran eyed her friend in surprise. “I had no idea you felt this strongly about it.”
She bit her lip. “You don’t know half of the things I thought about Rob and his utter selfishness where you were concerned. Your situation has made me take stock of my marriage. That’s why I’m planning to separate from Leandros. I refuse to hang around another year or two while he and Karmela are involved. I don’t know if they’re actual pillow friends yet, but don’t think she isn’t lying in wait for the opportunity.
“On our drive back to Athens yesterday, it was like talking to a wall. He’s in denial over her infatuation with him, but all the signs are there. After he tires of her, he’ll want someone else yet expect me to look the other way. I knew it was too good to be true that he fell in love with me, but idiot that I am, I was so crazy about him, I left the blinders on.”
She grabbed Fran’s arms. “Don’t do what I did—don’t be charmed by Nik and his Greek-god looks. Don’t let him get to you. Above all, don’t sleep with him. He can pour it on like Leandros. It’s their gift and their curse.”
“Kellie—I’ve never seen you like this before.”
“That’s because I realize my marriage was a mistake. Karmela was in the picture from the first time I met Leandros. The warning signs were there, but I didn’t pay any heed to them.”
Fran was shaken because, despite her friend’s bitterness, she was making sense.
“When I get back home, I’m filing for a divorce through my uncle’s attorney. I’ll stay with them until I figure out what I’m going to do.”
“Do they know your marriage is in trouble?”
“Not yet.”
Fran folded her arms against her waist. She threw her head back. “Out of all the marriages I’ve seen, I thought yours was the most solid. I have to tell you I’m devastated over this.”
“I’ve been in agony since I realized Karmela was never going to go away. So don’t let Nik talk you into something that will be difficult for you to get out of. No matter how much that little girl tugs at your heart, she’s not yours! She belongs to the Angelis family. They circle their own and you won’t be an integral part of anything.”
Fran shot to her feet, not needing to hear any more. “Do you want me to come back to the apartment tonight?”
“No. That would be the last straw for Leandros. I need to show him I’m in control and can handle life on my own. He thinks I’m a pushover. Well, no longer! He should have married Karmela. I can’t imagine why he didn’t.”
She let out an anguished cry. “Tell Nik to drive you to the Cassandra. I’ve already made arrangements for you to stay there in our private suite. We’ll pick you up in the morning on our way to the airport.”
“I’ll be ready.” She leaned down to give her a hug. Her eyes misted over. “You have to know my heart’s breaking for you and Leandros.”
“Now you have some idea of how I felt when you told me Rob didn’t want to adopt after all. But you got through that terrible ordeal. Given time, I will, too.”
Fran blew her friend a kiss, then slipped past the curtain and headed for the E.R. lounge. Both men got up when they saw her. Leandros’s grave countenance haunted her. “How is she?”
“She’s surprisingly good and ready for us to fly home in the morning. I’ll watch out for her, Leandros. I’m so sorry this has happened. Obviously she needs her space. Once back in Philadelphia, time will have a way of making her see things more clearly. One thing I do know. She loves you with every fiber of her being. Don’t ever forget that.” Her voice shook.
His lips tightened. “I’ve forgotten nothing,” he rapped out. “If she still wants to fly home in the morning, I’ll fly her there in my jet. We have things to discuss. As you know, we’ve made arrangements for you to stay at the Cassandra tonight. Tomorrow morning my driver will be there to take you to the airport. I’ve booked you first class on a flight leaving at eight.”
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