Полная версия
A Forever Family: Reunited By Their Baby
“Let’s go for a walk along the beach.” He took off his shoes. “Be sure to remove your sandals. You can leave them here by mine.”
“All right.” Together they walked down the steps to the sand. From there it was only a few yards to the water. “Oh. Lovely. It warms my toes.”
Nik chuckled. “Twilight is my favorite time to swim. If you wait a while, the moon will come up. Then everything is magical.”
“It already is.”
They walked in companionable silence for a long time. Unlike most women he knew, she felt no need to fill it in with conversation. That was a quality he liked very much, except for tonight. At the moment he had the perverse wish she would speak her mind. Fran knew he was waiting to hear she’d changed her mind.
Taking the initiative, he said, “Are you and Kellie still intent on leaving tomorrow?”
She slowed to a stop. In the dying light, she looked straight at him. “Yes. Much as I’d like to help you out, I’m afraid I can’t. But I’ll have you know it has been my privilege to take care of Demi over the last few days. If it’s your wish, I’ll stay with her until the funeral services are over. Then I’ll fly back to Athens with Kellie and Leandros.”
His heart clapped to a stop. She’d turned him down flat. Over his years in business, he’d made a study of people to find out what made them tick. Before Kellie Petralia had spent time alone with her in the bedroom, he could have sworn Fran was considering his proposition. He rubbed the back of his neck. Leandros’s wife had a definite agenda and Nik’s appeal to Fran had gotten in the way.
Trying a different tack he said, “Could you possibly wait another day? With the funeral tomorrow, I won’t be able to do anything about Demi’s care until the next day. What I’d like to do is interview some nannies for the position. It would be a big help if you were there, too.
“Your hospital work makes you somewhat of an expert in reading people. If we both come up with our own questions, I’m sure we’ll be able to pick the right nanny for her.”
“I’m sorry, Nik, but I promised Kellie we’d leave as soon as you all came back from the interment. Surely your own mother and sisters-in-law would be the perfect ones to help out?”
Disappointed by her noncapitulation, he bit down hard on his teeth. “They would if Demi would let them hold her. I’m afraid a hysterical baby could put off a potential nanny.”
“If that’s the case, then you need to keep looking for one who can handle the situation, no matter how difficult.”
Damn if beneath that ultra-feminine exterior she didn’t think like a man… .
He felt a grudging respect for her, but this battle was far from over and he was determined to win. “What if I offered you the job of permanent nanny? It’s what I’d been thinking about all along after I saw how you cared for her in the hospital. No one could have been more like a mother. That’s why she responded to you.”
“Thank you for the compliment, but I already have a career,” she came back without blinking an eye. “As much as I love that little girl—and who wouldn’t?—it’s a job, and the last one I’d want.”
Nik was dumbfounded. “Are you so enamored of your hospital work, you can’t imagine yourself leaving it for a position that could pay you an income to set you up for life in surroundings like this?”
“Actually, I can’t, and I don’t want that kind of money.”
Then she belonged to a dying breed.
“Let me ask you the same question, Nik. Do you love what you do to make a living?”
His eyes narrowed on her appealing features, particularly her generous mouth. “What does one have to do with the other?”
“I was just thinking of a way to solve your problem. In the hospital, you treated Demi like a father would. Maybe you ought to become her nanny and give your brothers more responsibility for running the Angelis Corporation. Your sister Melina and Stavros would look down from heaven and love you forever for making such a great sacrifice.”
Fran didn’t know he’d agreed to be Demi’s guardian if anything happened to them. Her comment found his vulnerable spot and pierced the jugular. He could feel his blood pressure climbing.
“Then again,” she said softly, “you could find a wife who would love Demi and make a beautiful home for the three of you. That would take care of every problem. Your parents must be worried sick you haven’t settled down yet.”
Adrenaline pushed his anger through the roof. “Now we come to the crunch. After reading the tabloids on the plane, is it possible you’re offering to become my bride and bring an end to my wicked ways? Is that what this verbal exercise has all been about?”
Her gentle laughter rang out in the night air. “Heavens, no. You’re no more wicked than the next man.”
While he digested that surprising comment she said, “I’ve been through marriage once and have no desire to be locked in that unhappy prison again. I was only teasing you, Nik, but it was wrong of me to try to lighten your mood on the eve of the funeral. Forgive me for that. I can see why you’re such a powerhouse in business. You make it impossible to say no.”
“Yet you’ve just said no to me.” The nerve at his temple throbbed. This woman was twisting him in knots.
She eyed him critically. “You’ve told me you value what I’ve learned from my hospital work. If that’s true, then listen to me. Demi’s going to be all right. I promise. For a while we know she’ll grieve for her parents, but in time she’ll respond to your loving family.
“They’re wonderful and they’re all here willing to do anything. Let them help. Don’t take it all on by yourself or you’ll burn out.”
“What are you talking about?” he growled with impatience.
“I’m talking about you. Leandros sings your praises as the new brains and power behind the Angelis Corporation. But you can’t be everything to everyone every minute of the day and night the way you’ve been doing since you heard about the tornado. You remind me of Atlas carrying the world on your shoulders.”
“I’ve seen it happen in families once a patient goes home from the hospital. There’s always one person like you who carries the whole load, whether because of a greater capacity to feel compassion or a stronger need to give service. Who knows all the reasons? But the point is, this develops into a habit, and you’re too young for this to happen to you.”
Without question Fran Myers was the most unique individual he’d ever met. No woman had ever confounded him so much before.
He sucked in his breath. “Let’s go back, shall we? On the way, I want to hear about the reason why your marriage failed you to the point that you no longer believe in it.”
Slowly they retraced their footsteps. “In a couple of sentences, I can tell you why it didn’t work. He was the live wire at his law firm trying to make it to the top. Furthermore, he didn’t feel he had the time to be a family man. He was too consumed by his work.”
“What vital ingredient have you left out?”
When Fran almost stumbled, he knew he’d hit a nerve. “I’m afraid we both fell out of love. It happens all the time to millions of people.”
“But not to someone like you. If he didn’t have an affair, then what’s the real reason it failed?”
“I’d rather not discuss it.”
“Since you pretty well laid me out to the bare bones a little while ago, how about some honesty from you in return?”
“I suppose that would only be fair.” She tossed her head back, causing the dark blond mass of gleaming hair to resettle on her shoulders. “You could say that when he didn’t live up to the bargain we’d made before we married, there was nothing to hold us together any longer.”
“Then he lied to you.”
“I wouldn’t say it was a lie…More of a human failing. When faced with the reality of what he’d committed to while we were dating, he couldn’t go through with it. I didn’t blame him for it, but my disappointment was so profound, my heart shut down.”
“I’m sorry. How long were you married?”
“Three years.”
And no children.
He wanted to know more. “Was he your first love?”
“No. Over the years I met and dated several men I thought might be the one. I’m sure the same experiences have happened to you.”
“It’s true I’ve enjoyed my share of women and still do. All of them have traits I admire.”
“But so far none of them has delivered the whole package. At least that’s what the tabloids infer,” she added in a playful tone. “It was the same for me until Rob came along. He had everything that appealed to me and I didn’t hesitate when he asked me to marry him.”
Nik’s dark brows lifted. “And once you’d each said I do, the one essential element to make your marriage work wasn’t there after all, and it drove you apart.”
She was good at maintaining her cool, but every so often when their arms or legs brushed while they were walking, he could feel her trembling because she was holding back critical information. Her friend Kellie could enlighten him, but he knew deep down that wasn’t the route to go. He’d find Leandros.
As if thinking about him conjured him up, they discovered him taking a swim. Like Nik, he’d been born on an island in the Aegean and found the water the ideal place to wind down at the end of the day. But Nik had to admit surprise his wife hadn’t joined him.
“Hey, Leandros—” Fran called to him. “Where’s Kellie?”
When he saw them, Leandros swam to shore. After picking up a towel he walked toward them while he dried himself off. “She had a headache and went to bed.”
“After the horror of the last few days, I’m not surprised,” she said in a quiet tone. “I’m ready to turn in myself.” She glanced at Nik. “Thank you for your hospitality and the privilege of taking care of Demi one more night. I’ll see you and your family in the morning before the funeral. Goodnight.”
She gave Leandros a hug before she started for the steps leading up to the patio. Once at the top, she waved to them before disappearing inside the villa.
“Would you mind leveling with me about something?”
Leandros’s gaze switched to Nik. “Not at all.”
“I asked Fran if she’d be willing to stay on for another week to help while our family tries to find the right nanny. Because she looked after Demi from the moment she found her, I thought she might be willing. But when I asked her this evening, she indicated she’s planning to travel with your wife and can’t change her plans.”
A grimace broke out on his face. “My wife’s mind is made up.”
There was a lot Leandros wasn’t saying, but it was none of Nik’s business until his friend chose to tell him.
“Then that relieves my fear. I thought maybe she’d said no to me as an excuse because of something I may have said or done to offend her. In my attempt to compliment her for the way she took care of Demi by asking her to stay on for a while longer, I may have accomplished the opposite result.
“As you saw earlier, my little niece clings to her and is unhappy with anyone else. When I told Fran she’d be well paid for her sacrifice, I think she took it as the final insult, which was the last thing I meant to do.”
Leandros shook his head. “Not Fran. She stayed with your niece at the hospital because she wanted to. I’m sure she would have agreed to help you if Kellie weren’t so insistent on their taking this trip.”
“Where are they going?”
“On a driving trip to see other parts of Greece and do some hiking.”
“I see.”
“Fran’s first marriage didn’t work and Kellie has worried about her ever since. Just between us, my wife is determined to find Fran a husband.”
That was an interesting piece of news. “Does she have someone particular in mind?”
“I doubt it. I think she’s hoping they’ll meet some unattached American over here on holiday with the right credentials who will sweep Fran off her feet. In the meantime, rest assured Fran’s decision has nothing to do with you or the baby. I happen to know she’s as crazy about kids as Kellie is.”
Finally Nik had his answer though he already had proof how much she loved children by her attachment to Demi.
He patted Leandros’s shoulder. “Thanks for the talk. You’ve relieved my mind in more ways than you know. See you in the morning. If I haven’t told you yet, my family and I are honored that you’ll be here for us.”
“It’s the least I can do for a good friend,” Leandros’s voice grated. “I plan to attend the services for the other family this weekend.”
But Leandros’s wife wouldn’t be with him. Something was wrong and it gave him an idea.
“Leandros? Before you go to bed, there’s something else I’d like to talk to you about it if you don’t mind. I’ve been trying to think of a way to reward Fran for all she’s done and would like to run it by you.”
“Go ahead. I’m not ready for bed yet.”
THE ANGELIS FAMILY lived on a private part of the island overlooking a brilliant blue sea. Fran found the dazzling white villa with the main patio as the focal point for the family to congregate, an architectural wonder. She could see why the Cyclades was the desired vacation spot in Greece, especially this portion of the renowned Kalo Livadi Beach where she’d walked with Nik last night.
Their conversation had created a tension that had still gripped her after she’d gone to bed, making her sleep fitful. She’d never been so outspoken in her life with anyone, but fear of being in pain again had driven her to say those things to him.
While some of the staff came out to get things ready for the meal to be served when the family got back, Fran’s gaze lit on the beautiful child whom she’d put in the high chair to feed her a midafternoon snack. She’d placed Demi beneath the shade of the umbrella while Fran sat in the sun to soak up what she could. Pretty soon everyone would return. After that, she and Kellie would leave for Athens.
Out of deference to his family, she’d dressed more formally in a light blue summer suit and white high heeled sandals. Beneath the short-sleeved jacket she wore a white T-shirt. After applying her lipstick, she’d fastened her hair back with a tortoise shell clip. She often wore it this way to work.
Rob had said he preferred it back because it made her look more sophisticated. For him, the right look was everything. But Fran had chosen to wear it this way today because Demi liked to pull on it and she was strong.
“Do you know you’re the best eater?” Though the seven-month-old couldn’t possibly understand her, she smiled and opened her mouth for more peaches. “You like these better than plums, don’t you. Two more bites and you’re all finished.” She moved the spoon around to bait her before putting it in her mouth. Demi laughed, encouraging Fran to do it again.
As the baby laughed harder, a shadow fell over her. It couldn’t be a cloud. She turned her head in time to see a somber-faced Nik staring down at her from those dark eyes she couldn’t read. Standing there so tall and hard-muscled, he looked incredibly handsome in the midnight-blue mourning suit and tie he’d worn to the funeral.
“There’s nothing like Demi’s laughter to dissolve the gloom, is there?” he murmured before bending down to kiss his niece on both cheeks. “Sorry we’re late, but there was a huge crowd at the burial and many people who wanted to express their sympathy.”
Fran nodded, feeling his pain. Demi’s parents had been laid to rest. She would never know them. The enormity of raising this little girl who would need the Angelis family from here on out settled on Fran like a mantle.
She could only imagine Nik’s feelings of love mixed with inadequacy right now. Their whole family had to be weighted by the new responsibility thrust upon them. Moved with compassion, Fran got to her feet and wiped Demi’s mouth with her bib. Driven by her own heartfelt emotions, she picked up the baby and handed her to Nik, who must be feeling empty inside.
“Demi’s going to need all of you now. If you’ll excuse me, I have to go finish the last of my packing.”
She practically ran inside the villa so she wouldn’t hear the baby start to cry. Nik was a big boy now. He would deal with this crisis in the expert way he handled all of his business transactions.
Fran had done her packing early, but she’d needed the excuse to tear herself away from Demi. To be sure she hadn’t left anything behind, she made one more trip into the bathroom.
“Fran? Are you about ready?”
“Whenever you are.” She came back out to find Kellie who’d changed from her black dress to white pleated pants and a watermelon-colored top.
“I asked Leandros to tell the family the three of us couldn’t stay to eat. We’ve already said our goodbyes to them. I’ll help carry your cases out to the helicopter pad.” She took the big one while Fran reached for the smaller bag.
Halfway down the hall they met Leandros, whose drawn features aged him. He gave Fran a hug. “You look beautiful.”
“Thank you,” she whispered.
There was an ominous quiet as he took the suitcase from Kellie and they walked through the villa to the rear entrance. Neither of them had another word to say. Fran was so uncomfortable, she could scream.
When they stepped into the sunlight, Fran could see the helicopter waiting for them in the distance. She almost ran toward it, but as she drew closer, she saw a tall figure talking to the pilot. It was Nik!
Her heart missed a beat because she’d thought she’d seen the last of him. When she’d handed Demi to him on the patio, she’d intended that to be her own form of goodbye.
“Here. Let me take your bag while you climb inside.”
Fran had no choice but to give it to Nik before he helped her up. The touch of his hand sent fire through her body. No sooner had she found a seat than he joined her in the one next to her. Behind him came Kellie. Apparently their luggage had been put onboard ahead of time. Then Leandros climbed in next to the pilot and shut the door.
She turned to Nik in shock. “You’re not staying with your family?” But her question came too late because the rotors whirred and they lifted off.
He gave her a ghost of a smile. “Last night after I went to bed, I thought about our conversation and decided to take your advice. Everyone who loves Demi is there to take care of her. I’m going to let them, and give myself a vacation. In another week they’ll have sorted out what’s best for her without my taking charge.”
Guilt smote her for having been so outspoken. “You’re joking…aren’t you?” she blurted in consternation.
“Not at all. You made perfect sense. I’m afraid I have a tendency to do everything myself. Thanks to you, that’s a flaw I’m going to work on. A vacation from my problems is exactly what I need. I haven’t had a real one in over a year.”
She blinked. “Where will you go?”
“Well, I was hoping you’d let me and Leandros drive you and Kellie around. I talked to him about it last night. I never drive anywhere anymore. Believe it or not, driving used to be one of my great passions. Not only would it be a great pleasure, but it would make me feel like I’d paid all of you back for everything you did for Demi and my family.”
Kellie looked even paler than she had earlier in the morning. She shot Fran a private message before she looked at Nik. “That’s very thoughtful of you, but Fran and I have decided to fly back to the States in the morning and vacation in California.”
Uh-oh. For Kellie to have made a decision like that, the situation between her and her husband had reached flashpoint.
Nik’s piercing gaze shot to Fran. “I haven’t been there in years. How would you feel about having a third party along?”
Fran had no choice but to back up her friend. “I had no idea you could be such a joker.”
“It turns out we make a good pair.” His comment was meant to remind her of the way she’d talked to him last night. “But if you’re not going to take me seriously, at least agree to have dinner with me this evening. I refuse to let you leave the country without enjoying a night out in the Plaka. I owe you a great deal for all you’ve done.”
Afraid he would be unstoppable until she gave in, she decided to capitulate to that extent. “Your invitation sounds delightful, but if I say yes, it will have to be an early night.”
“Good. In that case I’ll ask Leandros to drop us off at my apartment. You can change clothes there. We’ll go casual and play tourist while we walk around and eat what we want.”
In the next instant he spoke to Leandros who nodded and gave instructions to the pilot. Soon Fran saw the glory of Athens spread before them in the late afternoon sun. The magnificent Parthenon, one of the most famous landmarks in the world, sat atop the Acropolis.
Seeing this sight from the air with Nik gave it special meaning. Just when she thought she’d figured him out, he did something unexpected that illuminated other appealing facets of his intriguing personality. She had to admit she wanted to spend the rest of the day and evening with him.
Right now his spontaneity thrilled her down to her toenails. With Rob every move had been calculated and planned out. She didn’t want to compare the two men, but she couldn’t help it. Rob wasn’t unkind, but he’d expected her to conform. When she didn’t, he went into a private sulk until she ended up being the one to apologize.
Nik, on the other hand, wouldn’t know how to pout. He had hidden depths. Already she’d learned that his way was to zoom in and change the game plan if necessary to achieve the desired outcome. If he ever settled down, it would have to be with a woman who was even more unpredictable than himself. His psyche required a challenge.
Unfortunately Nik occupied too many of her thoughts and was becoming important to her. Any woman who became involved with him would know joy for a time, but in the end she’d pay for it. Wasn’t that what Kellie had been saying about Leandros? The thought was terrifying.
Her mind was still full of him when the helicopter set down on the helipad atop his apartment building. She had to look away so she wouldn’t get dizzy. This form of transportation was as natural as breathing to businessmen like him and Leandros, but for Fran it would have to become an acquired taste.
She turned to Kellie. Close to her ear she said, “I’ll see you later tonight.”
“Be back before the clock strikes twelve,” her friend responded without mirth. Something dark was on Kellie’s mind, leaving Fran troubled.
“I promise.”
Nik grabbed Fran’s bags. As they started for the stairs, the helicopter lifted off, creating wind that molded her skirt to her shapely legs. She caught at it with her hands, but she was too late. When they entered the elevator, he could see the flush that had crept into her cheeks. How nice to be with a truly modest woman. It made her more enticing to him.
“Here we are.” The doors opened on his glassed-in penthouse.
She stepped into the entrance hall. For a full minute she appraised his fully modern apartment. “If I didn’t know better, I’d think I was in the control tower at the airport.”
He burst into laughter. Fran Myers was a breath of fresh air. “I pretend Athens is the sea I miss when I’m working in the city.”
“The view is spectacular.” She darted him a mischievous glance. “I’d say Atlas has it pretty good splitting his time between here and Mykonos.”
“There’s no Atlas here today. Haven’t you noticed I’m not carrying the world on my shoulders?”
She studied him rather intently. “How does it feel to have all that weight removed for a little while?”
“I’ll let you know later. First I’m sure you’d like to freshen up and change. The guest bedroom is down this hall.” He set her bags inside the room. “Come into the living room when you’re ready.”
After closing the door, he walked to his bedroom for a shower. The idea of mingling with the crowds like any foreigner visiting Athens appealed to him. In deference to the heat, he changed into a well-worn pair of jeans and a linen sport shirt. Once he’d slipped on his sandals, he was ready to go.