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The following night exactly the same thing happened.[51] The vizir’s son was very afraid and said, “Your Majesty, I don’t want to marry anymore. Please let me go.”

The Sultan was very surprised but cancelled the wedding.

When the three months were over,[52] Aladdin sent his mother to remind the Sultan of his promise.

The Sultan did not want to see Aladdin. So he asked the vizir’s advice. The vizir said to him, “Just demand more jewels!”

The Sultan then turned to Aladdin’s mother and said, “Good woman, I remember my promises. But your son must first send me forty basins of jewels carried by forty slaves. Tell him that I wait for his answer.”

The mother of Aladdin went home. She thought that all was lost.[53]

“Please calm,” her son said, “I will do that for the princess – and even more!”

He called the Jinn. In a few moments[54] the eighty slaves arrived. Each was carrying two basins of wonderful jewels.

Aladdin sent them to the palace. The slaves entered the palace and stood before the Sultan.

The Sultan was very glad and said, “Good woman, tell your son that I wait for him with open arms.[55]”

She came back home joyfully. But Aladdin first called the Jinn.

“I want a beautiful dress,” he said, “a white horse, and twenty slaves. And ten thousand pieces of gold in ten purses.” The Jinn answered, “No problem, my Master.”

Aladdin mounted his horse and passed through the streets. The slaves were strewing gold.

When the Sultan saw Aladdin, he came down from his throne and led him into a hall. He wanted to marry him to the princess that very day.[56]

But Aladdin refused, and said, “I must build a palace for her.”

At home he said to the Jinn, “Build me a palace of the finest marble, with jasper, agate, and other precious stones.”

The Jinn finished the palace by next day.

The Sultan sent musicians with trumpets and cymbals to meet them. The air resounded with music and cheers.

At night the princess said good-bye to her father. She was charmed at the sight of Aladdin.

The next day Aladdin invited the Sultan to see the palace.

Aladdin became the captain of the Sultan’s armies. He won several battles for him but remained modest and courteous. They lived in peace and content for several years.

But far away in Africa the magician remembered Aladdin. He discovered that Aladdin escaped from the cave, married a princess and was living in great honour and wealth!

He decided to steal the Lamp. He travelled night and day till he reached the capital. When he was passing through the town, the people everywhere were talking about a marvellous palace.

“Forgive my ignorance,” he asked, “what is this palace you speak of?[57]”

“Did you not hear about Prince Aladdin’s palace,” was the reply, “the greatest wonder of the world?”

The magician saw the palace and became half mad with rage.

He bought a dozen copper lamps and put them into a basket. Then he went to the palace, crying, “New lamps for old![58]”

Aladdin was not at the palace at the moment. The princess sent a slave to find out what the noise was about.[59]

“Your Majesty,” replied the slave, “an old fool offers to exchange fine new lamps for old ones.”

Another slave said, “We have a very old lamp, let’s change it.”

But this was the magic Lamp, which Aladdin left there. The princess did not know its value. She went and said to the magician, “Give me a new lamp for this.”

The wizard immediately exchanged the lamps. After that the wizard went away and rubbed the Lamp. The Jinn appeared. The magician ordered the Jinn to carry him, together with the palace and the princess, to a lonely place in Africa.

The next morning the Sultan did not see the Aladdin’s palace: it disappeared! He sent thirty men on horseback[60] to fetch Aladdin in chains.

“Where is my palace and my daughter?” asked the Sultan.

Aladdin could not say a word.

I must have my daughter back![61] And you must find her or lose your head.”

Aladdin begged for forty days to find her. For three days he asked everyone what became of his palace. Nobody knew the answer.

He came to the banks of a river and rubbed the magic ring he still wore. Another Jinn appeared.

“Save my life, Jinn,” said Aladdin, “and bring my palace back.”

“That is not in my power,” said the Jinn. “I am only the Slave of the Ring. You must ask the Slave of the Lamp.”

“But you,” said Aladdin, “can take me to the palace and set me down under my wife’s window.”

He at once found himself in Africa, under the window of the princess. That morning the princess rose earlier than usual. As she was dressing, one of her women saw Aladdin. The princess ran and opened the window. They were very happy to see each other again.

“Please forgive me,” said the princess. “I didn’t know anything about the Lamp. So I gave it to the wizard. He is very evil, and he wants to marry me.”

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he had often seen him play a great many cunning tricks to catch rats and mice – он часто видел, как тот проделывал разные уловки, чтобы поймать мышей и крыс


miserable condition – жалкое положение


Holding its drawstrings in his forepaws – Держа шнурки в передних лапах


without pity – без сожаления


He was shown upstairs into the king’s apartment – Его провели наверх в покои короля


low bow – низкий поклон


my noble lord – мой благородный лорд


a brace of partridges – пара куропаток


from time to time – время от времени


to take game – приносить добычу


for certain – наверняка


without knowing why – не зная почему


as loud as he could – так громко, как мог


The king received him very courteously. – Король принял его очень вежливо.


for – так как


she fell head over heels in love with him – она влюбилась в него по уши


on ahead – вперед


who were mowing a meadow – которые косили луга


you shall be chopped up like mincemeat – вы будете изрублены на фарш


that had ever been known – которого когда-либо знали


if you don’t mind – если вы не возражаете


accepted the honor which his majesty conferred upon him – принял почет, которым одарил его король


do nothing but play – не делать ничего другого, как играть


fell sick – заболел


came along – подошёл


let us turn – давай повернём


at last – наконец, в конце концов


Gather up – Собери


run away – убежать


gave him a blow – стукнул его


all the kings put together – все цари, взятые вместе


There is buried here a treasure – Здесь лежит сокровище


Обратите внимание на схожие по написанию глаголы: to lie (прошедшее время lay) – лежать, to lie (прошедшее время lied) – лгать, to lay (прошедшее время laid) – класть.


when I am up – когда я окажусь наверху


for ever – навсегда


as for – что касается


was no uncle at all – не был никаким дядей


look for – искать


found himself outside – очутился снаружи


she always went veiled – она всегда была под вуалью


It seemed best to him – Ему показалось, что будет лучше всего


fell in love with her at first sight – влюбился в неё с первого взгляда


find a right person – найти подходящего человека


cast away – отбрось, выбрось


Good woman зд. Добрая женщина


broke his promise – нарушил своё обещание


newly-married man – молодожён


put him outside – выстави его на улицу


No harm will come to you – С тобой не случится ничего плохого


considered it an idle dream – счёл это глупым сном


exactly the same thing happened – произошло то же самое


were over – закончились, прошли


all was lost – всё пропало


In a few moments – Через несколько мгновений


with open arms – с раскрытыми объятиями


that very day – в тот же день


what is this palace you speak of? – что это за дворец, о котором вы говорите?


New lamps for old! – Меняю новые лампы на старые!


to find out what the noise was about – выяснить, по поводу чего такой шум


thirty men on horseback – тридцать конных стражников


I must have my daughter back! – Я должен вернуть свою дочь!

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