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Mrtin Eden / Мартин Иден (в сокращении). Книга для чтения на английском языке
A week went by and then another week. His article was not yet published. He concluded that he had been wrong about the speed with which things found their way into newspaper columns. Besides, there had not been any news value in his article, and most likely the editor would write to him about it first.
In the meantime he worked at a serial story for boys. The words flowed from his pen, though he broke off from the writing frequently to look up definitions in the dictionary or to refer to the rhetoric. He often read or re-read a chapter at a time during such pauses; and he consoled himself that while he was not writing the great things he felt to be in him, he was learning composition, at any rate, and training himself to express his thoughts. He toiled on till dark, when he went out to the reading-room and explored magazines and weeklies until the place closed at ten o’clock. This was his programme for a week. One thing was certain. What the multitudinous writers did he could do, and only give him time, and he would do what they could not do.
On Friday night he finished the serial – twenty-one thousand words long. At two cents a word, he calculated, that would bring him four hundred and twenty dollars – not a bad week’s work. It was more money than he had ever possessed at one time. He did not know how he could spend it all. He planned to buy some more clothes, to subscribe to many magazines, and to buy dozens of reference-books. And still there was a large portion of the four hundred and twenty dollars unspent. This worried him until the thought came to him of hiring a servant for Gertrude and of buying a bicycle for Marian, his younger sister.
He mailed the bulky manuscript to the Youth’s Companion, and on Saturday afternoon, after having planned an article on pearl-diving, he went to see Ruth. He had telephoned, and she went herself to greet him at the door.
She noted the change in his appearance. But the most radical change of all, and the one that pleased her most, was the change in his speech. Not only did he speak more correctly, but he spoke more easily, and there were many new words in his vocabulary.
He told her of what he had been doing, and of his plan to write for a livelihood, and of going on with his studies. But he was disappointed at her lack of approval. She did not think much of his plan.
“You must get a thorough education first,” she said.
“This education is indispensable for whatever career you select. You should go to high school.”
“Yes…” he began; but she interrupted:
“Of course, you could go on with your writing, too.”
“I would have to,” he said grimly.
“Why?” She looked at him puzzled.
“Because, without writing there wouldn’t be any high school. I must live and buy books and clothes, you know.”
“I’d forgotten that,” she laughed. “Why weren’t you born with an income?”
“I prefer good health and imagination,” he answered.
1. Listen to the chapter with your book closed and choose the correct answer.
1. Martin had shipped
A. on a package tour
B. on a treasure hunting schooner
C. on a cruise across the Atlantic
2. Martin had enough money
A. to come back home
B. to go on a journey to Australia
C. to stay on land for many weeks
3. The captain of the schooner
A. permitted Eden to read his books in exchange for washing captain’s clothes
B. was fond of reading Shakespeare’s works
C. presented Eden a complete Shakespeare
4. Martin decided to start
A. writing children’s books
B. poetry and prose
C. newspaper articles
5. He
A. told Ruth everything
B. discussed with Ruth what to write about
C. decided not to tell Ruth anything
6. When he returned to Oakland Eden
A. set to work writing the article
B. started writing poems
C. wrote two stories at once
7. When Martin came to see Ruth he
A. brought her his works to read
B. was happy Ruth approved of his idea
C. told Ruth what he had been doing
2. Learn the words from the text:
exhausted, failure, treasure, enable, permit, precious, describe, creative, conceive, splendid, promptly, average, liberty, inspiration, console, explore, approval, imagination.
3. Complete the sentences using the words from the text. Make the changes where necessary.
1. Children often have got vivid .......... .
2. The .......... climbers were rescued by the rescue rangers.
3. .......... Island is a very famous book by Stevenson.
4. Being diligent in her studies she wanted to win her parents’ .......... .
5. Climbing this mountain ended in .......... .
6. He .......... a painting in details.
7. The audience is not .......... to use the mobile phones during the performance.
8. Money left by his uncle .......... him to buy a new car.
9. I have got a very .......... job.
10. He has got a lot of .......... stones in his collection.
11. Before starting to write he was usually waiting for .......... .
12. The performance begins .......... at nine o clock.
13. They .......... a new land to find minerals.
4. Choose a word to match the following definitions.
1) to think of a new idea, plan, etc.
2) to give comfort or sympathy to somebody
3) to give someone the ability or opportunity to do something
4) very impressive or very good
5) extremely tired
6) around a usual or ordinary level
7) a store of gold, silver, jewels 8) to say what somebody is like
9) a lack of success of doing something
10) rare and worth a lot of money
11) to allow something to happen
5. Find in the text the English equivalents for:
поспешить домой, распустить экспедицию, перечитывать вновь, отослать рукопись, во всяком случае, оказаться случайным обладателем, отрываться от работы, слава – вещь хорошая, перевернуть всю жизнь, без передышки.
6. Find the words in the text for which the following are synonyms:
design, investigate, let, immediately, very tired, superb, independence, fiasco, depict, priceless, inventive.
7. Say the following statements in your own words.
1. The expedition had broken up.
2. He went through the grammar again and again.
3. The citadels would go down before him.
4. Fame was all very well.
5. Ruth had turned his life back upon itself.
6. In his article there had not been any news value.
7. She did not think much of his plan.
8. Explain and expand on the following.
1. When Martin came back he did a great deal of studying and reading.
2. Martin had not been permitted access to the precious volumes.
3. The creative spirit in Martin flamed up.
4. The return voyage to San Francisco was like a dream.
5. He did not let Ruth know he was back.
6. He mailed his work to the San Francisco Examiner.
7. He had his programme for a week.
8. Ruth noted the change in Martin.
9. She did not approve of Eden’s idea.
9. Answer the following questions.
1. What was the end of Eden’s expedition?
2. How did Martin get a complete Shakespeare?
3. What did Martin decide?
4. How did he want to win Ruth?
5. What was he going to describe first of all?
6. Why didn’t he let Ruth know he was back?
7. Where did he mail his manuscript?
8. What was his next work about?
9. What did Ruth notice in Eden?
10. Why didn’t Ruth approve of Eden’s idea?
10. Correct the statements.
1. Martin did not earn enough to stay on land.
2. Martin did not like the eight months spent on board the ship.
3. He did not know what to tell Ruth about his voyage.
4. The return voyage to San Francisco was like a nightmare.
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