The Æneid of Virgil Translated Into Scottish Verse

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The Æneid of Virgil Translated Into Scottish Verse
Язык: Английский
Год издания: 2018
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Into this nixt cheptour ȝe may espyNys craft of schotyng and of archery.Onon Eneas induce gan to the play,With arowys forto schute quha wald assay:The pryce tharfor ordanys; and syne, but let,With fors of mennys handis vp hes setAmyd the greyn Sergestus schippys mast;Apon the top tharof gart fessyn fastA fleand dow intil a cord, quharatThai suld thar arowys schuyt. The men with thatConuenyt togiddir, and in a helm of steillThar kavillys haue thai castyn fair and weill.And first of al, with frendly noys and sound,Hyppocaon the first place hys hes fond,That was of kynrent cummyn from Hirtacus:Quham nixt eftyr followys Mynestheus,Victour afor amang the schip bargane;The grene olyve about hys forhed schane.The thryd kavill betyd Evricyus,Thy brodir, O maist doughty Panderus;Quhilk vmquhile, forto brek the trewis command,On the Grekis fyrst set with speir in hand:And of the helmys boddom al thar lastThe ancyant kyng Acestes lot furth past,Quhilk, for Eneas sayk, durst anys assayWith hys awyn hand ȝong mennys sport and play.Than euery man, accordyng thar strenth ful meyt,Thair byg bowys gan bend, and at thar feytDyd schaik onone thar arowys of thar cays.Ȝong Hippocaon, quhilk had the first place,A quhidderand arow leyt spang fra the stryng,Towart the hevyn fast throu the ayr dyd thryng;The mastis top it hyt, and tharin stak,Quhil al the tre trymlyt with the swak:The fowle affrayt flychtris on hir weyngis;Of gret rumour than al the feildis ryngis.Nixt scharp Mynestheus, war and avysye,Onto the hed hes halyt vp on hieBaith arow and eyn, etland at the mark.Bot it was reuth, the fowle, for al hys wark,Ne mycht he twich; and, netheles, ȝyt quyteThe bandis and lyamys in twa dyd he smyte,Quharwith, by baith the feyt, thar fast was scheAttachit at the mastis top on hie:Scho in the ayr and dyrk skyis flaw onon.With arow reddy nokkyt than EwricionPlukkis vp in hy hys bow, and maid hys vowOnto hys brothir Pander: with that the dowHeich in the lyft ful glaid he gan behald,And with hir weyngis sorand monyfald;Hys arow he threw vndir the clowdis blak,And persyt hir quyte owtthrou the bak.Hyr lyfe scho lost heich vp in the ayr,Down fallys ded, and has brocht with hir tharThe arow brochyt throu owt hir body.Acestes now alane stude all reddyTo schute, quhen that the pryce was tynt and won:And, netheles, to schuyt he hes begun,And threw ane arow in the ayr on hycht,Schawand hys craft, and hys byg bowys mycht,That lowsyt of the takill with a spang.And sone betyd, and in thar sychtis sprang,A fellon grysly monstre and wondryng,As weil was knaw syne at the endyng:The feirfull spa men tharof pronosticateSchrewyt chancis to betyde and bad estate.For quhy, this schaft, fleand in the moyst ayr,Brynt in a bles, and the randoun alquharWith low and flambys gan do notyfy,And, al consumyt, vanyst in the sky:As doys oft starnschoit fallyng fra the hevyn,Drawand thareftyr a taill of fyry levin.Estonyst in thar myndis, abasyt studeThe folk of Sycill and all the Troiane blude;And, netheles, maist douchty EneasReffusyt nocht the takyn, bot gan embrasAcestes glaidly, and rych gyftis him gave:Syne said hym thus; Tak, fader myne, ressaueSik favorabill aspectis benevolentAs the gret kyng of hevyn heth to the sent,That lyst with onkouth syngnys honour the.Thou sal haue heir this reward and degre,A cowp of gold engrave with figuris seir,A presand vmquhile of my fader deir,Ancyant Anchises, quham Cysseus, of Trace kyng,In remembrance hym gave and lufe takynnyng.And sayand thus, hys tymplis al, but weir,He gan involue and belt with grene lawrer;And syne hes causyt, al the othiris befor,Proclame Acestes, and declair victor.Nor gentill Euricion hys gloyr envyes nocht,Quhoubeyt that he only the fowle down brocht,And in the skyis smait hir ded, ȝyt thanThe secund place he tuke as curtas man:Nixt eftir quham, the wageour hes ressaueHe that the lysch and lyam in sondir drave;And last rewardyt was he, that hys flychtInto the mastis top festynnyt on hyght.CAP. X
Quhou that Ascanyus and ȝong childer gentAssailȝeit othir, in maner of turnament.Eneas syne, the derenys not al done,Epytides to hym hes callyt sone,Mastir and gydar of Ascanyus ȝong,Quhais secrete haris warryn ȝyt onsprung,And in hys trasty eyr thus prevalyHe rownys, sayand; pas thi way in hy,Se gyf Ascanyus hes now reddy dychtHys falloschip of childer and horssys lycht,Arrayt for the rynkis and the play:Byd hym bryng hyddir hys rowtis to turnay,And do hys grandschir honour and renown,In hys harnes schaw hym self reddy bown.Sayd Eneas; and tharwith gave commandAbout the cowrt the pepil on rowm to stand,That al the feild within suldbe patent.Than sone the childer, arrayit fair and gent,Enterit in the camp alsammyn, schynnand brycht,On stedis pransand in thar faderis syght;And, quhar thai went, al the gallandis of TroyAnd Sycill wondyrris with gret brute and joy.Thar harys all war tukkyt vp on thar crown,That baith with how and helm was thrystyt doun:Twa javillyng speris with blunt hedis sum bair,Sum on thar schuldyr a cace with dartys fair;The wryth of gold, or chane lowpyt in ryngis,About thar hals down to thar breistis hyngis.Thai war in nowmyr cumpaneys thre,On horssis rydand; and for ilk menȝeA capitane walkis rewland al hys rowt:Twys sax childir followys ilkane aboutIn thar parsmentis, arrayit in armour brycht:The chiftanys warryn equale of a hycht.A ward thar was of childir quham, ful joyus,Berand hys grandschiris name, ȝong PriamusLed and rewlyt, quhilk thi genealogy,O Polytes, plantyt in Italy;Apon a hors of Trace dappil grayHe raid, quhays formest feyt bath twayWar mylk quhyte, and hys crest on hycht bair he,With bawsand face, rynggyt the forthir E.The secund, Atys, on a cursour bay,Fra quham the Latyn lynnage to this dayActii bene nemmyt; and this litill AtysWith child Ascanyus weilbelovyt is.Lufty Iulus, in bewte dyd all exceid,Come last montyt on a Sydon steydOf cullour quhyte, quham Dydo, the fair Lady,In hir remembrance hym gave and luf drowry.The remanent of the falloschip, euery one,Sycill horssis gan swyftly ryde apon,That from the auld Acestes purchest wer.With revell, blythnes, and a maner feir,Troianys ressauys thame, and rycht glaidlyThar vissage gan behald, and dyd aspyThe prent of faderis facis on childir ȝyng.Eftyr thai had all cirkillyt in a ryng,On horsbak, hail the place and feild abowt,And joyusly behaldyn all the rowt,All reddy hufand thar coursys forto tak;Epytides on far a syng gan mak,Smait with a clap, and cryis, go togidder!Than ran thai sammyn in paris with a quhidder;The rowtis thre brak; ilkane chesyt hys feir;And, quhen thai by war runnyn, thar horsis thai steir,And turnys agane incontinent at commandis,To preif thar fors with javillyngis in thar handis:Syne went abak in sondyr a far space,Ilkane at othir rynnyng with a rays.Syndry coursys and returnyngis maid thai;Fast athir sort gan othiris rowt cumray,And gan excers, by semblance, vndir scheildThe symylitude of batell or a feild.Sum tyme the bak thai turn, as thai wald fle;Sum tyme at othir threw dartis, he and he;And, sone eftyr, assemmyl wald with a crak,Thar handis schak, and pes togyddir mak.Swa, as tha say, vmquhile the hows in Creyt,Hait Laborynthus, with mony went and streyt,Had wrynkillyt wallys, a thousand slychtis wrocht,Forto dissaue al onkouth tharin brocht,To wavyr and er thar onreturnabilly,The subtell throwgangis followand sa quently;Nane othir ways, in coursys mony ane,Quhirlys thar trays thir ȝong childir Troiane.Thai lowke togiddir, and countyrfatis a chaysIn maner of bargane, makand mony a raysAnd seir derenȝeis in thar sport and play;Als swyft as dalphyn fysch, swymmand awayIn the wak sey of Egyp or Lyby,Persand the wallys, that plays jolely.Thir maner of rynkis and jupertyis of bataillAscanyus hantyt, and brocht fyrst in Itaill,Quhen he with wallys closyt lang Albay,And taucht the ald Latynys to hant syk play,The sammyn gyis as he, a child, now wrocht,And othir Troiane childir with hym brocht.The Albanys taucht thar childir the sammyn way;And mychty Roym, syne efter mony a day,Syk oys ressavyt hes, and gan vphaldIn wirschip of thar antecessouris auld;And now, childring hantyng syk gem and joyBeyn Troiane rowtis namyt, and weir of Troy.CAP. XI
Quhou Irys, send fra Juno in gret ire,Gart Troiane wemen set thar schippys in fyre.Thus, hyddyrtyllys, warryn derenys seyrExcersyt in wyrschip of hys fader deyr:And in this tyme gan forton fyrst removeFra thame agane hir sykkill faith and lufe.For, as Troianys dyd hallow on this wys,By diuers gemmys, as was tho the gys,Solemnytly, the seruyce anniuersarBesyde Anchises graf, furth of the air,And hevynnys hie, Saturnus get, Juno,That gan of wreth and malyce nevir ho,Not satisfyit of hir ald fury ne wrok,Rollyng in mynd full mony kankyrryt blok,Hes send adoun onto the Troiane navyIrys; and, that scho suld go spedely,The prospir wynd gan eftyr hir inspyre.Thys virgyn sprent on swyftly as a vyre,And throu the clowdis hir trace, quhar scho went,Schupe lyke a bow of diuers hewis ment.Sone slaid sche doun, onseyn of ony wy,Gret confluence of pepill dyd aspy:Scho walkis about the costis of the see,Havynnys and flote left dissolate fand sche;And al the Troiane wemen dyd sche kenSyttand on the schor, secret far fra men,The gret loys of Anchises regratyng sair,And al togiddir gan to weip and rair,Behaldand the deip seys sorowfully,And, with a voce, sayand al halely:Allace! behald, samony stremys gray,And of thir salt fludis sa braid a wayRemanys ȝyt, fortyl ourslyde and sayll,By ws wemen irkyt of lang travaill!Thai al besocht God send thame sone, ilkane,A cite or a town forto remane,And tedyus thocht the seys laubour to bair.Iris heirfor aspyis hir tyme best thair,As scho that was in myscheif ful expart:Amyddis of thame all in gan scho start,Hir godly figur and hir weid laid by,And bycame agyt Beroes in hy,In maner schap of symylitude and face,That was Doryclus spows, born of Trace,Quhilk vmquhile was of hie genealogy,Of gret renoun, and childir had mony;And on syk wys amang matronys TroianeTransformyt entrys scho, and in is gane.O woful wrachit wemen all, quod sche,Quhilk to the deth, vndir the wallys hieOf ȝour natyve cite and kynd landis,War not in batell harlyt by Grekis handis!O pepill onhappy! to quhat myschews endForton reseruys ȝou of this warld to wend?Lo! sen the fal of Troy and dolorus weir,Byrunnyn is the sevynt symmyr and ȝeir,Sen that samony seys, and onkouth landis,Sa huge wilsum rolkis, and schawd sandis,And stormys gret, ourdrewyn and sufferyt haue we;Lo! thus saland throw out the mekill see,Quhar that we chays Itale, that fleys ay,And we ly warpyt on the wallys gray.Heir beyn the bredyrly boundis of Erix stowt;Our frend Acestes is our host but dowt:Quha will ws warn to beild vp wallys hie,And to our citesanys set heir a cite?O natyve land, and kynd goddis, al invaneRest from our fays! sal nevir nane aganeTroiane wallys be namyt nor vpbeild?Sal I nevir se, allace! in all my eild,Hectoriane fludis, Exanth and Symois?Haue done tharfor, and now with me, I wys,Thir fey onhappy schippys al bedeneLat ws go byrn: for, in my sleip ȝistreyn,The figur of Cassandra, prophetes,Gave me byrnand fyre brandis, and said expres,Heir suld we rest; bad seyk Troy na forthar;Heir was our dwellyng place for euermar.Now is the tyme ganand our wark to speyd;To tary ma fatale syngnys quhat suld neid?Lo! ȝondir beyn four altaris byrnand schyre;Neptune, the god, thir hait brandis of fyreDistributis to ws, and alsso hardyment.And sayand thus, to perform hir entent,The peralus fyre first hynt scho forsably;With flambys schynand on far thai mycht espyHir rycht hand rasyt, the blesys in to cast.Of Troiane wemen the myndis worth agast,And al thar hartis sum deil stupefak;Quhen ane, the eldast amang thame al, spak,Clepyt Pirgo, the quhilk had beyn, feil sys,To mony of kyng Priamus childir nurys:O matronys, ȝon was nevir Beroys, quod sche,Born a Troiane, and Doryclus spous, traist me.Considir of hir bewte syngnys dyvyne;Behald so brycht as baith hir eyn doith schyne;Quhat sweit favour and smell from hir spryngis;Quhatkyn vissage hes scho; quhou thynk ȝe ryngisHir vocis sown, or quhat pays goys scho now.My self left Beroes, as I come hyddir rycht now,Lyand seyk at hame, and ful ennoyit wight,That scho alane suld want this ryal syght,And, as scho wald, mycht not mak sacryfyceIn Anchysis honour and funerale seruyce.Thus said Pirgo: bot than the matronys allStude fyrst in dowt quhat thing tha do sall,And with evil willy eyn the schippys behaldis,On hovir betwix wrachyt desyre, thame haldisForto abyd within that present land,And of the fatis, on the tother hand,That onto othir realmys doith thame call:Quhen lo! the goddes, in form celestiall,With equale weyngis fleys vp to the hevyn,And, in hir went, schup vndir the clowdis evynThe figur of a raynbow huge grete.Than pryncipaly begouth thar hartis bete;Of syk wondris estonyst, thai al in hyCachit with wodnes begouth raym and cry,And from the hallowyt ingill rest the fyre;Part spulȝeis altaris of thar flambys schire,And byrnand branchis, faggottis, and fyre brandis,Into the schippys swak they with thar handis:The flambe vpkyndilling blesys braid at largeThrow hechis, ourloft, ayr, and payntyt targe.CAP. XII
Of the fyre stoknyng, quhilk the navy derys,And quhou in Sycill Ene hes left hys feris.Ontyl Anchises graf and theatryFirst brocht Ewmolus word, quhou the navyWas al infyryt. Thai luke, and gan behaldThe fyre sparkis fleand vp thyk faldIn a blak sop of reik: and fyrst Ascanyus,As he on hors playt with hys ferys joyus,Als swyft and fersly spurris hys steid fute hoyt,And, but delay, socht to the trublyt flote.Hys mastirys, half ded for affray and dreid,Mycht nocht withhald hym: thyddir gan he speid;And cryit, allace, O wrachit citesanys!Quhat new wodnes be this that ȝou ourtane is?Quhou now, quhou now? quhat meyn ȝe for to do?Ȝour ennemys floyt, nor Grekis schippys, lo,Ȝe byrn not, bot al hope of ȝour weil fair;Se, this is I, ȝour awyn Ascanyus, ayrOnto my fader: and, with that word, his helmBefor thar feyt al voyd doun dyd he quhelm,Quharwith in the derenys cled was he,And countyrfait the maner of a melle.Eneas than, and al the rowtis Troianys,Fast as thai mycht, sped thame thiddir atanys.Bot than the wemen al, for dreid and affray,Fled heir and thair, endlang the cost away;Socht to woddys and cavys in euery rolk,Eschamyt with thar deid, knew thar awyn folk,Thar myndis changit, fled the lycht for dispyte,Al Junois rage smate from thar breistis quyte.Bot not for this the flambys and byrnand bleysDyd stanch thar fors ondantyt, ne appeys:The tuffyng kyndillys betwix the plankis wak,Quharfra outthrawis the pykky smoke coil blak;The hait fyre consumys fast the howe;Our al the schip discendys the peralus lowe:Thar was na strenth of vaillyant men to waill,Nor large fludis on ȝet, that mycht avail.Reuthful Ene than of hys schulderis twayThe claith hes rent, and gan the goddys pray,Vp baith hys handis hevand in the sky:Almychty Jove, quod he, aluterlyGyf thou hes not al Troianys at haitrent,Or gif thi reuthfull clemens takis tent,As thou was wont, to mennys travel and pyne,Now, haly fader, thi maieste inclyne;Grant at our navy this fyre may eschaip,And from distructioun delyvir and outscrapeThir sobir trumpys, and meyn graith of Troianys:Or, gif I haue deseruyt, with the remanys,Smyte al togyddir ded with feirful thundir;Lat thi rycht hand heir schaik ws al in sondir.Scars this wes sayd, quhen that a blak tempestBrays but delay, and al the lyft ourkest:A huge weyt gan down powre and tumbill;Hillys and valys trymlyt of thundir rummyll;The drumly schour ȝet furth our al the ayrAls blak as pyk, in bubbys heir and thar,Fyllys the schippys, quhil thai flet our the walys;Wrayngis half brynt bedyit in watir salys;That al the fors of fyre was slokyt owt,And from the perrell salf and out of dowtWas al the navy, outtake four schippys lost.And, quhil he rowmys vp and doun the cost,The fader Eneas, smyte with this smart cace,Now heir, now thar, gan huge thyngis compace;Rollyng in mynd quhiddir he suld or nayRemane in Sycill, or thens pas away,Or gif he suld seik ȝyt to Italy,Lyke as he had forȝet hys destany.Thus as he musys, stad in sykkyn dowt,Ane of the eldast herys stude abowt,Clepyt Nawtes, quham the goddes MynerveOur al the layf instrukkyt hym to serve,And rendryt had ful scharp and rype of wyt,Syk answer gave, and plane declaris it;Quhat pretendis this fellon goddes greif,And eik, accordyng thar fatis, quhat was releif;And, comfortand Eneas, thus gan say:Son of the goddes, lat ws follow that way,Bakwart or fordwart, quhyddir our fatis dryve;Quhat evir betyde, this is na bute to stryve:All chance of forton tholand ourcummyn is.Heir is thi tendir frend Troiane, I wys,Worthy Acestes, of dyvyne lynage;Cal hym to the in counsale, wys and sage,And weil willyng to thi purpos to apply.Leif with hym all may nocht in thi navyBe tursyt now, for lak of schippis lost;Al syk as beyn ennoyt, and irk almostOf thi gret purpos, thi dedis, and efferis;And thai that beyn agyt passyt dait of ȝeris,Or ald matronys wery of the see:Wail out al thame beyn waik and onweilde,Or ȝyt afferyt beyn in ilke affray;Syk cummyrryt wightis suffir, I the say,To haue ane hald and dwel heir in this land:The cite salbe, as was first cunnand,Acesta clepyt, eftir Acestes kyng.With syk wordis, and prudent sermonyngOf hys wys agit frend, than EneasOn al sydis gan ithandly cumpasQuhat was to do: and as the dirk nychtRollyt hys cart ourthourt the polys bricht,Eftir that all was went to rest and pace,The ymage of hys fader AnchisesGan from the hevin appeir, and, but abaid,Ontil Eneas heth thir wordis said:O thou my child, derrer, so mot I thrive,Quhil that I levit, than myne awin lyve;O son, in Troiane fatis exercit sayrly;Hiddir, at the command of Jove, cummyn am I,Quhilk from thi navy stanchit the fyre, quod he,And from hie hevin at last heth reuth on the.Follow the counsale is maist ganand and heynd,That agit Nautes gave the, thi trew frend;And chose ȝong men of harte maste curagiousTurs in Itale with the. I tel the thus;A dour pepill, and of conditioun fell,The nedis in Latium ourcum in batell.Bot first, of Pluto the infernale see,And deip regioun of hell, behufis the se,To cum and speke with me, myne awin son deir.Be not agast, my child, and haue na feir:For I am nocht withhald, I lat the wyt,In Tartarus, the soroful hellys pyt,Nor drery pottis deip of saulis paill;Bot in the hailsum rowtis, furth of baill,I dwel amyd the plane of Elyse.The chaist virgyn Sibil wil convoy theThe rycht way thidder, quhilk at thou sal takBy blude offerit of mony bestis blak.Thar sal thou lern all thi genolegy,And quhat cite is to the destany.Adew; as now na langar dwell I may:The donk nycht is almaist rollyt away,And the fers Orient wil at I withdraw;I feil the ayndyng of hys horssys blaw.Thus hes he said; and with that word, but mair,Vanyst away, as the reik in the ayr.And quhen Eneas saw him pas, he said,Quhidder bradis thou now sa fast, without abaid?Quhidder hastis thou swa? quhom fleys thou? me, allace!Quhat is the let I may the nocht enbrace?Thus sayand, the assys and coverit fyre bet he;To Troiane Ingil, and the cannos Veste,Within hys secret closet maid reuerence,With hallowyt flour, deuotely, and incence.Syne sone assemlyt his feris all in pres,Bot first of al the ancyant Acestes:The wil and plesour of Jove schew thame cleir,And eik the charge brocht by hys fader deir,And tald thame planely his mynd and desyre.Thai tary nocht at counsale; for this syre,Acestes, was al reddy at command.Than al tha folk, quhilk list bide in that land,For this new cite titil thai and writis:The matronys first, and sik as nocht delytisNor hes in cure desyre of hie renoun,Thai deput, and thai ordand for this town.Thar hechis and thar ourloftis syne thai beit,Plankis and gestis gret, squair and meit,Into thar schippis jonand with mony a dynt,Insted of thame war with the flambys brynt;Thar cabillis new, and thar hed towis reparis,And gan to forge newly wrayngis and ayris:In numbir war thai bot a few menȝe,Bot thai war quyk and vailliant in melle.In the meyn tyme, Eneas with a pleuchThe cite circulit, and merkit be a seuch;By cavillys syne the tenementis dyd depart:Heir ordanys Ilion, and, in ȝondir art,Of Troy commandis beld othir memoriallis.Of this new cite, and thir frendly wallis,Glaid wolx Troiane Acestes, and, but mair,Did mak proclame thar merkattis and thar fair;And all the hedismen gadderis and set down,Stabillis thar lawys and statutis for that town.Syne, on the top of Erix the montane,Full neir the lift, thai found, of marbill stane,A tempil to Venus of Idalia;And, about Anchisis sepultur alssua,Ane hallowit schaw on breid, as sanctuar,Plantit thai haue, and stabillit prestis thar.CAP. XIII
Eneas gan depart, and quhou VenusMaid for hir son request to Neptunus.Be this has al the pepil, euery hyne,The feste continewit fully days nyne,And on the altaris, as was tho the gys,Thar offerandis endit and hie sacrifice:The stabil ayr has calmyt weill the see,And sowtht pipand wyndis fair on hieChallancis to pas on burd and tak the deip.Bot quhen thai moste depart, lord, quhou thai weip!Quhat huge waling rays all the costis bay!Brasand and halsand thai dwel al nycht and day.And now thai moderis, and thai onweldy men,Quhom til, vmquhile, forto behald and kenThe seys figur was abhominabill,And eyk the fors tharof intollerabill,Now wald thai wend, for all the seys rage,Reddy to thoill al travale in vayage:Quhom curtas Eneas with wordis frendlyComfortis, and syne, wepand full tendirly,Betaucht ontil Acest his cousing deir.Thre velys tho, as was the auld maneir,In wirschip of Erix he bad down quell,And a black ȝowe to God of tempestis fell:Syne chargit hail thar cabillis vp belyve.Hys awin hed warpit with a snod olyve,Heich in a schippis forcastell dyd stand,Haldand a cowpe of gold intil hys hand,The bestis entralis in the see can swak,And ȝet the cleir wyne furth in fludis brak.From the eft schip vprays onone the wynd,And followit fast the see fararis behynd;Eyk al the flote smate fast with arys the flude,Kempand to welt our wallys as thai war wode.In the meyn sesson Venus, al onflocht,Amyd hir breist reuoluand mony a thocht,Spak to Neptune with sik petuus regrate:Neptune, quod scho, the fel ire and consateOf queyn Juno, with mynd insaciabill,Constrenys me to condiscend thus stabillIn all maner of request and prayeris;The quhilk Juno nowdir lang days nor ȝeris,Nor na divyne sacrifice, may apples;Scho restis nevir, nor may scho leif at eys,Albeit the power and charge of JupiterResistis scho wait, and fatis ar hir contrar.Scho thinkis it nocht eneuch and sufficientBy wikkit malice to downbet and schent,And for euer put to distructioun,Master of the pepil of Frigia, Troys town,And for tobe wrokin, be alkin panys,Apon thar sary levingis and remanys:Bot euer in ane ȝit stil persewis scheThe ded banys and cald assys to spulȝeOf silly Troy, quhilk is to rewyne brocht.A wondyr quhou scho may, intil hir thocht,Of sa gret furour half the causys consaue.Thi self is witnes quhou, laitly, our the laif,Sa masterful storm amyd the Libiane seeScho rasit sone, quhil vp to hevynnys hieThe fludis kachit war, and sair opprest,Throu help of Eolus wyndis and tempest:Sa gret wrang in thi realme durst scho excers.O this detestabil wikkitnes to rehers!Lo! hes scho nocht, newlingis, sa schamefully,The Troiane matronys maid byrn thar navy,By hir wod rage? and ar, for falt of schippis,In onkouth land left from thar fallowschippis?In tyme cummyng, I the beseik, quod sche,Schaw thi mychtis, that salfly throu the seeIt may be leifful thai thar salys set:Grant at thai may alsso atteyn, but let,The flude Tybir, throu Lawrent feildis slydis.Admyt myne askin, gif so the fatis gydis,Or gif that my desyre may grantit be,Or ȝit werd sisteris list geif thame that cuntre.Saturnus son Neptunus tho, I wys,That of the deip see fludis dantar is,Ansuerit and said: Citherea the fair,It is resson, and ganand euermair,Thou be assurit to rest at thi lykingIn my boundis, and throw out al my ryng,Quharfra thou hes thi first original,As thi kynd grund and cuntre natural.In othir placis als, furth of my land,I haue deseruit thankis at thi hand,And oft tyme hes sa gret curage, thou knawis,Dantit baith of see and bustuus wynd at blawis.To witnes draw I of this at I say,Exanth and Symois, Troiane fludis tway,That I na les cuyr tuke of thine Ene,To salue him on the land, than on the see.For quhen the fers Achil persewit sair,Chasand affrayt Troianys heir and thar,The gret rowtis to the wallis thrymland,Tofor his face half ded for feir trymland,And mony thousandis on the grund layd ded,The ryveris dittit with ded corpsys wolx rede,Vndir bodeis bullyrrand; for sik multitudeOf slauchtir he maid, quhil Exanthus the fludeMycht fynd na way to ryn onto the see:Than, apon cace, with Achillis EneMatchit in fecht, nowdir of strenth or mychtEquale be far, nor ȝit sa weil at rychtFavorit of the goddis as Achillis, perfay,By a dyrk clowd I staw thi son away:Quhoubeit, the ilk tyme, my desyre was setLaw fra the grond al Troy forto down bet,Tha maynsworn wallis biggit with my handis.As twichand Ene, quhou evir the chance standis,The sammyn wys ȝit perseueris my mynd:Haue thou na dreid. I salbe ȝit als kynd.Onto tha havynnys he sal cum sovirle,As thou desyris, and furthir him eyk sal IOntil Avern, clepit the louch of hell.Ane sal alanerly be loste, I the tell,Quham thou sal seik, amang the fludis, dede;For help of mony thar salbe gevin a hede.Eftir that with sik wordis NeptunusHad mesit the mude of the goddes Venus,Tho kan this fader of the see, but mair,Hys horssis ȝok to draw his cart or chair,With fomy bridill danting the fers bestis;Thar renȝeis and thetys, at thame arestis,With hys awin handys leit do slyp and slakkis,And lichtly our the fludis croppis frakkisHys watry chair, furth fleand with a sownd,Quhil al the wallis dowkis to the grownd;Vndir the brayand quhelis and assiltreThe fludis strekis plane our al the see:The bubbis and wyndy clowdis, heir and thar,Gan fle onon furth of the large ayr.Than of his court apperit figuris seir;The hydduus quhalys, and al the rowtis in feirOf agit Glaucus with his cannos hair,And Palemon, Inoes son and ayr;The swift Tritones, with trump playand thar spryng;Phorcus, with al his falloschip and ofspryng:And on hys left hand furth haldis Thetis,With al the Nymphis hait Nereidis,Sik as Melite, Spyo, Penopea,Cymodoce, Nyse, and Thalia.