The Æneid of Virgil Translated Into Scottish Verse

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The Æneid of Virgil Translated Into Scottish Verse
Язык: Английский
Год издания: 2018
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Of the gemmys proclamyng, and the play,Quhais fyrst dereyn four schippis dyd assay.Cummyn be thys was the desyryt day:The nynte morow vpspryngis fresch and gay,And Pheyton gan hys faderis chayr furth dryve.The fame of this triumphe gan spreid belyve,That, for wirschip of Acestes, thar kyng,All folkis enveron dyd to the costis thryng,Glaidly occupyand al the strandis about;Sum, to behald Eneas cowrt and rowt,And sum, alsso, to stryfe for the mastry.At the begynnyng, the wageouris by and by,And the rewardis, in myddis of the feildBefor thar eyn war set, at all beheld:The gilt trestis, and the greyn tre,The lawrer crownys, for the pryce and gre,With palmys scheyn in takyn of victory,Fair armouris of triumphe and myche glory,The robbys fyne of purpour, richly dycht,Seir talentis eik of gold and siluer brycht.Tharwith, the trumpet blew, as beyn the gys,Apon ane hyght, declaris and notyfyisThe gemmys tobe excersyt for that day.With arys squair, the bargan gan assayFour galeys fyrst, chosyn of al the flote.The swyft Pystris witht spedy routht, fute hoyt,Furth steris the stern Mynestheus onan,Quhilk eftir bycam a lord Italian;Of quhays ofspring and genealogyThe pepill ar discend, clepyt Memny.The bustuus barge, yclepit Chimera,Gyas, with fellon fard, furthbrocht alssua,Sa huge of byrth a cite semyt sche;Quham, a gret nowmyr of ȝong Troiane menȝeIn thrynfald ordour, causis furth toglyde;The arys rays thre rawis on athir syde.The thryd schip, yclepit Centaurus,Furth haldis, with hir patron Sergestus,Quham fra the famyle come hait Sergia.The sovir sey schip tho, namyt Scylla,Cloanthus gydis; efter quham, ȝyt syne,In Roym the pepill beyn callyt Cluenthyne.Weil far from thens standis a rock in the see,Forgane the fomy schor and costis hie,Quhilk, sumtyme, with the boldynnand wallis quhite,Is by the jawpe of fludis coveryt quyte,Quhen the southt est wynd, in the wynter tyde,Gan with his stormy clowdis the starnys hyde;And, in the calm or lowyn weddir, is seynAbufe the fludis hie, a fair plane greyn,A standing place, quhar skarthis with thar bekis,Forgane the son, glaidly thame pronȝe and bekis.In this place stykkyt heth the prince EneA mark or wyttir of a greyn aik tre,In term and takyn onto the maryneris,Quhar, forto turn agane, as thame efferis,And set about thar lang cours, thai mycht knaw.By kuttis than, per ordour, al on raw,Thar place thai cheysyt at the costis bay.The patronys in eft castellis, fresch and gay,Stude, al in gold and purpour schynand brycht:The remanent of the rowaris, euery wight,In poppil tre branchis dyght at poynt,With spaldis nakyt, schayn of oyl enoynt;Apon thar seyttis and thoftis all atanysThar placis hynt, arrayit for the nanys,With armys reddy outour thar aris fald,Abydis lysnand the takyn to behald,Thar hartis onflocht, smytyn with schame sumdeill;Bot glaid and joly, in hope forto do weill,Rasys in thar breistis desyre of hie renoun.Syne, but delay, at the first trumpys sown,From thar marchis atanys furth thai sprent.Vpsprang the clamour, and the rerd furth went,Heich in the skyis, of mony maryner:The fomy stowr of sey rays thar and heir,Throu fers bak drauchtis of feil gardeys squair.Thai sewch the fludis that, swouchand quhar thai fair,In sondyr slydis; ourweltyt eyk with arys,From thar forstammys the bullyr brays and raris.Nevir sa fersly, in feild nor in barrer,The dowbill ȝokkyt cartis in feir, of werOr for triumphe, furth of thar stabillys gan rusch;Nor nevir sa thyk, with mony lasch and dusch,The cartaris smate thar horssis fast in teyn,With renȝeys slakkyt, and swete drepand bedeyn:For, throu the gild and rerd of men so ȝeld,And egyrnes of thar frendis thame beheld,Schowtand, row fast! all the woddis resoundis;Endlang the costis the vocis and the sowndisRollys inclusyt, quhill the mekyll hyllysBemys agane, hyt with the brute so schil is.Amyd the pres, thus as the rerd vpwent,Befor the laif Gyas schyp furth sprent,Ourslydand wallys croppys byssely;Quhom Cloanthus followys nixt in hy,Mayr sle in rowth, thocht sum deil slaw was sche,For that hir holl was of sa hevy tre.And eftir thame, elyke, furth in evyn space,Pistris and Centawr straif for the fyrst place:And now hes Pistrys the fordell, and syne, in hy,The byg Centawr hyr warris, and slyppis by:Now glyde tha bath togidder furth in front,Sewchquhand salt fame with thar lang kelis blont.CAP. IV
Ȝyt quhou the schippys stryvys on the see,Of thar nyce rays, and quha that won the gre.Wyth this thai gan towart the meyth approche,And war almaist cummyn onto the roch,Quhen that the patron Gyas, amyd the flude,Wenyng hym self victour, thar as he stude,Callys on hys steris man, hayt Meneyt by name;Quhidder goys thou so on steirburd? fy forschame!Frawart me thou haldis; set thi cours innarmor;Seik hard on burd endlang fast by the schor,And suffir that the palmys of our arysHyrsyl on the crag almaist, ilk rowth, and waris:Lat the othirris hald furth the deip sey large.Quod Gyas: Bot Menetes, for hys bargeOf the hyd rolkis blynd sum deill afferyt,Towart the deip fludis hyr stevin ay steryt.Quhar, dysmall, wilt thou now? gan Gyas cry;Hald to the crag agane, Meneyt, fast by.And tharwith, lo! Cloanthus he dyd behaldHard at hys taill, that gan the nar way hald:For, rycht betwix the rolk and Gyas schyp,On bawbord fast the innar way he leyt slyp,And wan befor the formast schip in hy:Now is he passyt the wittir, and rollys byThe roch, and haldis sovirly throu the see.Bot than, God wait, quhat payn in hart gan dreThe ȝong Gyas! hym thocht al brynt hys banys;The watir bryst from baith hys eyn atanys;Forȝet was wirschip and hys honeste thar,Forȝet was of hys falloschip the weilfair,The ancyant treuth of Meneyt forȝettis he,And swakkyt hym our schipburd in the see:Hym self, as skyppar, hynt the steir in hand,Hym self, as mastir, gan maryneris command,And threw the ruddyr to the costis syde.Be than the auld Meneyt our schipburd slyde,Hevy, and al his weid sowpyt with seys,Skars from the watir grond vpboltyt he is,Syne swymmand held onto the craggis hycht,Sat on the dry rolk, and hym self gan dyght:The Troianys lauchys fast seand hym fall,And, hym behaldand swym, thai keklyt all;Bot mast, thai makyn gem and gret ryot,To se hym spowt salt watir of hys throte.Heir first gude hope arays to the twa last,That is to knaw, Mynestheus and Sergest,Gyas schyp thar by to ourcum wenyng,That tarays sum deill for lak of gude steryng.Tho Sergest gan the fyrst place occupy,With schip approchand towart the roche in hy;And, netheles, hail befor wan scho nocht,Bot thrang hir forschip formast, as scho mocht,So that Pistrys, hyr weryour, all the way,Hyr forstam by hir mydschip haldis ay.Than, rowmyng to and fra hys schyp our all,Mynestheus gan hys feris exhort and call:Now, now, ȝe vailliant feris of worthy Hector,Hail stoutly vp ȝour arys; thynk on ȝour glor;Thynk quhou, the lattir rewyne of Troy, ȝou IHaue walyt, and brocht with me in cumpany:Now schaw that strenth, now schaw that hie curage,Quhilk on the schaldis of Affryk, in stormys rage,Ȝhe dyd excers, and the ilk fors, I wys,Ȝhe schew betwix Scylla and Carybdys,Quhar that Ioneum clepyt is the see,And als forgane the styth stremys of Malee.As to the fyrst place, now byd I nocht craif it,Althocht I be Mynestheus, wont til haue it;Nor I byd not to stryve and wyn the gre,Howbeyt, wald God, that war a gloir to se!Do lat thame bruke the mastry and the pryce,Quhamto Neptune lyst grant at hys devyce;Bot gret lak war to return althar last:Deir frendis, defend ȝou fra that kankyrryt kast,And do ourset sa schaymful hard myschance.With al thar fors than at the vtyrance,Thai pynglyt arys vp to bend and haill,With sa strang rowthis apon athir wail,The mychty karvell schuddryt at euery straik,Down swakand fludis vndir hyr brayd bilge of aik:So clappys the braith in breistis with mony pant,Quhil in thar dry throtis the aynd worth skant,And swait down triglys in stremys our alquhar.Betyd a chance that ilk tyme fell thame fair,And grantyt thame that honour tha desyryt:For as Sergest, with fers mynde half enfyryt,Turnyt hys stevyn towart the rolk our neir,Ontil a wykkyt place hys schip dyd steir,Quhil on the blynd craggis, myschewsly,Fast stykkis scho, choppand hard quhynnys in hy,And on the scharp skelleis, to hir wanhap,Smait with syk fard, the arys in flendris lap;Hir forschip hang, and sum deil scoryt throu owt.The marynaris start on fut with a schout,Cryand, byde, how! and with lang bolmys of trePykyt with irne, and scharp roddis, he and heInforcis of to schowyn the schyp to save,And brokkyn aris gadderyt on the streym thai haue.Now quha was blith bot Mynestheus, ful ȝor,Quhilk, for this chance, mair egyrly than befor,With swyft fard of arys, and wynd at wyll,The reddy way held our the fludis chyll,And frakkis fast outthrow the oppyn see.Als swyftly as the dow affrayit doith fleFurth of hir hoyll, and richt darn wynnyng wayn,Quhar hir sweit nest is holkyt in the stayn,So fersly in the feildis furth scho spryngis,Quhil of hir fard the howsys ryggyng ryngis;And sone eftir, scherand the lownyt ayr,Down from the hycht discendis soft and fair,Not byssy weyngyt, bot planand esyly:So slaid Mynestheus throu the sey in hy,So followys Pistrys, was langeyr allthar last,With fellon fard furth swepand alsso fast.And fyrst Sergest behynd sone left hes he,Wreland on skelleys and ondepys of the see,With brokkyn aris lerand to haist agane,And cryand, help! bot that was al invane.Syne Gyas schyp, the fellon Chimera,Persewys he fast, quhilk gave hym place alsswa,For scho was spulȝeyt of hir sterisman.Thar restis na ma bot Cloanthus than;Quham fynaly to persew he addrest,And pynglys hir onto the vtyrmest.The noys and brute tho dowblys lowd on hycht;For, on the costis syde, fast euery wightSpurris the persewaris to roll bissely:Set on hym now; haue at hym thar, thai cry;That huge clamour fordynnyt al the ayr.The formast thocht thar awyn wirschip so fair,And had disdeyn bot thai thar honour save,To bruke it quhilk so hard wonnyn thai have,Or thai thar lawd suld loys or vassyllage,Thai had far levir lay thar lyfe in wage.The favorabill forton, and thar happy chance,So gan the breistis of the otheris avance,Thame thocht thai mocht thame wyn witht laubour lycht,Becaus it semyt to thame at so thai mycht.And peraventur, with equale stevynnys atanys,The pryce thai suld haue baith caucht for the nanys,War not Cloanthus in the fludis cauldWith devote prayeris baith his handis gan hald,And on the goddis callys, and maid hys vow:O ȝhe goddis, quhays fludis I ryn throw,Vndir ȝour empyre rewlyng the large see,I sal glaidly on this cost syde, quod he,A quhite bull offir in ȝour sacryfyce,So I my vow may bruke, and wyn the pryce;The entralis eyk, far in the fludis brak,In ȝour reuerens, sal I slyng and swak,And ȝet tharin the sweit liquor of wyne.And, be hys wordis warryn brocht to fyne,Law fra the boddom of the seys deipHys prayeris war except: tharto tuke keipThe nymphis all, clepyt Nereydes,And thai that followis Phorcus, all the pres;The maid alsso quhilk Panopea hait:The fader of havynys, Portunus, al the gaitWith his byg hand schot the schip furth hir went,That swyftar than the southt wynd on scho sprent,Or as a fleand arrow to land glaid,And in the deip port enterit, but abaid.CAP. V
Quhou Eneas onto the marynerisGaif euery man thar reward, as effeiris.Anchises son Eneas, than, ful wys,Callys thame forrowth hym al, as wes the gys,And, with ane harraldis lowd voce, gan declareCloanthus victor was, and on hys hairGart set a crown, was of the lawrer greyn;And bad onto thar schippis bair bedeynThre ȝong oxin onto euery barge,Presandis of wyne, and of siluer a charge.Bot principaly to the capitanys he gaveHonorabill rewardis, as thame efferit to haue:To the victour, a mantil brusyt with gold,With purpour selvage writhyn mony fold,And al byrunnyn and lowpyt lustely,As rynnys the flude Meander in Thessaly;Quharon was weyf, in suttel goldyn thredis,Kyng Troyus son, the fair Ganymedys,Vnder the thyk wod bewys of IdaThe swyft hartis chasand to and fra,And with hys dartis baldly thame gan beyt:He semyt porturyt pantand for the hete;Quham, witht a surs, swyftly, Jovys squyarCaucht in hys clewis, and bair vp in the air:The eldar huntaris, and hys keparis than,Clapand thar lufis and thar handis, ilk man,Sayr awondryt gan the starnys behald;For hundis queste it semyt the lyft ryfe wald.Onto hym, syne, Eneas gevyn has,That by hys vertew wan the secund place,A habirgyon of byrnyst mailȝeis brycht,With gold ourgilt clowit thrynfald full tycht,Quhilk he, sum tyme, with his strang handis two,Tyrvyt and rent of bald Demoleo,Quham vndir Troys wallys venquyst he,Quhar Symois rynnys swyftly in the see:This wirschipful gift to Mynestheus he gave,That was hys beild in armys hym to save.Sa paysand was this cote that scarsly mychtPhegeus and Sagaris, twa serwandis wight,Bair it on thar nek chargyt mony fald:Bot, tharwith cled, Demoleo ryn fast wald,Chasand the Troianys skatterit far on breid.The thryd gyft syne, Eneas gaif in deydTwa gret caldronys of bras forgyt hoyt;Twa syluer choppis schapyn lyke a boyt,Punsyt ful weil, and with fyguris ingrave:And thus thar gyftis gottyn al thai haue.Apon syk wys, ful prowd of thar reward,Ilkane of thame, furth pransand lyke a lard,Arrayit weil the tymplis of thar hedWith purpour garlandis of the rosys red:Quhen from the scharp rolk, scarsly, with gret slycht,Sergestus gan vpwreil hys schyp evill dycht;Of brokyn arys febilly with a raw,Mokkyt and schent, scho cummys hame ful slaw.Lyke as oft happynnys the eddyr amyd the wayLurkand or glydand, in the hait symmyrris day,Quham the hevy schod cart quheil doith ourtak,Pressyng hir down, and ryvand hir tewch bak,Or, with smart dynt or stane kast, half ded neir,And kut in tway, leifis the travelleir;Scho pressand fle, al for nocht, byssely,Lang wrynklys makis oft with hir body;The ta part fers and fell, with byrnand eynStrekand hyr nek with hyssis lowd in teyn;The tother part, lamyt, clynschis and makis hir byd,In lowpis thrawyn and lynkis of hir hyde:With syklyke routhe this schip slawly furth went,Syne maid sail at the last, and, tharwith bent,Entyrris in the havyn; and Sergest EneasRewardis weil, as that his promys was;For glaid he was the schip was salue onlost,And brocht hys ferys hailskarth to the cost.To hym a servand woman, hayt Pholoa,Was geyf, and, sowkand hyr, hir twynnys twa:Of Creyt, as to hyr kynrent, born was sche,And in the craft of Mynerve wondyr sle.CAP. VI
Into this nixt cheptour followys heirThe fut mennys rynkis and rewardis seir.Gentyll Ene, this sport endyt and done,Ontyl a fayr plane greyn passyt sone,Quhilk was enveronyt al with hyllys hie,Schaddowyt with woddys rank, and mony a tre:Amyd the vale, in maner of cyrkyl rownd,A playng place was markyt on the grond,Syk as that clepyt beyn a theatry.Thiddir the heir with mony thousand gan hy,And evyn amydwart in hys troyn grete,For hym arayt, takyn hes hys sete:Quhar, with rewardis seir, he dyd provokeThe curage and myndis of ȝong foke;Syk as lykkyt swyftly on fute to ryn,Cum bayr the pryce away, and wageour wyn.On athir half than gadderis hym aboutOf Troianys sammyn and Sycilyanys a rowt;And first come Nysus and the fresch Evrille:Ewrillyus in grene ȝouth and luf sylle,Maist eligant of person, for quhays frendschipAnd tendyrnes come Nisus in falloschip:Quham followis nixt nobyl Dyores the gude,Cummyn of the stok of myghty Priamus blude;And eftir hym thar followys sone ononTwa othirris sammyn, Salyus and Patron,Of quham the tane born of Epyria,And the tother was of Archadya,Cummyn of the blude of Tegea that cite:Twa othir ȝong men syne of Sycille,Helymus and Panopes, baith ferisOnto the kyng Acestes ald of ȝeris,Hantyt to ryn in woddis and in schawis:Seir othir come eik, quhais namys onknaw is,For that thai war of law stait and degre.Amyddys of thame all, thus sayd Ene;Tak tent frendis, remembir quhat I say,Mark this in myndis glaidly, and bair away:Neuer ane of al this falloschip, quod he,Sal onrewardyt hyne depart fra me.I sal ȝou geiffyn ilk man as efferis:With brycht hedis, wrocht in Creyt, twa schort speris,A syluerit ax alsso, to bair in hand;For ȝou al equale salbe syk presand.The thre formaste salbeir the pryce and gre,Thar hedis crownyt with greyn olyve tre:Quha cummys fyrst, and victour our the laif,Ane hors with precyus harnessyng sal haif:The secund, ane arow cays of Amazon,Ful of arrowys of Trace, sal haue onon,Hungyn by a braid tysche of gold ilke joynt,The bukkil claspyt with a jemmys poynt:The thryd most go hys way, and stand contentBot of this Gregion helm, lo, heir present.Quhen this was said, thar placis haue thai tane,And, fra thai hard the takyn, sone onaneRicht swyftly on thar rasys gan thai tak;The stand thai leif, and flaw furth with a crak,As wyndis blast, etland to the rynkis end.Befor thame all furth bowtis with a bendNysus a far way, start mair spedelyThan thud of weddir, or thundyr in the sky.Nyxt onto hym, bot nocht neir be far way,Followys Salyus; and, a space eftir thame tway,Ewrialus was the thryd: quham syne infeirFollowyt Helymus; quhamto held evir neirDyores, quhidderand at hys bak fute hait,Hys tays choppand on hys heill al the gayt,Writhand with hys schuldir to haue thrung hym by;And, had he anys won mair rowm, tho in hyHe suld ful sone haue skyppyt furth befor,And left in dowt quha come fyrst to the skoyr.Be this thai wan neir to the rynkis end,Irkyt sum deill befor the mark weil kend;Quhen that Nysus fallys, onhappely,Apon the glotnyt blude, quhar as fast byThe styrkis for the sacrifyce, per cace,War newly brytnyt; quharof al the place,And the greyn gers, bedyit was and wet.As this ȝongker heiron tred and fute set,Joly and blyth, wenyng hym victour round.He slaid and stumryt on the slydry grond,And fell at erd gruflyngis amyd the fen,Or beistis blude of sacrifyce; ȝyt thenForȝettis he not Ewrialus luf, perfay,Bot kest hym evyn ourthourtyr Salyus way,Grulyng as he mycht apon the slydry grene,Maid hym lycht wyndflaucht on the grond onclene.Furth sprent Ewrialus formest, and, by suppleOf his frend Nysus, the first place wan he.With rerd and favorabil hailsyngis furth he sprang,As oft befallys, syk tymys, commonys amang.Helymus nixt onto the stand is cummyn:The thryd place now and gre Dyor has nummyn.Tho Salyus fyllys al the court aboutWith lowd ramingis, and with mony a schowt,And gan, in presens of the nobillys, prayRestor hys honour by dyssayt stollyn away.The favour defendis Eurialus of hys ferys,And of hys eyn brysting the seymly terys,Sched for dysdeyn he suld swa leys hys pryce;The vertew, eyk, mair gracyus at all devyceWas haldyn, at come of sa seymly person.That helpyt mekyl; and Dyores evir ononChydis for hym fast, for alsmekill as heThe thryd place than had wonnyn and the gre;Bot all for nocht may he the last pryce beleif,Gyf that to Salyus the fyrst reward beys geyf.Than the rewthfull Eneas spak and sayd:Ȝour enterprys, childeryng, beys blyth and glaid,Remanys sovir to ȝou; for, owt of weir,As fyrst was set the pryce, sal na man steir.It moste be to me leful rewth to haueOf my frendis myschance, hys lak to save,Quhilk in hys awyn defalt tynt not the gre.And, sayand thus, to Salyus gave heA bustuus lyonys skyn of Getuly,With goldyn clewys, lokkerit and weghty.Ha! than quod Nysus, gyf syk reward salbeGevyn onto thame at fallys and tynys the gre:Gif the lyst rew on syk, quhat gyft condyngWilt thou geif Nysus, ran swyft in a lyng,And worthy was the fyrst croun to haue caucht,War nocht the sam mysforton me ourrauchtQuhilk Salyus betyd? and, with that word,Hys face he schew besmottyrit for a bourd,And al hys membris in mud and dung bedoyf.Than lewch that ryal prynce on hym to goyf,And bad do fech a rych scheild, wrocht quentlySum tyme by ane Dodymaon maist crafty,And by the Grekis alsso doun was dyngOf Neptunys tempyll post, quhar it dyd hyng:This worthy ȝong man with that gyft soveraneRewardis he, of syk geyr as mycht gane.CAP. VII
Of the twa kempys suld stryfe in the pres,The bustuus Entellus and Darhes.Eftyr thir rasys done, and gyftys geif;Now cummys heir, said Ene, quha lyst preifTo streke thar armys furth, and heys on hycht,For mays or burdon arrayit weil at rycht:Quha hes tharto reddy bald spreit lat se.For athir party the pryce ordanyt hes he:For the victour a bul, and al hys hedOf goldyn schakaris and roys garlandis redBuskyt full weil; to hym venquyst, alssua,A rych helm and a fyne sword, baith twa,Set for hys solace. Than, but delay, DarhesWith buustuus fors schew hys face in the pres.As he vpstart, onon gret rumour raysAmang the commonys, sayand, lo! quhar he gays,Alane was wont agane Parys debait:Ȝon sam is he quhilk, at the tumbe, fute hait,Quhar beryit was Hector of maist renoun,The campion Butes ourcom and bet doun,Al flat hym speldyt on the dun sand,In the dedthrawis: quhilk Butes, to vnderstand,Fra Bebrycy com, of statur huge rude,And hym avansyt of kyng Amycus blude.Thys ilk Darhes, berand hys hed on hie,Reddy for batale, schew furth, at al mycht se,Hys schulderis braid, and swakkis heir and tharHys armys strecht with gret flappys in the ayr.Ane othir mache to hym was socht and speryt;Bot thar was nane of al the rowt at steryt,Ne durst presume meyt that man on the land,With mace nor burdon to debait hand for hand.Joly and glaid tharof, baith al and sumInto bargane wenyng fortil ourcum,Beforn Eneas feyt stad but delay:The bul he grippys by ane of hornys twayWith hys left hand, and said apon this wys;Son of the goddes, gyf na man wil rys,Ne dar hym self aventur in batelle,Quhy stand I thus? quhou lang efferis me dwell?Command me leid away the pryce al fre.The Troianys with hym sammyn, he and he,Murmuryt and bemyt on the ilke wys:Reyk to the man the pryce promyst, all cryis.Tho gan the grave Acest with wordis chydeEntellus, sat on greyn sonk hym besyde:Entell, quod he, vmquhile the forcyastOf campionys clepyt, and the worthyast,Invane that name thou beris, I dar say,Gyf thou, sa thoilmude, sufferis leid awaySo gret a pryce, but dereyn of batell.Quhar is he now, gret Erix, as thai tell,Our God renownyt, and mastir, al for nocht?Quhar now that fame, our al Sycil onflochtQuhilum dywlgate, is becummyn and gone?Quhar beyn the spulȝe triumphal mony one,Within thine hows hyngis on euery post?The tother ansuerd: nowthir for dreid ne bostThe luf of wirschip nor honour went away is,Bot certanly the dasyt blude, now on days,Walxis dolf and dull throw myne onweldy age;The cald body hes mynyst my curage:Bot war I now, as vmquhile it hes bene,Ȝyng as ȝon wanton voustour, sa strang thai weyn,Ȝa, had I now syk ȝouthed, traistis me,But ony pryce, I suld al reddy be;Na lusty bull me tyl induce suld neid,For nothir I suld haue cravyt wage nor meyd.Quhen this was said, he hes, but mair abaid,Twa kempys burdonys brocht, and befor thame laid,With al thar harnes and braseris by and by,Of weght ful huge, and schap onmesurly;Quhar with, vmquhile, the stern Erix was wontTo feght in bargane, and geif mony dont,In that hard bellan hys brawnys to enbrace.All wolx estonyst beheld thame in that place:So huge weght, and so gret quantiteThai war, that weil thame semyt for to beOf curbulle corvyn sevyn gret oxin hydis,Styf as a burd that stude, on athir sydisStuffyt and cowchit ful of irne and leid.Abuf al otheris, Darhes, in that sted,Thame to behald abasyt wolx grettumly,Tharwith to mel reffusyng aluterly:Bot, ful of magnanymyte, EneasPasys thar weght als lychtly as a fas,Thar hydduus braseris swakand to and fro.Syk wordis gan the auld rehersyng tho:Quhat wald he haue said, that perchance had seHercules burdon and wapynnys heir, quod he,And on this ilke cost the sorofull bargane?Thir sammyn wapynnys Erix, thi broder germane,Was wont to bair: behald thame smottyt quyteOf his red blude, and harnys tharon owtsmyte.With thir agane gret Hercules stude he;With thir was I wont mach in the melle,Quhil my fresch blude mair fors and strenth me lent,Or that onfrendlich eild had thus bysprentMy hed and halffettis baith with canus hair.Bot, gyf that Troiane Darhes reffusys thairWith thir, our cuntre wapynnys, in feild to pas,And eik it lykis the curtas Eneas,So that Acest my soverane that appreve,Be not efferd, Darhes; na thing the greve;Erix macis to the on syde lay I,And thou thi Troiane burdon alsso do by:With equale wapynnys lat ws go to sone.And, with that word, of hys schulderis hes doneHys dowbill habyt; and hys lymmys squair,Baith byg bonys and brawnys, maid al bair;Syne stythly in the sand vpstandis he,Of hyduus statur and of quantite.CAP. VIII
The bargane of the kempys curageus,The fers Darhes, and stalwart Entellus.The prynce Anchises son, Eneas, thanTwa evynly burdonys walyt, as cunnand man,And equale armour, but dyversyte,On schulderis and thar gardeys buklys he.Than athir gan contrar othir styth stand,With fyngeris fast faikand thar mace in hand,Syne heich abufe thar hedis in the ayrOnabasytly rasyt thar armys squair,And from the straik thar nek drew far abak.Now, hand to hand, the dynt lychtis with a swak;Now bendis he vp hys burdon with a mynt,On syde he bradis fortil eschew the dynt;He etlys ȝondir hys avantage to tak,He metis hym thar, and charris hym with a chak;He watis to spy, and smytis in al hys mycht,The tother keppys hym on hys burdon wycht;Thai foyn at othir, and eggis to bargane.Lychtar on fute and agil was the tane,And in hys lusty ȝouth sum deil ensuris:The tother, of lymmys byggar, and cors mair stuyr, is,Bot hys faynt schankis gan for eild schaik;Hys gowsty cost and membris, euery straik,The febil braith gan to bete and blaw.Thir hardy kempys, al in waist, leyt draw,Athir at other, mony rowtis grete:On holl sydis feill dowbill dyntis gan bete,And on thar breistis lychtis with huge sownd;Oft in the ayr about thar hedis rowndThar handis waveryt, and the strayk went mys;Hard halffettis clappyt oft vndir the dynt, I wys.Entellus standis styf and grave of cors,Not movyng from hys fyrst stand in a fors,And, with hys body only, and walkryfe E,The strakis onfar enchewys and keppyt he.Bot Darhes walkis about rycht craftely,Of hys fyrst purpos frustrat, to espySum avantage, with diuers assaltis algaitHym ombesetting sair, and handland hait:Lyke as by gret engynys quha sa waldA strang cite assail, or stalwart hald,To wyn that strenth, or ȝyt by craftis sleTo mynde the castell on the rochys hie,Lurkand in harnes wachis round about;Now this tocome, now by that way gan lowt,Quhar best he may cum to hys purpos sone,Avysand weil the place maist oportone.Entellus raxit hym, and hevis on hychtHys rycht hand, for to smyte in al hys mycht:The tother, seand the dynt cum, gan provideTo eschew swyftly, and sone lap on syde,That al hys fors Entellus gan applyInto the ayr; so that hys grave body,All hym alane, with huge weght and sayr,Ruschyt flatlyngis to the grond with a rair:So as, quhilum, the mekil kosch fyr tre,On Erymanthus the mont of Archade,Or in the wod of Ida, with a sowndVp by the rutis rent, ruschis to grond.The ȝoungkeris tho of Troy and SycillyGan starting all on fut delyvirly:The clamour rays, quhil al the hevyn dyd ryng,And fyrst to hym ran Acestes the kyng,And, for compassioun, hes vphynt in feildHys frend Entellus, onto hym evyn eild.Bot, nother estonyst nor abasyt heiron,Mair egyrly the vaillyant campionAgane to bargane went als hoyt as fyre:Hys strenthys now encressis al of ire;For schame, alsso, and for that weil he knewHys auld prowes, hys fors dowblyt and grew;And ardently, with fury and mekil boist,Gan Darhes kach and dryve our al the cost:Now with the rycht hand, now with the left hand, heDowblys dyntis, and, but abaid, leyt fle,That nothyr rest nor quyet may he tak.Als fast as rayn schour rappys on the thak,So thyk with strakis this campion maist strang,With athir hand, feil sys at Darhes dang,And drave hym to and fra with mony rowt.The prynce Eneas, than, seand this dowt,Na langar suffer wald sik wreth procede,Nor fers Entellus mude thus rage and sprede;Bot of the bargane maid end, but delay,And wery Darhes hes withdrawyn away.With wordis hym to mesyng thus he said:Onsylle wight, quhou dyd thi mynd invaidSa gret wodnes? felys thou not ȝyt, quod he,Othir strenth or mannys fors hes delt with the?Seys thou not weil thi self at thou art fey?Tharfor to God thou ȝeild the and obey:The power of goddys ar turnyt in thy contrar:Obey to God. And with that word, but mair,The bargane he dissolvyt: and than DarhesHys trew companȝeonys ledis of the pres,Harland hys wery lymmys dolf as led,For sorow schakand to and fra hys hed,And schaddis of blude furth spyttand throu hys lyppys,With bludy gammys, led hym to thar schippys;The helm and eik the sword with thame hes tane,As thai commandyt war, and left alaneThe bul ontil Entellus: sa was defynd.He victour than, and abufe in hys mynd,Prowd and reiosyt of this bull, gan say;Son of the goddes, and Troianys, I ȝou pray,Behald, and knaw by this takyn and syng,Quhat strenth was in my cors quhen I was ȝyng:Se fra quhat ded Darhes is savyt onslane.Quod he; and standand the bullys face forgane,Quhilk of thar dereyn was the pryce and gre,Hys stern burdon behynd hys bak on hieWith hys rycht hand gan tais and mesour swa,It smait hym evyn betwix the hornys twa;Persyt the harn pan, draif out the brayn in hy:Down duschit the beist ded on the land gan ly,Sprewland and flekkyrand in the ded thrawys.And he abufe hym furth warpys syk sawys:For Darhes ded, Erix, lo! this, quod he,A far mair ganand sawle, I offer the;And victour eyk my craft and wapynnys fairVprendris heir, for now and evir mair.