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Canada in Flanders. Volume III
November 23rd.
The Germans shell New Street, but cause little damage.
The heavy artillery have another and more successful bombardment of the new enemy trench between Below and Desire Trenches, and disperse German working parties in Crest Trench, along the Miraumont Road.
November 24th.
4th Brigade relieves the 11th Brigade. Enemy artillery less active during the day. German infantry observed on the Miraumont Road, and badly cut up by our artillery fire. Grevillers Trench and the junction of Coulée and Below Trenches are shelled.
Orders received from the Corps for the relief and move of the 4th Division.
November 25th.
Preparing for relief, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Canadian Divisional Artillery relieved by the 51st Divisional Artillery, 10th Brigade relieved in the line by the 12th Brigade, who will hold the entire front line until final relief by the 51st Division. Enemy working hard on defences of New Gallwitz Trench, and our artillery disperses a working party in Crest Trench.
November 26th.
Preparations for move completed. An offensive, arranged by the Yukon Machine-gun Battery, to clear out hostile patrols and working parties. The 10th and 11th Brigades commence their move to Canadian Corps area.
November 27th.
The machine-gun action reported to have been very satisfactory. Enemy artillery quiet, though movement of troops is noted. The 51st Division relieves the 4th Division.
November 28th.
The remainder of the 4th Division leaves the Somme area.
The Division joins the Canadian Corps with the 1st Army on the Arras-Lens front.
Incurred during the perilous and essential duties of "carrying" for the Brigade throughout the whole operation.
The 5th Brigade began their tour in the line 1,717 strong (all ranks). Their casualties during the tour amounted to 944 all ranks, making their strength on coming out 773 all ranks.
In the 5th Brigade on October 2nd the 5th Canadian Mounted Rifles, with attached details, numbered only 250 effectives, and the 4th Canadian Mounted Rifles but 175.
The casualties of the Canadian Corps from September 27th to noon on October 4th were as follows:

The casualties of the Canadian Corps from noon, October 4th, to noon, October 11th, were as follows: —

The II Corps consisted of the 18th, 19th, 25th, 39th British Divisions, and 4th Canadian Division.