Полная версия
Bare It All
Boy. The pants helped a little, but not much. He still looked indescribably awesome.
Sighing in resignation at her distraction, Reese said again, “Up here, Alice.”
Mute, she performed the near-impossible feat of lifting her attention to his face. She had a feeling that with Reese so uninhibited, his reminders were going to come fast and furious.
Really, how could any woman not stare at him?
The very first time she’d seen him, she’d recognized him as a prime physical specimen. Her past had damaged her, sure, but she wasn’t blind or stupid.
It had taken a lot of effort to remember her need for privacy, to look past him, to ignore his friendly smiles and polite greetings.
Then, seeing him with the dog...well, that had sealed her fate. Alice knew she’d lost a small part of her heart to him the moment she’d seen his patience with Cash. Reese stood over six and a half feet tall, but he wasn’t lanky. He had a honed body that drew everyone’s attention. No one could mistake his strength. Yet he’d been so gentle with Cash.
And yesterday, watching him in hero mode as he’d not only taken charge of the deadly situation but also tended to his injured friend... How could anyone be immune to him?
Fully dressed, Detective Reese Bareden was a heart-stopper. Half-naked, he was enough to turn her stupid with lust.
Amusement showed in the glitter of his green eyes. “I like it strong.”
“What?” Oh, Lord, she’d been visually devouring him again. She swallowed and tried to get it together.
“The coffee.”
“Oh.” How could she have forgotten? She held the carafe with both hands and summoned a smile. “All right.”
New concern eased his smile away. “What is it, Alice?”
“Nothing.” She couldn’t very well tell him that he was one of the most impressive males she’d ever known—and that was saying something, given that she’d met some truly remarkable men.
Men from her past. Good men...who’d been there to counter the depraved.
Even thinking about it caused her to tighten, to close in on herself protectively—
That deep, gentle voice brought her out of dark memories. Her racing heart slowed, her muscles uncoiled. She let out a tense breath and tried to sound casual. “Yes?”
“You and I are going to have that talk today.”
He made it sound almost like a threat, but she’d known real threats, and Reese didn’t scare her. Not that way. Not in any way, really. “Yes, we will.”
Her quick compliance seemed to surprise him. Had he expected her to refuse him? To get defensive?
Truthfully, there were times when even she didn’t know how she’d react. Ugly memories had a way of surfacing when she least expected them.
When it came to men, most of the time she steered clear of them. She definitely hadn’t planned on being drawn to Reese. But she enjoyed talking with him, so why avoid it? He wouldn’t get the information he wanted because it was information she couldn’t share, but she’d tell him enough to keep him satisfied.
For a little while, anyway.
Cash strained the length of the leash, impatient with the delay. The adorable dog, still more a puppy than not, was notorious for piddling on the floor when he got excited, curious, when he had to go...pretty much for any reason at all, really.
Luckily both of their apartments had hardwood floors, which made cleanups easier.
After another long look, Reese nodded at her and led the dog away. Moving out of the kitchen, warm with admiration, Alice watched him go. His disheveled blond hair and darker beard shadow only made him more gorgeous. Sleek muscles flexed...everywhere. Over his very wide shoulders, his back, down the length of those thick arms and thicker thighs...
He pulled the door open.
Breath strangled in her chest. “You’re going outside like that?”
He glanced down at himself and shrugged as if he didn’t have a body that could stop traffic and hearts alike. “Why not?”
The man was all but naked! He hadn’t even buttoned his pants. “You’re...indecent.”
“I won’t be long.” He checked that the door wouldn’t lock when he closed it, and out he went.
ALICE STOOD THERE lost in thought for far too long before she remembered that she had coffee to make.
Never had she thought to have a man in her apartment. Certainly not a hunky police detective and most definitely not overnight. It made sense for her to be off-kilter.
She’d no sooner finished preparing the coffee than she decided Reese might also like something to eat. It was lunchtime for her, but he hadn’t even had breakfast yet.
Maybe he hadn’t had dinner the night before either. His work as a detective had literally landed on his doorstep, and she doubted he’d had time to relax, much less enjoy a real meal. A man his size likely required a lot of sustenance.
Yesterday had consisted of bad guys coming and going, good guys sneaking in, gunshots and arrests, deaths and ambulances.... Shivering, Alice wrapped her arms around herself.
The life-or-death scenario had been unsettling for her, too. Having Reese on her couch, near at hand, gave her a sense of security that no weapon could. Even having Cash underfoot was reassuring. People still left her ill at ease, but animals were so nonjudgmental, so welcoming, she naturally took comfort from them.
Reese didn’t know it, but being Cash’s dog-sitter was the greatest gift. Until he’d proposed the arrangement a few days ago, she hadn’t realized what a difference it made to have another living, breathing creature nearby.
She sighed, noticed several minutes had passed, and decided she’d ask Reese what he’d like to eat.
Picking up her keys, Alice locked the door behind her. Never again would she take chances when it came to security. On her way out, she glanced up the steps at Reese’s apartment door. Unlike in the movies, there was no dramatic caution tape draping it, but yesterday Reese had said his colleagues preferred for him to stay out until they’d finished gathering their forensics, or taking photos, or whatever they had to do. She really had no idea of police procedure. Other than Reese, she’d never known a good officer.
Sure, she’d been acquainted with a few shady men who claimed the badge but not the honor that should have been inherent in the job. Yesterday, she’d met good cops.
She’d learned the hard way to recognize the difference.
Remembering the day before made her palms sweat. Yes, Reese had only come to her because of the destruction in his place, but she was glad for any reason. While she hopefully put up a brave front, no way had she wanted to stay alone.
As she’d done so many times, she pushed the unpleasant memories to the back of her mind and went down the steps to the glass, double entry doors.
Before she stepped out, she saw Reese standing there in the shade, Cash’s leash held loosely in his hand.
Two neighbor ladies, one a beautiful blonde with oversize breasts, the other a cute and petite brunette, stared at him adoringly while chatting.
They wore jogging shorts and sports bras and had a lot of skin showing. They stood far too close to him for mere conversation.
Alice didn’t think about it, didn’t even have time to process her reaction before she found herself striding out to the yard and right up to Reese and Cash. She snatched the dog’s leash from his hand, startling him.
Lifting one eyebrow, he looked down at her. “Alice.”
Her heart punched painfully against her breastbone. Unfair that a man with morning-rumpled hair and whiskers could still manage to look so good. “The coffee’s done.” She stared at the women while thrusting the keys out to him. “I can wait with Cash until he finishes up, if you’d like to go on in and get a cup.”
Slowly his expression shifted from surprise to amusement. “Why, thank you, Alice.” With a knowing grin, he accepted her key ring. “Your hospitality knows no bounds.”
She had no idea how to reply to that.
With a pleased smile, Reese touched her cheek, bid good day to the others and headed inside. The bright sunshine gleamed on his shoulders and gilded his fair hair. Though barefoot, he didn’t pick his way across the grounds; he strode like a confident man in control of himself and those around him.
When Alice realized that she wasn’t the only one noticing, she cleared her throat, loudly.
The blonde laughed. “Sorry, honey, but you know, I just can’t pull my eyes away. He’s an awful lot of man.”
The brunette agreed. Looking at Alice, she asked with palpable doubt, “So, you two have a thing?”
A thing? Understanding sank in. “What? No!” Alice looked down at herself, too. No, she wasn’t cute and petite like the brunette, and she certainly didn’t have the curves that the blonde flaunted. She was just herself, plain, understated, most times all but invisible.
Hadn’t she been told that often enough?
And thank God for it.
“We’re only neighbors.”
“Uh-huh, sure you are.” The friendly blonde continued to smile. “I wish I was that type of neighbor, too. I’ve suggested it, but I swear, Reese is a squirrely one, always dodging me.”
“You’ve actually suggested...”
“That we hook up, sure. And believe me, I haven’t been subtle!” She laughed. “I figured he turned me down because we’re too close for comfort, being in the same apartment building and all that. But if he’s spending the night with you, then that must not be an issue for him.”
The women stared at her, waiting for an explanation. Why hadn’t she left well enough alone? She had no claim on Reese, so she should have kept her nose out of it.
But she had butted in, behaving like a territorial girlfriend, giving them reason for speculation. Walking away now would be both rude and fodder for gossip.
“Do you both live here?” she asked, while trying to decide how to proceed.
“Upper floor,” the brunette said. “She’s on one side of Reese, and I’m on the other.”
“Doesn’t that sound naughty?” The blonde laughed again. “We’ve known Reese awhile now.”
Alice’s temples pounded. “How...nice.”
The blonde performed introductions. “I heard Reese call you Alice. I’m Nikki, and she’s Pam.”
“Hello.” Until Reese, Alice had managed to keep her distance from all of her neighbors. Now she had Reese’s admirers curious about her.
Knowing she’d just complicated her life, Alice turned her attention to Cash. Perhaps she could distract the women by playing with the dog?
But no, Cash flopped down in a ray of sunshine and looked so comfortable, she hated to disturb him. There was no help for it. She smiled at the women. “If you live that close to Reese, then you already know what happened yesterday.”
Pam lifted both brows. “You mean between the two of you?”
“No!” Good grief. Such a suggestion. “Really, nothing happened between us.”
Nikki grinned some more.
“I was talking about the police conflict that took place in his apartment.”
“We were out late,” Pam said.
“And much of the morning, too,” Nikki added. “What happened?”
Hoping to extricate herself soon, Alice did her best to summarize. “Yesterday, I saw a person going into Reese’s apartment, so I called him.”
“You have his number?” Pam asked with disbelief.
“I... Yes.” Alice wanted to groan. Pam and Nikki looked ready to pounce on her every word. She nodded toward Cash. “I watch his dog for him while he works, so it was necessary to exchange numbers.”
The women peered at Cash with disdain. Nikki said, “He pees everywhere. I’d send him to the pound for that.”
Feeling very protective of the dog, Alice scowled. “He’s a puppy still. He’s learning.”
Pam couldn’t quite uncurl her lip. “So he’s actually Reese’s dog? I assumed he was yours since you’re the one I usually see bringing him outside.”
“I pet-sit for him. Reese only recently got him, but being a detective, his hours can be...unconventional. And right now Cash needs a lot of attention, not to mention structure.”
“So yesterday, when you said someone went into his place?” Nikki dismissed the dog. “Reese was getting robbed?”
“Not exactly. It was just...” Unsure how much she should actually tell, Alice fudged the truth. “A conflict of sorts, that’s all. It all ended well enough when another detective showed up. But Reese’s apartment got a little...messy.”
With bullet holes. Blood. A dead body on the floor.
She shook her head. “Reese had a lot to do once they made arrests, a lot of follow-up work, so he got in late.” Or rather, early. “His apartment is still considered a crime scene.”
Uncaring of all that, Pam asked in disbelief, “And so he came to you?”
Alice shrugged. “He slept on my couch.”
“Your couch?” Nikki put a hand to her heart in dramatic fashion. “I would have dragged him into the bedroom.”
“Or joined him on the couch.” Pam grinned.
Through tight lips, Alice explained, “We don’t have that type of relationship.” In fact, she wasn’t sure what type of relationship they had. A couple of times now Reese had hinted about an attraction, but was it just teasing?
And if it wasn’t, what then?
“Oh, honey,” Nikki commiserated. “That must’ve been torturous for you, having a man like him so close but not getting the advantages.”
“It’s great news for us, though.” Pam elbowed her friend. “He’s still up for grabs.”
Alice couldn’t fathom their attitudes. “So you’re both interested in Reese?” How would that work? Neither of the women felt possessive?
Pam shrugged. “I do my best to get his attention, but Reese is a master at being polite without encouraging too much.”
Nikki agreed. “I’d be on him in a heartbeat if he’d give me a signal. He’s so delectably big and brawny.”
Big and brawny were not attributes that Alice generally admired. Not in a man who showed too much intimate interest in her.
But for whatever reason, Reese was different, and her heart raced every time he got near.
“He’s very compassionate,” Alice said, then suffered through some curious expressions from Nikki and Pam. “It’s true. He saved Cash. Someone had put the dog in a cardboard box and left him in the middle of the street.”
“Probably because he pees everywhere!” Nikki laughed.
Alice didn’t find it at all funny. How could anyone be that heartless? Luckily, Reese had cared enough to investigate when he saw the box, and once he’d discovered Cash, he’d taken him to the vet, adopted him and loved him. True, Reese spent too much time away, but he made sure the dog had proper care.
With her.
She sighed. “Reese is one of the kindest men I’ve ever met.”
Nikki grinned at her. “Yeah, and despite his big hard body and that incredible face, I’m sure it was his kindness that you noticed first, right?”
No, that quality might not be what first drew her attention to Reese, but it was definitely what got past her defensive walls.
“He’s also a police detective, honest and protective of others.”
Pam snickered. “And with as long as we’ve been talking, the big, bad cop just might be in the shower right now.” She gave Alice’s shoulder a pat and started away with Nikki. “If I was you, I’d hurry in and join him.”
“Have some fun for me, Alice.” Nikki smiled as she followed Pam. “We want to hear all the juicy details tomorrow!”
Alice was too frozen to say her goodbyes. Until Pam’s parting remark it hadn’t sunk in that she’d left Reese Bareden, a detective, alone in her apartment.
Oh, good Lord.
There was no telling what he’d find if he decided to snoop. And for a detective, snooping no doubt came naturally.
“Cash, come on, boy. Let’s go!”
Ears lifted, eyes bright, the dog jumped up, always ready for some excitement.
Good thing, because it seemed to Alice, wherever Reese Bareden went, excitement definitely followed.
* * *
WHILE ALICE LINGERED outside, saying God knew what, Reese did a quick surveillance of her apartment. Her bedroom was plain to the point of painful, not at all like most females’ rooms. In lieu of a frilly comforter, she had a simple beige quilt over a full-size bed. Utilitarian curtains were pulled back to allow in the warm summer breeze. Not a single piece of clothing showed out of place. Other than one photograph sitting on her dresser, she kept her surfaces clutter-free. He approached the picture for a better look.
She’d had shorter hair when the photo was taken, and beside her sat a girl some years younger. A sister? They shared the same eyes, hair color and the same lush mouth. Alice looked happy in a way that Reese hadn’t yet seen.
The Alice he knew never looked quite that tranquil, and seeing the contrast in the photo bothered him.
He strode to her closet to look inside.
Her very basic wardrobe hung in neat array, with her shoes lined up side by side on the floor. A shoe box on top of a shelf drew his attention, and he lifted it down.
Inside he found the heavy Glock that she’d carried into his apartment yesterday. Again he remembered the weapon in her hand and the look in her eyes.
“Shit.” He returned the box to the top of her closet and closed the door. He started to leave the room, hesitated, and instead looked under her bed.
Not a speck of dust, but he did find a lethal retractable baton. Scowling, he opened her nightstand and saw a Taser.
“Son of a bitch.” How many people did she expect to fend off? And what the hell had happened to her to make her think all the weapons were necessary?
None of it gelled. Alice was a first-class introvert. Painfully solemn and withdrawn. Sort of...quietly dignified. She reminded him of his third grade teacher, minus the bun and support hose. He curled his lip, disliking that comparison a lot—especially given how she turned him on.
There had to be something twisted in that.
At first, Alice Something-or-other—he really needed to learn her last name—had felt like a challenge. He didn’t want to think himself conceited, but women didn’t ignore him, so her disregard had piqued his interest.
Then he’d noticed her odd intensity, the extreme way she focused whenever she ventured outside, almost as if she watched for the boogeyman. Why would a young, middle-class woman in a good neighborhood need to be so over-the-top cautious, even in broad daylight?
Her softness felt like a lure. Big dark eyes. Baby fine brown hair.
And that soft, full mouth...
The first time he saw her smile—at his dog—something had sparked. Reese couldn’t explain it any more than he could dismiss it, but something about her turned him on at a gut level.
He saw that tempting smile of hers, and he got hard.
Knowing she could come back in any moment, Reese searched through her bathroom, but in his cursory exploration he found only the usual female products. No meds, other than a few OTCs like aspirin and cold pills.
In the spare bedroom set up as her office, he struck gold. With enough time to dig around, he could probably uncover all kinds of info on that elaborate computer network. Paper files occupied a rack on the corner of the desk. She had an external drive set up. Mail filled a basket, meaning he could learn her last name with a simple peek. Everything was so neatly organized that going through it would be a breeze.
But that would be such a huge invasion of her privacy.
Worse than peeking in closets and under beds.
God, it was tempting....
In a belated bid for integrity, Reese shut the door. He’d talk to Alice. He’d ask questions and hopefully get answers, and then he’d decide how to proceed.
Right now, after seeing the guns, Taser and baton, he really did need that coffee.
A few minutes later, he’d just sat down at the table with his second cup when the front door flew open and Alice charged in, Cash hot on her heels.
Reese half rose from his seat. “What’s wrong?”
She halted comically, still breathing fast. Cash looked at her, looked at Reese, and twitched his ears as if awaiting further instruction.
After blowing out a breath, Alice shook her head. “Nothing is wrong.” She closed the door and simply...stood there.
“Just felt like taking a wind sprint, huh?” Would he ever understand her?
Damn straight he would.
“I had no idea you could move so quickly.” Coffee in hand, he left the table. “I believe your temples are dewy. Did you run all the way in?”
She looked blank for only a moment, then visually searched the apartment as if seeking signs of his intrusion.
Let her look. He’d folded up his blankets. Put his clothes near the door. He’d even buttoned his slacks.
No way would he put on a shirt, though, not when he enjoyed her appreciation. And thinking of her appreciation...
He started toward her.
She locked her gaze to his. “What are you doing?”
Her uncertainty cut deep. “Greeting my dog.” Gently, Reese took the leash from her small hand and unhooked Cash. He knelt down. “Did you miss me, Cash? Did you?”
Alice stared down at him. “You talk to him like he’s a baby.”
“He likes it.” And then, to drive home that point, he said in his most ridiculous voice, “Don’t you, boy? Yes, you do.”
Alice blurted, “I’m sorry I intruded.”
Huh. What was that about? Slowly, so he wouldn’t make her any jumpier, Reese stood. “Let’s go to the kitchen. This is my second cup, but as foggy as I am today, I might need the whole pot.”
“All right.” She marched ahead of him. “I was going to offer you breakfast. Or lunch.” At the sink, she pivoted to face him. “What do you feel like?”
Such a loaded question, and being male, so many inappropriate comments came to mind. But given all her weaponry and secrets, he got right to the point instead of teasing.
“I feel like an explanation.” Or two or three. He helped himself to another cup of coffee, which put him within touching distance of her, and started with her last apology. “When did you intrude?”
“Outside. With your lady friends.”
Ah. What justification would she give for that little display? “You wanted me to get my coffee.” He saluted her with his cup. “Much appreciated.”
“Actually...no.” She rubbed her forehead. “I mean, yes, I did want you to have your coffee, of course. But I...I don’t really understand what I was thinking. I saw you out there with those women and the next thing I knew, I was behaving like a jealous wife.”
Wow. Reese stared at her, flabbergasted. She threw that out there like it was nothing. No reserve at all.
No sense of self-preservation either.
“Again,” she said in that same no-nonsense tone, “I’m sorry.”
Shaking off the surprise, Reese opened her refrigerator. “No problem.” He withdrew her cartoon of eggs.
She frowned. “They’re both very attractive.”
“Nikki and Pam?”
The frown intensified. “Don’t be deliberately obtuse.”
“All right.” If she wanted to dish it out, he could dish it right back. “They’re both sexy as hell.” He grinned like a sinner—or a man ready to provoke. “And they know it, too.”
Alice reached around him and pulled out bacon. “This is awkward.”
She didn’t act uncomfortable. She acted like it was routine to have such an odd conversation. “Nothing with me should be awkward.”
She eyed him, moved around to get out a pan. “I understand they were...trying to attract your interest?”
“With those two, always. They’re relentless in their pursuits.” He put just enough complaint in his tone to sound comically pitiful.
“Oh, poor you. How awful it must be to have sexy-as-hell women hitting on you.”
The bite of her sarcasm was so totally unexpected, he loved it. “Since I don’t want to get involved with either of them, even for a one-night stand, it gets tedious.”
“So you really have turned them down?” She quickly added, “That’s what they said. That they kept trying and you kept dodging them.”