Полная версия
Bare It All
Confused, Alice shook her head. “I don’t wear a mask.”
“Sure you do.” Lifting a twisting lock of Alice’s hair, Pepper smiled an apology. “The rain did you in.”
Her shoulders deflated. She prided herself on a nice appearance, but she’d never figured on getting caught in a storm. “I know.”
“No, I don’t think you do. You look great, Alice. Not that you looked bad yesterday, but now, with your hair a little wild and that dress showing off your figure...It’s a good look for you.”
Eyes widening, Alice said, “I look like a used mop.”
“Nope, not even.” Studying her, Pepper shrugged. “Truthfully, you look sort of sexy.”
Alice’s face went hot. She was both flattered and horrified. “Of course I don’t.” Hand splayed over her chest, she looked down at her dress. Her sturdy bra kept her mostly concealed, but the dress did outline her meager bust. “Do I?”
“You didn’t notice how the guys went all goofy when they saw you? They practically had their tongues hanging out. Reese was ready to beat his chest, he’s such a possessive ape.”
Still disbelieving, Alice shook her head. Sexy was not a word ever applied to her. Clean, neat, well-groomed, sure. Or as Rowdy had claimed, buttoned-up, and sadly, prim and proper.
But she was not—
“Anyway,” Pepper said, interrupting her private angst. “You are disguising yourself. I figured it was on purpose. See, until recently, I did my own type of hiding. That cretin who died in Reese’s apartment yesterday?”
Fascinated, Alice said, “Yes?”
“A few years ago, Rowdy and I worked for his club. Late one night, I saw him kill a city councilman. Cops were involved, so I couldn’t go to them. I tried talking to a reporter, and he got murdered, too.”
“Oh, my God.” How horrific. Rowdy had left out a few details when he’d mentioned why he and Pepper had lived the life they had. Empathy welled inside her like a giant balloon, crowding out all other thoughts and emotions. Maybe she and Pepper had more in common than she’d realized. “That’s why he was after you?”
“And my brother,” Pepper confirmed. “Rowdy doesn’t really run from anyone, but to protect me, he did.”
That gave her great insight into Rowdy, too. What would it be like to have someone that dedicated to your well-being? Her parents cared, of course. Her sister, too.
But this was different. Alice touched her hand in understanding. “I’ve met your brother, and I’m pretty sure he’d do anything for you.”
“True enough.” Pepper didn’t retreat from the touch. She looked down at her feet, but only for a moment. “We were in hiding for way too long. I had to look like a hag to ensure if anyone saw me, they wouldn’t recognize me.” Her mouth curled in distaste before she squeezed Alice’s hand and regained her grim humor. “It was such a drag, looking bad all the time.”
Seeing her now, Alice couldn’t imagine such a thing. “You’re so attractive I don’t know how you managed to not look good.”
That made Pepper laugh. “You should have seen Logan when I threw off the dregs and reverted back to me. It was a hoot. Well, sort of. At the moment I didn’t think so because I was worried about everything else.” She leaned close to whisper, “Logan was undercover, so I had no idea he was a cop when I slept with him.”
“Wow.” No other words came to mind. “That must have been...interesting.”
“Yeah, picture my shock when he arranged for Reese to show up and arrest my brother.”
And that, of course, would explain some of the bad blood between Reese and Pepper. Her heart broke a little, imagining what Pepper had endured. “That must’ve been really awful.”
“No kidding. I was so furious I wanted to take them both apart.”
“Furious...and hurt?”
Pepper shrugged. “In the end, it worked out. And thanks to them, Rowdy and I are now free.”
No more hiding. Alice envied her the freedom. “So you’ve forgiven the deception?”
“Yeah, sure. Don’t tell Reese, though.” She gave a devilish grin. “I like giving him a hard time.”
Given her carefree expression, Alice believed it. Pepper looked truly happy—and well loved. “I’m glad you and Logan found each other, regardless of the path you took to get there.”
“That’s about it.” Her fingertips tapped the edge of the tub before Pepper said, “This is nice—talking with you, I mean. You’re...comfortable.”
Alice gave a short laugh over that dubious compliment. “Thank you. I’ve enjoyed it, as well.”
“Maybe it’s because we’re both different.”
Not exactly a subtle hint, but Alice just smiled. “Maybe.” In such a short time they’d settled into an easy alliance. “Bullet wound aside, I’m glad to see that you and Detective Riske both fared so well after everything that happened yesterday.”
“You worry a lot, don’t you?”
About everyone and everything. “Sometimes.” Always. “As you said, I’m...different.”
“Different is good.” Pepper sized her up. “You know what? I think we should do a makeover on you.”
“It’s not an insult, I swear.”
“I wasn’t insulted.” More like...intrigued. “I’ve never fussed much with the usual female stuff.”
“You don’t really need to, not with your dark lashes and brows. But it wouldn’t hurt to loosen you up a bit.”
“Loosen me up?”
“Is there an echo in here?” Pepper teased, but then suddenly stalled. “I’m rushing things, right?”
Alice waved that off. “No, of course not.”
“You’ve probably got better things to do—”
“I think it’s a wonderful idea.” Would she enjoy being loosened up? Possibly. “I wouldn’t mind looking more fashionable—that is, if it won’t be too much work for you.”
“Are you kidding? It’ll be fun.” Pepper paused to draw a breath. “God, it’s been forever since I just had fun. Especially with another woman.”
Alice got caught up in her excitement and her teasing mood. “You won’t expect me to go around in wet dresses, will you?”
“Reese has to be able to function, so, no.”
There was more laughter—until a tap sounded on the door.
REESE SPOKE THROUGH the closed door. “Are you ladies having your own private party in there?”
After winking at Alice, Pepper said, “Butt out, Reese.”
“All right. But you should know that Logan is about to leave the couch to come look for you.”
Pepper shot off the tub ledge and jerked open the door. Muttering, “He wouldn’t dare,” she rushed around Reese and down the hall.
Still sitting, hands in her lap, her ankles together, Alice wondered how Reese saw her.
Was Pepper right?
Could he actually consider her sexy? Not just available, but a woman he specifically wanted? It was such a foreign concept that her mind blanched over the idea—until she peeked up at Reese and saw the heat in his gaze.
Hello! He stared intently at her bare feet, her calves, up to her hands clenched together in her lap and then to her breasts, now rising with her deep breaths.
Green eyes met hers. His voice sounded lower, rougher. “Why are you hiding in here?”
“I’m not.” Knowing he might see her differently—and accepting that she wanted him to—changed everything. Alice felt shy and uncertain as she stood. “Pepper and I were talking.”
“Oh?” Hands in his pockets, his gaze still moving over her, he leaned on the wall. His casual position blocked the doorway, keeping her in the bathroom with him. “Dare I ask the topic?”
“Their wedding,” she blurted.
His mouth curved in an indulgent smile. “Girl talk, then.”
“Well, sort of.” What did he consider girl talk? “We discussed a lot of stuff. She’s nice.”
“She has her moments.”
Her dress might be clingy, but then so was Reese’s shirt, and Alice couldn’t stop staring at his chest. No shirt would have been better, but a shirt outlining every muscle? Not bad. “We’re making plans for some outings together.”
“You don’t say?” He maintained his casual stance but was now more focused. “What type of outings?”
“She wants to give me a makeover.”
Abruptly Reese straightened. “Come again?”
Rather than go into detail—because, really, it made her feel too silly—Alice said, “And we might go to the shooting range to do some target practice together, too.”
Blank surprise washed over his face. “Target practice? You...with Pepper?”
Rushing past that seemed wise, as well. “And I would love to attend the wedding after they finalize plans. That is, if you wouldn’t mind too much.”
Sidetracked, he stepped farther into the room. “Why would I mind?”
“Because you’ll be there, and I didn’t want you to feel...I don’t know. Too crowded or anything.”
He stepped closer until only a few inches separated them. “I don’t know what that means, Alice.”
He smelled good, all rain-damp and warm. She drew in a deep breath, filling her lungs with his scent. It was enough to leave her dizzy.
Reese tipped up her chin. “Alice?”
“I don’t want you to tire of me.”
Frowning, he lifted his hands to cradle her face. His thumb brushed her cheek. “That’s not going to happen, so don’t worry about it.”
But of course it could. Maybe not today. And if Logan and Pepper married quickly, maybe not by the wedding. But Reese couldn’t know what the future would bring. “How old are you, Reese?”
He cocked a brow at the odd question. “Thirty.”
And yet he wasn’t married, which had to mean he avoided commitment...didn’t it?
“And you, Alice? Mid-twenties?”
“Good guess. I’m exactly in the middle.” She felt far older, though. Sometimes she felt so emotionally tired, worn out.
“That makes you twenty-five?”
“Yes.” Making the mistake of looking up at him, Alice said again, more softly this time, “Reese?”
Watching her with absorbed fascination, he brushed her bottom lip with his thumb. “That other kiss we discussed?”
The husky timbre in his voice sent her pulse racing. She went on tiptoe, lifting up to him, leaning in.
Ready. “Yes?”
“I don’t want to do it here, in Logan’s bathroom.”
Disappointment dropped her heels back to the floor. “Oh.”
Reese treated her to a knowing smile. “We need to get going, anyway.”
So soon? She hadn’t even made it out of the bathroom yet. “Is something wrong?”
“Other than me wanting to seduce you in a friend’s bathroom? No.” He kissed her forehead. “The weather isn’t letting up, and I’m a little worried about Cash, that’s all. I hope he’s not one of those dogs that spooks over thunder and lightning.”
The sweet sentiment warmed her even more than the anticipation of his kiss. Could Reese Bareden be more appealing?
She touched his bulging biceps. No, he couldn’t.
Everything on him was supersize—his muscular physique, his attitude...and his caring. “I left my bedroom door open for him, with the radio on. He’s probably under the bed right now. He goes there sometimes when I’m working.”
“You’re very good to him.” Lightning flashed outside the small bathroom window, followed by a crack of thunder that reverberated in the floor beneath their feet. “To both of us.”
He had that wrong, but she wouldn’t correct him on it. “So our visit is about over?”
“Yes. Logan invited us to stay for dinner, but I said we had other plans.”
That was news to her. “Do we?”
Again Reese kissed her, this time brushing his mouth over her cheek. “We’re going to talk while we get your jelly beans.” He trailed damp kisses along her jaw. “We’ll pick up something for dinner, too...while we talk some more—” down to her chin “—and once we get home and check on Cash—”
“We’ll do yet more talking?” Everywhere his mouth touched, her skin tingled. Somehow he made talk sound very seductive.
Near her ear, he whispered, “I want to know you better.”
Since she wanted to know everything about him, too, she liked that plan. Smoothing her hands over his solid chest, she nodded. “All right.”
“Damn, Alice.” His mouth opened on her neck, hot, damp. She felt the slightest of suctions, and her toes curled. “Agreeable women are such a turn-on.”
Knotting her fingers in his damp shirt, Alice held on—until Logan said, “Get out of my bathroom, you perv.”
Alice jumped away in guilt, and Logan quickly amended, “I meant him, not you.”
“Pepper let you off the couch?” Reese asked. “You managed to convince her that a bullet to the arm hadn’t handicapped your legs?”
“She’s reasonable when necessary.” Logan waited for them to leave the bathroom, but as he started forward, Pepper showed up and followed him into the john.
Biting back a laugh, Reese asked, “Going to lend him a hand, are you?”
Logan stood there, mouth open to say something, but Pepper shut the door in their faces before they could hear it.
Alice grinned. “They’re funny together.”
“Much more so than when they’re apart.” Taking her hand, Reese led her back toward the living room. His stride was so long, she had to trot to keep up.
“Why the rush?”
He immediately slowed, even pulled her up and into his side. “Apologies, but I need to sit down.”
“Why?” Reminded of the dark bruises around his wrists, Alice grew concerned. “What’s wrong? Are you hurt?”
“I think I should call it the Alice Syndrome.”
That made no sense to her.
Reese leaned down to her ear, even nipped her earlobe. “My attraction to you is difficult to contain, especially when you taste so good.”
A flush warmed her skin. She tried to lean around him to see, but he didn’t give her a chance.
“At the moment, there’s nothing to see and I’d as soon keep it that way. So behave.”
She always did, she thought with a sigh. “If you insist.”
He gave her a quick look, shook his head and kept going.
Alice used the opportunity to admire Logan’s home. They passed the modern and spacious kitchen, then the stairs leading toward a second floor and presumably the bedrooms.
The house was clean, open and uncluttered without being too masculine. “Detective Riske has a beautiful home.”
“I like it, too.” Reese drew Alice down onto the love seat with him. “You know, Logan did most of the decorating himself.”
On their return, Pepper heard him and groaned. “He’s almost too perfect, isn’t he?”
Logan, who didn’t act like a man recently shot, laughed. “I only need to be good enough to keep you.”
“You’re stuck with me and you know it.” After a quick kiss, Pepper directed Logan to sit again but appeased him by perching in his lap. “Luckily,” she said to Alice, “he’s good at all the housekeeping stuff, because I don’t really have the domestic gene.”
Logan no sooner got settled than his cell rang, and he retrieved it from the table. Alice would have given him some privacy to take the call, but Pepper didn’t move from his lap, and Reese seemed unwilling to stand again.
After a short greeting, she knew the identity of his caller: Lieutenant Peterson. She imagined working for that formidable woman could be a challenge for such alpha men, but neither one seemed to think a thing of it.
Logan said, “Reese is standing here now. I’ll let him know. Yeah, shouldn’t be a problem. Hang on.” He lowered the phone, holding it to his chest. “Follow-up interview tomorrow. Is 8 a.m. okay by you?”
“Whatever,” Reese said. “Not like either of us is working.”
Pepper scowled. “Of course Logan isn’t working. He needs time to heal.” And then to Logan, “They interviewed both of you at the hospital. Why do they need to see you again?”
“That was cursory because Logan was in the hospital.”
Logan agreed to that with a nod. “Tomorrow will be at the station, and more in-depth.”
“You were shot.”
Reese said, “Do you really think he’s unaware of that?”
Logan caught Pepper before she could turn her anger on Reese. “That’s the only reason they didn’t call me in before this. All this shit usually takes place within twenty-four hours.”
“If he doesn’t answer questions,” Reese told her, “he could lose his job.”
Aghast, Pepper gathered steam.
“Shut up, Reese.” Logan cupped Pepper’s face to reassure her. “Trust me, it’s not a big deal. I’m perfectly capable of doing interviews—and no, I don’t need you there.” He softened that by saying, “I love you, but some things a man has to do alone.”
Reese laughed. “So says the man recently escorted to the john.”
Pepper narrowed her eyes at Reese. “Our truce is becoming shakier by the moment.”
Reese held up his hands in surrender. “If it helps, an association rep will be around.” His smile twitched. “I promise no one will abuse him.”
Logan glared at him. “Soon as my arm is healed...” He let the threat hang out there.
Knowing it was all bluster kept Alice from getting too anxious over their verbal sparring. It was sort of nice to see friends indulge in harmless baiting.
She saw that as a true measure of friendship.
After whispering something to Pepper, Logan put the phone back to his ear. “We’ll be there. Yeah, Reese, too. Got it. Thanks.” He disconnected the call.
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