Полная версия
Mediterranean Nights: The Mistress Purchase / The Demetrios Virgin / Marco's Convenient Wife
She wasn’t even aware that she had spoken her thoughts out loud until she felt Leon’s teeth nip sharply at her ear and heard him tell her rawly, ‘That’s it. You’ve just sent my self-control into lunar orbit. Hell, Sadie!’
His hands gripped her, his fingers biting into the soft flesh of her buttocks as he dragged her through the water and into his own body.
The feel of him against her skin to skin turned her belly soft with hot desire. Impetuously she moved her hips against him, reaching up to wrap her arms around his neck and pull his mouth down towards her own.
She knew that she ought to be shocked by the brazenness of her own behaviour, but instead something inside her was urging her on, Leon’s mouth was on hers and no way was the kiss he was giving her reinforcing the verbal protests and denials he had given earlier.
He was kissing her with a hot passion that more than matched her own, his hands rhythmically kneading her buttocks as he did so.
She could feel him against her, excitingly hard, as his erection rubbed stiffly against her belly. Even the movement of the water seemed to echo the rhythmic thrusts of their bodies as her hips responded to the pressure of his hands, pulling them together.
The reflection of the stars and moon danced on the rocking water. Helplessly Sadie closed her eyes to its mesmerising glitter, only to be subjected to the even more mesmeric effect of Leon’s kiss.
She could feel her whole body responding to its passionate demand as she arched up on her toes and pressed herself into him. Her bare breasts were rubbing against his chest, her nipples so aroused by their contact with his body that fierce spirals of sensation coiled from them to flicker like lightning through her.
Their bodies were slickly wet from the pool water, but the heat inside her was generating another kind of wetness within the swelling lips that protected her sex. And not just a wetness, but an ache. Such an ache that she found herself wrapping her arms even more tightly around Leon’s neck as she ground her hips into him in open female demand. Her body ached—hurt even—with her need for him.
‘You want me here… now?’ she could hear Leon demanding thickly as he wrenched his mouth from hers.
Deprived of contact with his mouth, Sadie began to kiss and lick her way along his throat, savouring every taste of him. When she reached his jaw she ran her fingertips experimentally over the shaved line of his beard, exhilarated by the sensually rough feel of him.
His sex, when she touched it, would feel just the opposite—smooth and sleek, the skin tight where it strained over his erection.
Her whole body began to burn and shake, and she made a small, very female growl low in her throat as she nipped urgently at Leon’s ear.
Did he really need to hear her say the words? Couldn’t he see? Couldn’t he feel what was happening to her?
She slid her hands into his hair and tugged it until he once more bent his head towards her.
Against his lips she told him fiercely, ‘Yes. I want you. Yes, here—and yes, now!’
She punctuated each word with a kiss, gasping as Leon cut off her breath with her last word, taking her mouth with a savage primitive hunger that sent her blood roaring through her veins and made her weak with reciprocal longing.
His hands were touching her everywhere. Stroking her shoulders, her arms, cupping her breasts and then kneading them with loving attention until she was shuddering pre-orgasmically with hot rivulets of pleasure.
The feel of the pads of his thumbs against her nipples made her cry out—a low, guttural sound that had his hands slipping down, one to grasp the side of her waist, the other stroking over her stomach and then lower, parting the swollen lips of her sex and stroking against her wet eagerness.
At no time in her life had there ever been anything like this! There never had been and never would be again, Sadie acknowledged dizzily as her body responded to Leon’s sensual stroking touch with violent, almost climactic little shudders of pleasure.
Instinctively she reached for him, clasping him in her hand, her eyes widening in shock as she realised that she could not fully encompass him.
He felt hot and hard, his sex swollen. Shockingly, she had a sudden savage, surging ache of need to have the feel of him against her lips, to caress and explore him, slowly and thoroughly, but she knew her own body wasn’t going to wait for much longer.
As though she had verbalised her urgency and need to him, Leon suddenly grasped her by the waist and lifted her against him.
Eagerly Sadie opened her legs and wrapped them around him, gasping with pleasure as she felt the first thrust of him within her, urging him to move faster and deeper as she clung to him, offering the full pleasure of her body.
The water around them was pounding against the side of the pool in increasingly fast waves, but Sadie wasn’t aware of the movement of the water, only the rhythm of their bodies as they rocked together in frantic, desperate need. She could feel the tight circling of her orgasm beginning, her stomach and her thighs tensing as she reached for it, crying out her pleas and praise to Leon.
She could see the rictus mask of his face above her as he drove harder and deeper into her eager flesh. Voluptuously it tightened around him, increasing the intensity of their pleasure.
‘Yes… Yes!’ she moaned. ‘Yes. Just like that, Leon… just like that… Mmm… yes. Just—’
The broken sob of her voice was suspended as her whole body tensed and then exploded in a fierce succession of rhythmic contractions.
She could feel the hot surge of Leon’s own release pulsing into the warm darkness of her body.
Release, bliss… peace…
She could feel how much she was shaking as she clung to Leon, knowing she was not actually capable of standing on her own two feet.
She felt his lips brush against the dampness of her face.
‘Tears?’ he whispered. ‘I hope they are tears of pleasure?’
‘Do you need to ask?’ Sadie challenged huskily.
He lifted her out of the water and put her on the side of the pool. Still trembling in the aftermath of her orgasm, she watched as he hauled himself out.
‘Stay there,’ he ordered her gently.
Dreamily she watched as he went and picked up her discarded robe, returning with it and wrapping her in it.
‘Time for bed,’ he told her softly, and then he swung her up into his arms and carried her inside.
‘BUT this is your bedroom,’ Sadie whispered, after he had pushed open the door and carried her over to the bed.
‘So it is!’ Leon agreed softly. ‘Where else did you think you were going to spend the night? Unless, of course, you’d prefer to sleep alone?’
Bravely Sadie met the look he was giving her head-on. No way was she going to pretend that what had just happened between them meant nothing to her, had simply been a mere sexual indulgence.
‘I want to sleep with you,’ she told him huskily.
‘And I certainly want to sleep with you,’ Leon told her back, only just managing to restrain himself from adding for the rest of my life.
He hadn’t been able to believe what was happening when she had come to him in the pool. Just thinking about it now made his body start to harden again.
‘I need a shower,’ Sadie whispered. ‘The pool water…’
‘I need one too,’ Leon replied, giving her a smokily sensual look as he leaned down towards her and grasped her hand, pulling her gently to her feet and informing her, ‘The bathroom’s this way, and the shower is plenty big enough for two.’
Sadie knew that he had felt the small quiver of excitement that ran through her body because he turned to look at her, his gaze fastening on her mouth and then dropping very deliberately to her breasts, where her nipples were flaunting their arousal.
He was right about the shower, she noted as she stepped into the bathroom. The owners of the mas had obviously spared no expense in equipping this room. It was larger than her own, with a separate wet area which housed a purpose-built shower.
The water in the pool had left her skin feeling slightly tight and dry, and it was bliss to step into the shower and feel the body-height jets pumping warm, clean water against her skin.
‘Want me to do your back for you?’
There was a look in Leon’s eyes that made her whole body tingle with excitement. The shower was designed so that it was perfectly possible to wash one’s own back, but Sadie had no intention of pointing this fact out to Leon…
She nodded her head and turned her back to him.
The silky-soft feel of the expensive body mousse Leon was massaging into her skin made her sigh in appreciative pleasure. The resultant foam slipped down her legs and floated on the tiles. His hands were moving lower now… beyond her waist. Sadie held her breath and closed her eyes. Her whole body was quivering with expectation and longing. Now that it knew the pleasure Leon would give it, it wanted him all the more.
His fingertips brushed the front of her thigh, and the soft quiver became an involuntary and uncontrollable convulsive shudder. She could feel Leon’s lips nuzzling the back of her neck, just below her ear. His hands moved with aching slowness up over the front of her body towards her breasts.
With a small moan Sadie pressed back against him.
‘What is it?’ he murmured against the ear. ‘Do you want me to stop?’
His hands were doing incredible things to her breasts, making her ache for the feel of his mouth against her tight, eager nipples. But Leon did not seem to share her own surging urgency. Instead he continued to stroke and caress her, nibbling little kisses against her neck, sliding his hands over her soap-slicked body. His touch was arousing her to such a frantic pitch that she moaned sharply in frustration and opened her legs, mentally begging him to touch her intimately.
‘What is it?’ he asked again softly, when her ecstatic writhings wouldn’t be stilled. ‘What do you want?’
‘You know,’ Sadie moaned, desperate to grab hold of his hand and place it against her body, but unable to do so because of the way he was still stroking her.
‘Tell me,’ Leon urged huskily. ‘Tell me what you want me to do, Sadie. Show me how you want me to touch you… how you want me to love you… Is it this you want?’ he asked warmly as his hand caressed the curve of her hip and slid down over her belly before cupping her sex.
Sadie gasped as she felt the impatient swell of her body, too wrought up to be able to tell Leon what was happening to her. But somehow he knew, she realised, because he turned her round and stared down into her wild open eyes as his fingers answered the urgent need of her body and the fierce, tight explosion of her orgasm brought her into trembling release.
Sadie was awake, but she did not want to open her eyes just in case it had all been only a dream and Leon wasn’t actually in bed beside her after all. She knew it must be morning, even with her eyes closed. Somehow she could feel the brightness of the day through her eyelids. If Leon wasn’t there…
Cautiously she moved her body, still heavy and soft with satisfaction and love.
Love! Her heart turned over inside her chest. She loved Leon so much… Just the thought of him was enough to—
She stiffened abruptly as the restless movements of her body brought her into contact with warm male flesh. It had happened! She hadn’t just imagined it! Leon was here!
Bubbles of joy and excitement fizzed through her blood. With her eyes still closed Sadie nestled closer to him, fitting her body into the curve of his. She could smell the warm, musky scent of him—and it was more aphrodisiacal than any man-made perfume. The soft hair on his chest was tickling her nose. Tenderly she rubbed her lips against his skin, delighting in the secret stolen pleasure of being able to do so whilst he was still asleep. Smiling to herself, she stroked her fingertip lazily along his arm, so different from her own, all powerful muscles and sinews.
Against her body she could feel his stirring. A female shiver of pleasure slowly caressed her own body.
Snuggling further down his body, she teased her tongue-tip around his navel, her hand reaching out to touch and then hold him. It was an extraordinarily sensual and tender thing to feel him growing within her hold, at once both vulnerable and powerful.
Experimentally she started to caress him, enjoying his body’s response to her and rewarding it with a soft kiss.
This was an intimacy she hadn’t imagined she would ever want to experience, but suddenly she knew just how much she did. The brief touch of her lips became a more intimate and sensual exploration.
‘Enjoying yourself?’
The low, groaned words shocked through her. Lifting her head, she turned to look up at Leon. She had been so lost in the enjoyment of what she was doing that she hadn’t even realised he was awake.
‘I certainly was,’ he told her thickly, his voice soft with pleasure, ‘so don’t let me stop you…’
‘What time will they be bringing the replacement hire car?’ Sadie asked Leon drowsily as she responded to the slow drift of his hands on her body.
They had made love, and then slept, and now Leon was caressing her again.
‘Soon,’ he told her wryly, removing his hand with obvious reluctance. ‘I suppose we’d better make a move.’
There was a note in his voice that made Sadie look enquiringly at him.
‘I swore that there was no way I was going to let this happen,’ he told her ruefully.
‘But you wanted it to?’ Sadie questioned him.
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