Mediterranean Nights: The Mistress Purchase / The Demetrios Virgin / Marco's Convenient Wife
Mediterranean Nights: The Mistress Purchase / The Demetrios Virgin / Marco's Convenient Wife

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Mediterranean Nights: The Mistress Purchase / The Demetrios Virgin / Marco's Convenient Wife

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Oh, they would certainly order the most expensive dishes on the menu, all right, but then refuse to eat them, protesting about calories and fat content. If there was one thing Leon hated it was seeing good food wasted—a hang-up from his upbringing, no doubt, when his grandmother had often regaled him with stories of how poor she and his grandfather had been, and how one joint of meat had been made to last a whole week.

Sadie wasn’t like the spoiled society women he had previously dated, though. Last night and this morning she had eaten her food with every evidence of enjoyment. And somehow he found just watching her doing that far more sexually stirring than watching a stick-thin modeltype toying irritably with a piece of designer greenery.

And surely a woman with a healthy appetite for food would have an equally healthy appetite for life’s other sensual pleasures?

Leon recognised that his thoughts were about to surge dangerously out of control.

‘I think the town is coming up now,’ Sadie warned him

As he nodded his head in acknowledgement, Leon reflected ruefully that the town wasn’t on its own!

‘You’ve bought enough food to feed at least a dozen people.’ Sadie laughed, shaking her head in mock disapproval as she and Leon headed back to the car. Both of them were carrying the purchases Leon had insisted on making.

He’d excitedly bought long sticks of French bread, freshly baked that morning, some local cheese and fruit, some olives, and some cold meats from the local charcuterie, some delicious delicacies from the patisserie, and even a bottle of red wine, as well as some water. It was a feast fit for any king

But Leon wasn’t a king, he was a billionaire, Sadie reminded herself as they reached the car. No wonder he had looked at her in such surprise when she had suggested they buy food and virtually picnic at the mas.

‘What’s wrong?’ Leon demanded, making her jump as she realised that he was watching her.

The genuine concern in his voice and the perceptiveness of the look he was giving her brought Sadie to a standstill in the middle of the empty street.


The intensity with which Leon spoke her name as he raised one hand to her face, gently tucking an errant strand of hair behind her ear, caused Sadie to tremble from head to foot, the paper bag she was clutching in her arms shaking with her.

Very gently Leon’s hand stroked down the side of her head, before resting on her neck, his thumb massaging the delicate flesh just behind her ear in a way, to judge from the concerned look in his eyes, Sadie suspected he had intended to be comforting and reassuring, but in fact was anything but. Her whole body leapt into shocking, aroused life immediately, her tremors increasing.

What on earth must Leon think of her? He must be used to sophisticated, experienced woman who did not react like inexperienced and over-excited teenagers the moment he touched them. Inexperienced…

Sadie pulled her mind back from the word like a mother protectively pulling a child’s fingers back from an open flame.

Leon’s hand was still cupping the side of her head, and somehow Sadie managed to make herself look directly into his eyes.

The look in their deep, deep depths was making her feel dizzy, holding her in thrall.

‘Have I told you, yet, Sadie, just what a very exceptional person I think you are?’

Exceptional? Her? Sadie tried to remind herself of who he was and why she was with him, but the slow, gentle movement of his hand against her scalp was overheating her thoughts as well as her body. Beneath her clothes she could feel it reacting to him, her breasts filling with liquid aching need, her nipples tightening, flaunting their desire as they pushed hungrily against the fine silk of her bra. Low down in her stomach her muscles tightened, whilst the female core of her swelled and moistened.

Tiny beads of perspiration dampened her hairline and upper lip—and they were not caused by the heat of the sun, Sadie noted ruefully as she made a valiant attempt to behave as though she was perfectly accustomed to such a situation.

Leon looked closely at her as the soft, incredibly long dark lashes concealed Sadie’s eyes from him. He could feel the tiny convulsive tremors of her body. They ran through his fingertips and up his arm, and from there right the whole way through him, to every last inch and single cell of him. He had never ever met a woman who made him feel like this, who aroused in him such a complex tangle of emotions and desires.

Within the space of a single heartbeat she could send him from the most intense physical need he could ever remember feeling to the most protective and tender realisation of just how vulnerable she was. In one breath she could make him want to be both poacher and gamekeeper. Right now, here in this hot little street, he could quite easily lean her against the nearest wall and take her in the most primitive, hungry male way there was—yes, and make her ache with the need he felt for every single heartbeat. But at the same time he also wanted to wrap a cloak of protection around her that would prevent any male eyes from ever looking lustfully on her, any male desire from ever hurting her.

Including his own?

Leon had never met a woman who made him feel that so much in life that was simple and easily affordable was somehow also invaluably pleasurable. Apart, perhaps, from his grandmother, She had also relished the simple and inexpensive things in life.

Suddenly Sadie pulled away from him.

Looking down at her, Leon growled. ‘Do you have any idea how very, very tempted I am to kiss you?’

Sadie granted herself ten wonderful seconds in which to absorb the blissful delight that hearing these words gave her, and then another ten just because it felt so good. Then, in case she dangerously gave away how shamelessly she wanted him to kiss her, she turned away from him and started to hurry to where they had parked the car.

Leon watched her. He could still feel the warmth of her neat, delicately shaped head on his palm, the softness of her hair and her skin. As she walked away from him he watched the awesome femaleness in the movement of her body with male appreciation—and a very physical male response—only just managing to suppress a small growl of possessiveness as he contemplated the effect of her neatly rounded derrière on other vulnerable members of his sex who were witnessing it as she walked past them.

It was his duty, surely, to protect them from such vulnerability—and the temptation which accompanied it! For the sake of his own sex, Sadie needed a man in her life and a ring on her finger! A ring? His ring?

Now, where the hell had that thought come from?

They had to call at the local garage before leaving the town, to put more petrol in the car, and Leon frowned as he saw the way the driver of a car on the other side of the pumps paused to give Sadie a lingeringly appreciative second look before getting back into his vehicle.

‘Seems like you’ve made a conquest,’ he commented dryly to Sadie as he put the key in the ignition.

‘It’s probably my hair,’ she answered matter-of-factly. She had already noticed how often local men looked at her blonde locks.

‘Yeah, and the rest,’ she thought she heard Leon mutter beneath his breath. But as she turned to look at him she realised that the car was as it had been this morning, when Leon had first attempted to start it—refusing to start!

Sadie held her breath as he tried again, and then again, To her relief, on the fourth attempt the engine fired.


HALF an hour later Sadie looked out of the passenger window and caught her first glimpse of the sea, way, way down below them—foam-capped, blue-green, dipping to denser all-blue where it met the horizon.

Automatically she gave a small exclamation of pleasure.

‘Want a closer look?’ Leon offered, moving to pull over to the side of the road, where there was a convenient parking space.

Sadie was tempted, but she knew that it was taking them much longer to reach the mas than Leon had expected. If they were to stop she knew she would also be tempted to look for a path down the steep cliff, so that she could sink her toes into the untouched golden sand of the small, perfect half-moon-shaped beach which was just visible below them. And of course once on that beach she would definitely need to at least dip her feet into the sea itself!

The thought of the two of them sharing the privacy of that small beach, even perhaps picnicking there, with the food they had bought, made her long to accept Leon’s suggestion. Sternly she reminded herself of the reason they were here, and the fact that that she was an adult and not a child.

Leon was still waiting for her to reply. Regretfully, she shook her head.

Recognising the wistfulness in her expression, Leon twitched his mouth in amusement. But, like her, he was conscious of how long the journey was taking them. At this rate they would no sooner have reached the mas than it would be time to turn back! Nevertheless… The thought of being alone with Sadie on that small deserted beach was a very tempting one. A very, very tempting one indeed!

Deliberately suppressing it, he put his foot down a little harder on the accelerator. The small car struggled to respond, chugging valiantly up the steep incline.

‘Not much further now,’ Leon assured Sadie as they turned off the coast road and onto a narrower road which would take them to the mas.

About ten minutes after leaving that road, and driving down a private lane, they found it. A small cosy spread of red-roofed, warmth-washed buildings, perched halfway up the hillside and facing out to sea.

Leon brought the car to a halt outside it, and neither of them spoke as they both gazed at the mas.

Without a word Leon pressed the automatic buttons and opened their car windows—as though he had guessed what she was thinking, Sadie reflected as she breathed in the wonderfully pure air. Even up here, at this height, she would have sworn she could smell and taste the sea.

Lavender shrubs scented the air with their flowers, and the silvery-grey trunk of a wisteria leaned heavily against the golden walls of the mas, its branches covered in soft feathery leaves. A scattering of obviously self-seeded semi-wild flowers threw up their heads in warm bursts of colour that broke up the green of the grass, and beyond the mas Sadie could see a small olive grove. But what really caught her eye was the low wall, bordered with an informal hedge of orange trees, beyond which she could see the enticing sparkle of water. The mas had a swimming pool! And not just any swimming pool, but one of the stunning modern infinity pools that had recently become so fashionable. From where she was looking, it really did seem as though the water in the pool actually merged with the sea, so that the sparkling blue water seemed to stretch into infinity.

The whole place combined a perfect blend of traditional and modern design, Sadie recognised. If this place was hers she knew there was no way she could ever bear to let it to anyone else.

‘Oh, how beautiful!’ Her soft, delighted words broke the silence and had Leon turning his head to look at her.

‘This is the first time I’ve actually seen it.’ His voice sounded gruff and slightly hoarse, as though he was as affected by the wild, private beauty of the mas as she was herself, but trying in a manlike way to hide it. ‘In the flesh, I mean,’ he amended. ‘The agent sent me photographs and a video. I told him I wanted somewhere private, and this place is certainly that.’

‘It’s heavenly,’ Sadie told him, so caught up in the spell of the place that she had opened the car door and stepped out without even realising she had done so.

A soft breeze stroked over her skin and instinctively she held her face up to the sun, closing her eyes as she basked in its warmth.

Turning to Leon, and gesturing widely with her arms to encompass the mas, the land and the sea and sky beyond it, she told him huskily, ‘This is what perfume is all about—flowers, earth, air, sea, capturing the scents of nature. No laboratory-produced chemical can ever reproduce this!’ she finished passionately.

Sombrely Leon watched her. The breeze was moulding her clothes to her body, highlighting its curves. He was tempted to challenge her statement, to remind her that she herself had now agreed to work with man-made scents, but he was reluctant to introduce a note of conflict into their day. In her eyes he could see how intensely she felt, and irrevocably he knew that he wanted to share that passion and, dangerously, he wanted her.

‘Let’s take a look inside.’

The harshness of Leon’s voice made Sadie frown. Had he thought her foolish and over-emotional to feel the way she did about their surroundings? He was waiting for her, and so silently she fell into step beside him.

Inside, the mas was every bit as perfect as it was outside—at least in Sadie’s opinion. The large country-style kitchen opened out onto a shady secluded patio, complete with a family-sized table and chairs, the patio itself ornamented with tubs of geraniums and an old-fashioned water pump.

The long, sprawling building also housed a cosy TV room, as well as a formal dining room and a wonderfully large and elegant sitting room, which ran the full width of the house and had windows on either side.

Upstairs there were five good-sized bedroom, each with its own bathroom. Every room was furnished simply but with style. With each step she took Sadie found herself envying whoever it was who owned it—especially when Leon told her that the land attached to the mas extended right down to the sea and included its own private beach.

‘It’s absolutely wonderful,’ she told him.

‘You like it?’

‘How could anyone not?’ Sadie responded ruefully. ‘If it was mine, I don’t think I could bear to let it out to someone else.’

As soon as she had finished speaking Leon found that he was actually making mental plans to get in touch with the letting agent and find out if the owners would be prepared to sell! After all, it would make sense for him to have a permanent base in Europe—especially now that they were taking over Francine.

Come off it, he derided himself. That isn’t why you want it, and you damn well know it. No. It wasn’t himself, dressed in a business suit and working alone on his laptop, he was envisaging. It was he and Sadie, and what they were doing had nothing whatsoever to do with work or laptops!

‘Well, I don’t know about you, but I am ready for that food we bought,’ Leon told Sadie, hastily banishing his wayward thoughts. He looked at his watch and added ruefully, ‘Do you realise that it’s already half past three?’

Sadie hadn’t realised, as she had been far too entranced by the house to think about the time.

‘Where would you like to eat? Inside or out?’ Leon asked her.

‘Oh, outside—if that’s okay with you?’ Sadie responded immediately.

‘By the pool?’ Leon guessed.

Sadie gave him an eloquent look of confirmation, her eyes shining with pleasure. Watching her, Leon didn’t know how the hell he was managing to stop himself from taking hold of her and kissing her until that look of shining pleasure became one of liquid desire.

‘It’s a pity we didn’t bring our swimming things,’ Sadie regretted innocently, as she looked longingly at the pool.

‘Who says we need them?’ Leon teased her softly, laughing outright as he saw her expression.

‘What? Don’t tell me you’ve never been skinny-dipping?’ He grinned in disbelief. ‘You live by the sea, don’t you?’

Sadie shook her head vehemently.

‘I certainly have not,’ she told him firmly, but the expression in her eyes was a little wistful.

The mere thought of swimming naked with Leon in the soft warm water of the pool was sending her imagination into definitely x-rated regions, and making her pulse bounce excitement though her body. Protectively, she hid her reaction from Leon. Her grandmother had been of a generation that believed that it was a man’s role to pursue a woman, most definitely not the woman’s to pursue him. And although Sadie knew such teachings were outmoded now, a little bit of her still clung to them. Perhaps it was as a consequence of that that her own sexual experience was rather limited—or at least she suspected that in Leon’s eyes it would be.

‘I was brought up by my grandmother, remember,’ she defended, when she saw his expression. ‘And besides,’ she added dryly, ‘the water off the coast of Pembroke is extremely cold.’

Ten minutes later, as they unpacked the food which Leon had brought from the kitchen where they had stored it, Sadie realised just how hungry she was.

‘No, thanks,’ she refused, shaking her head and covering the wine glass Leon had found as he reached for the wine he had bought.

He raised his eyebrows and teased her. ‘Why not? Are you afraid that it might weaken your grandmother-induced resolve enough for you to want to try skinny-dipping after all?’

He was just teasing her. Sadie knew that. After all, he couldn’t know how much she wanted him…

Refusing to rise to his bait, she firmly dismissed the tormenting erotic images from her mind and told him calmly, ‘You can’t have any wine because you’re driving, and I don’t want to drink any without you. It doesn’t seem fair.’

The look she could see in his eyes as he replaced the bottle and reached for one of water instead confused her.

As he poured them both a glass of water, Leon noted that Sadie was constantly surprising and challenging not only his original assessment of her, but also his understanding of women in general. In refusing to drink any wine because he could not share in the pleasure she had shown a genuine kindness of nature which he admitted was seriously denting the barriers he had felt he needed to put up against her. Denting it? Get real, he advised himself derisively. She had damn near demolished it wholesale!

‘Mmm… those olives look good,’ Leon commented hungrily as he watched Sadie opening the small carton containing them.

‘Want one?’ she responded immediately, picking one up without thinking about the sensual intimacy of her action as she offered to feed it to him.

The look he gave her made her suddenly conscious of the heat prickling on her back, and even more aware of the heat trickling through her body. She hadn’t meant to be provocative, but right now the way he was looking at her made her feel as though she were Eve, offering Adam that apple!

However, before she could retract either her words or the olive, Leon’s hand snaked out and his fingers curled softly around her wrist, making her heart bounce around inside her chest as though it were on a piece of elastic. How could such a small gesture, such a simple touch, have such a powerful and erotic effect upon her? She might not be sexually experienced, but she wasn’t totally naïve! Somewhere at the back of her mind the knowledge surfaced that a part of her had known from the minute she had set eyes on him that Leon was going to affect her like this.

Dizzily she noted how cool Leon’s hold was, and how potentially strong. Her wrist felt so fragile in his grip. She could feel his thumb pressing against her pulse-point and her heart gave a violently convulsive jerk.

Without her even wanting it, never mind being able to do a thing to stop him, Leon had lifted her hand to his mouth. Her eyes rounded, their colour darkening as her gaze followed his every movement. Helplessly, she watched as his lips parted, encompassing not just the juicy pitted black olive but her fingertips as well.

Her own lips parted involuntarily, her mouth going dry as a fierce ache burst into life inside her.

The sensation of Leon’s tongue curling over her fingers and then thrusting between to remove the olive made her go light-headed with desire. Her heart was pumping as ferociously as though she had just run up a steep mountainside. Shockingly explicit images were forming inside her head, and waves of liquid desire were shafting through her body like bolts of lightning. The thumb pressed so close to her pulse must surely be registering its erratic beat.

The olive had gone from her fingers, but Leon’s tongue had not! It was lapping slowly and surely, with deliberate sensuality, at her flesh, removing the satin covering of olive oil.

‘Mmm,’ she heard Leon whisper throatily, glancing up into her eyes as he did so and giving her a wicked look. ‘Very more-ish!’

Sadie’s eyes opened wide and her face turned a vivid shade of pink. He wasn’t, she suspected, referring to the olive!

His tongue laved her fingers one more time with lingering thoroughness, and then he lifted his head to look at her, whilst his hand slid down over her wrist to cover hers, folding her fingers into her palm and slowly stroking her small fist as he asked her softly, ‘Are you sure you don’t want a glass of wine?’

Emphatically Sadie shook her head and tried to repossess her hand. She was intoxicated enough as it was, without drinking wine! The sensuality of what he had done had sent her blood into a cloud of fizzy bubbles as it raced round her veins.

Watching her, Leon was instinctively and sharply aware of her sexual naïveté, and that knowledge sent a huge reactionary surge of corresponding male arousal thundering through him.

He had never been promiscuous, but naturally as a young man he had gone through the normal stages of sexual experimentation and exploration. Since hitting his late twenties, though, he had given up on sexual exploration as a means of expressing himself as a man. However, the majority of women he met were very open about the fact that they were extremely sexually experienced. They seemed to think that he would enjoy the results of that experience. Perhaps like Sadie he had been imbued with a lot of his own grandmother’s moral beliefs.

There was also, Leon acknowledged, enough Greek heritage in him to make him find such women more of a turn-off than a turn-on. His realisation that Sadie was clearly quite inexperienced was producing within him the same effect as applying a lighted match to dry tinder—very dry tinder, he recognised grimly.

Whether it was unacceptable in today’s modern climate or not, there was something within him, something in his blood, that found the knowledge that there would be much he would have the pleasure of showing her extremely attractive! Extremely attractive and insistently arousing, as his body was making very, very plain!

He was delighted that potentially they had the summer ahead of them to get to know one another. He would make it his business to be sure he spent as much time in France as he could, and he would see to it that Sadie also needed to be there, for constant ‘consultations’ regarding the new perfume she would be creating for them.

Still watching her, he discovered that he was toying with ways and means of re-vamping the Grasse house and outbuildings, and insisting that it was essential that Sadie worked from there on the perfume.

That way their relationship could grow easily and naturally, and when they came to make a full commitment to one another it would be—

A full commitment?

Leon underwent a moment of wry introspection and self-searching. He was Greek enough to feel very strongly that he only wanted to make a full commitment to one woman and for that partnership to be for ever. And he was modern-minded enough to know that that kind of commitment couldn’t be based solely on sexual and emotional desire, but had to be based on mutual trust, honesty and respect as well.

He had met too many women who were ready to say anything to get what they wanted. No way could he ever give his love and his life to a woman like that!

As he looked at Sadie he was uncomfortably aware that whilst his thoughts might be logical and under control, his feelings and his body were no such thing. The way he was feeling right now meant that the sooner they left the mas the better! The combination of Sadie, solitude and his own sexual longing for her right now were putting his self-control under far too much strain!

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