Полная версия
There Is a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem
The material world appears to be solid. This solid appearing material world is experienced exclusively through the senses, which are the dominant motivating forces of our lives. We seek to please the senses with wealth, adulation, alcohol of drugs, and possessions of all kinds, bigger and better toys and jewelry. When we are not provided with these demands of the senses, we say we have a problem. “I’m not paid enough, my children disobey me, I was overlooked for a promotion, I can’t afford the car I want, I’m addicted, overweight, anxiety-ridden. I got a speeding ticket and I might lose my license.” The list could go on and on for a hundred more pages.
All these problems, plus those of health, are the result of allowing your senses (which are very low and slow vibrations) to be in charge of your life. Yet these are only problems in your mind. Remember, every relationship you have with everyone in the world is in your mind exclusively. That’s where you experience everyone else. If you process others with your senses, you will experience them with the same lowered frequency in your daily life, and you will always have problems to deal with.
It is only when you elect to move beyond the world of the senses and those slower/lower energy vibrations that you will eliminate problems that are associated with the material world of the senses.
In the holy book called the Talmud there is a phrase that says, “Into the well which supplies thee with water, cast no stones.” When you rely upon the material world frequencies as your source it is like casting stones into that well. The water is really the spirit, which is the inexhaustible supply, and those slower vibrating stones contaminate your source and create all manner of problems.
In the old western movies there is often a scene of a little lady from Philadelphia with a wide brim hat in a stagecoach that has gone out of control. The driver is fatally wounded with an arrow in his chest and the four horses are pulling the stagecoach wildly through the brush while the little lady from Philadelphia is pleading uselessly to get this thing under control. Hold this scene in your mind and think of the stagecoach representing your body, and the driver your intellect, which has been silenced. The reins represent your emotions which are futilely connected to the horses that symbolize your senses. The senses are completely out of control, pulling you through the trails and trials of life, and the little lady from Philadelphia who symbolizes your highest self (your conscience) is pleading with you to get this thing under control and to please, please, please stop the madness and straighten it out. But alas, the intellect is dead and the emotions are useless connected as they are to those runaway senses.
This is a picture of why you may have so many problems. Your slow frequency senses are pulling you through your life; your intellect does not respond, and your fast vibrating higher self (spirit) shouts at you from inside your mind to do the right thing.
I have seen a taste bud, which weighs one tenth of an ounce, pull a 275-pound man into a bakery while the little lady from Philadelphia begs him to do what he knows is the right thing to rid him of his obesity. He will say, “I have a weight problem,” and justify his continuance of the problem. But in fact, he has a horse problem and if he could listen to that persistent tiny voice of the little lady from Philadelphia, with the wide brim hat, who is pleading with him to call in spirit to control his horses, they would immediately stop running wild. He would bring a higher vibration to his problem and the illusion of that problem would disappear from his life altogether.
Somehow, some way, you can and must intervene to halt these horses from running wildly and pulling you into the world of problems, which leads us to the fourth awareness.
You Can Choose to Eliminate Whatever Interferes with
Increasing Your Vibrational Field
You will want to take a good look at the slower frequencies that inhibit you from increasing your vibrational state of awareness. These are the obstacles that you want to be on constant alert to change. Remember that the frequencies of soul consciousness, or spirit, as outlined in chapter one, include the fastest vibrations of surrender, love, relationship to the infinite, quiet emptiness, generosity, and gratitude, feeling connected rather than separate, and finally a sense of cheerfulness. These are my definitions and they could include many subareas such as faith, hope, patience, sympathy, kindness, forgiveness, and noninterference.
It is these faster frequencies that you will be bringing to the front door of your life, and filling every room with until there is no longer any space for those slower vibrations that seemed to fill your house with problems. The slowed down frequencies are the obstacles. They will depart when you bring the vibrational world of spirit into their presence.
In order to eliminate these slow vibrating obstacles you must see them as part of an energy field that you have become accustomed to, and which will initially resist leaving your house. By persistently reminding yourself that you are not fighting these lower frequency energies they will succumb to the awareness of love’s presence. Removing energy obstacles means filling the space where they reside with faster and higher vibrations until those lower energies no longer have any choice but to leave. They will ultimately leave your house because there is no longer any room left for them to reside and do their dirty work.
I’ve always loved the way a great Indian saint of the nineteenth century responded to his devotees when they asked him how they could rid themselves of their lower energies. “In the springtime,” Vivekenanda replied, “observe the blossoms on the fruit trees. The blossoms vanish of themselves as the fruit grows. So too will the lower self vanish as the divine grows within you.”
The apples do not get into a deep conflict with the blossoms that are in their designated space on the branches of the tree. There is no anger, no fear, no battle between the fruit and its blossoms. As the fruit grows the blossoms disappear. This is true also as you fill the rooms of life with the magnificent seven highest vibrating energies of spirit. As the Native Americans would say, “No tree has branches so foolish as to fight among themselves.”
The obstacles of the lower self have no choice but to leave. Anything that vanishes, as spirit is brought in to replace it, is an illusion in the first place. When it can disappear into thin air, then you know it wasn’t real to begin with. So, as Saint Teresa of Avila advises:
Let nothing disturb thee;
Let nothing dismay thee;
All things pass;
God never changes
He who has God
Finds he lacks nothing;
God alone suffices.
The most significant insight in Saint Teresa’s observation is, “All things pass; God never changes.”
Everything in this material world of form is in a constant state of change and ultimately will be gone. But there is also the world of the changeless that we call God, and it is this unchanging spirit that will transform those things that you call problems. They will pass when you bring the infinite of the unchanging to greet them. As Saint Teresa wisely concluded, “God alone suffices.”
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