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There Is a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem
For the purpose of explanation only I have assigned an arbitrary figure representing the frequency speed. A = 10,000 cycles per second; B = 20,000 cycles per second; and C = 100,000 cycles per second and beyond. When you live continuously at or below 20,000 cps you are living in an extremely slowed down energy field, and all the things that you call problems that also vibrate at this frequency are almost always noticeable to you. Your goal seems to be to get to the level where you feel normal.
This example can also be applied to your emotional state. At A we find fear, anxiety, stress, anger, and mental disease. At point B your emotional well-being is stable and you feel all right but any dramatic shift in circumstances or the behavior of others can send you back into that frenzied world of worry, fear, guilt, and depression. But at point B you seem to have your life under control. Point C symbolizes perfect emotional health. Here you know that no one can interfere with or obstruct your bliss. Outside circumstances do not torment you. The actions and opinions of others have no unpleasant effect on your emotional state. Realistically, the movement from A to C is a shift in energy frequencies which you can cultivate and choose. In theory and in practice, you have within you the power to approach the frequency of light and spirit.
When you move out of the 20,000 cps level and speed your energy up, what you consider to be accidents and misfortunes are simply gone. In the faster vibrational frequencies you are able to invoke intuition, insight, and other potentials that are dormant when you are in ordinary human awareness. There is one more element on this A-B-C continuum that plays a significant role in ending problems by accessing spiritual guidance.
We have looked at your physical and emotional states from the perspective of frequencies. The slower the frequency the more you move away from spirit. The higher your energy field vibrates, the more you approach a problem-free life. You can invoke the qualities of spirit to slow moving, average circumstances and remove the erroneous thinking that creates the problems. Consequently, the illusions that are your problems are nullified as you bring spirit to them.
I’ll call the third element in this example consciousness. At point A, the lowest level is ego-consciousness. At this frequency you resonate with an inner view that you are separate from everyone else, and in competition with the rest of the world. You are absorbed in self-importance and validate yourself on the basis of what you have, what you do, and what others think of you. Ego consciousness is a very slow frequency in which you feel distinctly separate from spirit which is the fastest vibration in the universe. In fact, in ego consciousness you are as far removed from the energy of God as is possible, and all seven of the characteristics embodied in the word spiritual as defined in chapter one are essentially missing from your life.
As you progress to average or normal human consciousness you reach point B on this continuum. Point B I call group consciousness. Here you identify yourself on the basis of what groups you have either chosen to align yourself with or been assigned to as a result of your birthplace, ethnic identity, or cultural label. In group consciousness you have the frequency of normal human awareness which categorizes life with phrases like: I am male, you female; I am old, you are young; I am Italian, you are Chinese; I am Christian, you are Muslim; I am white, you are black; I am conservative, you are liberal. On and on the groupings go, pigeonholing everyone into a frequency where conflict resolution is accomplished by determining who is right, stronger, more powerful, better, or whatever.
Wars are the outcome of group consciousness. Members of the group think along the lines of: I am born on this side of the river, you on the far bank. So too were our ancient ancestors, therefore we will need to fight to see who has access to the river and who is right. Ancient enmities continue to flourish because of geographic boundary disputes, religious traditions, cultural practices, and so on. These conflicts are justified as preserving the identity and historical traditions of “my people.” Group consciousness is normal. I understand this completely. The 20,000 cps frequency encourages us to join our assigned groups and to feel pride in defeating anyone who is not “of our kind.”
Every time you find yourself labeling others or yourself, you are setting up a potential problem. It becomes you against whoever is in the other group. Relationships cause problems when you see yourself in conflict with the other. Illness becomes a battleground when you must fight that which is invading the territory that you call “my body.” Lack of prosperity is due to others having more of what you want. So, one who is at the group consciousness level must compete with “them” for prosperity.
Point B, group consciousness, is a step up from A, ego consciousness. However, point B still keeps you squarely in the middle of a life that is not peaceful, tranquil, or able to nullify problems. At this frequency having problems is considered a normal function of living.
As you approach point C on the consciousness scale you reach a place that I call unity or God consciousness where separation is unknown. As I have suggested, there is only one problem that we face, and that is our belief that we are separate from God. As you increase the frequency at which you live, you shift your energy field to a level wherein you elicit the qualities of Godliness. You become pure spirit. You see no divisions and you know that you are connected to everyone and all living creatures. You become a piece of God so to speak and this mystical sense of connectedness no longer allows you to feel separate.
You literally see the unfolding of God in every flower, creature, and person. At this level of unity consciousness, judgmental chatter that had set you up as a victim or a foe in the lower frequencies is gone. You bring this fast vibrational frequency to every life situation and you no longer view the world the way you did when you were in ego or group consciousness. Your message to the universe is no longer “Gimme, gimme, gimme,” but “How may I give?” And the universe’s response like a mirror is a resounding, “How may I give to you?”
In this state of unity consciousness you no longer view your life circumstances as problems. You understand the magic in Rumi’s famous poem The Guest House, which illustrates poetically what I am writing about here. Problems cannot exist in our lives when we view life from the faster spiritual vibrations that Rumi posits.
This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
Some momentary awareness comes
As an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows,
Who violently sweep your house
Empty of its furniture,
Still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
For some new delight.
The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
Meet them at the door laughing,
And invite them in.
Be grateful for whoever comes,
Because each has been sent
As a guide from beyond.
(The Essential Rumi; translated by Coleman Barks; HarperCollins, 1995; p. 104)
In unity consciousness you see yourself as connected rather than separate. You know that there are no accidents and you process each event of your life from that perspective. Energy impacts us at all times, and the frequency at which that energy moves determines our physical, mental, and spiritual health.
Take some time now to remind yourself of this first necessary fundamental awareness: Everything vibrates, everything moves.
Faster Vibrations Mean Getting Closer to “Spirit”
Valerie Hunt, writing about spiritual enlightenment in her fascinating book Infinite Mind makes this observation: “In my laboratory, we found that when a person’s energy field reaches the highest, most complex vibrations, from imaging or meditation, that person had spiritual experiences, regardless of their beliefs.” To create spiritual solutions you must at least tentatively accept this idea of energy vibrations which you have some degree of power to raise. The faster and more complex the frequency, the more you approach the world of invisible spirit and can nullify slower vibrational situations.
Dr. Valerie Hunt is a scientist and a physiological researcher of human energy fields. Her conclusions are almost identical to a man who many consider to be a spiritual master. His name is Sathya Sai Baba, a divine master who possesses the gift of fish and loaves and has devotees from all over the world. Born in 1926, Sai Baba has spent his life teaching and disseminating unconditional love and peace from his ashram in southern India. He tells his many followers, “Human energy is low and the divine energy is without limit. You are God. You are the divine energy when you do the divine work. Your energy grows.”
Here we have Hunt’s scientific, and Sai Baba’s spiritual, philosophy, offering us a grand view of invisible energy as a fast-moving frequency that, when embraced, escorts us into the reaches of the divine. Their insights emphasize the value of freeing ourselves from the negative impact of slower, more mundane human vibrations. These abilities of the higher-level mind appear to be beyond the domain of material or physical reality as we are accustomed to measuring it. Mind may indeed have different characteristics than the brain in that its vibration is not measurable by material devices. The higher mind is like a field that transcends the physical reality of the brain. As you explore the presence of spirit in your life as a faster, more complex energy frequency, consider that the highest levels of the mind contain the capacities of insight, imagination, creativity, and spiritual consciousness. The mind is a higher construct and it can be thought of as infinite and omnipresent.
What I want you to do here is imagine that your mind, perhaps separate from the brain, is like a fast vibrating field of invisible energy that is not located any one place, and is capable of being an unlimited experience. “The mind experiences and the brain records,” is how Wilder Penfield describes it in his epic book The Mystery of The Mind. Consequently, when I speak of energy, and vibrational frequencies, I am now speaking about your mind, the infinite experience, not simply your brain. It is your mind, which indeed may be separate from your brain, that you are going to train to move at a faster frequency so as to bring spiritual solutions to your problems. I do not wish to make this into a deeply scientific discussion. I just want to introduce you to the idea that the faster frequencies correspond with moving up the scale from solid, to sound, to light, to spirit, and it is in spirit that you will find your peace.
Think about what it is like to be around people who seem to possess these highest capacities of the mind. When we observe someone who has deep insight we can become easily transfixed. The person of deep insight who touches your soul with his words and ignites feelings of love and appreciation is vibrating at a faster energy frequency.
This quality of insight is an ingredient of the higher (and thus faster) mind. These deep insights do not have to be in esoteric fields such as quantum physics or nuclear science. I recall talking with a professional football player who had great insight in how to construct defenses against passing formations. I knew that he was talking and experiencing life in his realm from a high frequency. People who know how to be peaceful and loving regardless of the outer circumstances appear to have greater insight into how to live their daily life. They can have a profound effect on those whom they encounter.
The higher energy frequencies in your mind contain the seeds of imagination and creativity. The more creative you become the faster the frequency of your energy field and the more you can access the invisible world of spirit to annul the lower energy that produces what we construe as problems. Often we use the word problem only because we have not learned that imagination and creativity can handle the situation.
I received a letter several years ago from a woman in Oregon who was facing what most of us would consider a major problem. I reproduce the letter here so that you can see how this problem was turned into a blessing by bringing creativity and spirit to the painful situation.
Dear Wayne;
I don’t even know how to begin this letter. I wrote to you back in 1996 because my son was missing. He had gotten into the world of drugs and had slipped away. At the time I wrote to you I was distraught and panicked. I also was trying to start an organization to help others find their children turned of age who have fallen prey to drug addiction.
You very kindly wrote me back and your first sentence stated, “You will be directed to Jeff! Know this beyond anything resembling doubt.”
I kept that letter with me at all times. I ran those words over and over in my mind while holding the vision of Jeff and I embracing when I found him. Everyone I spoke with told me Jeff probably wouldn’t want to see me, or he would be mad at me, or he would run from me. I never believed that. I knew that when we saw each other face to face we would talk and come to an understanding if nothing else.
Now for the good news. I did indeed find Jeff. When we saw each other face to face the vision that I had held became a reality. He hugged me, told me he loved me, spoke to me of his pain, his longing to live a different life, then walked with me out of the drug world. We are now starting an agency together, called “Third Option,” to help other parents reconnect with their children.
I wrote an article in the “My Turn” column of Newsweek that ran in the August 18, 1997, edition. From that article we were asked to appear on Primetime Live, Good Morning America, CNBC, and many other shows. From that we have just signed a contract to have our story made into a movie. Also, I have written a book that I hope will be published called, “To Jeff, Love, Mom.” When the proceeds come from those things we will have the money to get our organization up and running in the form that we envision. Already we have helped a couple of parents locate their children and have counseled a dozen more. Jeff just finished up a case in San Francisco.
I am now starting to contact federal legislators to see what can be done to give parents of children turned of age more rights when they become lost to them in the world of addiction.
I just wanted to write to give you some good news and thank you for that simple phrase that you wrote to me in your letter. We are all lights for one another and those few words about being directed to Jeff illuminated my path more than once when the fear and devastation of being without my son would overwhelm me. Thank you so very much.
Well, that’s about it, just a huge hug from me with much gratitude from my heart. Oh, by the way, you may see a dramatic rise in the sale of your book, Real Magic. It is my favorite and I tell every parent I talk to to get the book.
Take care.
Warmest personal regards,
Michale Mohr
Here you can see what a powerful force creativity and imagination are in dispelling the illusion of a problem. A “problem” not only disappeared, but out of that energy of insight and creativity a spiritual solution emerged for Michale and many others as well.
The researchers in the science of energy vibrations remind us that the qualities that we refer to as insight, imagination, and creativity are the components of higher states of mind. Obviously, when we think of the mind of God, we think of the creator who imagined a physical universe from his consciousness. And with profound insight the story of Genesis was played out.
Your mind is both an individualized expression of the mind of God, and at the same time it is the universal mind as well. These words of Dr. Valerie Hunt stir me into a state of excitement when I consider the potential of the creative aspect of the human mind.
On the basis of my experience with deciphering and broadcasting thoughts from a field, I believe that all the great and profound ideas ever expounded, the tenets of advanced cultures, the deep and meaningful spiritual happenings around which religions are organized, all of these are available to us today in their original vibrational forms.… The open mind field concept says that all important thought is ours for the taking.
I kept this quotation at my table as I wrote my previous book, Wisdom of the Ages, based on sixty of the greatest teachers in history. I felt as if I were in conscious contact with them as I wrote.
These “original vibrational forms” are what I am calling energy at the fastest or highest level. When you master the magnificent seven ingredients of spirit that are in the opening chapter of this book you will be in a position to annul all your problems. Then you can increase the speed of your mental frequency and access the higher faculties of insight, imagination and creativity, which form the basis for being in the mind of God. Ultimately, your focused mind field, moving at the fastest frequencies of spirit can impact and tap into everything going on in the world.
As you begin to consider this idea of faster vibrations being synonymous with spirit, remind yourself that we live in a world of invisible energy that we take for granted. Electromagnetic forces all operate on vibrational frequencies that we cannot see, smell, or touch. Think of electricity, radio and television signals, microwaves, fax machines, cellular phones. We know that we can send radio waves out into the atmosphere, bounce them off satellites, scramble and unscramble them, and receive information from the waves. As we increase the frequency of these waves of energy we can send them to distant planets and solar systems, and perhaps, all the way to God and back.
Isn’t that what prayer is when you get right down to it? An invisible energetic signal sent between your mind field, and the universal mind field which you must be connected to. Otherwise, what would be the point of the prayer? Research has shown that people who pray and are prayed for have higher incidences of recovery. Prayer is an invisible energy vibration that approaches the faster frequencies of spirit. And it works, as research has demonstrated.
Ponder this idea of faster vibrations being associated with spirit, and spirit being the source of all problem solving. This insight will give you real-world tools for reaching the ultimate conclusion that you are God’s vibrations made manifest. I encourage you to find your way to rid yourself of the illusion that you could ever be separate from God.
My final observation for this section is from Hunt’s intriguing book:
We discovered that when a person’s field reached higher vibrational states, he no longer experienced material things such as bodies and ego states, or the physical world. He experienced knowing, higher information, transcendental ideas, insight about ultimate sources of reality, and creativity in its pure form. Thoughts were grander, more penetrating and global.
Higher vibrational states will lead you out of the physical ego-bound world where the illusions of problems are. The third and next awareness is that slower vibrations keep you in the world of problems.
Slower Vibrations Keep Us in the World of “Problems”
When you live persistently and permanently in the lower vibrational frequencies of material consciousness you are not able to participate in the realm of higher interpretation, transcendent ideas, insight, knowing, and pure creativity. This is what Valerie Hunt’s research on the science of human vibrations of consciousness reveals.
I have also become very familiar with a fascinating book titled Power Versus Force, written by Dr. David R. Hawkins who has both an M.D. and a Ph.D. He has quantified human actions and emotions by frequencies. The author spent twenty-nine years in an exhaustive study to measure the vibrations of human behavior and thought and to help us see how to move from the lower/slower frequencies of shame, guilt, apathy, fear, and anger into the higher vibrations of willingness, acceptance, reason, love, joy, peace, and enlightenment. I loved every page of this groundbreaking book. I quote from his preface.
The individual human mind is like a computer terminal connected to a giant database. The database is human consciousness itself, of which our own consciousness is merely an individual expression, but with its roots in the common consciousness of all mankind. This database is the realm of genius; because to be human is to participate in the database, everyone by virtue of his birth has access to genius.
You can access this genius energy to remove “problems” from your life completely. But what does this mean specifically to you who would love to shed the burden of material world struggles and problems? The answer lies in understanding Einstein’s quote, “Nothing happens until something moves,” which is the subheading of this chapter. You must become determined to rid yourself of those slower material world vibrational states, because this is where your problems reside.
Think of any disease process, such as cancer. Cancer, like everything else in the physical world, has a vibrational frequency. That frequency is incompatible with the body and will begin to devour the adjoining cells. Disease frequencies can invade your body when you live in a continual state of being angry, fearful, envious, critical, judgmental, and worried. These lower vibrations are inherent in virtually all the life circumstances that we call problems.
How then do you reconcile the message in chapter one that God is good, God is the creator, God is omnipresent, and all that is non-God cannot exist, except as we allow it to in our thoughts? Non-good is an illusion that disappears when spirit is present. Conversely, when we don’t stay in spirit, our energy field is slowed down to the material world elements of anger, hate, envy, guilt, and the like. This is when a hole in our energy field occurs, large enough for other slow vibrating frequencies to enter and overwhelm our body.
They are invited in, so to speak, unconsciously to be sure, by permitting our energy fields to leave the spiritual domain. When we do that, there is no high frequency vibration available to curtail the work of these slower moving vibrations. Thus, when we leave our spiritual consciousness, we create an opening for slow moving frequencies to enter. The antidote to these debilitating frequencies in our lives is to remove them from our body altogether. First by identifying the frequency, and then by countering it with the faster vibrations of spiritual energy.
The emotional states of fear, worry, anger, envy, greed, jealousy, guilt, and hatred are the lower frequency reactions that we implement in response to the circumstances and events of our lives. It may be stated that the presence of those states of the lower mind open up holes in our energy field large enough for other incompatible lower frequencies to enter our bodies in the form of hundreds of varying disease frequencies.
But beyond disease, these lower level vibrational reactions also cause us to have large holes in virtually all areas of our lives. These holes allow the lower frequencies of problems to enter, and do just as much damage to our relationships, our families, and our jobs as they do in destroying our bodies. Once we take responsibility for the presence of these lower frequencies without any guilt, we set ourselves up to be in a position to remove them.