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‘I know what you mean,’ Ryan conceded, dragging his eyes away. ‘She’s probably not the easiest person to work with – and Nick doesn’t always help the situation. But sometimes I think you don’t give Jenna enough credit. She really wants this to work.’
Zac made a noncommittal noise.
‘It’s got to be intimidating for her too,’ continued Ryan. ‘We’ve been with Josh for so long, then suddenly she has to step into his shoes and there’s no guarantee it’ll work. There’s no guarantee everyone will like her – us or the fans.’
‘She doesn’t look like the type of girl to be intimidated by anything,’ Zac muttered, darting a look across the room to where Jenna was giggling as she gulped down another mouthful of champagne.
‘Oh come on, Zac. She might act confident, but you can tell a lot of it’s just a front. I’m sure she’s nervous as hell really, so try and go easy on her, yeah?’
‘She just … gets under my skin,’ finished Zac lamely.
‘Yeah …’ nodded Don, looking thoughtfully at Zac.
‘Oh, that feels good!’ squealed Jenna from the other side of the room.
They all looked across to see Jenna’s shoes discarded on the floor, her right foot in Nick’s lap where he was drunkenly attempting to massage it.
‘Ohhhhhh, right there,’ Jenna groaned, flexing her foot in pleasure and squeezing it against Nick’s thigh.
Nick felt himself grow instantly hard and pressed his fingertips into the delicate skin of her foot, mesmerized at the way she was writhing around on the carpet, arching her back and moaning. Yeah, she’d look pretty damn good rolling around on a rug in front of a roaring fireplace, Nick thought to himself. Maybe he should buy a place in Aspen and fly her out there. He moved her foot to one side, gently opening her legs a little. If he could just get her legs a little wider, he’d be able to see right up her skirt, Nick realized. His cock was chafing against his pants so hard it hurt. Man, imagine if she wasn’t wearing panties – he’d be able to see her, ready and waiting for him. Imagine that – Jenna Jonsson lying in front of him wearing nothing but a thin scrap of fabric. He wondered if she was a natural blonde. Or maybe she was waxed, with just a little landing strip to guide him in. If they were alone, all he would have to do would be to walk over and yank up her skirt – take her right there over the sofa.
Nick knew she wanted him, and the thought made him feel uncontrollably aroused. Maybe if the other guys were engrossed in their own conversation, no one would notice if he just moved a little closer and ran his hand along those soft, yielding thighs before slipping a finger inside of her. He’d stroke her ever so gently, and feel her get wetter and wetter, until she was begging him to give it to her. Or maybe she would touch herself and he would just watch …
‘What are you boys talking about?’ Jenna demanded to know, realizing that the others were heavily involved in conversation. She jumped up, pulling her foot from Nick’s hand and leaving him flushed and alone on the floor.
‘We were, er, discussing how the record’s coming,’ replied Don uncertainly.
‘Oh fantastic,’ gushed Jenna, as she picked her way across the room, stepping delicately over the discarded pizza boxes and making no attempt to pull down her skirt which had ridden up to show acres of toned, tanned thigh, kept a beautiful shade of honey brown thanks to her regular St Tropez treatments.
‘So how do you think it’s all coming along? I’m thrilled with the way it’s turning out – I’m having an amazing time working with you all,’ Jenna told them earnestly. The champagne had gone to her head, but she meant every word she said. Squeezing herself onto the sofa in between Zac and Don, she purred, ‘You’re all so incredibly talented.’
Zac bit down hard on his lip. He’d told Ryan he’d try and go a little easier on her, but he wasn’t sure it was a promise he could keep. He swallowed, trying to prevent himself from saying something he’d regret. He could feel the warmth of her body next to his, could smell the Chanel No. 5 that she had optimistically spritzed on that morning as part of her new image.
Zac stood up suddenly, causing Jenna to lose her balance on the sofa. She burst into giggles as Don helped her upright.
‘I should get going,’ Zac announced, struggling to keep his temper. Everything Jenna did drove him crazy. ‘I told Amber I’d be back as soon as I could, and we’re obviously not going to get any more done here tonight.’
‘Maybe we could work on the track some more now?’ Jenna asked hopefully.
‘I don’t think that’s a good idea.’
‘Why not?’ shot back Jenna, her eyes flashing dangerously as she began to get defensive.
Zac paused and took a deep breath, remembering his vow not to get mad with her. ‘Well, look at Nick,’ he tried to joke. ‘He’s hardly in any fit state to play, is he?’
Nick was laid out on the floor, his blue eyes staring blankly at the ceiling. ‘Are we done here?’ he asked, struggling to sit up. ‘You want a ride home, Jenna?’ He tried to focus on her face, but he could see two of her. He liked the idea of two of her.
Jenna smiled. ‘Thanks for the offer, but I’ll just call my driver.’
‘It’s no trouble, really, it’s on my way,’ slurred Nick.
A natural-born charmer, Nick was used to getting what he wanted. From girls to money to a place in one of the world’s biggest bands, life came easy to Nick.
Zac forced a laugh, trying to make light of the situation. ‘You’re wasted, Nick – there’s no way you can drive, not even the few blocks over to Jenna’s. You’d be DUI’d the second you get behind the wheel.’
‘You live close by?’ asked Ryan, turning to Jenna. Jenna nodded, wondering how Zac knew. She was pretty sure she hadn’t mentioned it. ‘I can give you a ride if you want,’ Ryan continued.
‘Hey, I’m a proper Southern gent. I’ve gotta make sure the lady gets home safely,’ roared Nick.
‘She’ll be fine, Nick. Which is more than can be said for you,’ muttered Zac.
‘Would that be okay?’ Jenna asked Ryan uncertainly. ‘I hate to bother my driver so late, and if you’re sure it’s not out of your way …?’
‘Not a problem,’ Ryan replied generously. ‘I haven’t been drinking anyway, ’cos Kelly hates it when I come home trashed.’
‘Thanks,’ replied Jenna, giving him a broad smile that lit up her face.
‘Jenna, I will give you a ride home,’ declared Nick, attempting to get to his feet as he waved his arms expansively. ‘It is absolutely no problem for me – don’t listen to what these bastards are saying. Or we can just share a cab to my hotel,’ he added, with a wink.
‘It’s fine, it really is,’ Jenna insisted, tempted though she was to take up Nick’s offer and spend the night in some decadent suite where they could fuck so hard she wouldn’t be able to walk tomorrow. But she didn’t think that would go down too well with the others – Zac would probably fire her for lack of professionalism. ‘I’ll get a lift with Ryan.’
‘Ryan,’ Nick whined, his forehead creased in an expression of bitter disappointment. ‘But that’s not fair. You’re married!’
‘Which is why she’ll be safer with him than with you,’ explained Don firmly. ‘Now let’s call you a car.’
‘This is totally unfair,’ complained Nick.
‘Quit acting like a jerk,’ snapped Zac, tiring of Nick’s behaviour. ‘I’ll see you guys tomorrow,’ he added shortly, as he headed for the door.
‘Do you want a ride too?’ asked Ryan. ‘I don’t mind the drive.’
‘No, thanks. I’ll make my own way back.’
Zac glared at Jenna and walked out of the door.
‘Ryan?’ asked Jenna.
She settled back comfortably into the vast seats of his Range Rover, watching the bright lights of London flash by. It was drizzling lightly outside, and Jenna’s breath on the window caused it to steam up, obstructing her view. She shivered slightly, realizing with a stab of annoyance that she’d left her jacket in the studio.
‘Yeah?’ asked Ryan. Following his GPS he signalled right, turning from the main street with its parade of shops into a wealthy-looking residential area, lined with beautiful white stucco-fronted houses.
Jenna hesitated. ‘Why does Zac dislike me so much?’ she finally asked.
Ryan’s hands tightened slightly on the steering wheel, and he kept his eyes firmly fixed on the road ahead. ‘He does like you Jenna,’ he began uncertainly, his words lacking sincerity. ‘It’s just that … oh, I don’t know. He does like you Jenna, don’t worry about it,’ he reiterated.
‘Oh come on, Ryan,’ shot back Jenna, her voice rising slightly as she felt herself beginning to get upset. ‘You’ve seen what he’s like with me – he can’t stand me. He won’t talk to me, he barely looks at me …’
‘Hey, it’s not that bad,’ Ryan insisted, worriedly glancing across at her. ‘He’s having a little trouble adjusting after working with Josh, but he doesn’t hate you Jenna.’
‘I don’t know what else I can do,’ she continued desperately, as though he hadn’t spoken. ‘I’ve tried to make him like me, I really have. I so want this to work. And now it’s causing a problem with the band, and Don’s getting pissed off with me …’ Jenna trailed off, her breath coming fast.
‘Don’s not pissed off with you,’ reassured Ryan, sounding surprised. ‘Why do you think that?’
‘Next street on the left,’ snuffled Jenna, trying to keep her voice steady as she felt the tears gathering in her eyes. She almost wished she hadn’t started the conversation, knowing that if she began to cry she wouldn’t stop. But she had to know. The situation was depressing her, stifling her enjoyment of what should have been one of the most exciting and creative periods of her career.
‘Look, don’t take any notice of Zac,’ said Ryan dismissively, trying to keep his tone light. ‘That’s just what he’s like.’
‘No, he’s not,’ Jenna protested. ‘Everyone who’s worked with him says he’s the sweetest guy, and I’ve seen what he’s like with everyone else. He gets on fine with them, and they all love him. It’s just me he’s got a problem with.’
‘Jenna, sweetheart, please don’t beat yourself up about this,’ Ryan implored, wishing there was something he could say to make her feel better. It was heartbreaking listening to how upset and vulnerable she sounded. ‘Zac’s obviously got some problems at the moment – he is being a little different, yeah. But we’re all feeling the brunt of it too.’
Jenna bit her lip, looking unconvinced.
Ryan sighed. ‘I promise you, Jenna, it’s got nothing to do with you,’ he insisted, not knowing if it was true or not, but feeling that it was the right thing to say.
‘There’s parking just here on the right,’ Jenna told him with a sniff. ‘He’s said he thinks I’m lazy, but I swear I’m not, Ryan,’ she insisted, her eyes shining wet with tears.
‘Jenna, don’t get upset,’ pleaded Ryan, his brow creasing in worry as he swung into the parking spot and turned off the ignition.
‘I’m working so hard to please everyone, and he just doesn’t care!’ The tears began to flow and Jenna let them run freely.
‘Jenna …’ began Ryan, reaching across the seat towards her. He held her awkwardly and she clung to him, her body wracked with sobs. Ryan took a deep breath, trying to gather his thoughts. He wished he knew what to say to her; he felt so useless and awkward, unaccustomed to dealing with such emotional outbursts. His hands felt large and protective as he held her tiny frame, breathing in the faint smell of her perfume.
‘Jenna,’ Ryan began, as he sat up and disentangled himself from her. Gently, he brushed her hair away from her face. ‘I think you should head on in and get yourself a good night’s sleep. It’s been a stressful night, and I’m sure you’ll feel better tomorrow. Get a big glass of juice or something, help you sober up.’ The words came out clumsily, reflecting Ryan’s discomfort. He was tired and he wanted to get home to his wife and kids – Kelly would probably be waiting up for him, he realized.
‘Oh shit, I’m so sorry Ryan,’ Jenna apologized, embarrassed as she wiped her eyes. ‘I’m just being silly – you’ve been so good to put up with me.’
‘No problem,’ Ryan mumbled.
Neither of them spoke for a few moments as Jenna rubbed her eyes tiredly, running a finger underneath her eyelashes to try and wipe off the smudged mascara. Finally, she spoke. ‘I hate to ask after all this, but could you do me one favour?’
‘I guess,’ Ryan shrugged.
‘I really don’t like getting in by myself – the house is so big and quiet. It was stupid of me to buy it really,’ she smiled. ‘It’s far too big for one person, and I sometimes get a little freaked out. Tonight especially, I’m feeling so on edge. Would you come in with me, just for a few minutes until I’m settled?’ Ryan paused and Jenna forced a smile. ‘You’ll get a free cup of coffee out of it.’
‘I don’t know …’ he began slowly. ‘I should be heading back. Kelly’s expecting me, and I don’t want to be too late.’
‘But it would only be for a few minutes …’ Jenna saw Ryan hesitate and felt her cheeks grow hot as the anger rose in her chest. Deep down, she knew it wasn’t his fault, but she desperately needed someone to lash out at. ‘Okay, fine. Forget it,’ she snapped furiously, her eyes blazing. ‘None of you like me, do you? We should just call this whole thing off right now because it’s obviously not going to work. Apologize to the rest of the guys for me, would you – that’s if they even care!’
Jenna jumped down from the car and slammed the door.
‘Shit,’ swore Ryan, leaping out of the Range Rover. ‘Jenna! Jenna, wait,’ he yelled, running after her across the street. ‘Jenna,’ he shouted, grabbing her by the shoulder.
She had reached the doorstep of her house and swung round to face him. It was raining harder now, and her hair streamed out wildly behind her, her face accusing and streaked with mascara.
‘Jenna, I’m so sorry,’ Ryan apologized. He looked at her worriedly, aware of the commotion they were making in the quiet street. There didn’t seem to be anyone around, but the last thing he wanted was to draw attention to the pair of them. ‘Look, I’ll come in with you and we’ll get you a drink, get you sorted out, and it’ll all be okay. Come on,’ he added, resting a hand on her back as he led her into the house.
‘I’m just going to go and freshen up a little,’ said Jenna as they stepped into the entrance hall, feeling embarrassed about the way she must look.
‘Okay.’ Ryan stood awkwardly in the corridor, not sure where to go as she disappeared upstairs. ‘Can I make you a drink?’ he yelled after her.
‘Sure, coffee would be great,’ Jenna shouted back.
Ryan looked around him, trying to work out which direction the kitchen was in. The Holland Park house was undeniably gorgeous. Designed by the Candy brothers, the interior was modern and dramatic, all sleek furniture and a neutral colour scheme broken up by stunning statement pieces. The contemporary style belied the ‘Old England’ appearance of the exterior, with its white stone walls, wrought-iron balconies and potted bay trees either side of the heavy black door.
Inside it was very tidy and somewhat devoid of personal items – Ryan got the impression that Jenna probably didn’t spend a lot of time there. I can sympathize with that, he thought, remembering how in the early days when the band were trying to break through, they’d toured incessantly, spending months on end away from home. He’d married young and started a family almost immediately but, despite the pressure, he and Kelly had got through it. Not everyone had been quite so lucky, he realized, thinking of Zac and his ex-wife Jessica.
Having located the kitchen, the kettle had just boiled when Jenna walked in. Her face was clean of make-up, but her eyes were still puffy and her cheeks were more flushed than normal, betraying her earlier outburst.
‘You shouldn’t drink coffee at this time of night. I made you some tea instead,’ Ryan said, pouring out the water. ‘I’ve been in England for a few days now so I think I’ve got the hang of it,’ he grinned.
‘Thanks,’ smiled Jenna. Their fingers brushed as she took the mug from him.
‘Careful. It’s hot,’ warned Ryan.
‘I’ll be careful,’ Jenna teased, blowing gently across the top of the mug. She realized Ryan was watching her and wiped her eyes self-consciously.
‘I hate the way I look when I cry,’ Jenna explained shyly. ‘My eyes swell up and I look like a pig.’
Ryan laughed. ‘Well, you’d have to be the cutest pig I’ve ever seen,’ he answered clumsily.
‘Gee, thanks,’ Jenna replied, but she was laughing as she led the way through to the magnificent living room. It was located at the back of the house, a huge, high-ceilinged room with long, full-length windows looking out onto an impressive expanse of garden. The lounge was largely minimalist, with buttercream walls and pale furniture; only the ostentatious gold and crystal chandelier, and the gilt candlesticks over the fireplace, added a touch of drama to the otherwise muted room. Jenna plopped down on one of the squashy cream sofas, and Ryan joined her.
‘God, I’m so tired,’ Jenna yawned, resting her head against the soft fabric.
‘It must be the stress,’ commented Ryan, taking a sip of his tea. ‘You’ve had a hard day.’
‘Yeah, I’ll say,’ agreed Jenna. She paused, listening to the rain falling against the windows. ‘Am I just being stupid, Ryan? I mean, am I completely overreacting to everything, and just annoying the hell out of the rest of you?’
She looked so earnest, her beautiful green eyes open wide in anguish, that Ryan smiled.
‘Of course not,’ he reassured her. ‘We’ll get there. It’s new to us all, and it’s just going to take time. Zac’s having a harder time adjusting than we are, that’s all. It’s nothing personal.’
Jenna smiled gratefully. ‘Thanks.’
‘And I’d think the attention Nick gives you more than makes up for it.’
Jenna grinned, squirming with embarrassment. ‘He’s terrible, isn’t he? I bet he’s like that with everyone,’ she commented carefully, feeling her heart begin to race a little.
‘Hell, I don’t know really,’ Ryan lied, trying to avoid the subject. ‘He’s always had quite an eye for the ladies. But I’d say he really likes you,’ he added quickly, as Jenna’s face fell.
‘It’s okay, I know what he’s like,’ she admitted. ‘I know it’s just fun, and I enjoy it. It’s such a dream even working with you guys.’
‘We’re not that special,’ Ryan shook his head.
‘Millions of fans can’t be wrong,’ Jenna grinned, as she lay down on the couch and closed her eyes. Neither of them spoke as Ryan drained his tea.
‘You really like him, don’t you?’ he asked Jenna gently. ‘Nick, I mean.’
‘I don’t know. Well … yeah,’ she admitted drowsily. ‘Don’t tell him though, will you? He’s big-headed enough already.’
‘I won’t,’ Ryan promised.
There was a long pause as Jenna snuggled down on the sofa. Eventually, she spoke, her voice sounding slow and distant. ‘Yeah, I do like him,’ she confessed sleepily.
‘Just be careful, yeah?’ Ryan urged. But Jenna didn’t respond. Her breathing was regular and slow, and Ryan realized she was asleep. He checked his watch – just after midnight. Carefully, so as not to wake her, Ryan climbed off the sofa. When he reached the door he paused for a few moments, thinking how beautiful she looked – so innocent and vulnerable, almost childlike, with her long, blonde hair tumbling over her face, and her skin cleansed of make-up. Then he turned and hurried back down the corridor, noiselessly opening the front door and letting himself out. The silent street appeared deserted as he climbed back into the Range Rover and drove off.
Jenna woke groggily from a deep sleep, wondering why her limbs ached so badly. Sunlight streamed in through the high arched windows and, as Jenna slowly opened her eyes, she was shocked to realize she’d slept all night on the sofa.
Blearily, she glanced up at the wall clock: 9.50 a.m.
‘Shit,’ she swore, wondering what time she was due in the studio that day. Oh well, she shrugged, deciding she didn’t care. They could damn well wait for her. Let Ryan explain why she might be a little late, Jenna thought drowsily, as the events of last night began to come back to her.
Last night. What had happened exactly? Oh God, groaned Jenna, as she rolled over and buried her head in the cushions. Had she made a complete fool of herself? She remembered flirting outrageously with Nick, and then Ryan had brought her home … Oh no, she’d been really upset – she remembered yelling at him in the street. Shit, how embarrassing.
Ryan had been sweet though. He was such a nice guy, and hopefully he wouldn’t hold her behaviour against her. She just hoped it didn’t get back to Zac – he already thought she was acting like a diva, and she didn’t want him to know that he had upset her so badly.
I’ll show him, Jenna insisted, pushing last night’s feelings of insecurity out of her mind. Letting her emotions run out of control was not the way she had got to the top, Jenna reminded herself. Today, she would be completely in command.
She stretched luxuriously in an effort to shake some of the heaviness from her limbs. She needed to start getting a handle on her life. She had been so stressed and tired last night that she hadn’t even made it to bed – hell, her standards were really slipping. Thank God she’d taken off her make-up when she got in, Jenna thought, reaching up to touch her face. It felt soft and smooth, and Jenna sighed with relief; the last thing she needed was a break-out on top of everything else.
Sitting up carefully, Jenna swung her long legs over the end of the sofa and paused. She needed a glass of water – or maybe some coffee; rocket fuel would certainly get her going. Picking up the empty tea mugs, Jenna padded through to the kitchen. While she was waiting for the kettle to boil, she flicked on her laptop.
‘Oh fuck, no. Oh Jesus!’ swore Jenna as she logged on to TMZ and saw the lead story.
The offices of Willis & Bourne were located on the twenty-fourth floor of the Broadgate Tower, in the heart of London’s Square Mile. Paul Austin, as a senior executive, had a private office at the far end of the corridor, guarded by his PA. As the early morning sun filtered through the tinted windows, Paul sat behind his kidney-shaped desk, leafing through a copy of the Financial Times. There was an unfavourable report on a Japanese telecoms firm in which he’d just invested a large portion of his clients’ money. It did not make for happy reading. Irritably, he tossed the paper aside and turned his attention to the Internet, flicking through share prices, business headlines and breaking news.
One headline caught his attention – it involved Jenna Jonsson. Paul read swiftly through the article and found himself even more interested. So, Miss Jonsson wasn’t as squeaky clean as she made out, it seemed, and some lucky guy was getting to bang her. Paul’s cock leapt in his pants at the very thought of it. Jenna was one hot piece of ass – he’d have sold his own grandmother for a fuck with Jenna. Then again, Paul Austin would willingly have sold out his grandmother for a lot of things in life – loyalty was not one of his defining traits.
Paul’s interest in Jenna went beyond that of the casual voyeur or horny teenager. As of last month, she was one of his newest clients. It was still fresh in his mind, the way she’d strutted into his office dressed like Business Barbie, in a tight pencil skirt that showed off her high, round butt, and a low-cut white blouse that strained against her tits every time she leaned forward. Of course, she’d brought her manager with her, some jumped-up flunky in a suit who’d watched Paul’s every move like a hawk, so he’d had to keep things professional. He’d talked at length about dry stuff – real estate in Bulgaria, mineral mining in South Africa, investment yields, long-term trends and so on. She’d nodded that pretty little head and all he’d been thinking about was how much he’d like to put his dick between those luscious, glossy lips and force it deep into the back of her throat until she gagged.