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As Jenna pulled aside the rows of skimpy, bare-all tops, the micro-miniskirts and the tiny hot pants, she felt she could perhaps see the problem. Resolving to throw away all items of clothing she owned in baby pink, Jenna rummaged through rail upon rail of designer labels and located a pair of white, flared Ralph Lauren trousers, a demure, high-necked shift dress from last season’s Victoria Beckham collection, and the bold floral print skirt she’d finally decided on. Just because I want to be refined doesn’t mean I have to look like a Tory wife, she concluded, finding a pair of ultra-feminine Chanel ballet pumps, which lacked the spiked heel and fetishistic appeal of most of her other footwear.
Just you wait Zac Knight, thought Jenna fiercely, climbing back between the luxurious Egyptian cotton sheets and flicking off the light.
Sadie emerged from the grimy Tube, breathing in the fresh air of Green Park. She looked sensational in a deep red wrap dress that fitted perfectly, emphasizing the slim contours of her body, and she’d teamed it with a sleek pair of knee-high boots. Men were checking her out as she walked along, a spring in her step and a swing to her hips.
As she reached the May Fair Hotel a few minutes later, the uniformed porter in his long coat and top hat opened the door, smiling at her as she stepped through. Sadie made a left and headed towards the bar. Her stomach was churning with excitement and nerves, but she knew she looked good.
Paul Austin was already there, seated at the counter. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw him. He looked unbelievably handsome, just as she’d remembered him, and in the stylish bar he seemed completely at home, radiating power and confidence. His suit was expensive and well fitted, his face serious as he swirled his whisky on the rocks. Then he glanced up, his face creasing into a smile as he saw her. He stood up to meet her and his eyes slowly ran over every inch of her body, watching the way her hips rolled, the way her small breasts rose and fell as she walked towards him. Sadie felt a thrill of anticipation run down her spine.
Paul leaned over to kiss her cheek. ‘You smell delicious,’ he murmured, lingering for just a second too long.
Sadie felt her stomach contract, a rush of heat low in her belly. The air was thick with tension.
‘I’ve ordered for you,’ Paul told her, indicating the glass of white wine on the counter beside him.
‘You remembered,’ Sadie said delightedly. She’d been drinking wine in the restaurant where she’d first seen him.
‘I remember everything. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since that afternoon.’
His eyes were trained on her unwaveringly. Sadie felt as though he was mentally undressing her, picturing her in the tiniest scrap of Victoria’s Secret. She took a sip of wine to calm her nerves, but her hands were shaking. A drop spilled over the edge and trickled down the outside of the glass, leaving a trail through the condensation. Instinctively Sadie caught it with her finger, then placed the tip in her mouth and sucked gently.
She heard Paul’s breath catch in his throat and she looked up, her eyes betraying a mix of fear, confusion and pure, undisguised lust.
‘Sadie.’ Just one word. The way he said her name, she felt herself melt. Instantly she knew why she was there. She wanted him badly, and there was no way of hiding it.
‘Let’s go.’ Paul’s voice was low and husky as he threw a note on the counter, grabbed Sadie by the hand and pulled her towards the exit.
‘You know … I don’t usually do this kind of thing …’ Sadie gasped, her breath coming fast as she felt heat flood her body.
‘Well I’m glad to be the exception,’ Paul smirked, pushing his tongue deep into her mouth as his hands roamed frenziedly beneath her clothes.
Sadie moaned in pleasure and staggered backwards, feeling as though her legs wouldn’t hold her up. Her back hit the wall and Paul fell against her, his firm body crushed against hers. She could feel his swollen cock through his trousers and she fumbled with his belt buckle, eager to free him.
‘I should let you know … that I don’t usually do this kind of thing …’ Paul mimicked her words, his mouth hot against her ear so that the skin on the nape of her neck prickled deliciously.
Her hand slid inside his pants and she felt him, hard and thick as she grasped his shaft. Paul closed his eyes and groaned in delight as her fingers slipped down to his balls, stroking and squeezing with just the right amount of pressure.
‘Then I’m glad to be the exception,’ Sadie managed to stammer, biting down on her lip to stop herself from crying out as he roughly pushed up her top and greedily bent his head to her breasts. Her nipples were tight and his tongue flickered expertly over them, circling and sucking.
They were acting on instinct now, slaves to what their bodies were telling them. Sliding a hand down to her pussy, Paul couldn’t believe how wet she was. The thought of her creaming herself for him turned him on even more and he knew he couldn’t wait any longer.
Pulling a condom from his wallet he slipped it on and picked her up, his muscular arms flexing as Sadie wrapped her legs around his waist and he lowered her onto his throbbing cock.
Her back pressed into the wall as she clung to him, her nails digging into his shoulders as he began to move inside her, groaning with every thrust. She could feel him deep inside, his groin rubbing relentlessly against her clit as the pressure began to build.
‘Paul, I’m close,’ she cried. ‘So fucking close …’
Without missing a beat he carried her over to the bed and they crashed down onto the pristine hotel sheets, Paul above her as he began to thrust faster. Sadie heard herself moan and for a moment her world was reduced to nothing except Paul and how good he felt, how amazing he felt inside her. She cried out, unable to help herself as waves of pleasure rocked through her body, and somewhere she heard Paul groan before he finally grew still.
He rolled off her, snapping off the condom before propping himself up on the pillows. Lazily, Sadie admired his body. He was definitely in amazing shape for a guy of his age. He was well built and muscular, his skin tanned and his abs defined. His hair was greying a little around the temples but Sadie liked that. It gave him a gravity, and showed that he wasn’t vain enough to dye it.
‘I meant what I said, you know,’ Sadie told him, as she languidly stretched her exquisite body, totally unselfconscious about being naked. ‘I don’t usually do this kind of thing.’
‘Have sex?’ Paul teased her, resting one arm behind his head to show off his impressive biceps. ‘Because you certainly didn’t seem like a beginner to me.’
‘Have sex with total strangers in hotel rooms,’ Sadie clarified, watching Paul’s face for his reaction. He leaned over and very slowly traced a finger between her breasts, down over her stomach to her navel. Sadie shivered in delight.
‘And I meant what I said. I don’t usually pick up random women in restaurants.’ He paused. ‘But you were so beautiful I simply couldn’t help myself.’
In spite of herself, Sadie smiled. It was a corny line, but what the hell, it made her feel good. She could tell he was into her, and the sex had been amazing. She hadn’t been wrong about the chemistry between them. Even while Carla insisted she was crazy, Sadie had dialled the number on the business card he’d left her and had arranged to meet in the bar of the hotel. It was immediately obvious that they were there for more than a polite drink; the sexual tension between them was off the scale.
‘Every man in there wanted you, and that’s why I couldn’t let you get away. And do you know how I could tell you wanted me?’ Paul asked as Sadie shook her head. ‘When you looked at me your nipples went hard,’ he grinned. ‘Like tight little bullets through that sexy top of yours. Just like they’re doing now,’ he added, brushing his fingers lightly over her breasts.
Sadie squirmed under his touch, desire filling her face as she looked up at him with flushed cheeks and wide pupils. Damn, this guy could get her so hot. He was clearly an arrogant bastard, but in her experience men like that could be a lot of fun. Just as long as you didn’t expect too much from them – romance, commitment, consideration; these were all things that a guy like this was never going to provide.
‘Are you married?’ she asked suddenly.
Paul hesitated for a moment. ‘Yes. Does it bother you?’
‘Shouldn’t it bother you?’ Sadie shot back.
Paul sighed, pulling his hand away from her. ‘I’m not going to bullshit you, Sadie. Yes, I’m married. We’ve got three kids – all boys. The eldest is eleven.’
‘Right.’ Sadie swallowed hard.
‘We haven’t had sex in months. It’s a marriage of convenience now – she’s got her shopping and her gym classes, I’ve got my work. But she throws great dinner parties and charms all of my colleagues. She’s given me three adorable boys and I want to be there for them. There’s no way I’m going to leave her.’
‘I wasn’t asking you to,’ Sadie said irritably. ‘This is just a fuck for me too, you know.’
Paul laughed. ‘So I’m just a fuck to you, am I?’ he asked, his hands sliding over her buttocks and drifting tantalizingly along the inside of her thighs.
‘Yes,’ Sadie replied, fighting to keep control even though she knew her body was betraying her.
‘That’s a shame because I’d like to see you again. I think you and I could have a lot of fun together.’
‘If by fun you mean no-strings sex, then I’m all for it,’ Sadie retorted, determined to beat this bastard at his own game.
Paul was impressed. ‘My kind of woman,’ he remarked, and she could see the desire written on his face. He’d lied when he said he and his wife no longer slept together, but after fifteen years of marriage and three children, it paled in comparison to the thrill of an illicit liaison with a woman half his age. Everyone he knew was at it – the stay-at-home wife to provide the kids and the beautiful home, then a hot, young thing on the side for a little light relief. Along with cars, boats and exotic holidays, a mistress was just another necessary accessory for rich and powerful men.
Paul leaned towards her, his fingers tracing a line across her perfectly flat stomach. His touch was light, and Sadie shivered involuntarily. ‘Ah, sexy Sadie,’ he grinned. ‘You intrigue me. There aren’t many women who are so honest about what they want.’
‘What can I say?’ she said with a flirtatious shrug. ‘I’m just not like other women.’
‘Too true,’ Paul agreed. ‘So tell me about yourself. I want to get to know you – in more than just the biblical sense.’
‘What do you want to know?’ Sadie asked easily.
‘What do you do? Model?’ he guessed. ‘Personal trainer?’
‘I’m a dancer.’
His eyes lit up immediately – the classic reaction. Men loved it when Sadie told them what she did for a living. They immediately pictured her contorted into some graphic sexual pose, imagining she could put her legs behind her head while they rammed into her, or envisaging sleek, toned thighs clasped tightly around them.
‘I love what I do and I’m very ambitious,’ she warned him, her face becoming steely as it always did when she talked about her career. ‘I’m going places. I’m just waiting for the right break, but I know I’ll make it.’
‘I’m sure you will,’ Paul agreed. ‘You’ve got the right attitude, a beautiful face, and’ – here he looked her up and down with barely concealed lust – ‘the hottest body I’ve seen in a very long time.’
‘Thanks,’ Sadie said coolly. She didn’t feel he was flattering her; his comments were pretty accurate as far as she was concerned. ‘What about you? How do you earn your millions?’
‘Oh please,’ Paul shook his head in mock deprecation. ‘I only make millions if it’s a particularly good year.’
‘Yes, I can see you’re practically on the breadline,’ Sadie teased, stretching luxuriously in the enormous bed.
‘I’m in finance,’ Paul explained. Sadie looked at him quizzically and he continued, ‘I work for a private equity firm in the City. I deal with clients who have more money than they know what to do with – and I make them even more. It’s about turning millionaires into billionaires,’ he boasted. ‘Increasingly I’m handling single clients, rather than corporations – high net-worth individuals who’ve made their money in business or in the entertainment world. We invest their money and take a percentage of the profits.’
‘Do you enjoy it?’ Sadie asked curiously.
‘I love it,’ Paul replied without hesitation. ‘It affords me a fantastic lifestyle, and I work damn hard for it. I play hard too,’ he added, with a wink.
‘I can tell. This room’s gorgeous,’ Sadie commented, looking around properly at her surroundings for the first time. They’d been in such a hurry to tear each other’s clothes off that she’d hardly even noticed where she was. Hell, she couldn’t even remember if they’d locked the door.
‘Oh, this is nothing,’ Paul said dismissively. ‘Rooms in Europe are tiny compared to those in the States. And I always say that a room’s not a room unless it comes with a hot tub,’ he grinned.
Sadie smiled back, saying nothing. Her eyes flicked over the enormous armchairs, the deep pile carpets and the heavy wooden writing desk. Discreet Bang & Olufsen speakers were mounted on either side of the bed, and the whole place was decorated in a classic colour scheme of chocolate and cream. Sadie thought that if this was what Paul casually dismissed as ‘nothing’, she’d love to see his idea of luxury.
‘But it is very discreet,’ he explained as he moved towards her. His eyes were dancing, and Sadie knew exactly what was on his mind. Undoubtedly he was hot, and the things he did to her drove her wild. But there could be other advantages to this situation, she realized. This was the lifestyle she wanted – the expensive clothes, the hotels, the hot tubs. Yeah, she could definitely get used to this. Not that she wanted to become anyone’s wife – hell, no, she was still totally focused on her career, dead set on becoming a success. But maybe Paul could help her with that. Having a gorgeous, loaded man who adored her might turn out to be very helpful indeed. He’d mentioned clients in the entertainment industry – she wondered if he had any good contacts.
Sadie leaned forward so that her breasts pressed against his chest and gazed up at him with wide, innocent eyes. ‘I just realized I never thanked you for the meal …’ she murmured.
‘You can thank me now,’ Paul said, twisting her long, dark hair around his fingers and gently pushing her downwards to where his erection was growing once again. He sighed with pleasure as he felt her warm lips slide over his cock, her tongue gently flickering over the head. Then he settled back against the pillows, and smiled in satisfaction.
Despite Jenna’s change of clothing, the following day’s recording was the usual tense affair. She bounced into Sarm Studios looking radiant, with her long blonde hair freshly washed. For once she hadn’t blow-dried it, letting the natural wave take over and tumble softly down her back. Her make-up was subtle, and she had added just a touch of lip gloss. Tod’s loafers and a delicate pair of pearl earrings completed the image.
‘Wow Jenna, you look … real classy …’ Nick finished before he could stop himself.
Jenna laughed a little too loudly, hoping her cover hadn’t been blown. ‘What’s the matter, can’t I dress like a lady once in a while?’ she joked, looking away nervously as Zac sauntered into the studio.
‘All right?’ he enquired gruffly, barely looking at her.
‘Not bad,’ she replied civilly. ‘You?’
Zac picked up his guitar, throwing the shoulder strap across his slim, muscular back. He began to strum absentmindedly.
‘Yeah,’ he replied, meeting her gaze for once. ‘I’m good.’
‘Excellent,’ replied Jenna irritably, wondering why his flippant remark annoyed her so much. Why did he always have to seem so in control of every situation, making her feel as though everything she said was juvenile and ridiculous?
‘Going somewhere special?’ he asked easily.
‘I just felt like a change, all right?’ Jenna snapped back, as Zac smiled benignly.
The day went downhill from there.
Although Zac rarely openly criticized Jenna, there was a distinctly uncomfortable atmosphere that never seemed to lift. Something, somewhere, wasn’t quite gelling, and the music so far was worryingly second-rate. Despite rarely voicing his opinions, it seemed obvious what Zac thought of her – that she was lazy and uncommitted – and Jenna was worried that the production staff privately agreed with him. Stories had already begun to circulate in the media about how the Jenna/Phoenix collaboration might be over before it had even begun, and Jenna had been leaning hard on Gerry to stop these stories and get some positive stuff out there.
Suddenly she caught sight of her reflection in the glass wall of the production box and twisted slowly from side to side, wondering if this change of image really suited her. The knee-length skirt was unflattering, and from the side her calves looked enormous …
‘Damn – sorry,’ she apologized, as she missed her intro. ‘I was miles away.’
‘Try to concentrate, sweetheart,’ Don pleaded wearily, sinking his head into his hands.
‘Sorry guys. I’m ready now.’
‘That’s good of you,’ muttered Zac under his breath.
He glanced across at Jenna with a lingering trace of exasperation. She looked so vulnerable standing alone in the vocal booth, her eyes large and downcast, twirling her hair round her fingers with embarrassed discomfort. Okay, so he couldn’t deny that she was sexy. But she was also infuriating as hell, Zac insisted to himself. It was her whole damn attitude – the way she just swanned around in cute little outfits, flirting with the crew and thinking that she could charm Don and get away with second-rate work. Even the more demure clothes she was wearing today couldn’t hide that magnificent figure. Zac had been as surprised as anyone when she’d turned up looking like a society deb who’d been dressed by her mother, but Jenna Jonsson could probably still look hot in a garbage bag, he realized, his eyes skimming involuntarily over her rounded thighs, curving in to an impossibly slender waist. The neutral make-up served to highlight her mesmerizing eyes and plump, inviting lips …
‘Zac?’ Don’s voice came angry and questioning from behind the mixing desk.
‘Sorry, what?’ Zac looked around, confused.
‘Your solo?’
Zac glanced down stupidly at his guitar, which was hanging uselessly at his waist. ‘Now?’ he asked, stalling for time.
‘Well, preferably thirty seconds ago, but yeah, it tends to follow the bridge.’
‘Sorry, I was miles away,’ he replied, mimicking Jenna. ‘Can we go again?’
‘Looks like I’m not the only one who can fuck up,’ Jenna couldn’t resist commenting. She aimed the remark at Nick, but it was easily loud enough for Zac to hear, which was her intention.
He turned on her angrily, enraged by her arrogance and maddened that she was the reason for his lack of focus. ‘Yeah, I fuck up occasionally because I’m human,’ he shouted. ‘What I don’t do is fuck up every other take, because I’m too busy checking out my own goddamn reflection!’
There was a deathly silence in the studio.
‘Screw you,’ Jenna spat, her eyes gleaming angrily and her breath coming fast.
The tension was palpable. No one spoke, but all eyes were on the pair.
‘Grow up, Jenna,’ Zac said quietly. ‘Think of somebody else for once.’ He looked down at the floor, not trusting himself to meet her eyes.
For Jenna, the remark hurt all the more because she knew it was true. She’d been behaving like a spoiled brat and she hated herself for it, but she would rather have died than admit it to that condescending arsehole. She glanced across at him through narrowed eyes. His chest rose and fell quickly under his T-shirt, indicating his fury. His dark hair had fallen across his forehead and stubbornly stayed there.
‘For fuck’s sake,’ roared Don exasperatedly. ‘Are we finished now, children? Can we get on with it?’
Zac lifted his gaze and glared at Jenna, his dark brown eyes boring into her own. ‘I’m outta here,’ he announced, swinging his guitar strap over his head as Jenna threw up her hands in exasperation.
‘Zac?’ Don yelled pleadingly. He wondered what the hell had got into the guy. He was usually so pleasant and laid back, but since Little Miss Pop Sensation had turned up, he’d been foul-tempered and snappy, constantly catting with Jenna. What was it with those two, he wondered?
Don sighed to himself. One thing he was sure of was that this track would bomb if the group couldn’t get on. If it could be done well, the music would be dynamite, no doubt about it. It was just a question of getting these kids to bond, and work together.
‘Zac, wait a second,’ he shouted, a note of appeasement in his voice. ‘What do you say we take a break for a while – order some food, then work through the night to get this thing nailed?’
Zac hesitated for a moment.
‘Okay,’ he replied casually, pulling out his iPhone. ‘I’ll just call Amber, tell her I’m going to be late.’
Don looked at Zac with relief, and a grudging respect. ‘Thanks,’ he commented.
‘No problem,’ said Zac with a shrug.
An hour later, the group sat flaked out on the vast, welcoming sofas in the chill-out room adjoining the studio. The pungent smell of Nick’s spliff hung heavily in the air, and the table was littered with discarded takeaway boxes, crushed beer cans and empty bottles of champagne. The alcohol was flowing freely, but had only heightened the emotions that existed previously; Jenna and Nick were flirting like crazy, and Zac had sunk deeper into his dark mood. He sat on the floor with his back against the sofa, his taut, denim-clad legs stretched out across the carpet as he drank in silence.
Don shot a quick glance at Jenna and Nick. Noting that they were both laughing loudly, engrossed in each other, he leaned forward to talk to Zac.
‘Work with me here, man,’ pleaded Don. ‘There’s a really strange vibe, and I can’t work out what’s going on with you guys. We need it all to come right,’ he continued, as Zac remained unresponsive, looking blankly ahead. ‘Is this going to work or not? Because I’ll tell you something for nothing – at the moment, this is looking like an extremely expensive disaster.’
Zac didn’t say anything, but took a long drink of his beer.
‘I can’t work with her Don,’ he said finally.
‘I know she can be a little difficult,’ Don sympathized, ‘but surely you can cut her some slack?’
‘A little difficult?’ exploded Zac, struggling to keep his voice low. ‘She’s lazy, stubborn; she treats this whole thing as a game. She just won’t take anything seriously.’
‘Hey, she’s not that bad,’ Don laughed, surprised at the vehemence of Zac’s outburst.
Zac raised an eyebrow.
‘There’s nothing wrong with having a good time,’ Don said gently. ‘This whole process is supposed to be enjoyable, you know, not some kind of endurance test.’
‘Don’t blame me,’ retorted Zac. ‘What are you saying? That if I’d lighten up a little then everything would be okay? That I’m the one causing the problem?’
‘Hey, calm down,’ said Ryan lightly. He moved across to sit closer to them. ‘That’s not what Don was saying. Yeah, we’re having a few problems, and we gotta work through them. But you can’t blame Jenna for not being Josh.’
‘I know that. It’s just …’ Zac paused, and his brow creased as he struggled to find the right way to explain himself. ‘I accept that Josh’s gone, and it’s not going to be the same. But it shouldn’t be this difficult to work with someone new. I get the feeling that with anyone else it would have been easier, whereas with her …’ Zac trailed off, and they all glanced across to see Jenna – whether by accident or design – rearrange her endless, tanned legs so that her deliberately demure knee-length skirt rode a little higher up her thighs, the clinging fabric wrapping tightly around her shapely butt.