CHERNOBIL. Basement of the medical unit -126
CHERNOBIL. Basement of the medical unit -126

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CHERNOBIL. Basement of the medical unit -126

Язык: Английский
Год издания: 2019
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CHERNOBIL. Basement of the medical unit -126

Elena Grossman

© Elena Grossman, 2019

ISBN 978-5-0050-5973-4

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

The basement of the medical unit met us, oppressive atmosphere. Light blue paint was peeling on the walls, and opal on the floor of the concrete stairs. On the bottom floor, the stairs obscure a transparent brown mass, which has long been frozen. In some places the ceramic plates fell off the wall. We carefully climbed down, holding onto a sturdy wooden crossbar of the railing. On the floor lay the decayed clothes, firefighters and personnel of the ChNPP. As shown by the dosimeter-radiometer “Terra-p”, the background radiation is quite high. I looked at Hera and said,

– When extinguishing the fire, all the clothes were dumped into the basement because coming from them the radiation.

– There are a lot of infected. Shows how many dosimeter on the boots of a firefighter? asked Hera. I approached the boots and put them in the dosimeter, the display shows 30 microroentgen.

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