
Редьярд Джозеф Киплинг

Книги автора: Редьярд Джозеф Киплинг

Just So Stories
Just So Stories by Rudyard Kipling <br/> libreka classics – These are classics of literary history, reissued and made available to a wide audience. Immerse yourself in well-known and popular titles!
Just So Stories by Rudyard Kipling <br/> libreka classics – These are classics of literary history, reissued and made available to a wide audience. Immerse yourself in well-known and popular titles!
Verses 1889-1896
The Writings in Prose and Verse of Rudyard Kipling, Volume XI <br/> libreka classics – These are classics of literary history, reissued and made available to a wide audience. Immerse yourself in well-known and popular titles!
The Writings in Prose and Verse of Rudyard Kipling, Volume XI <br/> libreka classics – These are classics of literary history, reissued and made available to a wide audience. Immerse yourself in well-known and popular titles!
Private Learoyd's Story (Unabridged)
This tale was first published in «The Week&apos;s News» on 14 July, 1888, and collected in the Indian Railway Library No 1 and Soldiers Three in the same year. Mrs DeSussa, a wealthy Eurasian lady, has taken a fancy to the Colonel&apos;s wife&apos;s …
This tale was first published in «The Week&apos;s News» on 14 July, 1888, and collected in the Indian Railway Library No 1 and Soldiers Three in the same year. Mrs DeSussa, a wealthy Eurasian lady, has taken a fancy to the Colonel&apos;s wife&apos;s …
The Jungle Book
The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling <br/> libreka classics – These are classics of literary history, reissued and made available to a wide audience. Immerse yourself in well-known and popular titles!
The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling <br/> libreka classics – These are classics of literary history, reissued and made available to a wide audience. Immerse yourself in well-known and popular titles!
Her Majesty's Servants (Unabridged)
On the night before a British military parade for the Amir of Afghanistan, the army&apos;s working animals – mule, camel, horse, bullock, elephant – discuss what they do in battle and how they feel about their work. It is explained to the Afghans tha…
On the night before a British military parade for the Amir of Afghanistan, the army&apos;s working animals – mule, camel, horse, bullock, elephant – discuss what they do in battle and how they feel about their work. It is explained to the Afghans tha…
The Finest Story in the World (Unabridged)
&quot;The Finest Story in the World" is an short story by Rudyard Kipling: This story was first published in the Contemporary Review of July 1891. It includes the poem «Song of the Galley-slaves». The narrator meets a young bank clerk, Charlie Mears,…
&quot;The Finest Story in the World" is an short story by Rudyard Kipling: This story was first published in the Contemporary Review of July 1891. It includes the poem «Song of the Galley-slaves». The narrator meets a young bank clerk, Charlie Mears,…
HarperCollins is proud to present its range of best-loved, essential classics.‘“I am Kim. I am Kim. And what is Kim?” His soul repeated it again and again.’Set against the backdrop of Britain and Russia’s political struggle in central Asia, Kim, the …
HarperCollins is proud to present its range of best-loved, essential classics.‘“I am Kim. I am Kim. And what is Kim?” His soul repeated it again and again.’Set against the backdrop of Britain and Russia’s political struggle in central Asia, Kim, the …
Мауглі = Mowgli
Редьярд Кіплінг (1865—1936) – відомий англійський письменник і поет, лауреат Нобелівської премії з літератури. Тривалий час він жив в Індії, захоплювався індійськими сказаннями и переказами, вивчав різні індійські мови. Найвідоміший з його творів «Кн…
Редьярд Кіплінг (1865—1936) – відомий англійський письменник і поет, лауреат Нобелівської премії з літератури. Тривалий час він жив в Індії, захоплювався індійськими сказаннями и переказами, вивчав різні індійські мови. Найвідоміший з його творів «Кн…
Kipling’den Sevilen Çocuk Hikâyeleri
“Çok çok uzun zaman önce kuzum, filin hortumu yokmuş…” diye başlar “Kipling’den Sevilen Çocuk Hikâyeleri” kitabındaki hikâyelerden biri; böylece okuyucular kendini ona kaptırıverirler. Hikâyelerin büyülü ahengi ve samimi havası onları, yüksek sesle v…
“Çok çok uzun zaman önce kuzum, filin hortumu yokmuş…” diye başlar “Kipling’den Sevilen Çocuk Hikâyeleri” kitabındaki hikâyelerden biri; böylece okuyucular kendini ona kaptırıverirler. Hikâyelerin büyülü ahengi ve samimi havası onları, yüksek sesle v…
50 Meisterwerke Musst Du Lesen, Bevor Du Stirbst: Vol. 1 (Golden Deer Classics)
50 Meisterwerke Musst Du Lesen, Bevor Du Stirbst: Vol. 1 (Golden Deer Classics) <br/> Inhalt: <br/> Voltaire – Kandide oder Die beste aller Welten (1759) Johann Wolfgang von Goethe – Die Leiden des jungen Werther (1774) Joseph von Eichendorff – Ahnun…
50 Meisterwerke Musst Du Lesen, Bevor Du Stirbst: Vol. 1 (Golden Deer Classics) <br/> Inhalt: <br/> Voltaire – Kandide oder Die beste aller Welten (1759) Johann Wolfgang von Goethe – Die Leiden des jungen Werther (1774) Joseph von Eichendorff – Ahnun…

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