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Yours for Christmas
He acknowledged that at some point he was going to have to deal with the fact that holding himself apart from nearly everyone wasn’t the best idea. But not a psychological hurdle he had to deal with today.
Taryn explained how the bins would have to be decorated and when that would happen. She also pointed to the sign-up sheets on the wall.
“Parents, this is where you come in. We’re going to need all the bins emptied every day. Then either Kenny or Bailey will meet you at the trailer so the presents can be secured. Any questions?”
Taryn and Angel fielded the questions. A couple of the parents walked over to the sign-up sheets and wrote their names. Kenny wondered if it was too early for him to duck out. Before he could decide, Bailey walked toward him.
Today she had on a fluffy sweater and tight jeans. Both made his mouth go dry. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail and she wasn’t wearing any makeup. She looked great.
She bit her lower lip as she glanced at him. “Um, I’d like to ask you something,” she murmured. “If you have a second.”
Did she want to come to his place for the night? Because his answer to that was a big, fat yes. But somehow he doubted that was what she was thinking.
She drew in a breath. “Okay, so I’m buying a house. It’s so strange to think I can afford it and some nights I worry that I can’t.” She paused and shook her head. “Sorry. The rambling wasn’t supposed to be part of the question.”
“No problem. Congratulations on the house.”
“Thanks. It’s my first. The inspection is tomorrow.”
She tucked her hands into her jeans’ back pockets, which made her chest stick out more. He held in a groan. Seriously, she was killing him.
“I, ah, don’t know what happens at a house inspection. Or what I’m supposed to ask. I was going to go by myself, but now I’m worried I’ll miss something important. Would you mind coming with me?”
It took him a second to stop looking at her body long enough to realize there was a question in all the words.
“Sure,” he told her. “I’m happy to be there.”
She relaxed. Unfortunately that meant she pulled her hands out of her pockets, but nothing lasted forever.
“Really? That would be so great.”
“Tell me when and where and I’ll be there.”
She rattled off a time and address. He entered both into his phone’s calendar.
“It won’t be difficult,” he told her. “The inspector’s on your side. He or she wants you to know what you’re buying.”
“That’s what my agent told me, but it’s still a little scary. I’ll feel better having you along.”
One of the mothers claimed Bailey’s attention. Kenny stood in the back of the room feeling as if he could take on a whole defensive line by himself. Yup, he was the man.
* * *
BAILEY SPENT HER morning alternating between worrying about why on earth she’d asked Kenny Scott to join her for her house inspection and being incredibly grateful that he was going to be along. There was just something about being around him that made her feel...safe. As if he knew what he was doing. A ridiculous assumption, she reminded herself. The man was a former professional football player. Why would he know anything about houses?
But ask him she had and she was grateful he’d agreed to join her. Despite the fact that her late husband had been deployed during their marriage and gone for nearly two years, there were still some things she found hard to do alone.
The house was in an older part of Fool’s Gold. The neighborhood was well-established, with a nice mix of residents. Young families were buying homes and refurbishing, while older couples still lived in the places where their kids had grown up.
Bailey’s house-to-be was two stories with a large front porch. There was a small yard in front and a big one in back, a detached garage and an unfinished basement.
While the one and a half bathrooms hadn’t been remodeled in a while, the roof was new and the kitchen’s appliances were younger than her daughter. All pluses. Bailey figured she and Chloe could live with the oversized tub and two-tone pink tile in the bathrooms a lot easier than they could handle a leaky roof.
Bailey had loved the house from the moment she’d stepped foot inside of it. It wasn’t huge. There were only two bedrooms upstairs and a bonus area that Chloe could use as a playroom. Downstairs there was a tiny office for Bailey, a decent-size living room and the eat-in kitchen. There were lots of windows, big trees in the backyard and beautiful hardwood floors throughout.
What had most appealed, aside from the reasonable price, was the sense of rightness she felt when she’d first seen it. Despite the fact that the house was empty, she’d been able to see herself and Chloe living here for a long time. There had been other contenders—larger homes that were a little newer. But with all that space and shininess came a heftier mortgage. Today was her day of reckoning, when she found out if her home, barely in escrow, would pass its inspection.
She heard the rumble of a powerful engine and turned to see Kenny pulling up in front of the house. He drove a large Mercedes SUV. She was sure it cost about half of what her house did, but then he could afford it.
It must be nice not to have to clip coupons and save for things like winter tires and unexpected repair bills. In her next life, she thought with a smile. She would remember to be rich.
Kenny got out of his SUV and started toward her. The sun had been playing peek-a-boo with some clouds, but obviously shared her fascination with the man. It slipped into view and cast warm, golden light on the object of its affection. Kenny’s hair gleamed, his smile was easy and Bailey felt her heart give a little jump of appreciation.
Even if he didn’t know anything about construction or houses or the difference between a screwdriver and a wrench, he would be a nice distraction if she started to freak out, she reminded herself.
“Nice house,” Kenny said as he approached.
“Thanks.” She waited until he stopped in front of her. “So, do you know anything about houses?”
He grinned. “Regretting your impulsive request I be here?”
“Not at all. Just wondering if my assumptions are correct.”
“That because I’m a guy, I know something about electricity and plumbing?”
“Um, yeah. That would be it.”
He put his arm around her and turned her toward the house. “I am more than a pretty face. Growing up I helped my dad with all kinds of projects. I can lay tile, replace a light fixture and repair most plumbing leaks.”
“Good to know.”
The words sounded so normal, she thought. But on the inside, there was quivering and shrieking. Mostly because of how close she was to Kenny and how warm his arm was around her body. He made her feel small and delicate. Like an ordinary woman, as opposed to the widow and single mom she’d been for the past couple of years.
Before she could do much more than breathe in the scent of him and indulge in a little PG-13 make-out fantasy, a small pickup drove into her driveway. Bailey recognized the name of the inspector her real estate agent had suggested. All thoughts of Kenny fled as the enormity of what she was doing crashed in on her.
“I want it to be perfect,” she admitted in a whisper.
“Be willing to settle for sound,” Kenny advised. “Everything else is a bonus.”
Good advice, she thought as she walked over to meet her inspector.
Paul Jennings was a man in his fifties. He was pleasant, but seemed more interested in the house than making small talk. He had a large rolling toolbox with him and began the inspection by walking around the outside of the house.
“We start from the ground up,” Mr. Jennings told her. “Foundation to roof. I’ll tell you what I find as I go, then get you a written report via email by this time tomorrow. But before I leave, you’ll already know everything I’ve found.”
“I appreciate that,” she told him.
“Then let’s get started.”
Three hours later Bailey knew more about the house she wanted to buy than she’d ever known about any other building in her life. Even better, she was comfortable with her decision. There were a couple of small problems. The chimney needed to be cleaned before she and Chloe could use it, there were three electrical outlets that didn’t work and the faucet that connected the water to the washer had lost its turny thing.
A small list of easy repairs, she thought as the older man drove away. There hadn’t been any roof leaks, the basement was dry and the furnace put out plenty of heat. Even better was the series of stickers on the side of it, showing that it had been serviced regularly.
“Feeling better?” Kenny asked as they stepped back inside.
She nodded. “Thank you so much. You were great.”
He had been. He’d let her take the lead, but had stayed close by and asked plenty of sensible questions. He’d insisted she go into the attic herself to see into the deep corners so she understood about the insulation and venting. Because of him she now knew where the water and gas shutoffs were.
“As soon as I get the inspection report, I’ll contact my real estate agent,” she said. “We’ll get a list to the seller.”
“Don’t forget about the chimney cleaning,” he told her.
“I won’t.” She glanced at the big fireplace. “I’m going to have to read an article on how to build a fire. There’s a special way, right? With twigs and regular wood?”
Kenny sighed. “It’s kindling and I’ll show you.”
“You know how to build a fire?”
“I’m a man of many talents.”
His voice was teasing and maybe a little sexy. While Bailey appreciated the thrill of her crush, right now practical Kenny was even more appealing.
“I’d like you to teach me,” she told him. “I wonder if the local hardware store has classes on basic home repairs. I don’t want to be one of those women who has a house and doesn’t know how to do anything. I should be able to learn, right?”
“It’s not hard. There are a couple of really good books on the subject. I’ll get one for you.” He winked. “Along with a set of pink tools.”
She laughed. “I’d love pink tools. One of my favorite mystery books has a heroine with pink tools.” They wandered into the kitchen. Mr. Jennings had checked all the appliances along with the drains. “My expertise is more cosmetic. I can patch and paint with the best of them, but anything behind the walls makes me nervous.”
“What do you want to do before you move in?” he asked.
“The usual. Clean, paint.” She set her large tote bag on the counter and pulled out a folder. “Chloe and I have been picking out paint colors.” She fanned the squares onto the counter. “Usually I’m a big believer in painting a sample on the wall, but the seller probably wouldn’t like that. I’ve talked to a few friends and they’re open to a couple of days of helping me out. The plan is to close on Thursday, then start the intensive patching and sanding on Friday. We’ll be painting by Saturday. The move will be Tuesday.”
“A well-oiled machine.”
“I hope. You know what can happen when you make plans.” She pointed to the pale lavender sample. “That’s the one Chloe wants for her room. I think it will be really pretty.”
“She’s getting the room with the dormer windows?” he asked.
“Right, with the little built-in desk between them. I thinking a good sanding will work wonders.”
“You’re right. The wood is pine. Then a nice clear finish, maybe cover it with a thick piece of glass.”
She smiled up at him. “That’s what I was thinking,” she admitted. “I want to get her a new bedroom set. She’s always had hand-me-downs. I’ve been saving and I’ve picked out a couple that would be great for her. I’m torn between letting her in on what I have planned and keeping it a secret.”
“Let her be surprised. She’ll like whatever you get.”
“You think?” she asked eagerly. “I want her to love the house. We’ve always lived in apartments. Will and I never had the money for a down payment. I wouldn’t have it now except there’s a special program that grants money to people who wouldn’t otherwise qualify. Mayor Marsha helped me apply and wrote a recommendation.”
She told herself Kenny couldn’t possibly be interested in her personal finances, but she couldn’t seem to stop talking. “I know it’s a great opportunity. I’ve always wanted to own a house. Nothing fancy, just our own home.” A place to be safe, she thought wistfully.
“Makes sense,” he told her. “I’m glad you’re getting this place. Let me know if you want a guy’s opinion on the furniture.”
“You’d go with me?”
“Sure. Sounds like fun.”
He was being nice. Nice was much more dangerous than handsome, she thought. Nice was real. Nice could make her want more than a crush.
Not possible, she told herself firmly. For all she knew, she was Kenny’s good deed for the season. She had to remember that she was a not the kind of woman a famous former jock, who was also wealthy and successful in his business life, would be interested in. He probably dated supermodels or actresses. Or both.
“Should I warn you that seven-year-old girls generally adore all things princess?” she asked teasingly as they walked toward the front door.
“I would expect no less.”
WITH TARYN OUT of town for a month, the responsibility of running the offices of Score fell to Kenny. He didn’t mind picking up the slack. While the day-to-day minutia wasn’t his favorite, he could handle it on a short-term basis. Sam’s department took care of the cash flow and payroll and the vacations were already scheduled so Kenny figured he was in for an easy time.
He looked over the master calendar for their clients. There weren’t any big presentations due in December and all the advertising had already been scheduled. The company would be closed from the Wednesday before Thanksgiving until the Sunday after, then for couple of weekdays before Christmas and New Year’s. Easy duty, he thought, clicking on the partners’ private calendar.
He saw Taryn was out for her honeymoon with Angel. She would miss Thanksgiving but be back before Christmas. Jack and Larissa were heading to Los Angeles for Thanksgiving, to be with Larissa’s family. He frowned as he realized Sam would also be out of town in late November. He and Dellina were going to Lake Tahoe with Dellina’s two sisters and their husbands. Which left Kenny on his own for the holiday.
He leaned back in his chair. His own family was mostly back east. His mom worked for the State Department and was in D.C. His sisters were in New York. He could easily go to either place and be welcome, but wasn’t enthused about the idea. For Christmas they were all flying to Bali. Exotic locations were a family tradition. But for once, he was saying no. He wanted to stick around Fool’s Gold. See the snow and the festivals. Plus he had his responsibilities with the toy drive.
His cell phone rang and he glanced at the screen. Speaking of responsibilities, he thought as Bailey’s name came up.
“Hi. It’s Bailey. The collection bins have been delivered. I’ve confirmed all the supplies we’re going to need and wondered if you wouldn’t mind picking them up.”
“Not at all. Where are the bins?”
“The convention center. They have some space that isn’t being used, so I parked them there. It will be easy access for our decorating and plenty of parking. We’re at the north entrance. There are signs.” She also told him where to pick up the supplies for sprucing the bins.
“I’m writing it down,” he told her as he typed the information into his calendar. “We’re delivering the decorated containers the Friday after Thanksgiving?”
“That’s the plan. Oh, are you around? I didn’t think to ask if you’d be traveling.”
“I’m not.”
There was a pause, as if she were thinking. “Okay. Great. Because I thought you might be with family. Or, you know, a girlfriend.”
He leaned back in his chair and grinned. A not very subtle attempt to extract information. “There’s no girlfriend. And I’m staying in town for the holiday.”
“Good,” she said. The single word was followed by a quick intake of air. As if she was concerned he would think the “good” referred to his single state.
“I, ah, meant I appreciate your help. With the bins and all. I don’t think I could have fit them in my car or carried them into the different stores. And with Sam and Jack both out of town, I’m not sure who I would have asked....” She paused again. “Kenny, all your friends are going to be gone. Where are you having Thanksgiving dinner?”
The previous topic had been a whole lot more interesting to him. Was it possible he made Bailey nervous? Better and better, he thought, before turning to her question.
“I don’t have any plans.”
“You can’t be alone,” she told him. “You’re welcome to join Chloe and me. We’re planning to go to the parade and then have a pretty traditional dinner. Nothing fancy.”
He wasn’t interested in fancy. It was highly overrated. He thought about the beautiful redhead and her adorable daughter and realized the invitation was something he could put on his list to be thankful for.
“I’d like that a lot,” he told her.
“Really? I mean good. The parade is at noon. We’ll be walking over about eleven-thirty, if you want to join us. Or after.”
He smiled. “I’ll be there at eleven-thirty. I’ll bring pie.”
“You don’t have to.”
“I want to. I’m looking forward to the day.”
“Me, too.”
* * *
THE FOOL’S GOLD convention center was an older building that lacked much in the way of architectural detail. But it served its purpose and right now that was way more important to Bailey than anything in the way of visual interest.
She had eight Sprouts, eight collection bins, plenty in the way of paint, markers, glitter and glue, and milling adults to corral.
The bins themselves were round, about four feet tall and wide enough to take a tricycle. The outsides were a stiff cardboard. Clean but not very holiday-like. That was going to change.
“Big crowd,” Kenny said as he walked up to her. “I thought we’d get a few parents, but that was it. There have to be at least thirty people here.”
“I put the word out,” she said, trying to appear both pleasant and casual without giving away how her body had gone into hyperalert. He was so tall, she thought dreamily. So handsome. So nice.
The latter was the most dangerous. Because while his physical appeal was exciting, that kind of a crush wouldn’t last. If he’d been a jerk or arrogant or the least bit annoying, she could have dismissed his blue eyes or easy smile. But the niceness was the real problem. The more she got to know Kenny, the more she liked him. He’d been incredibly helpful during the inspection and now he was here to help the Sprouts with their bins. If the man rescued a kitten from a tree, she was going to be a goner.
“People just showed up?” he asked.
“You sound surprised. You’re here.”
He gave her that slow smile of his. “I had no choice. Mayor Marsha terrifies me.”
“I doubt that.” She glanced at her watch. “Time to get serious. You want to take charge or should I?”
The smile widened. “I like a woman in charge. Go for it.”
Bailey told herself not to read too much into his teasing comment as she walked to the front of the large conference room she’d chosen for the decorating.
“Good morning,” she said loudly.
The conversation stilled as everyone turned toward her.
“Thanks so much for coming. Our goal this morning is to decorate our collection bins for the toy drive. There’s one bin for each Sprout. We’d like the bins to reflect the individual Sprout’s personality and family traditions for the holidays.”
She went on to explain about the supplies and then broke everyone into groups. There was a mad rush for paint, glue and glitter. Gideon, a local late night DJ, strolled in with a portable music system.
“Mind if I set up?” he asked.
“I’d love it,” she told him.
Kenny walked up to her. “So what am I supposed to do?” he asked. “I don’t know anything about decorating a collection bin.”
“It’s okay. We’re just here to supervise. Make sure no one goes wild with the glue sticks. Or you can help Chloe.”
She pointed to the small group around her daughter. Madeline, who worked at the town’s bridal boutique, had offered to be Chloe’s substitute mom for the day. Bailey had been concerned that if she was supposed to be running the event, she wouldn’t be able to help Chloe very much. She’d gratefully accepted the offer of help.
Kenny looked around the large open space, then nodded toward Chloe. “I’ll be over there.”
“Hiding out?” she asked, her voice teasing.
“You know it.”
She watched him go. He was a good guy, she thought wistfully. Before she could allow her thoughts to drift to more places they shouldn’t, music filled the room. Gideon had brought a collection of upbeat holiday carols that soon had everyone singing while they worked.
Bailey walked to each of the Sprouts. Allison and her family and friends had come prepared with beautiful printouts of Russian nesting dolls.
“We’re going to decorate the background, then glue on the pictures of the dolls,” Allison told her. “We’ll put clear varnish over the top.”
“I like it,” Bailey said.
She noticed Allison’s mom had on a pretty beaded bracelet. For a second she thought it was an adult version of the bracelets the Sprouts wore—one with beads they earned for various projects.
Allison’s mom saw her studying the piece and held out her wrist. “Isn’t it wonderful? The beads represent all the colors of cancer awareness.” She smiled at her husband. “It was a gift for my birthday.”
The man in question smiled back. “You’d been hinting you wanted it for weeks. Don’t give me too much credit.”
They laughed together.
Bailey nodded and moved to the next group. But before she got there, she glanced back at the couple who had paused for a quick hug.
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