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The Wedding Wager: Dakota Daddy
“I promise, I don’t intend to hurt you,” he said.
“Then keep these few days relatively impersonal. I’m working at this, Jared. Don’t make it complicated and more difficult,” she instructed briskly.
“I wouldn’t think of it,” he said, once again leaning back in his chair. “So, tell me about a typical day in your life. What do you and Ethan do?”
“Through the school year, Ethan is in a private school and I spend most of the day in my studio. I have someone who runs the gallery for me, except on Wednesdays and Fridays, when I run it myself. I have three salespeople who work in the gallery for me at different hours, not all at the same time, but there are always two of us present. It’s easier that way.”
“I haven’t been to Santa Fe in years. Not since you moved there. What’s the name of your gallery?” he asked, locking his fingers behind his head and stretching out his long legs. Looking totally relaxed, he reminded her of a leopard or tiger, some large cat lazing and half asleep, yet able to pounce in a flash. Except Jared would never physically pounce. His methods were emotional and mental. “Wait, let me guess,” he said. “Sorenson Gallery.”
“Am I that unimaginative?” she asked, smiling at him. He smiled in return. “I toyed with some less ordinary names, but when I opened it, it was all new and exciting, and I was trying to get established and make a name for myself, so it became Sorenson Gallery. That was about the same year you opened your first restaurant in Dallas—Dalton’s, I believe.”
“I used my name for the same reason you did,” he said quietly. “You kept up, did you?”
She shrugged. “My aunt and uncle knew people who knew your family, so word got around. In some ways we’re in a small world.”
“One that got far more interesting when you came back into my life,” he added.
“Jared, is it possible for you to avoid flirting?”
“Not with you,” he replied with an enticing smile. He leaned forward. “You look elegant, but there’s one flaw.”
“Oh, what’s that?” she asked, trying not to care, yet aware how close he was again.
“You would look much better,” he said and reached up to remove the clip holding her hair, “without this.” Her thick curtain of black hair tumbled on her shoulders and back. “There, that’s perfect,” he said.
She smiled and shook her head to get her hair away from her face. “You may like it better, but it’s not as convenient.”
“I definitely like it better. Sacrifice convenience to please me. I’ll appreciate it.”
“How’s the weather where we’re headed?”
“It’s beautiful. Perfect, too.”
“Enough of that!” she retorted, his compliment pleasing her.
She settled back and listened, chatting with him, laughing at some of his stories. The day passed surprisingly fast, and she realized she was enjoying his company, even though each minute with him brought back memories of being together. Too often, she dreaded when they got to the point of this trip.
“We must be getting close.” The deep blue of the Gulf caught her eye. “Are you in town?”
“No. I have a villa on the coast. We’ll have total privacy.”
“I don’t think we’ll require total privacy, but it’ll be nice.”
It was a long trip, but eventually they landed and deplaned, and Jared escorted her to a limo where his chauffeur and bodyguard stood waiting.
Within minutes, Jared and Megan were driven into town to a small, exclusive shop to look for a swimsuit. While Jared stood near the front window and talked on his cell phone, she was shown a variety of suits. Selecting a half dozen, she tried them on without showing them to Jared. She made her selection and dressed again, emerging from the dressing room.
“I didn’t get to see you model the suits,” Jared said with a twinkle in his eyes.
“You’ll see me soon enough when you swim with me.”
“I’m counting the minutes,” he said, and she smiled.
“Always flirting, Jared. If we aren’t fighting,” she amended.
“I hope to be done with the latter,” he said, and there was a solemn note in his voice that made her feel he was sincere in wanting to work something out in cooperation. She remembered he was a master at convincing people to do what he wanted, and wondered if his words were shallow or really held meaning.
For a moment she gazed into his brown eyes and had a pang of longing for what could have been between them. Shaking off the wishful thinking, she started to open her purse.
Stopping her, Jared took the suit from her hand. “I’ll get this,” he said in a tone that ended her argument.
As she watched, Jared purchased two more identical ones.
She laughed. “Jared, I’m not in a swim contest. I only need one suit.”
“You never know. Always be prepared. Why not?”
“Because it’s a waste of your money,” she said, wondering about his extravagant lifestyle, and how much Ethan’s life was about to change. And perhaps her own.
“Then let me worry about it,” he said, smiling at her. She stopped protesting.
They drove out of town and thick trees and bushes crowded the narrow highway until they turned into iron gates and Jared waved at a man who returned the greeting.
“How often are you here?” Megan asked.
“A few weeks out of the year. He’s a gatekeeper, and I let him know we were coming. The staff is here now.”
Curious about Jared’s life, she wondered if he was showing her this home to prove that he could do more for Ethan than she could. Yet it didn’t feel like a jab. His pride in his home shone through. They drove through more thick vegetation and then through another set of gates that swung open at the limo’s approach. A high plaster wall glowed pale yellow, with patterns of shade from tall trees close by. Past the gates, the surroundings transformed into a garden paradise. Palms, other tropical trees and plants dotted the emerald grass.
Beautifully landscaped lawns led to a sprawling white villa with the brilliant blue water of the ocean as a backdrop. Blue trumpet-shaped blossoms of tall jacaranda trees were bright in the sunlight.
“Jared, it’s fantastic!” she said, awed. She was certain now that he wanted to impress her with how much more he could do for Ethan than she.
“I enjoy it. I hope you do, too. How about a swim first thing?”
“That sounds wonderful.” She conceded. “A swim after the long flight is exactly what I need.” In the flash of pleasure she released her hold on their problems momentarily.
“Swim it is,” he said. “Unpack later, or I can have Lupita do it for you.”
“I’ll unpack myself, thank you,” she replied in amusement. “I really can’t wait.”
“I can’t wait, either,” he said in a husky voice that registered with her, and she glanced at him.
“You don’t swim often?” she said, as if deliberately missing his meaning.
“I want to see you in your suit.”
“Oh, stop!” She turned back to look at the house and its porch, with pots of lavender orchids. Yellow and scarlet bougainvillea ran up the walls and onto the roof. “Jared, this is magical.” Feeling a pang when she thought about Jared bringing Ethan to see it.
“I’m glad you think so.”
As soon as they parked, a uniformed man emerged from the house. Jared introduced her to Adan, who took their bags. Inside, she met Lupita, who smiled broadly and listened to brief instructions from Jared.
As Megan walked through the front door, her breath caught. The entry was wide and open with columns. Extended beyond the entrance was a large living area she could see through open, floor-to-ceiling glass doors and bamboo furniture.
Beyond the room, through the open doors, was a veranda that extended to a sparkling, aqua pool with a fountain and waterfall. The deck over continued to a glistening white beach and on to the ocean.
“Jared, this is incredible.”
“I told you, I think so, too,” he said, walking up to her. “Get your suit and I’ll meet you outside.”
She looked up to meet his gaze, and the air between them crackled from the attraction. Her nerves were raw, her desire hot. Drawing a deep breath, she stepped away. “Where’s my room?”
He escorted her along a hallway and his fingers rested lightly on her arm.
He led her into another room that opened onto the veranda and had a view of the ocean. He paused. “How’s this?”
She looked at the rattan furniture, with its yellow-and-white-chintz cushions, and at a ceiling fan turning lazily overhead. “This is beautiful, Jared. It looks like a house staged for a movie.”
“Nope, it’s ready for living. I’ll meet you at the pool.” He traced his knuckles along her cheek. “This is good, Meg. We don’t have to be at odds with each other. I know we can find common ground and be friends.”
“That’s what you want,” she reminded him, her pulse racing from his touch. With a twist of longing, she wished she could drop her guard, trust him again and be friends.
He flashed her a smile and left, stepping outside through the open doors.
She looked at a king-size bed with a white spread, and then she explored a spacious bathroom with a sunken tub, potted palms and a wall of mirrors. She returned to the bedroom to open her sacks of purchases she’d made in town.
After she changed, she studied herself in the mirror with a critical eye. She’d known she would swim with Jared and she didn’t want anything skimpy. Without encouragement of any kind from her, he came on strong. He’d spent the day flirting, yet no matter how casual his touches, each contact sizzled.
She had bought a navy one-piece that covered her as much as possible and still looked nice, because she wouldn’t be wearing it with Jared after this week. Also, she’d bought a navy cover-up and flip-flops. When she was dressed, she went out through the open doors, stepping onto the veranda and heading toward the pool.
Watching Jared swim to one end of the pool, she kicked off her flip-flops and shed her cover-up. He paused to shake water off his face and rake his hair back with his fingers. As always when damp, his hair curled and short locks sprang back, curling on his forehead. As soon as he saw her, he swam across the pool, causing a big splash of water when he lifted himself out on the side of the pool.
Water glistened on his shoulders and chest and body. The thick mat of black curls on his chest was covered with drops of water. At the sight of his lean, muscled body, even more fit than when she’d known him in his twenties, her temperature climbed. His swimsuit was a narrow strip of black that covered little. Too well she remembered exactly how he had looked aroused and nude. She realized how she was looking at him and glanced up to see his gaze roaming slowly over her. And she knew she’d made another colossal miscalculation by traveling here with him.
As he walked to her, her heart pounded.
“Jared,” she whispered. There was some dim protest echoing in her thoughts, but she paid no heed.
He walked up to take her into his arms and draw her to him. The scanty clothing they wore was nothing. She was pressed against his muscled body, his warm, wet chest, his strong thighs. Every inch she touched was hard and firm. When his gaze lowered to her mouth, her lips parted.
“Jared,” she repeated softly.
He leaned down and she raised her mouth to his, his lips covering hers and then his tongue slipped into her mouth as he kissed her. Her insides clenched while insistent need swept her, pooling low. She wound her arms around his neck and clung to him, kissing him hungrily, beyond caring about the danger to her feelings. He was temptation and excitement and sizzling sex.
As they kissed, she ran her fingers through his thick hair and along the strong column of his neck, savoring, exploring every inch of him.
His arm tightened around her, pressing her intimately to his firmness and her heart pounded.
Holding her, he caressed her nape before sliding his hand down to push away her suit and cup her breast. He rubbed his palm lightly in circles over her nipple.
Moaning with pleasure, she arched against him, tingling and wanting more. Running her hand along his smooth, bare back, she pressed her hips against him.
“Ah, Meg, so fine,” he whispered. Lowering the top of her suit fully, he held both breasts in his hands. His thumbs circled each taut peak and his hot gaze was as scalding as his touch. While she slid one hand to his waist, her other hand gripped his broad shoulder.
Desire was explosive. She knew what they could do to each other, and she wanted to rediscover him. When her hand skimmed along his thigh, drifting up over his hip and down his flat belly, she heard his intake of breath.
Stirring a shower of tingles, his hand played lightly on her stomach and between her legs, his fingers inching beneath the suit to touch her intimately.
“Jared! Yes!” she cried, thrusting against his touch, clinging to his upper arms as his fingers created a tantalizing friction.
She was lost, spiraling into a vortex of hunger and memory. She couldn’t stop. All her being cried out for him. Searing need burned like wildfire. He traced circles around her nipple with his tongue, as dazzling sensations showered her.
“Jared!” she cried, unaware she’d spoken.
Gasping for breath, she pushed away his suit, freeing him. Bending to take him into her mouth, her tongue circled the velvet tip of his manhood.
His fingers wound in her hair and he groaned. She hoped to make him as desperate for her as she was for him.
Stroking him with her tongue, she caressed his inner thighs, running her hands between his legs. He groaned again and then his hands went beneath her arms and he lifted her to her feet and plunged his gaze into hers, his broad chest expanding with his breath.
He scooped her into his arms and carried her to a chaise lounge to place her on it and sit beside her, tracing feathery kisses along her collarbone to her breasts, sucking and biting each nipple lightly, an exquisite torment for her.
“Oh! I want you. Heaven help me, how I want you!” she blurted.
His hand was between her legs, caressing her, rubbing her and starting to build tension all over again. Then he moved between her legs to place them over his shoulders and give himself access to her, his tongue retracing his fingers’ path.
She squeezed her eyes closed tightly, as she was bombarded by sensations. She was open for him, eager, intensity building with each stroke of his tongue.
“Love me,” she cried as he lowered her legs to the chaise.
“I’ll get protection,” he said, picking her up. He carried her with him through open doors and laid her gently on the bed.
She watched as he retrieved a condom from the bedside table. Caressing her inner thighs, he moved between her legs. Wanting him with increasing urgency, she stroked his strong legs.
While he opened the packet and put on the condom, she drank in the sight of him, storing the moment in memory, relishing looking at him and touching him. Virile, muscled, and bronze except for a pale strip across his groin, he was masculine perfection. Thick black curls spread on his chest, tapering in a narrow line to his waist. Short crisp hair curled on his thighs. Locks of black hair fell over his forehead. His body was marvelous.
As she looked up into his dark eyes, magnetism sparked between them from a mutual feeling of attraction and something deeper, a tenuous bond held for the moment, created by sheer physical longing.
In a silent welcoming, she held out her arms. While he kissed her, she wrapped her arms around him.
Jared was in her arms again, consuming her. Time didn’t exist. How she had hungered for this moment!
Driven, she pulled him toward her. When he entered her, she arched her hips to meet him. Making love with him enveloped her and smoothed over problems. She wrapped her long legs around him and ran her hands over his smooth back, and then his firm buttocks.
For this brief moment, their union seemed right, incredibly necessary for her. She held him tightly, running her hands over him again, relishing the feel of his body and that he was in her arms.
Moving her hips against him, she groaned with pleasure. He filled her slowly, withdrawing and then entering her again, in a sweet torment that heightened her need to a raging inferno.
His powerful body was spectacular. She clung to him, mindlessly raking his back with her fingers, moving faster beneath him.
“Jared!” she cried his name, unaware of anything except his loving. She moved frantically.
His control vanished and he moved rapidly, pumping deeply into her. They were locked together—rocking, intimate and close, and she sobbed because she wanted him with all her being.
“Meg, darlin’.” He ground out the words in a husky voice. His endearment made her heart leap, and she knew she was vulnerable in too many ways. His words were as seductive to her as his lovemaking. Physically and emotionally, she wanted him.
She climaxed in a shattering release. Lights exploded behind her closed eyelids while her heart pounded violently. Ecstasy enveloped her as spasms rocked her. He pumped faster, and then groaned, reaching his own finish, still pleasuring her.
He inhaled deeply and slowed and she could feel tension winding up once again. She tightened her arms and legs around him again.
“Jared,” she cried softly, “don’t stop loving me,” she whispered as he thrust slower, and as it commenced another building, sweet torment. Impaled on his thick rod, she moved her hips faster. And then another climax rocked her with rapture.
She hugged him, feeling the sheen of sweat on his back. They held each other tightly, returning to earth from a distant paradise.
Reality was a wolf at the door, and she didn’t want to face tomorrow’s problems.
He turned on his side, untangling his long legs from hers. She pressed tightly against him, her face against his throat with her head on his shoulder. Deliberately, she kept her mind blank, relishing the euphoria and lethargy after lovemaking.
He shifted, then tilted up her chin so he could look into her eyes. “Loving you is fantastic, Meg.”
“Shh.” She put her finger over his lips. “Don’t talk. Don’t do anything for a few minutes,” she urged. She agreed privately, but she wasn’t going to confess what she’d experienced.
He was quiet, gazing at her solemnly while she traced his jaw with her fingers, letting her hand caress his chest lightly. He sucked in a deep breath and gently combed her hair away from her face while he showered light kisses on her.
“You’re fabulous,” he said in a husky voice, shifting away again to brush his fingers across her bare breasts.
She caught his hand in hers, trailing kisses over his knuckles, still refusing to think about anything except the present moment.
Rolling onto his back, he drew her close in his embrace, remaining quiet, as she had asked. She tangled her fingers in his chest hair and then let her hand slide over him to his waist. His body was in peak condition, a marvel to her.
As she shifted, starting to sit up, his strong arms held her. “Where are you going?” he asked.
“To shower,” she said.
He sat up. “I’ll shower, too,” he said and she shook her head.
“Jared, we’ve—”
His arm circled her waist and his mouth covered hers, taking her words. He kissed her deeply, lowering her to the bed. Once again, she knew now was the moment to stop him, but she was already responding to him as if they hadn’t just made love.
When he raised his head, she opened her eyes to find him watching her. Standing to pick her up, he was hard again, ready for love. While he gazed into her eyes, he carried her into the shower and turned on warm water.
As he lowered her feet to the floor, he leaned forward to kiss her. Desiring him more than ever, she wrapped her arms around his neck, leaning into him. Their bodies were wet, warm, pressed against each other while her heart raced. Desire rekindled, quickly reaching a raging fire.
Jared’s arousal was hot against her belly. She moaned softly. It had been so long since she had been loved by him, and he was the only one, something she never intended for him to know. Worse, she couldn’t get enough, now that she had let go.
He picked her up, stepped back to brace himself against the glass wall of the shower and then lowered her onto himself.
She cried out with pleasure, throwing her head back, running one hand over his shoulder as she moved with him and he thrust fast, taking her quickly.
She squeezed her eyes closed, gasping for breath, holding his shoulders tightly now while he kissed her.
“Love, this is good,” he whispered, but she heard him as she had before.
“Love me,” she whispered, wanting him.
In ecstasy once more, she climaxed as he climaxed. She draped herself on his shoulders, kissing his neck and caressing him, running her hands lightly on his shoulders and back.
He would break her heart again. She knew that clearly. She couldn’t refuse to face the truth. Fighting all the tender feelings toward him that surged in her, she turned away.
“Meg, darlin’, this is fine. So fine,” he said in his deep voice. “You’re magic, pure seduction, beautiful.”
His words were golden, taking her heart as he had once before. She raised her head to meet his gaze. “Put me down, Jared.”
He set her on her feet and pulled her against him to kiss her until she responded fully. “You don’t know what you do to me,” he said.
She would lose any battle with him, she realized. Why had she ever thought she could successfully contend with him and win? She was consumed by his lovemaking—boneless and unable to think straight.
He showered light kisses on her shoulder, drawing his tongue over the curves of her ear. Still kissing her and holding his arm around her waist while he caressed her, he walked her backward beneath the spray of water. He smiled. “This is perfect.”
His smile softened his features, lending a warmth to his expression that had been missing too much since he’d come back into her life.
She smiled in return, a part of her responding, a part of her knowing she was flying into disaster at the speed of light.
“You’re a charming devil,” she said, shaking her head.
“And you’re a seductress. Pure temptation.” He took one step back and his hands rested on her waist while his gaze slowly traveled over her.
She couldn’t keep from studying him as thoroughly and intently as he was her. His body was magnificent, radiating vitality and energy.
“I know something better,” he said, switching off the water. He opened the door to grab thick, soft terry-cloth towels off a shelf. He handed her a blue towel and began to dry her with his towel. In turn, she dried him, running the towel over his broad shoulders, his muscled chest.
His strokes were light, a slow, sensual friction rubbing her nipples. Then he dried her belly and the insides of her thighs, then he ran the towel between her legs lightly.
She gasped, pausing in her task, grasping his arms. “Jared!” she whispered.
“I’m only drying you,” he said, continuing. “Come here.” He picked her up and carried her easily out of the shower and set her on her feet in front of the mirrored wall. He gazed over her head. “We look right together. You’re more beautiful than ever,” he whispered, standing close behind her and letting his hands play over her stomach and breasts. As he watched her in the mirror, he cupped her breasts and began to tease her nipples. Longing flared, and she wanted him again.
She started to kiss him, but he held her. “Wait,” he whispered. “Look at us. Look what I can do to you,” he added, cupping her breasts as he ran his thumbs in circles over her nipples.
“You can do too much to me,” she whispered. His hands were tan against her pale skin. His caresses were torment and she wanted him inside her again. She spread her legs, her heart pounding, while she tugged at his arm and hand, but he wouldn’t stop what he was doing.