Wes Stryker's Wrangled Wife
Wes Stryker's Wrangled Wife

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Wes Stryker's Wrangled Wife

Язык: Английский
Год издания: 2018
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“I don’t think she’s the kind of woman the Carson brothers had in mind when they decided to advertise for women to come to Jasper Gulch a few years back.”

“No sirree, Bob.”

Wes listened, but he didn’t add to the conversation flowing through the saloon. An eyeful? An earful? He’d bet his last trophy she’d be a handful in bed.

The woman had certainly packed a wallop in the short amount of time she’d spent in the Crazy Horse. He’d known people who talked for hours but said less than Jayne Kincaid had said with two words, a wry twist of her lips and a slight thrust of her chin. She’d been married, divorced and hurt. And she thought she wasn’t looking for a man. Wes happened to believe that everyone was looking for a partner, the other half of a whole, someone to share this messy journey humans called life. And sex wasn’t overrated, no matter what she’d said. It was one of life’s most pleasurable, not to mention its most powerful, driving forces. It was like a tidal wave or a hurricane or the rotation of the earth around the sun. A man could ignore it, but he couldn’t pretend it didn’t exist.

And neither could Jayne Kincaid.

Jayne Kincaid. He let her name roll around in his mind, along with the image of her sky blue eyes and that cockamamy way she wore her short, dark hair. Butch was right. She had a helluva body. Yet she did nothing to draw attention to it or detract from it. She wasn’t a flirty little rodeo bunny or a city-wise coquette or an ice queen, for that matter. This was a warm-blooded woman who knew the ropes and wouldn’t hesitate to hang a man on them. Dang. Women like that were few and far between.

Merry Christmas, she’d said. Wes still wasn’t sure about the merry part, but it had turned out to be an interesting Christmas Eve, that was for sure. He rose to his feet slowly. Taking his time buttoning his sheepskin jacket, he wondered how long he should wait before he paid her a little visit.

“Ya leaving, Wes?” Forest called gloomily from the back of the room.

“Yeah. I think I’ll call it a night.” Wes said goodbye to the men who were still huddled inside the Crazy Horse Saloon. Whether any of them noticed or not, he was feeling a sight more amicable leaving the bar than he’d been going in. Even the sting of the wind and the blinding snow didn’t dampen his mood. He simply punched on the lights, turned up the heat and switched on the windshield wipers in his shiny silver truck. He was halfway home when he noticed that he was whistling to a Christmas song about a rusty Chevrolet. It had been a long time since he’d felt like whistling about anything.

His first glimpse of the dilapidated fence posts lining his driveway drew the whistle from his lips. The rundown old house had little appeal in the light of day. At night, it was downright depressing. He should have remembered to turn a light on before he left. Not that he was accustomed to being greeted by lighted windows. It was just that this was the first Christmas Eve he’d spent on the ranch since he’d buried his father a few years back. And it was the first Christmas Eve to come and go since Dusty and Kate had died.

Wes pulled his fancy pickup truck into the barn and got out. The bucking bronco emblem on the doors had been Dusty’s idea. It seemed that Carlin “Dusty” Malone had always had some grand scheme up his sleeve, most of which had gotten the two of them into trouble.

Wes closed the heavy barn door, latched it and headed for the house. He was chilled by the time he shut the back door behind him, but although his knee ached a little, he didn’t experience that knife-in-the-gut feeling thoughts of Dusty usually evoked. Tonight the memory of Dusty’s crooked smile made Wes smile a little himself.

He hung his hat and coat on a hook by the door, ran a hand through his hair and wandered to the bedroom where he’d spent most of his youth planning his escape from Jasper Gulch. His leaving hadn’t bothered his father. By that time, Sam Stryker’s only love was for the bottle he curled up with every night, and maybe the fleeting memory of the woman he’d buried when Wes had been five.

Wes barely remembered his mother, but he’d always thought she would have liked Dusty Malone. He and Dusty had started on the rodeo circuit the same year. Dusty had ridden bulls, while bucking broncos had been Wes’s specialty. Nothing had come between them, not winning, or losing, not barroom brawls, not even falling for the same girl. When that girl had married Dusty, Wes had been the best man. Although Dusty had insisted that he would always be the best man, Wes had always known that Dusty would have done the same for him if the tables had been turned and Kate had married him, instead. Friends like that didn’t come along every day. Kate used to say that all the time. She also used to say she’d married one of the only two men on the planet who put the toilet seat down. Obviously, putting the toilet seat down was a big deal with women. It had certainly been an issue with Jayne Kincaid.

Wes’s right boot hit the floor about the same time thoughts of Jayne Kincaid jump-started his heart. He took the letter out of his pocket and placed it on the stand next to his bed. He knew he had a decision to make regarding Dusty’s two kids, but it wasn’t the kids he was thinking about as he turned back the covers. He was thinking about Jayne, and he wished to high heaven he wasn’t crawling into bed alone.

Wes opened his eyes slowly. He wasn’t sure what had awakened him. It wasn’t quite daybreak, but it was close, the color of the sky on the other side of his wavy windowpanes somewhere between black and gray. He felt a smile pulling at his face, not because it was Christmas—he didn’t have a tree or even a stocking, after all—but because he had a woman on his mind. That’s what had awakened him. He’d been dreaming, and while the remnants of the dream weren’t clear in his mind, they were evident on his body.

He wondered if Jayne was awake yet. And he wondered what she would say if he called on her so early in the day. While he was at it, he wondered how she would react if he told her he was going to petition for guardianship of Kate and Dusty’s two kids and raise them the best way he knew how. Would she say he was nuts? Maybe he was. But other than their father’s eighty-two-year-old great aunt, Annabell, who lived in a two-bedroom house southeast of Sioux Falls, two hundred and twenty miles away, and Kate’s long-lost sister who could be dead for all anybody knew, Wes was all those two kids had.

He made quick use of the facilities, layered on his clothes and hiked out to the kitchen. Shivering, he made a mental note of all the things he had to do to get the place ready for Logan and Olivia’s arrival. He could have lived in the barn, but a five-year-old girl and her ten-year-old brother needed heat and windows with glass instead of plywood. They needed good food in their stomachs. Most of all they needed to know he wanted them.

Picking up the old black telephone from the place it had sat for as long as he could remember, he dialed the number Annabell had listed in her letter. Her answering machine clicked on after the fourth ring. Wes smiled, remembering some of the messages she’d left on that thing. Most folks her age didn’t even bother with the contraptions, but Annabell Malone wasn’t like most folks her age. She welcomed challenges, and wasn’t afraid to try new things. For an eighty-two-year-old woman she was very young at heart.

Figuring they were all probably in church, Wes followed the instructions Annabell recited in her feeble-sounding voice and left a message. He took a minute to start the coffee, then donned his sheepskin jacket and his favorite cowboy hat. At the last minute, he went in search of the cellular phone. Tucking it into his pocket just in case Annabell returned his call any time soon, he headed outside to feed and water the horses.

Maybe he’d hook the trailer up to his truck and haul Stomper and the sleigh into-town in a little while. He was in the process of imagining Jayne’s reaction to such an old-fashioned activity when he lowered his right foot to the first step.


He was airborne. His arms flailed, his feet flew out from under him. He landed on the icy ground five steps below, in less time than it had taken High Kicker to buck him off that time down in Santa Fe. He was gasping for breath and in too much pain to be dead, so the fall couldn’t have killed him. He couldn’t tell if he’d damaged the ribs that had started to heal, and his knee was aching pretty badly again, but it was the searing pain in his left shoulder that kept him very still. Damn. He’d dislocated it again.

Clutching his shoulder with both hands, he picked up one boot, gritted his teeth and tried to roll onto his side. His foot slid on the ice, his bad knee crashing onto the hard surface so fast he saw stars. He tried rolling the other way, but he almost passed out from the pain slicing through his shoulder. He tried several other maneuvers. The results were the same.

He should have known his father wouldn’t have had the downspout fixed, thereby routing the rainwater to a less hazardous spot. From the look of the place and the back taxes that had to be paid, it was obvious that his father hadn’t taken care of much of anything these past several years. It looked as if it was up to him to make the place operational again. First, he had to figure out a way to get up.

Think, Stryker, think.

He considered whistling for Stomper, but Wes had closed the stall door himself yesterday, and although Stomper could finagle an apple or a carrot out of anybody’s pocket, he wouldn’t be able to unlatch the stall. It was fifteen miles to town, two miles to his nearest neighbor. It was also Christmas morning, and not too many people would be out and about, and if they were, they wouldn’t be driving past this old place on Old Stump Road.

Wes was breathing easier and thinking clearly. A lot of good it did him. Between the ice and the pain, he was stuck on his back, staring at a sky as dull as the old steel sink in his kitchen, cold seeping into his coat and jeans as he tried to decide how to keep from freezing to death. His fingers were already starting to tingle. He slid them into his pockets, paused. What the—

He took a careful breath and he almost smiled.

Lo and behold, the cellular phone.

Chapter Two

“Look, Alex! A huck! And a doctor’s kit. Can you tell Aunt Jayne thank you?”

“Tanks, Aun‘ie Jayne. Aun’ie Jayne!”


“Sis, are you all right?”

“What?” Jayne came out of her musings with a start, only to find Louetta, Burke and Alex staring at her from the living room floor where wrapping paper and ribbons were strewn everywhere.

“Alex said thanks,” Burke said, watching her closely.

“Oh, you’re very welcome, Alex.”

Alex went back to his new truck, but Burke and Louetta continued looking at her strangely. Normally, it wouldn’t have bothered Jayne. People looked at her strangely all the time, but Burke and Louetta looked concerned, and that made Jayne uneasy.

“You were a thousand miles away,” Burke said, handing Alex another package.

Jayne pulled a face.

“Is everything all right?” he asked, obviously reluctant to let the subject drop.

“My mind wandered, that’s all.”

“Were you daydreaming or reminiscing?” Louetta asked in that quiet, knowing way she had.

Unwilling to admit just how close Louetta had come to the truth, Jayne stifled a yawn and gestured to the two-year-old, who was tearing into another package with obvious glee. The ploy worked: Burke’s and Louetta’s attention strayed to Alex and then met over the top of his dark, little head. Louetta was wearing a pale pink robe she’d bought especially for her new husband, and although Burke had pulled on a cable-knit sweater and a pair of navy chinos, they were obviously having a difficult time keeping their hands off each other. They’d been married less than a day, which made the open longing in their expressions perfectly understandable.

Jayne was happy for them, but she felt restless. She had last night, too. She’d slept with a pillow over her head to muffle the constant sigh of the wind. She yawned again because she hadn’t slept well, and she couldn’t blame it entirely on the wind.

This was just great. She hadn’t had an honest-to-goodness dream in over three years, and then out of the blue, last night’s sleep had been filled with hazy, erotic images of spurs and lassos and hair four shades of brown. One of her closest friends back in Seattle happened to be a therapist, and would have been intrigued, although what Jayne had been doing to that pillow upon awakening might have made the by-the-book therapist’s blue blood turn as bronze as the naked chest in her dreams.

Oh, for heaven’s sake, she thought as warmth inched through her body. It wasn’t as if she’d actually done any of the things she’d dreamed she was doing. Er, that is, she hadn’t really slid a rope around Wes Stryker’s shoulders and drawn him to her, hand-over-hand, and she certainly hadn’t...

She jerked her attention back to the present and caught Burke looking at her again. She didn’t want him to worry. After all the agony he and Louetta had both suffered these past two and a half years they’d been apart, they deserved every bit of happiness they were experiencing.

Although she and Burke didn’t share many physical characteristics, other than their dark hair, their stubborn streaks were evenly matched. She’d planned to spend Christmas morning in her room, but he’d insisted, in no uncertain terms, that nobody was going to open a package until Jayne had joined them at the tree. So she’d pulled a brush through her short hair and quickly pulled on the first skirt and sweater she’d come to in the tiny closet. She’d joined Burke, Louetta and Alex for the Christmas-morning chaos, watching from a distance, in the room, but not too close to the tight little circle the new family was quickly forming.

She tried not to recall all the Christmases she’d spent just outside the warm glow of real family. Strangely, another kind of warm glow kept filtering into her mind.

The phone rang in the kitchen, bringing Jayne back to reality with a jolt. She was on her feet, relieved to have something constructive to do, and was halfway to the kitchen before the second ring. Grabbing the receiver, she said, “Dr. Kincaid’s residence.”

For a moment there was only silence, and then a deep, husky voice reached her ear through the phone line. “It just dawned on me that this is exactly the way you sounded in my dreams last night. Breathless and full of restless energy.”

Her ear tingled, and she felt a strange fluttering sensation where her heart used to be before it had twirled down into her stomach. “Who is this?” She knew, but Wes didn’t need to know that.

“I’m hurt.”

“I’ll bet”

“No, really. I’m hurt. I fell.”

“Oh, my God. I’ll get Burke.”

“No. Jayne. Wait. I was a little afraid I’d freeze to death, but the sound of your voice is working wonders in that department.”

She smelled a rat. Turning her back on the intimate little scene in the next room, she said, “What’s going on, Stryker?”

“I need you to come out to the ranch and help me up.”

“Excuse me?”

He chuckled. “You sound very suspicious and very sexy, and for the record, I don’t need help for what you’re thinking.”

“You couldn’t possibly know what I’m thinking.”

“Wanna bet?”

“It’s all in your mind.”

“It was all in my dreams last night. You were in my dreams last night.”

She wished he would stop mentioning dreams. “What do you really want, Wes?”

“That’s a question I wouldn’t mind discussing at great length, but for now, I slipped on some ice. I didn’t know the snow had turned to sleet over night. You could say I discovered it the hard way. Anyway, I’m stuck on my back like a turtle. My shoulder’s dislocated, and the ice, my bad knee and the ribs I busted a few months back have rendered me immobile for the time being.”

Jayne’s mind reeled. “Dammit, Wes, why didn’t you say so? Burke! Come quick!”

She could hear Wes protesting as she handed the phone to her brother. “It’s Wes Stryker. It seems he’s fallen. We should call an ambulance.”

Burke took the phone. After a few pointed questions and a series of Uh-huhs and I sees, he covered the mouthpiece with one hand and spoke softly to Jayne. “He says he doesn’t need an ambulance, and I believe him.”


Burke shrugged. “I know it sounds strange, but most of the ranchers and cowboys I’ve treated out here can diagnose their conditions as well as I can. Often the examination is just a technicality. Wes says all he needs is a helping hand getting to his feet. He’d like that someone to be you.”

Jayne glanced at Louetta as if to ask if the cowboy was for real and if he could be trusted. At Louetta’s small nod, Jayne shook her head. “I don’t believe this.” Yanking the phone out of her brother’s hand, she said, “If I find candlesticks and a table set for two, you’re dead meat, Stryker.”

When his deep, throaty chuckle reached her ear, she muttered something very unladylike, slammed the phone down and reached for her keys, sputtering under her breath that he was going to get her help, all right. And then he was going to get a piece of her mind.

Jayne hated country roads. Given a choice, she’d take a five-lane freeway during rush-hour traffic over these curving back roads that were chock-full of chatter bumps and potholes. Burke had wanted to drive her to Wes’s place, but she’d wanted to come alone. For reasons she preferred not to explore, she’d needed to escape the intimate atmosphere in her brother’s house on Custer Street.

She glanced at her car phone, turned the defrosoer up a notch and blew a lock of hair out of her eyes. Who in their right mind would set up a medical practice on Custer Street, anyway? Custer died, big-time, didn’t he? The names of some of the roads she’d taken this morning weren’t much better, but it was the layer of ice covering them that made them truly treacherous, which was why the fifteen-mile trek out to the Double S Ranch had already taken thirty-five minutes. Although it seemed more like forever, Jayne spent the time contemplating what she would say if this was all a hoax and what she would do if it wasn’t.

Her fingers cramped from squeezing the steering wheel so hard; her eyes burned from squinting into the sun that had started to shine halfway into the trip. Thankful to have been born with a good sense of direction, she followed the course Louetta had recited, passing sheds and piles of rocks that served as landmarks. It was a relief when she finally found Old Stump Road. Within minutes she pulled into a driveway, her tires sliding to a stop. It required a conscious effort to peel her fingers off the steering wheel. Honestly, if Wes wasn’t at least half-dead, he was going to be sorry.

At first glance out of the corner of her eye, she thought she saw him by the barn, but it turned out to be an old barrel. With a sweeping gaze she took in a pair of discarded tires, a roll of rusty wire fence and a stack of hay covered with ice. Shading her eyes with one hand, she peered in the other direction.

Oh, my God, Wes. She froze: her gaze, her mind, everything.

The next thing she knew, she was slipping and sliding up the slight hill that led to the side of the house where a lone figure lay perfectly still, his cowboy hat upside down a few feet away “Wes! Are you all right?”


“Are you dead? If you’re dead I’m never going to forgive you.” She was leaning over him now, gazing at a face that had been rugged looking last night but now had a deathly pallor. “Wes, say something. Anything.”

His eyes opened slowly, his dark blue irises tinged with gray. “Honey, I didn’t know you cared.”

She sputtered the same four-letter word she’d used at Burke and Louetta’s earlier. One corner of Wes’s mouth lifted in a half smile. “And to think you eat out of that mouth. Really, I love it when a woman talks dirty to me, but I’d enjoy it more if I were mobile, if you don’t mind.”

If he hadn’t tried to roll over, the action having elicited a pain-filled groan that made her wince and him swear, she would have told him what he could do with his mobility. “Dammit, Wes. I knew I should have called an ambulance.”

His face relaxed, his eyes closing. “I hate ambulances. Besides, I don’t need an ambulance. I need you.”

Her silence must have drawn his attention, because he looked up at her and said, “What, no scathing comeback?”

Hesitating, she measured him for a moment. “I was just wondering how hard you hit your head.”

“Don’t worry. My ribs and shoulder took the brunt of the fall.”

“And you’re sure nothing’s broken?”

“As sure as I can be at this point. What are you doing?”

A moment later she’d shrugged out of her fire-engine red coat and very carefully slid it underneath his head. Wes couldn’t come up with a reasonable explanation for the warmth that suddenly wrapped around him. He only knew he wanted to pull Jayne down on top of him and explore this living, breathing thing that had started to come to life the moment she’d set foot inside the Crazy Horse last night.

“Jayne, you’ll freeze.”

She stood up and promptly began to slide down the gradual decline. Slowly making her way back to Wes, she said, “Only if you don’t shut up and help me figure out a way to get you to your feet.”

“There’s a can of ground coffee sitting on the counter.”

“You want me to make coffee? Now?”

He almost grinned. “The coffee’s already made. I was thinking that maybe we could use the coffee in the can for traction.”

“Traction,” she said, a dawning look of realization crossing her features a split second before she rose carefully to her feet. “Of course we need traction. Something for me to stand on to get a foothold, and something for you to use to keep from slipping. Don’t move. I’ll be right back.”

Since Wes couldn’t move, he did as she said. He watched her until she half slid, half skated beyond his peripheral vision, listening intently to the sound of her footsteps and the string of expletives she muttered when she almost fell. The screen door creaked open, followed by a stretch of silence Wes couldn’t measure. And then she was back, a can of salt in one hand, his brand-new tin of coffee in the other. She sprinkled them both on the ground all around him, taking extra care to grind the concoction into the ice. Seemingly satisfied that neither she nor Wes would slip as long as they were careful, she glided down to her knees.

“Do you think you can move now?” she asked.

Wes gritted his teeth, bent both knees and rolled to his side. Her hands circled his upper arm, flitting to his back and down around his waist as if she didn’t know where to put them. He wouldn’t have minded the opportunity to enjoy this. Unfortunately it required all his concentration to keep from passing out as he pushed himself to his knees. Stars flashed before his eyes. Pain shot through his shoulder, biting, searing, cutting. His ears were ringing by the time he found his feet, and sweat had broken out on his upper lip.

He took a few moments to catch his breath. When the world came back into focus, he held his left arm close to his body and staggered two steps.

“Wes, where are you going?”

He started to slip, jerked, then regained his balance. “Help me get closer to the house.”

She did as he said.

“Okay, now stand back.”

“What are you going to—”

He closed his eyes and slammed his shoulder against the siding. There was a roaring din in his ears and unbearable pain. He heard Jayne swear, but as if from a great distance. Moment by moment, inch by inch, the pain drained out of him, the blood slowly returning to his head. He opened his eyes, tried his shoulder and slanted her a cocky grin. “There. I’m as good as new.”

She seethed.

“Next time you decide to body slam a house, would you give me a little warning?”

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