Полная версия
We: A Manifesto for Women Everywhere
I spent years doing the opposite and letting the negativity sit there and grow until it led to further self-deprecating thoughts and inaction. Suddenly, I’d find it was 20 minutes later and I’d forgotten to wish my colleague happy birthday, follow up on something important, or sign up for something that would have been enjoyable or even life-changing, because of self-obsessing and essentially self-harming.
One day my teenage son, who had exams fast approaching, came to me and said he felt ill. ‘Push through it,’ I told him. ‘Just get one more hour in.’ His face fell as he dragged himself back to his desk, and as he went I realized I was passing on exactly the lesson I’d learned in childhood – ‘Don’t stop, ever. Even if you’re ill, you’ve got to keep working or you won’t amount to anything’.
I’d carried that same message into my working life as a journalist and it had eventually resulted in my burning out. And yet, here I was, all those years later – despite having worked on myself – passing on exactly the same harmful message to my son.
I boiled the kettle, made him a mug of honey and hot lemon and insisted he close his books and lie down on the sofa and relax instead. The relief and gratitude that swept across his poor tired face reminded me that knowing how to be kind to himself would carry him further in life than any uplift in his grades that the extra hour’s study might have given him.

‘Imagine how much happier we would be, how much freer to be our true individual selves, if we didn’t have the weight of gender expectations.’
If I don’t take care of myself I can start thinking I am only my job or someone’s wife or mother. Or I can think I am my body weight, my looks or my brain. Before long I’m telling myself I’m fat or lazy or dumb or hopeless.
And then I remember the truth. That who I am is not dependent on any thing I own, have or do. That I exist beneath and beyond the facts of my life – that I’m a spiritual being on a human quest.
Action: Today I will be kind to myself.
Affirmation: This is who I am and I feel glad to be me.

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