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Dark Beginnings: The Darkest Fire / The Darkest Prison / The Darkest Angel
A kiss born of…pity? Or gratitude?
He found he desired neither. He wanted her to want his kiss.
And damn himself to everlasting eternity, why had he not taken her lips when she’d offered them? In pity, gratitude or not. What a fool he was! What a coward.
Did the opportunity arise again, he would pounce.
“What’s wrong?” she asked, her still-rising panic evident.
“Nothing’s wrong,” he lied. “Some have called this the never ending pit, but I assure you, there is an end. Just a little farther and we’ll hit. Landing will jar you, but I’ll absorb most of the impact.” He moved one of his hands up and onto the base of her neck. Offering comfort, he told himself. He’d tried not to touch her, had fought it, but there’d been no other way to protect her inside the pit.
Besides, what was the harm in adjusting a single hand?
“But you stiffened.”
I must stop craving her. Her skin was soft, so soft, and he felt little bumps rise under his palm as he gently massaged. To his delight, her muscles relaxed under his ministrations.
Apparently, there was a lot of harm. His shaft hardened unexpectedly, and his cheeks heated. Could she feel the evidence of his arousal? It was buried beneath his only piece of armor, so perhaps she would think the metal responsible.
And you are a fool.
“Tell me what’s wrong,” she said. “You’re hiding something, I can tell. I know this pit is made for souls, not breathing, flesh-and-blood bodies. Are we going to—”
“No. I swear it. We will live.” The conversation seemed to calm her, so he said, “Tell me about you. About your childhood.”
“I—all right. But there’s not much to tell. I was not allowed out of my home as a child. For the greater good,” she added, as though the line had been fed to her many times before.
He did not mean to, would have stopped himself if he’d realized, but he found himself hugging her tight, understanding. Because of her nature, she’d been as much an outcast as he was. “Kadence, I—” The air was thickening around them, the flames spraying what looked to be molten teardrops. He recognized the signs; the end was near. “Drop your legs from me, but do not let them touch the ground.”
“All righ—”
Too late.
Boom. They smacked into the ground and Geryon planted his feet as the impact vibrated through him. He tried to remain upright to keep the goddess from having to touch the bones littering the area, but his knees soon gave out and he collapsed backward.
Kadence remained in his arms, unwinding her legs as he’d asked, so his back took the brunt of the fall, breath knocking from his lungs.
He lay there for a moment, panting. They were well and truly inside Hell.
There was no going back now.
The muted darkness of the pit had given way to bright light, fire illuminating every direction. Kadence hovered over him, like the sun he sometimes glimpsed in his daydreams, bright and glorious. “I am…fine.”
“No, you’re not. You’re wheezing. What can I do to help?”
He was surprised to note she did not scramble off him, now that they were safe. Well, as safe as a person could be inside Hell. “Tell me more about yourself. While I catch my breath.”
“Yes, yes, of course.” As she spoke, her delicate hands wisped over his brow, his jaw, his shoulders. Searching for injuries? Offering comfort? “What should I tell you?”
“Anything.” He was growing stronger by the second, but he did not admit it. Rather, he luxuriated in the sensation of her touch. “Everything. I want to know all about you.” Truth.
“All right. I…goodness, this is hard. I guess I’ll start at the beginning. My mother is the goddess of Happiness. Odd, I know, that such a woman could give birth to one such as me.”
“Why odd?” When looking at Kadence, hearing her voice, breathing in her scent, gave him more joy than he’d ever known?
“Because of what I am,” she said, clearly ashamed. “Because of the damage I can cause.”
“I have known nothing but—” pleasure, hunger, desperation “—kindness at your hands.”
Her ministrations ceased, and he could feel her gaze boring into him. “Truly?”
“Yes, truly.” Do not stop touching me. Centuries had passed since he’d last enjoyed even the slightest hint of contact. This was nirvana, paradise and a dream all wrapped into one delightful package. “My head,” he found himself saying on a moan.
“Poor baby,” she cooed, massaging his temples.
He nearly smiled. Now was not the time for this. They were inside Hell, out in the open, possible targets. The demons at the gate could have followed them. But he could not help himself, was too desperate, greedy. Just a little longer. “Your story,” he prompted.
“Where was I? Oh, yes.” Her honeysuckle scent enveloped him, chasing away the odor of rot. “I was a mean little girl. I didn’t share my toys, and I frequently made the other children cry, unintentionally compelling them to bend to my will. All right, perhaps a few of those times it was not so unintentional. I think that’s one of the reasons I was sent to Hell as warden, though it was never said aloud. The gods wanted to be rid of me, once and for all.”
How forlorn she sounded. “Every living creature has made a mistake at one point or another. Besides, you were a child. Not yet sensitized to the feelings of others. Do not blame yourself. They should not have. They knew better.”
“What of you?” she asked, and this time she sounded more buoyant.
I did that. I encouraged her.
“What would you like to know?” he wondered.
Slowly she grinned. “Anything. Everything.”
That grin…one of the gods’ finest creations, surely. His gut clenched. His shaft hardened again.
“I need a moment to think.” He’d relegated his human memories to a far corner in his mind, never to be considered again. Before, thinking of those days had stung, for he’d known they were forever lost—but he reminded himself that with his wife’s desertion, that was a good thing. Today, however, with the essence of Kadence all around him, he experienced only a thrum of sadness for what might have been.
“I was a wild child, untamable, a roamer,” he said. “My mother despaired, thinking I would worry her and every member of our family to death.” He laughed, her sweetly aged face flashing in his mind. “Then they introduced me to Evangeline. She calmed me, because I wanted to be worthy of her. We married, as both our families desired.”
Kadence stiffened. Even paled. The hand she’d been dancing at his temple stilled. “You are…wed?”
“No. She left me.”
“I am sorry,” she said, but there was relief in her tone.
Relief? Why? “Don’t be.” Had he not given his soul for Evangeline, she would have died. And had she not left Geryon, he might have fought Lucifer when the time came to become Guardian. And had he fought, he might not have met Kadence.
In that moment, he had never been so glad of something.
Suddenly a frenzied snarl echoed through the distance, trailed by more demon laughter. They had indeed been followed.
Giving up all pretense of being winded, Geryon popped to a stand, lifting the goddess with him and searching the distance.
The horde was several yards away. But as he watched, a fiend separated from the pack and raced straight for them.
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