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The Soldier's Legacy
Her description made him smile. Which was followed by a ripple of regret that her children wouldn’t be able to tell similar stories someday about their own father. That wasn’t fair—but then, he’d just been thinking about his own evidence that life wasn’t always fair.
Trevor had never met Jade’s late husband, Stephen, who, while growing up in the same area as Trevor, had been a few years his junior. Still, Trevor had heard quite a bit about him, both from his parents and through local legend. A career marine, Stephen had been deployed numerous times and had proved himself a fearless hero over and over again. The news reports had detailed how he’d died while saving three of his fellow marines.
Trevor would never compare his own brief stint in the military, mostly sitting behind a desk, to Stephen’s service. Considering that he’d served only one hitch and had emerged relatively unscathed—though guilt ridden for being away when Lindsey died—he hardly even thought of himself as a veteran.
Stephen Evans would be a hard act to follow for any man who pictured himself fitting into Jade’s tight little family. A guy could find himself intimidated at the thought of trying to step into those heroic shoes; not that he had any such aspirations, himself.
Still, as noble and selfless as Stephen had been, it had hardly been fair for him to leave a wife and three children to grieve him, to cope without him.
Trevor had his own reasons for staying single since losing Lindsey, though he didn’t like to take them out and examine them often. But what about Jade? As fiercely independent as she came across, wouldn’t it be convenient for her to have a partner in raising her children, even if it couldn’t be their own father? Or was it that Jade had never found anyone who could measure up to the larger-than-life hero she’d loved and lost?
He and Jade fell into silence for a while. It struck him again how comfortable he was sitting quietly in the dark with her. Sliding a sideways glance at her, he couldn’t help noticing her long, bare legs as she relaxed on the patio lounger, the soft swell of her breasts as she breathed in the crisp night air. Okay, so maybe not entirely comfortable, he thought with a rueful shift in his seat. And that underlying discomfort was the part that gave him pause.
She must have sensed him looking her way. She turned her head again. “How’s your leg?”
He cleared his throat. “Better, thanks.”
“You’ve been up on it a lot today.”
“I’ve been using the crutches. Keeping my weight off the knee.”
“That’s good.”
“I’m going in to the office for a few hours tomorrow. I’ve got a couple meetings that are fairly important, and I told Tamar there was no need to reschedule them.”
“You’re planning to drive?”
“I’m calling for a ride. It’s probably best if I give it another couple days before I get behind the wheel.”
“I won’t advise you not to overdo it,” she said with a soft laugh. “I’m sure Mary Pat and Tamar will take care of that.”
He heaved a heavy sigh. “Very likely. And thanks for the vote of confidence in my ability to take care of myself.”
“Well, as I mentioned before—”
He grinned and completed the sentence for her. “I’m a grown-ass man.”
Laughing again, she nodded. “Exactly.”
He couldn’t help it. He had to touch her, if only lightly. He reached out to brush her cheek with the backs of his fingers. Her skin was soft, smooth, cool. His mind flooded with a variety of ways to warm her, making his entire body tighten in response to the images. “I’ve enjoyed having you here, Jade.”
He felt her go still, making him question if he’d overstepped. But then she reached up and touched his hand. “I’ve enjoyed being here.”
He had intended the contact to be brief. Casual. Friendly, nothing more.
Instead, his hand lingered. His thumb traced the firm line of her surprisingly stubborn jaw, slipped around to touch her full lower lip. As nice as it felt, he could only imagine how sweet it would taste.
Abruptly recalled to his sense of time, place and appropriateness, he dropped his hand. He had no business making overtures that could cause her discomfort while she was a guest in his home. Even if she weren’t reluctantly dependent on his hospitality for now, he wasn’t the type of guy who made uninvited advances.
“It’s getting late,” he said, aware as he spoke that it was a lame comment.
He heard Jade release a breath that might have been a sigh.
“Yes, it is. And I have to get the kids up early in the morning for school.”
“You know Mary Pat will happily help you with anything you need.”
“That’s very thoughtful, but we’ll be fine. I’ve been handling first days of school on my own for quite a while now.”
The hint of stubborn independence in her deliberately cordial tone was becoming very familiar to him. He was getting to know her better with each conversation.
He swung his legs off his chair and reached down for his crutches. He moved toward the house as Jade fell into step beside him. She reached out to steady him when the tip of one crutch slid on a damp spot on the tile. “Okay?”
“Yeah, I’ve got it, thanks,” he said, frustrated by his renewed dependence on the crutches he’d hoped he wouldn’t need again. Okay, so maybe Jade wasn’t the only one who took a bit too much pride in self-sufficiency.
Her hand still rested on his left arm when he reached with his right hand to open the slider, his crutch balanced against him. He paused with his fingers on the door handle, looking down at her to see if there was something else she wanted to say before they went inside.
She met his eyes squarely. “I assume you’re aware that our mothers have decided to try their hands at matchmaking between us. My mom has gone beyond hinting to outright nudging, and every time I’ve seen her lately, your mother has mentioned that you’re an eligible bachelor in need of a suitable mate. She’s made it clear that she’s decided I’m appropriately suitable.”
Where was she going with this? “Uh, yeah, I’ve been on the receiving end of a few of those hints,” Trevor admitted warily, caught off guard again by Jade’s unexpected frankness.
“Just so you know, I’m not a party to that scheme. It has all been concocted by our mothers—probably over wine and cookies,” she added with a wry smile. “I was concerned that us sharing a house, even temporarily and in extenuating circumstances, would get them all wound up about it again, but I let myself be persuaded in a moment of panic.”
She shook her head and continued, “So, anyway, let’s just be clear that I’m not looking for anything more than friendship from you. Or from anyone else for that matter. To be honest, I’m not sure I want to marry again, despite my mom’s encouragement. My kids and I are content with the life we have, and I don’t want to take gambles with their happiness—or my own. Though my marriage was a very happy one, I’ve grown accustomed to being fully independent and I’m in no hurry to change that.”
Trevor didn’t know if her clarifications were a result of his touch or something she’d read in his face, but the last thing he wanted was for her to be uncomfortable with him. He’d keep his hands to himself from now on. And maybe he should avoid being alone with her like this again, as pleasant as it had been. He had to admit he’d miss these starlit interludes, though.
“I never considered that you were party to our moms’ plotting,” he assured her. “Nor am I, by the way. I don’t really see myself as either husband or father material these days. It’s not something I’ve even considered much since Lindsey died,” he added awkwardly. He saw no need to go into his frequent musings about the cruel vagaries of fate—or his cowardice in not wanting to open himself up to loss again. “And your logic makes perfect sense. I can see where it would be complicated for you, bringing someone into the kids’ lives who might only be there a short time, just long enough to disrupt the obviously happy home you’ve created for them.”
Especially if, as he suspected, Jade couldn’t help measuring every man she met against her late husband.
She looked pleased that he understood. “We’re agreed, then.”
“We wouldn’t want to do anything to whip our mothers into even more of a frenzy when neither you nor I are interested in their schemes.”
He laughed softly at her wording. “True.”
Something about the way she smiled then made his throat close. “So don’t take this the wrong way...” She rose on tiptoes to speak softly against his lips, “Let’s just call it curiosity.”
After a startled moment, he responded eagerly.
The kiss was light, carefully restrained. Just an exploratory meeting of lips, a brief, testing sample. Jade tasted exactly as he’d expected—sweet, with just a touch of spice beneath. Had it not been for the resented crutches, he’d have moved closer to prove that the rest of her felt as good against him.
His right crutch fell with a clatter when he reached out almost unconsciously to follow through on that impulse. The sound jolted him to his senses. Sighing, Trevor lifted his head, reluctantly breaking off the kiss.
“Okay, now that we have that out of the way,” Jade murmured, and though her tone was teasing, she looked slightly shaky. She reached down to scoop up his crutch before he could bend for it, then handed it to him. “Good night, Trevor. Thank you again for all you’ve done for us.”
That changed his smile into a frown. Gratitude was not something he wanted from Jade, though he wasn’t prepared to carry that line of thinking any further.
She went inside without looking back at him. After a moment, he followed. As he locked up and turned off the lights, he wondered how much sleep he’d get that night. Something told him he’d be all too aware of the intriguingly unpredictable woman sleeping only one floor above him. Why had she kissed him? She’d made it clear she wasn’t interested in a relationship with him, and he believed her. He didn’t think the gesture had been out of gratitude—at least, he sincerely hoped not. Had it truly been just an impulse?
He supposed he should stop overthinking it. It had been nothing more than a light kiss in the moonlight—perhaps, as Jade had hinted, fueled by little more than curiosity. And it had been nice. Very nice, indeed.
* * *
JADE HAD BEEN PREPARED for some chaos Wednesday morning as she made sure the kids were fed, dressed and had everything they needed for school. Fortunately, it was less stressful than she’d expected, partially because she’d been so well organized the night before, but also because of the luxury of having breakfast prepared for them by the so-efficient Mary Pat. The housekeeper had even helped pack lunches, having sandwiches, fresh raw veggies and homemade cookies ready to stash in the insulated bags. Jade told herself she shouldn’t get spoiled by this type of household help...but she couldn’t deny it was nice today.
Possibly to allay nerves and amuse the children, Trevor made a point of conducting an “inspection” before they headed out to the car. Grinning, Caleb and Erin submitted themselves for review.
“Backpacks packed?” Trevor barked in a fake-stern tone.
“Aye, aye, Cap’n.” Erin turned to show off the Wonder-Woman-themed pack dangling from her shoulders. Caleb presented his solid blue pack, and Bella turned more slowly to display her pink-and-white Hello Kitty backpack.
“Teeth brushed?”
Caleb and Erin dutifully flashed theirs. Watching indulgently from nearby, Jade noted that Bella’s smile was notably less genuine, though the nervous child tried to play along.
“Homework done?” Trevor inquired.
“Aye, aye, Cap—hey! We don’t have any homework,” Erin protested, planting her hands on her hips. “We haven’t even had a class yet.”
“My mistake.” Trevor grinned and chucked her lightly under the chin. “You’re going to take that school by storm, Erin.”
Erin’s brows knit with a slight frown. “Is that a good thing?”
“Yes. Yes, it is.”
Her face lit up. “Then, thanks.”
“You’re welcome.”
Trevor turned to extend his right hand to Caleb. “Good luck with your classes, Caleb. I’m sure you’ll do just fine.”
With a pang, Jade realized that her growing son didn’t have to look up very far to meet their six-foot-tall host eye to eye when they shook hands. When had her boy grown so tall? And would he really be a teenager in only a few months? How had the time passed so quickly?
With a slight shake of her head to clear the momentary sadness, she moved forward, rattling the keys in her hand for attention. “It’s time to go, guys. Thank you again for breakfast, Mary Pat.”
“You’re very welcome. Have a wonderful day at school, kids. I’ll have a special treat waiting for you when you get home.”
Jade had to swallow a sigh. She and her children would all be spoiled by the time they moved out of this house.
Trevor turned to Bella. “You’ll have a great day, too, Little Bit. I have no doubt.”
Trying very hard to look as brave as her brother and sister, Bella nodded, though her lower lip quivered. “My teacher is nice,” she whispered as if giving herself an encouraging reminder.
“That’s what your mom said. And I’m sure you’ll make some new friends in your class.”
“I already met a girl named Jovie at the open house.”
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