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Unexpected Legacy: Once Pregnant, Twice Shy / A Baby for the Doctor
Landon’s eyebrows shot up. “Don’t go there.”
“Why not?” He shrugged. “He’s still a Gage.”
“Mother wanted nothing to do with him. Hell, we paid him millions to get out of our lives for good, and you want to bring him back?”
“How badly do you want Clarks?” Garrett countered.
“As badly as you want it,” Landon returned.
Garrett scraped a hand along the tense muscles at the back of his neck. He wanted Clarks, but not as bad as he wanted something else.
“Plus who’s to say that selfish bastard will want to help us?” Landon rose to pace by the wall of windows. “He will want a big piece of the pie, and he’ll want even more than that. Do you remember Father refused to recognize him?“
“But we know he was Father’s son, no matter how many times he denied it to Mother,” Garrett countered. He’d been wracking his brain for other options and this was, fortunately or unfortunately, the only one he’d been able to come with.
To bring their illegitimate half brother, Emerson Wells, back into the fold.
Julian chewed on the back of a pen before he lowered it and spoke. “We could entice him with money. Stock. Something. Maybe we should call just him.”
“He’s trouble,” Landon said pointedly, his face furrowed in thought. “What does he do now anyway?”
“Last I heard he was in the personal security business here in San Antonio. Started as a bodyguard.”
“What can I say? He likes beating people up.”
“All right then.” Crossing the room, Landon clicked the phone intercom and rang his assistant. “If you’d please get me Emerson Wells on the line. You should be able to do a Google search and find his number. He owns some sort of personal security business here in town.”
Hanging up, Landon rubbed his chin thoughtfully, his gray eyes on Garrett. “If he denies us...would you still go through with it?”
Kate’s face and words surfaced in his mind with a vengeance, and his chest cramped. I would never marry for anything other than love!
For one painful moment, he wondered if she’d even care whether he married someone else, for whatever reason. But although her words had cut through him, her body had spoken another language. He’d lost control, and so had she. They’d both been so needy he hadn’t even been able to stop to put on a condom.
What had he done?
Perhaps Garrett hadn’t technically broken his promise to her father, but he felt like he had. There was probably no man more undeserving of Kate’s affection than he.
Clearly, you blew it, Gage.
But she had wanted him. Hell, she’d not only wanted him, she’d melted under his touch. Was he supposed to turn his mind blank and forget about a moment like that?
“Molls said they have a fitting this afternoon that you insisted on driving them to?”
He glanced up at Julian in confusion. “Molly? I told Kate I’d drive her. I didn’t know it included Molly.”
“And Beth,” Landon added with a grin. “They’re all going together.”
Garrett almost groaned. So much for talking to Kate one-on-one.
“Fine, then. I’ll drive the three of them,” Garrett reluctantly conceded. An infuriating hunch told him that Kate was doing this on purpose. Clearly, she had no desire to discuss anything with him.
Julian dropped his pencil on the table and angled his head, his eyes sparkling in amusement.
“You know, bro, I can’t help you here. Molls would strangle me if I see her in the dress.”
“That’s fine.” He plunged a hand through his hair. He’d wanted to spend some time with Kate and talk, but he would manage somehow. “I’ll drop Kate off last and see if she’ll do dinner with me.”
“So I take it this means whatever Emerson says, you’re not keen on the marriage of convenience?” Julian queried.
“Would you be?” Garrett countered. “Keen to marry a stranger? When your every thought is consumed by someone else?”
“Why don’t you just tell Kate how you feel and get it all out there?”
Garrett shook his head.
Because he didn’t deserve her.
Hell, the way things stood, even if he were to tell Kate how she made him feel, she’d probably tell him to stick his declaration where it hurts. She resented him for having taken her father from her, no matter how much she tried to pretend she didn’t. He still couldn’t forget those words she’d lashed out at him with when they were young: How dare you!
He’d never forget the hurt betrayal in her eyes when she’d found out her father had died because Garrett hadn’t run as he’d been told to. And now, to top it off, she believed he’d deliberately slept with her just to make sure she stayed in San Antonio. True, it might have been the catalyst, but that was so not the reason.
“You know, Garrett,” Landon said, coming over to pat his back, “we all get the love we think we deserve...and you deserve it, man. No matter what you think. You both do. So you better own it before she leaves for Florida, brother. Neither Julian nor I, nor for that matter, Mother, has any desire to watch what her departure does to you.”
Kate checked herself in the mirror for the tenth time. She wore a plain khaki skirt and sleeveless halter top. She knew that it would be silly to try on another top, so she grabbed her purse and her phone, then glanced down on impulse at Garrett’s last texts.
He’d said he wanted to talk and tell her about the “bimbo,” but just thinking about the way he’d defended her made Kate’s blood boil. Worse was that every time she went back a little further, to his kisses, little bubbles of remembrance shot through her system. She didn’t want the bubbles. Or the tingles. Or any of the gut-churning jealousy she felt when she thought about him and Cassandra Clarks.
She hadn’t slept a wink last night; she could still feel his touch on her traitorously sensitive skin. Now, Beth and Molly were waiting in her living room for him to pick them up, and Kate was grateful for the buffer they would provide.
Coward. That’s why you asked them to come over.
Yes, yes, so fine, she was a coward. She just didn’t trust herself to be alone with him. She feared she’d either do something sexual, which she had to put a stop to, or say some other cruel things that she didn’t mean. She regretted getting so defensive when he’d started apologizing. Garrett was actually the most unselfish man she knew. He’d always thought ahead to how he would protect her if something unexpected happened. But the last thing Kate had wanted was to add to his burdens when it came to her. She hadn’t ever imagined they’d end up naked and entangled. But he’d been there. So available. So sexy, tan and bare-chested. How could she resist? And the bastard had broken remorselessly through her walls, all in his stupid attempt to bend her to his will and liking!
But then he’d pretended to be hurt by her accusation, and accused her of being a tease. The reminder made her frown. She’d never considered that she was. Did she tease him? She’d tried to make him jealous for years, but she’d never known it had even had an effect.
Maybe it had more than he’d let on.
“Landon thinks he’s going to do it,” Beth was telling Molly.
“Do what?” Kate asked as she came back into the living room.
Molly turned to her with a sad, moping face. “Marry Cassandra Clarks. Jules told me yesterday. I just didn’t know how to bring it up.”
Kate’s stomach clenched.
“It’s got something to do with acquiring Clarks Communications,” Beth said, shaking her head. “Kate, I’m sorry.”
Once again, Kate felt the painful stab of jealousy inside her. “All the more reason I should leave,” she whispered.
“You’d let the man you love marry another woman?” Beth asked uncertainly.
“If he wants her, yes. And I don’t love him. I might have had a crush, but I’m over that. I’m in love with the idea of Florida now.”
“Kate, I think it’s hard for him to let himself want something, with what happened to your father, but I’ve always seen that he’s got it bad for you,” Beth said.
“No. I had it bad for him. And now I’ve promised myself to forget him. I should find a man with no baggage who actually makes me feel loved, Beth.”
Both women quietly watched her pace to the window and then back.
“So there’s nothing going on between the two of you? The boys say he’s distracted. And so are you,” Beth insisted.
Her best friend’s eyes twinkled all of a sudden, and Kate wanted to groan when she saw Molly’s mischievous smile also appear. Did they suspect Kate had totally gone sex-crazed at Garrett’s place several days ago?
“There’s nothing going on. We’re...normal. Friends.” Who slipped up once, she mentally added. Through the window, she watched his silver Audi pull over to the curb. Little bugs tickled the insides of her stomach. “He’s here.”
“I guess I’ll just slide into the back with Molly,” Beth offered as they went outside, and Kate locked up behind her.
She hated how her heart pounded when she walked up to the shiny silver car. Garrett stood holding the door open, his eyes sweet and liquid chocolate as he smiled. “Hi, Katie.”
Her bones went mushy every time he called her Katie. “Hey, Garrett.” His broad shoulder brushed hers as she got in, and her pulse sped with his nearness as he bent to kiss her on the cheek.
Oh, God, please don’t be nice today, she thought miserably.
She could handle fighting with him. But this?
The thought of him marrying anyone, touching anyone like he’d touched her, tortured her.
He settled behind the steering wheel. She watched his hands on the gearshift as they sped off, and her core warmed and boiled hot as she remembered the ways he’d caressed her. Every part of her body wanted to do it again except her mind, where warning bells were ringing at full volume.
She couldn’t let it happen again.
He was talking marriage to another woman.
She was only too glad she wouldn’t be here to watch it.
* * *
After forty-five minutes at the dress shop, Garrett could now totally understand his brothers’ amused grins from only hours ago.
He’d never gone to a dress fitting before.
He sat on a chair outside a line of dressing rooms and watched as the ladies came out to stand before a huge mirror, where a busy little woman picked and poked and stabbed the material until she’d shaped it to her liking.
He’d been doing fine, answering emails on his iPhone, until Kate came out and took his breath away.
He watched her hop onto the platform and model the dress, exposing her slim, creamy ankles as she discussed the length with the short, busy-bee shop attendant. He felt as if a grenade had just exploded in his chest. His blood heated as he remembered the hell of watching her grow up, grow breasts, wear her hair longer, develop those curves. He’d seen her in her prom dress, in a barely there black bikini that hugged her silken curves in all the right places and made Garrett hurt in all the wrong ones.
He’d seen her naked in his bed...writhing in his arms....
And once he got her back there, he never wanted to see her dressed again.
He wanted to touch her, hold her.
He wanted to hear her breathe next to him at night. He just knew if she slept at his side, the mere feel of her would make all his nightmares vanish.
He suddenly saw, clearly, how he’d be complete and whole with her. How he’d feel worthy and needed in a way he had never, ever felt before. But at the same time, he’d be vulnerable. Because, holy God, he needed this woman so much.
He saw her eyes go bright when the girls came over, squealing in delight.
“That blue looks so good on you,” Molly gushed.
“Oh, your date is going to be so thrilled!”
Garrett cocked a brow as he pushed himself off the chair and came over, listening to her ask if they were sure.
He stood next to her and caught her gaze in the mirror. “Date?”
She spun around to face him and her lips trembled in a smile. “I don’t know. We won’t be catering so I’ll have some time to spare.”
“Exactly. Flirt around with a man. Have a little fun,” Molly said from nearby. Garrett couldn’t miss the mischievous glint in Molly’s eyes as she surveyed Garrett for a reaction.
He gave her none.
“Do we want this fitted...?” The saleslady maneuvered Kate’s skirt, and Garrett watched in rapture as the woman tucked the fabric around her waist to enhance Kate’s luscious curves even more.
He studied her breasts, how lush they were, tightly constrained by the corsetlike bodice. His mouth watered and his hands ached. He was in hell and heaven at the same time, and it was the most puzzling feeling he’d ever experienced.
Kate stared at his reflection, her blue eyes shining in concern and somehow pleading for a compliment. “Do you like it?”
They both stared at one another, and for that one moment, nothing mattered but her. She held his gaze, and he held hers. His world centered around this one woman he’d always tried not to want.
His eyes trailed along her body, taking her in, and he heard the soft, amusing sound of her breath catching. The gown was sapphire-colored, consisting of a tight corset top clinging to her body like second skin, then flaring into a wide skirt. He wanted to toss it up in the air and bury himself between her legs. Her arms were toned and slim, her breasts perky and tightly constricted, making him want to free them. Her glossy hair, too long and beautiful to keep restrained, hung down her shoulders.
She was gazing at him nervously, wetting her lips. “Garrett...do you like it?” she repeated.
He nodded while his body burned under his skin.
Smiling tremulously, she hopped off the platform and started toward the changing rooms, but within three steps, he caught her wrist and spun her around. As if shocked, she looked down at his fingers curled around her flesh, then watched him, wide-eyed, as he lifted her hand in his and kissed her knuckles, one by one. “Speaking of dates,” he whispered when he was done, “do you have one?”
Surprise and excitement flickered in her gaze, and his smile widened as he watched her struggle for a reply. He should probably ask Cassandra out on a date, start playing up appearances, but the hope he saw in Kate’s pretty eyes... He wanted to kiss her eyelids, and track her jaw with his tongue. Then go to the shell of her ear, where he would whisper all sort of things to her, naughty and nice. He wanted to have what his brothers had; he wanted all of that, with Kate.
This talk of marriages of convenience and business mergers...
Did any of it matter to him? If he didn’t have Kate?
He didn’t deserve her, but he was damned ready to work to get her. He wanted to stop punishing himself, stop blaming himself for people dying, and just dream of all that life and love he felt when he looked at Kate.
“I...” She hesitated, then shook her head, her cheeks coloring pink. “It’s best I go on my own.”
She quickly pried her hand free and disappeared behind a velvet curtain to change once more.
* * *
Garrett Gage asking her out on a date?
No. Not a date. Garrett Gage asking her out to the wedding.
And he hadn’t really asked her. He seemed to be checking whether she already knew whom she’d go with, which was different.
Still. In her heart, her gut, in the way he’d looked at her...oooh, how it had felt when he’d asked her that question.
Kate was still reeling at the possibilities as they dropped off Beth and Molly and then rode in silence back to her place. Rain caught up with them by the time he pulled over in front of her one-story house. The drops were so big, they made huge splattering sounds on the windshield and the top of the car.
“Oh, no,” Kate groaned.
Garrett reached into the backseat and grabbed his suit jacket. “Remember this? Something like this has saved your pretty head from getting wet before.”
The memories surfaced, and when his teeth flashed wide in a white smile, there was no future in Florida, no painful past, only Garrett and his coat, and the rain outside.
He grabbed the door handle. “All right, Kate, here we go.”
Heart pounding with emotion as she remembered other times he’d saved her just like this, she watched him sprint around the car and jerk the door open, holding his jacket over both their heads as he pulled her up against his side and onto the sidewalk. As her flats began getting soaked, she pressed close to his massive chest and suddenly his arm slid around her waist, his eyes glinting. “Ready? On three.”
She nodded breathlessly, a gasp already poised in her throat.
“One, two, three!”
They ran for cover to the door, the fresh puddles at their feet splashing at each step as they both burst out laughing. Kate knew this wouldn’t have happened if her catering van hadn’t been parked in the middle of her driveway, but rain in Texas was truly rare and she hadn’t expected it at all.
Once at the door, she struggled to fit the key into the doorknob, and she could hear Garrett breathing at her back as he hunched his shoulders over her, the jacket covering them both.
“Katie, be any slower, and we could just shampoo here already.”
“I’m getting it!” she cried, laughing at her own awkwardness as the angle of the rain managed to get them both wet from the sides. The door clicked open at last, and she hurried inside, turning to see him standing just outside the door, getting wetter by the second. She couldn’t bear to leave him there like that, so she motioned him inside and slammed the door after him. His white shirt clung damply to his back and right side.
She squeezed a couple of raindrops out of the tips of her hair as Garrett shook his jacket in the air and hooked it on the coat stand. When Kate kicked off her shoes, their shoulders touched, and she realized Garrett smelled of fresh rain.
She couldn’t miss the way his broad chest jerked and stretched his white dress shirt with each breath. And she knew her nipples were poking into her dampened blouse; she caught his dazzlingly sexy white smile as he stared down at her. “Someone looks wet,” he said laughingly.
“You should see yourself.”
“I’m perfectly aware that I’m wet.”
“Take your shirt off, and I’ll dry it for you. I’d do the same for your jacket, but I assume it’s dry-clean?”
“So is the damn shirt.”
“Then at least let me hang it.” Without thinking, her hands flew up to start unbuttoning him, and by the time she started to undo the last button, she realized that he’d gone utterly still. His eyes had darkened completely, and emotion clogged Kate’s throat as their love-making vividly came back to her mind.
“Katie, if you don’t want this—stop me...stop me now....”
He seemed to notice that something had made her hands fall still, for he angled his head downward and peered mischievously into her eyes. “Just say you want me naked and I’ll take it all off.”
“You’re so easy,” she scoffed, but she dropped her hands when she realized the danger, and his shirt fell open to reveal his beautiful tan abs. She shouldn’t be talking to him. She shouldn’t even want to, need to, be close to him. She could have almost kicked herself when she asked, “Do you want some dinner?”
He didn’t hesitate, even when the tension between them as palpable.
He followed her through the living room. “I don’t want to put you to work.“
“It’s not work to me. I’ll cook us something easy. I hate eating alone and miss Molly terribly,” she said.
But was that really why she’d asked him to dinner? Or was it because she knew that as soon as she left San Antonio, she would never be able to enjoy his company like this again?
“I’m sorry, Kate.”
For a moment, she didn’t know what he was sorry about. He’s sorry about you missing Molly, Kate. Get your head in the game. “But she’s so happy,” she finally answered. She smiled as she eased into the adjoining kitchen, quietly slipping on an apron.
“Aren’t you a cute one,” Garrett murmured.
His gaze was so openly admiring that Kate’s stomach squeezed. She grabbed a knife and gestured dramatically with it. “Flattery will get you equal portions, so don’t waste your breath.”
“I’m not wasting it. I’m holding it.”
Ignoring the butterflies in her stomach, Kate rummaged through the fridge and pulled out her almond flour, eggs, milk and a bunch of vegetables. She set the veggies on a cutting board and transferred them to the kitchen island. “Help me with these while I work on the dough?”
“Of course. Just tell me what to do.”
“Cut the mushrooms, red peppers, onions and zucchini into small but pretty slices.”
“I can do small, but I don’t guarantee pretty.” His lips curled upward as he grasped the knife that she offered and his fingers closed warmly over hers.
Shivers of delight shot from the place he touched, and she couldn’t suppress the shudder that ran down her limbs. “They’re not going to a beauty pageant. Just small will do,” she whispered, impulsively pressing in behind him and leaning to watch as she showed him how. She shifted her hands so that he held the knife, and she held him, and then she slowly guided him to cut in the size she wanted.
Garrett stood utterly still and compliant, letting her guide him, and suddenly her nipples pressed painfully into his hard back as she realized how intimately her arms were going around his narrow waist.
“What are we making?”
She swallowed when he turned slightly and glanced directly at her. His voice was smooth and calm, but when she spoke, Kate’s wasn’t. “Vegetable goat-cheese pizza.”
He turned back to watch her cut a slice of pepper. “Kate, you’re going to kill me.”
“Why? I thought you liked it?”
“Exactly. My mouth is watering.”
Her cheeks flamed up as she thought of his mouth, and she instantly released him and went back to her spot to prepare the dough. Moments later, she lifted her head when the rhythmical sounds of Garrett’s chopping stopped. He was watching her massage the dough. A lock of his dark hair fell over one eye. Her legs weakened at the sexy look, and her heart grew wings in her chest. Garrett looked incredibly beautiful in her kitchen. As beautiful as he did in bed with her.
She opened her mouth to say something, then closed it when her cheeks burned at the memory. She really shouldn’t have slept with him. Now she couldn’t even look at him without becoming hyperaware of the electricity between them.
A smile slowly formed on his lips as if he could read her thoughts. Then he turned his attention back to his chopping, his profile hard and square, but the expression on his face also thoughtful. Kate swallowed and mixed her dough, then slammed her fists into it and rolled it a couple of more times.
“Bring the veggies once they’re cut so you can help me arrange them.”
He didn’t answer, but soon, he brought over the cutting board. He set it on the counter, and as Kate began to arrange all the little pieces on the flattened pizza crust, his hands gripped her waist from behind. Her breath was knocked out of her when his fingers squeezed her and his lips brushed against her ear.
“Why’d you sleep with me, Kate?” he murmured.
Heat arrowed from her ear straight to her toes, and she stiffened against the dissolving sensation in her bones.
He didn’t sound angry. He sounded confused, but patient, much as he did when he wanted to get to the bottom of something.
He surprised her by pressing into her body, trapping her between the counter and himself. Kate had nowhere to go, her spine arching up against his chest as she closed her eyes and tried to still her racing heartbeat.
His voice sounded in her ear as his fingers started a trail up her rib cage. “Did you feel pity for me because I was sick—?”
“No.” She could barely utter the word.
“Then why?”
His breath was warm, and damp, and it made her shiver. “It was a mistake. We weren’t thinking clearly.” Trying to gather her wits, she nervously turned in the cage of his arms, gripped the tray and slid the pizza into the oven, forcing him to step back as she bent forward.