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Taming A Fortune: A House Full of Fortunes!
“Okay,” he finally conceded. “But let me invite her. And I’ll only do it if you guys promise not to interrogate her.”
“My, aren’t you the protector. She’s lucky to have you in her corner.”
Toby didn’t know about that.
“Oops,” Stacey said, “Piper just smeared green beans all over herself. Gotta go.”
Good, Toby thought. He was glad Stacey’s baby had made a mess she’d have to clean up. That was what his sister got for butting into Toby’s business.
He just hoped he didn’t have an even bigger mess to deal with now.
* * *
Angie saw Toby’s name displayed on her caller-ID screen. She’d been too chicken to call him after she said she would. What was the proper length of time one should wait to call the man they’d intimately nestled against all night long? Three days? Maybe there was an article in some women’s magazine she could reference.
Ugh. She needed to get this over with. He was probably calling to tell her that they needed to see less of each other. That he wasn’t looking for a relationship. He’d made that more than clear. The sooner she bit the bullet, the sooner she could get over him. Unfortunately, she didn’t think she’d ever get over the feeling of his fingers stroking their way up her waist. Or his husky voice telling her how good she felt.
She tried to sound more upbeat than the groan stuck in her throat would allow when she said, “Hello?”
“Um, hey.”
Couldn’t he even manage a proper greeting? He must already be experiencing remorse at what they’d done and guilt over what he was about to tell her.
She should make it easy for him and call things off first, but she couldn’t bring herself to say the words for him.
“Did my sister Delaney call you yet?” he finally got out.
“Not that I know of. But I haven’t looked at my missed calls since I got out of the shower.”
Why would Delaney be calling her? Had the rumors started already? Was Toby trying to do damage control? Maybe they needed to get their stories straight about her spending the night out at the Double H.
“Good. I wanted to talk to you before she did.”
Uh-oh. This didn’t bode well.
“It sounds like my family is doing a dinner thing tonight and they want me to bring you.”
“Why would they want me there?” Unless they thought something was going on between her and Toby. Of course, she didn’t know why his family would think that when she, herself, had no idea if there was anything going on between the two of them.
“They, uh, well, they’re just curious about you since we’ve been spending, uh, so much time together and, you know...” Was Toby nervous? His voice tripped over the words like a shy schoolboy asking her out to prom. He was usually so confident. What had happened to all his swagger and self-assuredness?
“So they want to check me out?” She actually wanted to ask if they were trying to determine if she was good enough for their Fortune Jones standards. Angie had the feeling she wouldn’t pass that test.
“It’s really not a big deal. It’s just a little family get-together. And I made Stacey promise that they wouldn’t interrogate you or anything.”
“Yeah, that’s not exactly selling me on the idea, Toby.” In fact, the implication that he probably had to wrestle the promise from his sister made it seem that much more likely that what his family had planned was a full-scale inquisition.
“Well, I figure we could either go to the dinner together and show a kind of united front, or we can sit back and wait for them to come into the Superette one by one and hound you for information.”
That was a good point. She didn’t relish being the subject of the Fortune Joneses’ scrutiny, but she’d rather it be in the privacy of their family ranch than in public at her place of employment. She didn’t mind working in the bakery on occasion, but she’d hate to have to hide back there for good.
“Plus,” Toby continued, “the kids will be there and Stacey is bringing Piper. If we stick close to at least one of the children, we should be safe, right?”
Angie didn’t know if he meant they’d be safe from the prying questions from his family or safe from their own raging hormones.
But she just wasn’t sure she should go. She wanted to spend more time with him, but would this just make things more complicated? He sounded as if he was eager to have her there, which wasn’t how a man would act if he was trying to break it off with a woman.
“Let me think about it,” she finally said.
“Fair enough. I’ll be at the baseball field most of the afternoon, so just give me a call on my cell when you decide.”
She had no more than set her phone down on the counter when a preprogrammed ringtone sounded. The foreboding theme song from Jaws indicated it was her mother.
Doris had called her twice last night, and if Angie didn’t talk to her mom now, the woman would think something was going on and make another surveillance trip into the Superette.
“Hi, Mom,” Angie finally said, ending the crescendo of doom.
“Evangeline, I’ve been trying to get ahold of you since yesterday. Where have you been? On a date?”
Did her mom suspect?
Probably not. Doris didn’t keep in touch with many people she’d known from when she’d lived in Horseback Hollow. They were too small-town for Doris’s perceived cosmopolitan lifestyle. Not that Lubbock could be considered an epicenter of sophistication by most people’s standards, but her mom liked to think she was a big deal now.
“I’ve just been really busy. Nothing new or exciting going on here.”
“Good, because if you don’t have plans tonight, there’s a dinner dance at the country club here in Lubbock, and Margie Suttelheimer’s grandson is going to be there. He’s a corporate attorney, and his second divorce was just finalized last month. Margie assured me his prenup was ironclad. His ex barely got a dime, so he’s still worth millions.”
Angie had never made a quicker decision.
“I’m sorry, Mom. I’ve already made plans for tonight.”
She’d just have to tell Toby that dinner with the Fortune Jones clan was on.
* * *
At one minute after nine, Toby went out to the barn for some privacy. Using his cell phone, he placed a call to Ms. Fisk at child services, only to reach a recording that said she was out of the office. So he left her a voice-mail message.
Next he called the Lubbock attorney who’d first contacted him about the money that the anonymous donor had given him and he’d placed in trust for the kids. Jake Gleason specialized in estate planning, so if push came to shove, Toby would retain someone else to handle the custody issue. But for right now, he needed some professional assurance that Barbara had only been blowing smoke.
Unfortunately, Jake hadn’t been able to do much to ease his worry. “It’s hard to second-guess what the court will decide in cases like yours. One judge may consider stability a priority and look at how well the kids are doing under your care and not want to move them. But another might prefer to keep kids with their family members.”
Jake did, however, give Toby the names of a couple of family-law attorneys.
As morning wore on, the only thing that had given Toby a lift had been thoughts of Angie. Her bright-eyed smile and upbeat nature had a way of making him feel as though everything would work out fine—one way or another. So he hoped she still planned to join them at his parents’ house.
By the time lunch was over and afternoon rolled around, he’d picked up the phone a couple of times to call her, just to make sure they were still on for dinner. After all, she’d been known to change her mind.
Finally, at three o’clock, he bit the bullet and called. When she answered, he asked, “Are we still on for that barbecue at my parents’ house?”
“Sure. What time did you want to go?”
“I thought I’d pick you up around four.”
“You shouldn’t have to drive all the way into town to get me when your parents live closer to you. Why don’t I drive to your place? Then I can fix Kylie’s hair.”
“That makes more sense. And Kylie would really appreciate a woman’s hand with those pigtails. I can never seem to get them to hang evenly.”
Angie laughed, and the lilt of her voice made him grip the phone tighter, as if he could draw her near and hold her close.
“While I was helping Mr. Murdock organize his closets, I found some ribbons in an old sewing basket. He said I could have them, so I’ll bring them with me. I also baked brownies to take with us. I’m ready now, so I may as well head on over to your place.”
“That sounds like a plan. I’ll round up the troops, and we’ll be ready when you get here.”
“By the way,” Angie said, “who’s going to be at that family dinner?”
“My parents, of course. My sister Delaney and my brother Galen. Stacey is the ringleader, so she and her fiancé, Colton Foster, will be there, along with her baby, Piper. I imagine my brother Jude and his fiancée, Gabriella Mendoza, will be coming. And of course Liam and Julia Tierney.”
“It’ll be fun to see Julia outside of the Superette,” Angie said. “And it will be nice to see Stacey and Delaney again.”
Toby hoped she still felt that way after his sisters began plying her with questions about their supposed relationship.
“It might be best not to mention my brother Chris,” Toby said. “Unless someone else brings him up first.”
He waited a beat, wondering why he felt inclined to even mention it.
“It’s not as though there’s a big family rift,” he explained, trying to downplay things and to choose his words carefully. “It’s just there were some hard feelings about him leaving Horseback Hollow and moving to Red Rock.”
“That’s really not a secret. There’s been some talk around town. And Sawyer and Laurel made a comment about it at the flight school.”
“What did they say?” Toby asked.
“Nothing really. They don’t discuss things like that in front of their employees. But they said something in passing, and I connected a few dots. So I know that Chris is working for Sawyer’s dad at the Fortune Foundation. But that’s about it.”
Toby didn’t know much more than that, either, although he’d been tempted to go to Red Rock and talk to his brother face-to-face. But with him now having three kids, all of whom were in school and involved in outside activities, he wasn’t free to make a trip like that without a lot of juggling and some careful orchestrating.
“I’m assuming that your parents aren’t happy about his move,” Angie said.
Toby didn’t usually air family laundry in public, but he and Angie had become pretty close lately, so sharing his concerns came easily. “When my mom asked us to accept our roots by taking on the Fortune name, my dad was a good sport about it. But when Chris announced he was moving to Red Rock, my dad hit the roof. He felt as though my brother had completely jumped ship by leaving town and going to work for James Marshall Fortune. Things really hit the fan then.”
There’d always been issues between Chris and their dad over the years, although Toby never had thought they were all that serious. But apparently, he’d been wrong.
“Don’t worry about me saying anything at dinner tonight—or to anyone else,” Angie said. “I may have my faults, but being a gossip isn’t one of them.”
“Thanks. I appreciate that.”
Silence filled the line for a beat, then Angie said, “I’d better let you go. I’ll see you in a little while.”
As soon as they ended the call, Toby rounded up the kids and told them to wash up, change their clothes and get ready to go to Grandma and Grandpa’s house.
They might not be related by blood, but his parents and siblings had accepted them into the Fortune Jones fold, just as though they were. And the kids, who’d been starved for love and affection, had been thrilled to have a family to call their own. So the last time they’d visited, his mom had suggested they not be so formal. “Why don’t y’all call us Grandma Jeanne and Grandpa Deke?” she’d said.
The kids, who’d never really had parents, let alone grandparents, had jumped at the chance to become a part of Jeanne’s brood. In fact, if you didn’t know, you’d think there’d been a long line of redheads somewhere in the Fortune Jones family tree.
Toby did, however, realize that it could all come to an end one day if Barbara made good on her threat, and his gut twisted at the possibility. But he shook off the negative thoughts and tried to focus on the fact that the kids were thriving. And that their school would back that up if need be.
“Can I pack my backpack with things me and Piper can play with?” Kylie asked.
Toby smiled. Most little girls loved dolls, but having a real baby to play with? “Absolutely. Just let Aunt Stacey check out the toys first. You know how careful she is about the things Piper puts in her mouth.”
“I will,” Kylie said, as she dashed off to her room.
Toby glanced at the clock on the mantel. While the kids were getting ready, he’d take a shower. Angie would be here before he knew it.
Chapter Eight
Nearly an hour later, Angie arrived at the Double H wearing a white sundress that was wholesome, yet strappy and sexy at the same time—especially when paired with brown cowboy boots.
“Look what I have,” she said, lifting a platter of gooey-looking brownies in one hand and a fistful of colorful hair ribbons in the other.
“Nice,” Toby said, although he was far more focused on the sweet and lovely lady who stood in front of him, her blue eyes bright, her brown hair lying soft and glossy along her almost bare shoulders.
“Where’s Kylie?” she asked.
“In her room. I’ll call her.” But before Toby could open his mouth, Kylie came dashing into the entry to greet Angie.
The two of them took off, and before long, Kylie returned, wearing a pair of cowboy boots, just like Angie, her hair in princess-perfect pigtails.
“Let’s go,” he said.
It took only ten minutes on the county road to reach his parents’ ranch. After driving through the white wooden gate, Toby followed the graveled road to the house and parked near the barn, next to the other cars and trucks.
“Looks like everyone beat us here,” he said.
“Are we late?” Angie asked.
“Not really. But I have a feeling the women in my family were eager to be here when we arrived.”
“Curiosity, I suppose.” Toby shut off the ignition. “They know we’ve been seeing a lot of each other, and I’m afraid their imaginations are getting the best of them.”
He could argue—and, in fact, he had argued—that he and Angie weren’t dating, that she was merely helping him out with the kids. But sexual attraction and mutual interest were definitely flaring beneath the surface, and he wasn’t so sure he’d be able to keep that a secret, especially here.
They all got out of the truck. As usual, the kids managed to pile out a lot faster than they ever climbed in.
“Don’t forget to wipe your feet at the front door,” Toby called out to them. “And don’t barge in. Hang on until Angie and I get there.”
“We won’t,” they called back in near unison.
Toby waited for Angie, as she reached into the cab and pulled out a denim jacket. Then she slipped into it, covering the white sundress that revealed a lovely set of tanned arms and shoulders. But as afternoon wore into evening, he knew there was a chance it could get chilly, so he couldn’t blame her for being prepared.
Next he watched as she reached into the cab for the platter of brownies she’d brought.
“I’m sorry,” she said, as she realized he was standing near the truck, waiting for her. “I didn’t mean to be a slug.”
“No problem.” He actually liked watching her. But if he stared at her any longer, thinking about how much he wanted to pull her close, to kiss her before entering the house, it was going to take a whole lot more than an evening breeze to cool him off.
They walked together, meeting up with the kids at the front door, which was flanked by large pots of colorful flowers.
Out of habit, Toby took care to wipe his boots, just as he’d asked the children to do.
“My mom always made a big deal about us coming inside with muddy feet.” He chuckled as he reached for the doorknob to let them all into the house. “I guess some habits are hard to break.”
Toby’s mom, with her silver hair pulled into a bun and dressed in her usual stretch-denim jeans and a pale blue sweatshirt, greeted them in the foyer. She gave Toby a warm embrace, then took the time to address each of the kids.
“Now, don’t you look pretty, Kylie. Look at those yellow ribbons in your hair. And my goodness. What in the world have you stuffed in that backpack?”
“Toys to show baby Piper. Is she here?”
Jeanne Marie placed a hand on Kylie’s head and smiled. “She certainly is. Aunt Stacey just gave her some bananas and peaches for a snack, which she’s washing off her face and hands now. Why don’t you go into the kitchen and see if she’s ready to play.”
“Oh, good,” Kylie said, as she dashed off.
“And you boys are in for a big treat,” Jeanne Marie told Brian and Justin. “Grandpa Deke fixed the rungs to the tree house and gave it a new coat of paint yesterday. And when Uncle Galen saw what he’d done, he attached a rope swing to one of those sturdy ole branches. You probably ought to go check it out.”
“Cool,” Brian said, as both boys hurried off.
Well done, Toby thought. His mother adored the kids, but it was plain to see that she had something up her sleeve. She’d sent them off happily so she could devote her full attention to Angie and to the interrogation process.
Now, with the children out of the way, she welcomed Angie with a warm shake of the hand. “I’m so glad you could join us. Toby tells me how helpful you’ve been to him this past week.”
“It’s been my pleasure. The kids are great. And in all honesty, Toby’s so good with them, I’m not sure he even needs my help at all.”
“Don’t let her downplay her efforts,” Toby said. “She’s been awesome, whether it’s playing beauty salon with Kylie or planning a make-it-yourself pizza night or watching a movie under the stars. And I would have really been up a creek yesterday without her.”
“You don’t say.” His mom smiled, those blue eyes glimmering. “I’ll tell you what, Toby. Why don’t you check out that tree house and make sure Galen secured that swing right, while I take Angie into the kitchen. Since she’s such a good helper, I’m going to rope her into helping the girls and I finish up with the burger fixings.”
And just like a mama fox, Jeanne Marie had dispensed with Toby.
He could argue and insist that Angie stick close to his side, he supposed. But Angie was a big girl and had proved that she could hold her own. Besides, he wanted to check out that old fort he and his brothers used to play in. And on top of that, he trusted his mom and his sisters not to go overboard.
So he took his leave, walking out to the backyard, where his own interrogation undoubtedly awaited.
* * *
Angie followed Toby’s mother out to the kitchen. She’d always liked the woman, but then, who in town didn’t?
Jeanne Marie might come across as plain and simple, but there was more to her than met the eye. She had a quick wit, a gentle spirit and a kind heart. She also loved her husband and children dearly and was fiercely devoted to them.
Since working at the Superette, Angie had picked up on all of that. She’d even found herself a bit envious of the family’s closeness. How could she not be?
She’d always wanted to be part of a big, happy family, but she’d been an only child. She and her daddy had been close, but he’d died five years ago.
Now that Angie was an adult, her mom sought the closeness they’d never quite had before. But Doris Edwards was so determined to make Angie into the woman she wanted her to be that it was easier to avoid her, which was sad.
“I brought some brownies,” Angie said, holding out the platter of chocolaty squares covered in caramel frosting and toffee pieces.
“You didn’t need to do that,” Jeanne Marie said, as she led Angie through the large-but-cozy living room. “But it was awfully nice of you. I try to have plenty for everyone to eat, but I have to admit, this family can really put away the desserts. So I doubt you’ll have anything to take home except a few crumbs.”
When they reached the kitchen, Angie saw Piper sitting in a walker on the floor with Kylie playing beside her. The little red-haired girl had made fast work of emptying out the entire contents of her backpack on the hardwood floor.
“You girls remember Angie,” Jeanne Marie said to both Stacey and Delaney.
“Of course.” Stacey, a bright-eyed blonde with a light spray of freckles on her nose, smiled. “We’re so glad Toby finally brought you out to meet his crazy family.”
Angie and Stacey had graduated from high school together, although they really hadn’t run in the same circles. Stacey, who’d gone on to nursing school after graduation, had been more of an academic and tended to hang out with the smarter kids. And Angie had been all over the campus, hanging with the members of whichever social club she was trying out that semester.
“Thanks for including me.” Angie placed the brownies on the sideboard, next to a Bundt cake in a covered dish and a plate of lemon bars. Toby’s mom had been right. They were certainly dessert-friendly in this household. She hoped everyone was as sweet as the offerings on the countertop.
“Can I help you guys with anything?” Angie asked, noticing that Stacey was putting the finishing touches on a cheese-and-vegetable platter.
“Julia and Gabi are setting the tables outside,” Delaney said, as she stirred something that appeared to be potato salad. “And we’re almost done in here.”
“Why don’t you pull up a chair?” Stacey nodded to one of the empty barstools on the other side of the kitchen island. “Tell us what you’ve been doing with yourself since high school.”
“Now hold off a moment,” Jeanne Marie said. “It’s only fair to offer Angie a glass of wine or some iced tea first. The least we can do is let our guest wet her whistle before you launch into a full-blown question-and-answer session.”
When Jeanne winked at Angie, and her daughters laughed, easing the awkward tension, Angie couldn’t help but join in the merriment. If Stacey and Delaney could make light of their overly curious natures, then so could she. Besides, she had nothing to hide.
Well, nothing except the fact that she had the hots for one of their brothers.
“I think I’ll take an iced tea,” Angie said, “but you guys keep doing what you’re doing. I’ll get it.”
She’d no more than crossed the kitchen and was reaching for the pitcher when Justin rushed into the room, his eyes bright, his excitement impossible to ignore. “Angie, I was telling Uncle Galen about your candy brownies, and he wanted me to bring them out to the tree house so we can all try them.”
If there was anyone who loved sweets more than the Fortune Jones family, it was Justin Hemings. And since he’d been eyeing those brownies and asking for a taste ever since she’d arrived at the Double H, Angie knew when he was still trying to finagle an early treat.
“You tell Uncle Galen that we have so many desserts to choose from that it’s best if he waits until after dinner. That way, instead of having only one treat, he’ll be able to try them all.” Angie pointed to the counter holding the sweets.
Justin hurried over to look at his many options. His eyes darted from side to side, unable to settle on a favorite.
“Did you make all of these?” he asked Angie. Before she could answer, he looked at Jeanne Marie and continued. “Angie makes the best cupcakes with little race cars on the top. And she makes us pizza with our very own favorite toppings. And she puts extra butter on the popcorn because that’s how Toby likes it best. She’s the best cooker in the world. I’m going to tell Brian about the desserts. C’mon, Angie. You gotta come see the tree house.”