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The Cowboy Code
No surprise there.
Maggie found out that Danny’s new friend was named Brandon Avery and he was from Billings, Montana.
As she stifled a yawn, Joe stood again. “Since this was a long day of travel, everyone will help with the cleanup. The Cowboy Quest participants will hit the hay ahead of schedule tonight because tomorrow morning will come early, five-thirty, to be exact. We have stock to feed and water, stalls to muck out and then you all will be taking riding lessons after your school lessons. Let me stress once again that you’ll get out of the program what you put into it—so give it your all.”
“He’s getting free labor out of this. So, like, how many juvenile delinquents does it take to run a ranch?”
The guffaws and tittering washed over her like a tidal wave. She couldn’t believe Danny would be that rude.
“Danny, you shouldn’t—” Maggie began.
Joe held up a hand like a traffic cop, and she got his message: He was in charge.
“I’ve heard that before,” Joe said. “So I’m glad that you cleared the air, Dan. But if you really believe that I’m getting free labor out of this, well, then, I’d better fire all these cowboys, huh? After all, I won’t need them because I have the twelve of you.”
This time it was the cowboys who laughed and snickered. The boys looked somewhat awkward, as did Danny and his new friend.
Maggie checked her watch. Seven o’clock. If she went to bed at eight, she’d have over eight hours of sleep. That was definitely more than she got in a typical night.
She was exhausted. Danny looked dead on his feet, too.
There was no way that she was going to be late on her first day, even if she was scared out of her mind. No way.
“I’m going to walk Miss McIntyre to the ranch house,” Joe said. “Then I’ll be right back to help in the cleanup.”
She wondered if Joe had stressed that for the rest of the participants, or just for Danny.
Maggie sighed. In spite of the fact that Joe wanted to handle things, she had to find the time to talk to her nephew, to alleviate his concerns.
And make sure he didn’t blow their last chance.
Joe walked Maggie up the brick walkway to the main house, the glow of their flashlights combining to illuminate the way.
He’d had an enjoyable meal with everyone, but particularly Maggie. He’d even arranged to take her into Mountain Springs tomorrow for some real Western wear. She needed cowboy boots— real boots—not those fluff designer shoes she’d brought.
He’d already received a heads-up from Quint that Danny’s clothes weren’t proper for ranch work, either. They were okay for a gangster, but there’d be none of that for the young Daniel Turner.
“I’m sorry I jumped in earlier, Joe.”
“That’s okay. I’m sure it’s difficult to make the adjustment from aunt and primary caretaker to just one of the guys.”
“Yeah, it’s hard.” She shook her head. “As you can tell, Danny’s got a problem with peer pressure. He’ll say or do anything for a laugh.”
“I know. I’ve seen it time and time again. Give me and my staff a little credit, Maggie, and trust in Danny a little more.”
“I’ve trusted Danny in the past. You can see where it got me.”
“But today is a new day.”
She knew Joe was right. She had to back off and calm down.
But it was too darn difficult when she was so desperate to help Danny.
“I’m sure it’s much easier if there were two parents to help raise kids.” She sighed. “Are you married?”
He was quiet for a moment. “No, I’ve never been married. I was engaged once, but it didn’t work out.”
He took a breath. “Look, Maggie, I’ve volunteered for the programs at the Gold Buckle Ranch for eight years now. And, yeah, I have a degree, but what I also have is a clean slate and an unbiased point of view. I can look at things more objectively than you.”
She supposed he was right. “So what have you objectively figured out about me and Danny so far?”
“Well, right now, I’d point out that you aren’t going to be around to fight Danny’s battles all the time. He needs the skills to stand up to his peers.”
She hadn’t done a great job so far, but she had to perform eight shows a week. It was her job. She’d imposed on friends and sometimes hired the best people she could to keep an eye on Danny while she worked, but he still kept sneaking out on them, claiming that he didn’t need “no stinkin’ babysitter.” And that he wasn’t a baby.
“Okay, Joe. I’ll do it your way, and I’ll keep quiet, and let you handle things. But just be advised that being quiet is not one of my virtues.”
They walked the rest of the way in silence. At the house, Joe let Maggie open the door and turn on the lights.
“All okay?” he asked. She seemed a little nervous tonight. Maybe she just didn’t want to stay by herself in a strange house. He wished Aunt Betty hadn’t gone out of town. She could have kept Maggie company.
“I’m okay,” she said. “But it’s so quiet here. How am I ever going to sleep?”
“I can fix you a place in the barn if you’d like. It can get pretty noisy out there.” He winked.
“Uh…no…” She laughed. “But thanks anyway.”
Maggie looked so very…kissable. The dim hallway light made her golden hair shimmer. He longed to run his hand through her blond locks, to pull her to him….
A laugh from the bunkhouse brought him back to reality. What was he thinking? She was a participant in his program.
“Um…good night, Joe.”
“’Night, Maggie.” He headed down the path, then stopped. “The phone number to the bunkhouse is right by the phone. Call if you need anything—anything at all.”
He gritted his teeth. That sounded like a proposition, and he hadn’t meant that at all.
“I mean…uh…” He couldn’t think.
“I know what you mean, Joe. See you bright and early.”
She smiled, and the door closed.
He caught himself whistling as he walked to the bunkhouse. He hadn’t whistled in ages.
But sleep wouldn’t come. He kept thinking about Maggie, who had a wagonload of trouble she had to deal with. Her heaviest cargo was the smallest kid in Cowboy Quest.
Would he be able to help her?
Tossing and turning, he thought about his growing attraction to Maggie and how he had to resist. It would be unprofessional, and a huge complication.
He had a highly charged program to run, loaded with high-risk juveniles with emotional issues and one interesting woman who was constantly intruding on his thoughts.
How was he going to keep his mind on business?
Chapter Four
Maggie barely slept. She kept having dreams of falling off horses as tall as the Empire State Building.
Four-thirty came way too early. She grabbed the clothes that she’d laid out last night and hurried to the shower.
At five o’clock sharp, she was at the barn, shivering in her designer coat. She could see the cowboys and the kids walking in single file up the hill. Joe led the way, his long strides determined and purposeful. Danny lagged behind the group with Brandon.
She hoped that the two of them didn’t get too close. Danny was a first-class follower. He was the type of kid that others liked to egg on, then sit back and watch him take the fall.
Maybe Cowboy Quest would teach him how to be a leader.
“Morning, Maggie,” Joe said, handing her a mug of steaming coffee.
He also handed her a flannel shirt. “I brought you this. I figured you’d need it.”
Judging by the size, it was one of his.
“We might need to move up our shopping trip to after breakfast.” Joe said, nodding in Danny’s direction. “It’s cold here until about noon or so. You both need warmer clothes.”
It looked as though Danny was wearing all the contents of his suitcase. The other kids were dressed appropriately. Obviously, they knew more than she.
“I think you’re right.” She hurriedly took off her coat and slipped into Joe’s flannel shirt. It was so soft and comfortable, and she caught the scent of laundry soap and his spicy aftershave. She buttoned it up, rolled up the sleeves and put her coat back on. His shirt hung almost to her knees, but she was much warmer, and grateful.
She looked at the horses milling around the corral. Now when she shivered, it wasn’t from the cold. It was pure fright.
Quint took charge, and they all worked in teams of three to water and feed the horses and muck the stalls. Maggie, Danny and Ronnie were a team. She liked the big cowboy with the shaggy blond hair and the easy smile. While Maggie bit her tongue, Ronnie deftly deflected any negative remarks that Danny made.
By the time they’d fed and watered their allotment of horses, mucked their fair share of stalls and turned out some horses into the corral, the sun was rising over the mountains.
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