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A Vengeful Reunion
Jess frowned. ‘But if you still feel like that after all these years, Leo, couldn’t you bring yourself to forgive Jonah’s one indiscretion and get together again? I assume it was just the one?’ she added.
‘As far as I know. But don’t be fooled by what happened tonight, there’s absolutely no chance of my getting back with Jonah. Ever.’
‘Pity.’ Jess sighed, then stood up to wriggle out of her dress. ‘Though that’s tempting fate a bit, Leo. Never say never.’
NEXT morning, after what felt like only a few minutes’ sleep, Leonie got up early to help her mother provide breakfast for any of the guests who could face it. She slid out of bed as quietly as she could to let Jess and Kate sleep on, washed and dressed in Fenny’s little bathroom and went downstairs in the pale light of a cool spring morning.
Glad to find the kitchen empty, and her parents and Fenny still presumably sleeping, Leonie laid the big table, set out an array of cups and beakers on the central island, then filled kettles and got out coffee, sliced bread. Afterwards she made herself a pot of tea and some toast, surprised to find she was hungry. When her mother arrived a little later she smiled in surprise.
‘You’re early, darling, I hoped you’d sleep in for a bit.’
‘I opted for the inflatable mattress,’ said Leonie, grinning. ‘It was no hardship to desert it for the lures of breakfast.’ She poured tea for her mother, and offered to make toast.
‘Thank you, I think I will. Frankly I could have stayed in bed a lot longer this morning, but I had visions of pallid, hungover young things needing coffee and no one here to provide it.’
‘They could have gone over to the Stables and made Adam feed them.’
‘Always supposing they could wake him.’ Frances laughed. ‘I wonder how everyone slept? I imagine there was quite a fight for beds.’
‘Students are used to sleeping on floors,’ Leonie assured her. ‘I did it often enough in my youth.’
‘Darling, you talk as though you were Methuselah!’
‘I’m staring thirty in the face, Mother,’ Leonie reminded her.
‘You don’t look it this morning in those jeans. And last night you positively dazzled in that amazing dress. Nor was I the only one to think so.’ Frances buttered her toast and bit into it appreciatively. ‘I needed this. I didn’t eat much last night. And you abandoned your supper the moment Jonah arrived.’
Leonie eyed her mother in amusement. ‘Nothing gets by you, does it?’
The interlude of peace was short. In twos and threes the yawning party goers came down to join them. When Tom Dysart arrived with Fenny and Kate he gave a wry look into the room full of chattering females, and accepted with alacrity when offered a tray in his study.
Leonie took it in to him with the Sunday papers, stayed to chat for a while, then volunteered to fetch Marzi from the farm while Fenny and Kate had breakfast with the other girls. She collected a jacket from a peg in the scullery and went out alone into the crisp, bright morning, her lips twitching at the sight of drawn curtains and total absence of life in the Stables.
Leonie walked briskly down the drive and out on to the main road, passing only the occasional churchgoing car in the quiet of early Sunday. After a mile or so she turned down the lane which led to Springfield Farm, smiling at the sounds of yapping and barking in the distance as pungent, familiar smells came up to greet her. When she reached the farmhouse a young giant in stockinged feet opened the door in answer to her knock, Chris Morgan’s yawn changing to a grin at the sight of his visitor.
‘Well, well, Leo Dysart, home from foreign parts! Come in, come in.’
‘Hi, Chris, nice to see you again.’
Leonie kicked off her muddy boots in the back entry and followed Chris into the welcoming warmth of a kitchen where tempting smells of fried bacon hung in the air. Chris gestured towards the table and pushed the teapot towards her.
‘Sit down, help yourself. My father’s taken your dog out with ours. They’ll be back in a minute. My mother’s away, visiting my sister and new sprog.’
Leonie exclaimed in surprise. She’d attended primary school with both Chris and his sister Jenny. It came as a shock to hear that the new ‘sprog’ was Jenny’s third son.
Chris was all for providing Leonie with a vast fry-up, like the one he was devouring himself, but she shook her head, laughing.
‘I’ve had breakfast. And if I ate one like that every morning I’d need a new wardrobe.’
He grinned. ‘My turn for the milking this morning, I need refuelling. Besides, I’m a growing lad.’
‘Heavens, I hope not!’
‘How did the party go?’ he asked, as he went on with his meal.
‘Very well. I’ve left Mother and Kate serving coffee to the female revellers. There was no sign of life from Adam’s place.’
Chris made himself a sandwich with the last of his bacon and sat back, looking at her with open pleasure. ‘You look very perky for the morning after, Leo. Downright gorgeous, in fact.’
‘Why, thank you, kind sir,’ she retorted, fluttering her eyelashes. ‘Though if I do it’s a wonder. I spent half of yesterday travelling, and the other half partying. I’ll probably collapse in a heap today at some stage.’
Chris got up, eyebrows raised, in response to a knock on the back door. ‘Like Piccadilly Circus here this morning,’ he said, grinning.
The grin was missing when he returned with the new arrival.
‘Hello, Leo, I didn’t know you were here,’ said Jonah briskly. ‘I’ve come to collect the shotgun Denzil promised me.’
After years of never laying eyes on Jonah Savage, Leonie could hardly believe she was in his company for the third time in less than twenty-four hours.
‘Good morning,’ she said frostily.
Chris gestured towards the teapot. ‘Like a cup, Jonah? My father’s out with the dogs; he won’t be long.’
‘No hurry. No tea, either, thanks.’
There was an awkward pause while Jonah surveyed the easy familiarity of the scene with a look which set Leonie’s teeth on edge.
Chris cleared his throat awkwardly. ‘I’ll just go out and look for Dad,’ he announced, and took himself off with such obvious relief Jonah raised a supercilious eyebrow.
‘I trust I didn’t interrupt anything.’
Leonie shrugged. ‘I was just telling Chris about the party.’
‘I see. Did you enjoy it?’
‘Yes, very much. Did you?’
Jonah sat down in Chris’s chair. ‘No, Leo, I did not. In fact, once I knew you were home after all I was tempted to invent something life-threatening and stay away.’
‘But of course you couldn’t disappoint Fenny.’
‘Exactly.’ He eyed her searchingly. ‘Leo, every time you mention the child you get that Medusa-like look on your face. Don’t you like Fenny?’
‘How dare you say that? I adore Fenny. But because of you I never see enough of her. And then I come home to find she only has eyes for you—’ She lapsed into silence, furious with herself.
Jonah smiled mockingly. ‘Jealous?’
Leonie’s heated reply was cut off by the arrival of Denzil and Chris Morgan, with a very muddy, excited retriever who greeted her with exuberance. She thanked the Morgans, clipped on Marzi’s lead, refused Jonah’s offer of a lift, and went outside to chat with Chris in the yard for a minute or two before starting off for home.
Steaming up the steep hill from the farm, with a panting Marzi at her side, Leonie had worked off some of her anger by the time a familiar car drew level.
‘Sure you don’t want a lift?’ asked Jonah through the car window.
Leonie gave him a honeyed smile. ‘Certain, thanks. I’m enjoying the walk—and my own company.’
‘Then I’ll leave you to it.’ Jonah nodded coolly, and drove off.
When Leonie reached the gates of Friars Wood she unfastened Marzi’s leash, then stopped off at the Stables, to find Adam’s friends packing themselves into various cars for the journey to the station, or the trip to Edinburgh, with Fenny and Kate in attendance.
Leonie was greeted with enthusiasm, and though some of the faces were ominously pale everyone reiterated vociferous thanks for the wonderful party. There were kisses all round, and hugs for Fenny, then the convoy of cars began to move down the drive.
‘When are you going back?’ asked Leonie, taking Fenny’s hand to walk back to the house with Adam and Kate.
‘After Mother’s Sunday lunch, of course,’ said Adam, who stood three inches over six feet and had an appetite which belied his lanky frame.
‘We ought to be eating leftovers from last night,’ said Kate, giving him a teasing smile, ‘but Mother’s roasting beef and whipping up gallons of Yorkshire pudding batter for her darling son as we speak.’
‘Yummy,’ said Fenny, her hand in Leonie’s. ‘It’s my favourite. Do you have it in Italy, Leo?’
‘Not really, no.’ Leonie smiled down into the small, shining face. ‘But I eat lots of other delicious things.’
‘Is Jonah coming to lunch?’
Leonie devoutly hoped not. ‘I don’t think so, darling. Let’s go and help Mother.’
‘And wake Jess,’ said Adam with relish. ‘And don’t worry about the party leftovers—I’ll take any surplus back with me.’
‘As usual,’ taunted Kate, then shrieked as Adam made a dive for her, slung her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and ran with her through the scullery into the kitchen, Fenny and Leonie laughing as they followed them in.
‘Please!’ implored Jess, holding a hand to her head. ‘Less noise, children, for pity’s sake.’
‘Too much champagne?’ enquired Adam as he set Kate down.
‘Too much music,’ groaned Jess. ‘I can still hear that thumping.’
‘Have some more tea,’ advised her mother, ‘then it’s all hands on deck, please. Adam wants to be away in reasonable time.’
To Leonie it was a pleasure all the more acute for being so rare as she sat down to family Sunday lunch. Despite the run-in with Jonah, her walk had given her an appetite, and during the meal she entertained a rapt Fenny with tales of the little girls she taught in Florence.
‘Can’t you come home and teach little girls here, Leo?’ pleaded Fenny.
‘One day, perhaps,’ said Leonie brightly.
There was a brief, awkward silence, then Jess plunged into a humorous anecdote about her flatmate in London. After the pudding plates were cleared away, and Fenny had been allowed to watch a cartoon video in the study, they were drinking coffee when Tom Dysart told his family that there was more to this family lunch than usual.
‘Now that I’ve got you all together for once,’ said her father, after exchanging a glance with his wife, ‘I think I should tell you I’ve had an offer for Friars Wood.’
There was dead silence for a moment, as several pairs of eyes stared at him in utter consternation.
Leonie was the first to recover. ‘You’re not serious, Dad!’
Her father smiled at her wryly. ‘I don’t joke about Friars Wood, my love.’
‘Who the devil wants to buy it?’ demanded Adam, incensed.
‘That isn’t important for the moment,’ said Tom Dysart. ‘The point is, how do you all feel about it? Discounting the offer—which is staggeringly generous—you must face the fact that one day your mother and I will no longer be here.’
‘Daddy, don’t!’ said Kate, her eyes filling with tears. ‘I can’t bear it when you talk like that.’
Jess squeezed her hand, and turned anxious eyes on her father. ‘Are you short of money, Dad? You’re not ill or anything, are you?’ she added in sudden alarm.
‘No, nothing like that,’ said Frances quickly. ‘But this place takes a lot of upkeep. We thought it best to ask now if you’d prefer us to sell up and buy something smaller. The alternative is to carry on as we are and trust that at least one of you will be in a position to keep the place on when the time comes.’
Leonie felt winded. In Italy it had been a constant source of comfort to know that Friars Wood was there to run home to whenever she wanted.
‘The thing is, Dad,’ said Adam, looking suddenly older than his twenty-one years, ‘I won’t be in a position to take it on for a long time yet. And unless Leonie and Jess marry millionaires or win the lottery they won’t be able to either, not to mention Kate and Fenny.’
Tom Dysart filled his pipe with deliberation, then outlined the plan he had in mind to provide security for his family and the home they all loved so much. The sensible course, he told them, was the one his father had taken. The property had been arranged so that it had remained in the possession of the senior Dysarts until one of them died, afterwards to pass jointly into the hands of the surviving parent and Tom, who had been designated heir to the house. ‘Originally your mother and I restored and redecorated the Stables, meaning to live in it ourselves, but when it was ready your grandparents liked the result so much they persuaded us to let them live there instead, and left the care of the house to us. After both parents died I was to provide Rachel with a sum of money to the value of half the property. Fortunately they both lived to a good age, so I was in a position to do that fairly comfortably when the time came, however much Rachel protested she didn’t need it all.’
‘Then can’t you do that with Adam?’ said Leonie quickly.
‘I had only one sister,’ her father pointed out.
Leonie shivered. ‘I’ve always taken it for granted that Adam would inherit Friars Wood. Look, Dad, I’d willingly forgo my claim to any money as long as he’s able to hang onto it.’ She gave her brother a wry little smile. ‘And lets us all come home to roost from time to time.’
‘I feel the same,’ said Jess fervently.
‘I hate this,’ said Kate in despair. ‘I just want Friars Wood to stay in the family.’
‘So say all of us,’ said Adam, and looked at his father squarely. ‘We’ll do anything it takes to secure that, Dad.’
Leonie gave him a teasing smile. ‘What happens if you fall for someone who doesn’t fancy sharing with four sisters?’
‘I’ll send her packing,’ said Adam promptly.
Everyone laughed, lightening the atmosphere slightly as Tom Dysart went on to explain that this arrangement would help with inheritance tax, but it also meant that when one parent died, whoever was left in joint ownership would be obliged to look after the survivor.
‘Which is not as much of a problem as it might be because of the Stables,’ said Frances briskly. ‘Either one of us would be quite happy to move in there, even both of us together at some stage, just as my in-laws did.’
‘Adam’s the obvious choice to inherit,’ said Leonie firmly. ‘He’s the only son, and he’s also going to follow you into the auction house, Dad, so in the normal way of things he’s the only one certain to remain in the area.’
Adam gave his parents a very sober, thoughtful look. ‘You mean that some time in the future—hopefully a very long time in the future—if the property comes solely to me, the value of it, and any money you leave us, would all be divided into equal portions, and I’d hand the girls’ shares over.’
Jess shook her head. ‘Impossible with so many of us. No one could expect you to do that. It was different for Dad with only Rachel.’
‘I couldn’t do it right now,’ Adam agreed, a stubborn jut to his chin, ‘but when the time comes I’ll make damn sure I can.’
‘Or,’ said his father, ‘I could accept the offer and buy a smaller place, and have a lot more money in the bank afterwards.’
Four pairs of eyes gazed at him in horror.
‘You don’t mean that, do you, Dad?’ demanded Leonie.
‘I’m just mentioning it as an option. An option which isn’t open for long,’ he added. ‘I’ve been given a week or two to consider it before it’s withdrawn.’
‘I’d rather you didn’t consider it at all,’ said Adam, his young face stern below the mop of curly black hair. ‘I’ve got Finals coming up. I’d rather not have this hanging over me when I go back. Couldn’t we settle it now?’
‘I’m all for that,’ said Jess quickly. ‘If this is a democratic meeting, are we allowed to vote?’
Tom smiled wryly. ‘Of course you are. Hands up all those in favour of staying, and letting Adam take over Friars Wood one day, along with all its responsibilities.’
Five hands shot up, and Tom grinned at his wife and followed suit.
‘Unanimous,’ said Leonie with satisfaction, and gave her brother a reassuring smile. ‘Don’t worry, Adam. When the time comes we won’t dun you for the money.’
‘Amen to that,’ said Jess, slumping in her chair. ‘You can have my share, Adam, as long as you hang onto Friars Wood.’
‘Mine too,’ said Kate thankfully.
‘Thank you, ladies, but if I can possibly manage it no sacrifices will be required. Who knows? Perhaps I’ll discover a hidden Rembrandt one day and sell it for millions,’ declared Adam, jumping up with some of his usual energy restored. ‘Time I was off. By the way, Dad,’ he added, ‘who made the offer?’
‘A London company,’ said his mother, getting to her feet. ‘Now then, Adam, get a move on, or you’ll be late back.’
After Adam had been waved on his way, Leonie suggested her father took Fenny for a walk with the dog, and sent her mother off for a rest while she and Kate saw to the clearing up. The still-suffering Jess was ordered to sit down and save herself for the drive back to London later, an instruction she complied with gratefully.
‘Thanks, you two. I don’t mind telling you I’m a bit bushed,’ she admitted. ‘A busy week followed by last night’s party, with Dad’s bombshell on top of it—’ She blew out her cheeks. ‘I’m in a state of shock.’ She heaved herself out of her chair. ‘But this won’t do. I’d better get my stuff together so I’m ready for the off when Mother gets up.’
Jess’s loud cry of indignation a minute later sent Kate and Leonie running upstairs to ask what the matter was.
‘Mother isn’t resting; she’s tidying our rooms,’ Jess said wrathfully.
Frances smiled unrepentantly. ‘I’m just changing the beds. Mrs Briggs will do the bedrooms properly in the morning.’ She gave Jess a stern look. ‘And mind you get an early night when you get back, Jessamy Dysart. You’ve got dark rings under your eyes.’
‘Yes, Mother,’ said her daughter meekly, flushing slightly as she intercepted a sparkling glance from Leonie. ‘In bed by ten, I promise.’
In the evening, when Kate was finishing off homework in her room, and Fenny was fast asleep in bed after the exertions of the night before, Leonie settled down on a sofa in the study with the dog snoring gently on the rug beside her. Not quite ready to collapse in a heap, as she’d told Chris Morgan, she was tired enough to put her feet up as she looked through the Sunday papers while her parents watched a serial they were following on television.
Pitying her siblings on their respective motorway journeys, Leonie relaxed, feeling deeply glad of her unexpected break at home. Adam rang at one stage to say he’d arrived safely, and eventually Jess reported in with the same message.
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