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Sacred and Profane
Decker slapped down the report.
“He said you may have a thing or two to add.”
“Burnt alive?”
“That’s revolting,” Hennon said, sticking out her tongue.
Decker threw up his hands. “Lots of perverts out there. I’ve got a teenage daughter of my own. I’m constantly restraining the urge to call her and ask if she’s okay.”
“And they ask me how can I stand looking in mouths all day. Hey, I’d rather look at tooth decay than deal with sicko deviates who burn people alive.”
She sighed and flicked on the light of the X-ray screen. Decker pulled out a notepad.
“Don’t bother,” she said. “I’ve got it all written down for you.”
“I like to take notes.”
“You’re trying to quit smoking,” she said matter-of-factly. “It gives you something to do with your hands.”
“You missed your calling as a detective.”
“Your teeth—smoker’s stain. Probably also coffee stain,” she said, staring at his mouth. “Sorry. It’s an occupational hazard. Make an appointment with Kelly and I’ll do a really nice polish job, gratis.”
“I’ll do that just as soon as I find a spare minute.”
“I’ve heard that excuse before.” She smiled impishly and covered the screen with a four-by-ten radiograph.
“This X ray is a panoramic view of Doe One’s mouth. It covers all the bony structures of the mandible and maxilla from ear to ear, thereby giving us a good overall look at jawbones and teeth. It’s not great for detail, but you can see her third molars hadn’t erupted. Here they are, just tooth buds in her jaw.”
She pointed to four spots on the radiograph. Inside the jawbone next to well-defined teeth were small white disks that looked like cotton balls delineated by a white circle.
“What’s the circle?” he asked.
“The lining of the tooth follicle. Normal radiographic feature. You can see her third molars—the wisdom teeth—much more clearly on these radiographs.” She placed several small X rays on the screen. “These are called ‘periapicals’ and these are called ‘bite-wings’—the kind of X rays you normally have taken by the dentist. They give much better detail than the orthopantogram. Judging from the maturation of her molars, I’d put Jane Doe One at about fifteen or sixteen.”
She placed another celluloid on the screen. “This is the panoramic of Doe Two. Her third molars hadn’t erupted either, but that’s because they were impacted. Eventually, they would have had to be extracted. But you can see for yourself how much more differentiation there is in the tooth crown; root development had already taken place. This girl was around twenty, twenty-one at the time of her death.”
She clicked off the light and looked at Decker.
“I’ll tell you something else about the two girls, Pete. They may have died on the pyre together, but they didn’t come from the same neighborhood.”
“Why do you say that?”
Hennon walked over to the Formica table and picked up several pink plaster casts of teeth and gums.
“This is a cast of Jane Doe One’s teeth. Let’s call her Jean. Jean has had orthodonture; her teeth are beautifully aligned, although I betcha she hadn’t been wearing her retainer as much as she should have. We’ve got a little lippage here. But be that as it may, her occlusion is A-1 and she’s had serial extraction.”
“What’s that?”
“A standard procedure. In a small mouth with an otherwise normal bite, you extract specific teeth to make room in the jaw for the incoming canines or molars. It prevents overcrowding. Her first premolars have been extracted. Somebody spent money on her teeth, Pete. Orthodonture isn’t cheap. And her general dental work was done by someone with integrity. The few silver fillings she does have were carved neatly. There’s a tiny sliver of an overhang on number three but it happens to the best of us. Little Jean took good care of her teeth and had excellent dental care—middle class or above.
“Now take a look at the second Jane Doe. Let’s call her Jan.”
Decker winced and the dentist noticed it.
“Did I hit a nerve?” She grimaced. “Sorry—bad choice of words for a dentist.”
“Jan’s my ex-wife’s name. I don’t carry the torch for her, but let’s call the bones Joan instead.”
“Joan, it is. Poor Joanie. She never had a chance. Look at these teeth.”
Decker picked up the pink casts. The first thing he noticed were the odd-looking front teeth.
“They look like pegs,” he said.
“Right. Pegs notched up the center. And her first lower molars are odd-looking also. The occlusal table or biting surface is a mushy pile of oatmeal, suggesting to me Hutchinson’s incisors and mulberry molars—congenital syphilis. Dollars to doughnuts Joan was born with VD. Furthermore, Mom didn’t do much to help her daughter’s mouth, postpartum. The teeth left on the jaws are full of caries—decay. Several are broken off at the root, suggesting severe decay. And the little dental work she’d had done in her lifetime was strictly temporary. Trying to hold back a cracked dam with Scotch tape. You’re looking at a girl who didn’t have the finer things in life.”
“Unfortunately,” he said, “they both ended up in the same spot.”
She shook her head, clearly bothered, and Decker liked that. Most of the people he worked with, himself included, had hardened their attitude so they could get the job done. You couldn’t let it get to you. But once in a while he liked to be reminded that murder was something to feel badly about.
“So what do we have?” he thought out loud. “A middle-class sixteen-year-old female Caucasian about five four with a petite built, and a lower-class female Caucasian about twenty, five eight, with a big frame. Both were killed about three months ago, burned, and shot with the same .38 caliber.”
“Amazing what a bag of bones will tell you. Where do you go from here, Pete?”
“Shuffle papers. I’ll run a line on sixteen-year-olds reported missing for at least up to six months ago. A middle-class girl like Jean should have been reported missing, although as often as not, they’re runaways. The second one will be trickier because she’s older. May have been on the streets for years. I’ll go with Jean first. After I get the files, I’ll call the family and contact the family dentist. Then I’ll send all the Missing Persons X rays to you, and with a little bit of luck, you’ll get a match.”
“Long shot,” Annie said.
“Yep. But sometimes long shots pan out.”
“Well, let me throw this out at you—and this isn’t in my report because it’s not an official observation. Children with congenital syphilis are often born deaf or with hearing problems. That might narrow your search for Joanie.”
“Very helpful,” he said, rising. He stuck the pen in his notebook, flipped over the cover, and stuffed the notebook in his coat pocket. “Dr. Hennon—”
“Annie,” she quickly said.
“Annie, thank you for your time.”
He held out his hand and their eyes met.
“I’ve got an hour or so to kill before I meet a friend for dinner,” she said. “Want to grab a drink or two?”
Jesus, Decker thought, two in one hour. He must be coming across lean and hungry. She was a fine looking woman with a very likeable disposition. If he’d met her six months ago, he would have jumped at the opportunity, but now there was Rina. Still he ruminated, there was no harm in one drink; sit and shoot the breeze. But what would be the point? Suppose he liked her and wanted to see her again as a friend. And suppose it led to something more, like casual sex. And suppose he began to enjoy the casual sex. Then he’d have to deal with two women. He knew he was a poor juggler, which meant they’d both inevitably find out and he’d lose everything—Rina and the sex. He’d pledged from the outset to give himself a year with Rina to figure out what was going on. And it had only been four months. Most important, he loved her and she loved him even if they couldn’t show it physically. It was absurd to think of other women when his heart belonged to Rina, but sexual deprivation was beginning to muddle his sensibilities.
He realized he had been silent for an awfully long time.
“Uh, thanks for the offer, but I’ve got to run.”
“What the hell were you thinking about?” Hennon asked. “I’ve had pauses to size me up in bed before, but yours lasted so long you must have been up to the house and kids by now.”
Decker broke into laughter.
“There’s someone else … sort of.”
“Sort of?”
“Well, we’ve got a few differences to work out, but so do all relationships.”
“Then what are your plans for the evening?” she asked.
“Nothing really. I think I’ll go home and pray.”
“Pray? I didn’t figure you for a religious man.”
And Babs hadn’t figured him for a cop. It was a good time for an undercover assignment.
“Well, I don’t really know if you’d call me religious.”
“What religion are you?” she asked.
“I’m not quite sure. I’m Jewish … sort of.”
“Sort of?” She licked her lips and pursed them slightly. He felt a stirring below. Suddenly the months of celibacy seemed like years. Man, he was horny.
“Thanks again,” he said as he moved toward the door.
“Have you always had trouble with commitments, Pete?” she asked.
“Sort of.”
Back home, after working out and grooming the horse, he grabbed a bottle of Dos Equis and picked up the phone. He stood with his hip against the kitchen wall, receiver tucked under his chin, and gulped beer while listening to the ringing on the other end. His ex-wife answered.
“Hi, Jan,” Decker said. “Is Cindy around?”
“She’s doing her homework.”
“During Christmas vacation?”
“Well, she’s working on something important.”
“Can I talk to her, please?”
“You know how she doesn’t like to be interrupted when she’s concentrating—”
“I won’t keep her long.”
“It’s late, Pete. It’s after ten.”
“It’s only a quarter to.”
“Well, you still should have called earlier.”
“I did, Jan. No one was home.”
“I was home. When did you call?”
“I guess it was around four. Can you put Cindy on, please?”
“Four?” There was a silence. “What was I doing at four? Allen was home at four.”
“Maybe it was a little earlier.”
“Allen’s been home since three.”
“Well, no one answered the fucking phone, Jan.”
There was a pause.
“You just can’t help yourself, can you, Pete?” she said.
He took a deep breath.
“Can I talk to my daughter, please?”
“Hold on. I’ll see how involved she is.”
He heard her shriek Cindy’s name. It was one of her most annoying habits. She’d never enter a room to tell you something. She’d scream the message from wherever she was. Decker heard the extension being picked up.
“Hi, Dad,” Cindy said.
“Did your mother hang up?” Decker asked.
The question was immediately followed by the sound of a slamming receiver. Cindy laughed.
“What’s up?” she asked.
“I just called to say hi.”
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong.”
“You sound upset. Did you have a fight with Rina?”
“What is it, Dad? Did you haul in another sixteen-year-old runaway who reminded you of me?”
“For your information, Cynthia, I happen to be working on a very clean case.”
“What kind of case would that be?”
“Some bones that were found in the mountains. We’re trying to identify them.”
“Don’t tell me. They’re the bones of a sixteen-year-old girl.”
He paused.
“You know me too well,” he conceded.
“I’m alive, Dad. I’m alive and healthy. Here, listen real close.”
He heard muffled sounds over the line.
“You know what that was, Daddy?” she went on. “That was my heart beating.”
“It’s good to hear.”
“I’ve got a really strong heart by now because I jog every day. And you know what else, Daddy? I’m not in any trouble. I’m not on drugs like the runaways you pick up. And I’m doing well in school. And I’m not pregnant. You have nothing to worry about. So why don’t you take care of yourself instead of worrying about me?”
“I’m not worried about you, I just like to—”
“Bull, Daddy. No disrespect meant, but bull. Every time you get a case with a girl my age, you get that tightness in your voice. How are you going to cope when I go away to college?”
“I’ll call you long distance.”
“After you get my tuition bills, you won’t be able to afford it.”
Decker laughed.
“Seriously, Daddy, I think I have a very good chance at getting a National Merit Scholarship. I think I did very well on the test.”
“I mean I’d like to help you and Mom out as much as possible, but going East is just so expensive.”
“Listen, honey, we told you not to worry about it. Just get the grades, and your mom and I will work out the rest.”
She paused.
“You know, I’ve been thinking,” she announced.
“Uh oh.”
“Well, uh …”
“Uh, you know that Eric is back east at Columbia and, uh …”
“Go on, Cindy. I’m not going to faint.”
“Well, maybe it might be a bit more frugal if we kind of …”
“You two want to live together?”
“That was sort of the idea.”
Sort of, he thought.
“Did you tell Mom?”
“God, no! At least, not yet. You know Mom. I love her dearly, but she hasn’t come to grips with the fact that my age is in double digits. I thought maybe you could kind of break the idea to her …”
“Dad, are you there?”
“Well, you know how much safer I’d be living with a boy.”
“Uh huh.”
“And with splitting the expenses, it would be so much cheaper.”
“Uh huh.”
“So maybe you’ll talk to Mom?”
“Uh uh. If you’re old enough to make your own living arrangements, you’re old enough to face your mother. But I’ll support you, although knowing your mother, my support will work against you. If anyone asks my opinion, I’ll back you up.”
“I guess that’s fair … are you angry, Daddy?”
“No … not really.”
“You’re worried.”
“You know me. It takes me a while to adjust to something new. Don’t concern yourself about me. Just take care of yourself, huh?”
“I will. You do like Eric, don’t you?”
“Yeah, he’s a good kid.”
“It’s hard to find good boys these days, Daddy.”
“Well, he must be special if he hooked you. Go back to your work.”
“I love you, Daddy.”
“I love you, too, honey.”
She hung up. He stared at the receiver and shook his head in confusion.
Decker sat upright in his solitary bed. It was an extra-long California king with an extra-firm mattress—good for holding a lot of bulk. But lately the only bulk it’d been holding was his own.
Four fucking months.
What the hell was he doing, surrounding himself with foreign words, strange symbols, and mystic concepts which were supposed to bring him closer to God. In his own way, Decker had always felt close to God. They’d reached an understanding based on mutual tolerance: God was tolerant of Decker’s human foibles; Decker was tolerant of floods and earthquakes. Why was he doing this?
Rina, he thought. Was he just doing it to please her? At first, he didn’t think so. He was very curious about Judaism. He wanted something more spiritual, something antithetical to his work. But now he wasn’t so sure that Orthodoxy was the answer.
He looked down at the primer in front of him.
Shalom, yeladim, the first line said.
He could read it. He could actually read and understand that sentence in Hebrew. Whoopee! None of the guys at the station house could read and understand Hello, children in Hebrew.
He went on.
Mi ba?, the book continued.
Four whole months. He was going crazy. Love does have its limitations. If he was willing to accommodate her by subjecting himself to first-grade Hebrew lessons, she should damn well accommodate him a little.
Abba ba, he read.
But it wasn’t stubbornness that was causing her to hold out. It was deep belief. He knew he could probably talk her into sex, but that wasn’t what he wanted. He wanted sex with sanctification. There was something to be said for those ancient Midianite fertility rites.
Mi ba’ah?
She was religious. In a world full of transient morality and situational ethics, her spiritual values—which were good and just—remained absolute. How could he expect her to give up something so essential to her being just to accommodate his physical desires?
Eema ba’ah.
And what about her physical desires? It was chauvinistic to assume he was the only one suffering physically. If she could suppress her sex drive—she being much younger than he was—certainly he could show a little restraint. Give it a year, he said to himself. Priests do it for a lot longer.
He translated the Hebrew in his mind, proud that he could understand it. Who is coming? Father is coming. Who is coming? Mother is coming.
Well, he thought, at least someone is coming.
The detective squad room of the Foothill Division was undersized and overcrowded. The furniture could have come from a garage sale, and that made the people in the neighborhood feel right at home. The detectives rarely complained about the outdated equipment or the makeshift desks and chairs, but the lack of elbow room got to everybody, especially when the weather was hot.
Decker was on the phone, explaining to a local dentist why a girl’s X rays were needed, when his second line rang. He put the dentist on hold.
“Decker,” he said.
“Rina, I’m on another call. Can you wait a minute?”
“It’s nothing important—”
“Honey, I’ll be off in a second.”
“Go ahead, sweetie. I’ll wait.”
Back to Dr. Pain. Spelled P-a-y-n-e.
“So if you could just sent the X rays you do have of Kristy Walkins to Dr. Anne Hennon—”
“Detective, I’m really rather choosy about to whom I send my records; they aren’t junk mail to be tossed around randomly. And with the recent proliferation of lawsuits …”
“I realize that, Doctor, but we’re talking about a homicide investigation.”
“If I knew for certain that the victim found was indeed Miss Walkins and the X rays would serve as absolute proof of identification, I’d feel much better about sending them to you.”
If we knew that, we wouldn’t need X rays, schmuck!
“Dr. Payne, I could get a subpoena and then we wouldn’t have to bother with this polite conversation. Now, I’m asking you to send the X rays on your terms. If you keep giving me a hard time, I’m going to take them on my terms. The choice is yours.”
There was a long pause full of heavy breathing.
“I could round up some duplicates,” Payne said, “but I guarantee you the clarity of the radiographs will leave much to be desired.”
“I’m sure they’ll be fine, Doctor. Thank you.”
Decker gave him Hennon’s address, thanked him again, gave the phone the finger, and pressed Rina’s line.
“What’s up?” he asked.
“Nothing really. Just called to say hi.”
He smiled. “I’m glad you did.”
“I … I guess you’re busy, huh?”
“Not too busy for you.”
“That’s nice of you to say.”
There was a long awkward pause. This is leading somewhere, he thought.
“What’s on your mind, Rina?”
“Why do you think something’s on my mind?”
“I’m just asking.”
She coughed over the phone, then cleared her throat. “I bought a gun, Peter.”
“You what?” he said softly.
“I bought a gun. A .38 caliber Colt six-shot Detective Special. Same one you use off duty. It’s being registered now. Can you get me a conceal permit?”
“No. And you shouldn’t be fooling around with a gun unless you know how to use one.”
“I agree. That’s why I’ve signed up for private lessons. At Berry’s Guns and Ammo. The teacher’s name is Tom Railsback. He said he knows you.”
“I know Tom,” said Decker quietly. “He’s a good guy. Rina, why the hell are you doing this?”
“Because I’m a nervous wreck. Because I constantly hear noises at night. Because I haven’t had a good night’s sleep in the six months since the violence here, and I don’t want to be addicted to Valium.”
“Honey, these things take time to get over. He can’t hurt you now. He’s locked up.”
“Intellectually, I know you’re right. But I can’t help myself. I need something more. I need to know I can take care of myself.”
“And you think a gun will take care of you?”
“Are you being sarcastic?” she asked innocently.
Decker paused, then said, “Sort of.”
“Please don’t be. I’m not careless, Peter. I’m not impulsive. I’ve thought about it a long time. I really think it’s what I need.”
“Then why didn’t you talk to me about it?”
“Peter, I broached the subject with you a dozen times and you kept putting me off.”
Decker pulled out a cigarette, lit it, and inhaled deeply. He had put her off. He was worried about her keeping firearms with small children around the house. He was worried it would misfire and she’d get hurt. Or maybe it was just a macho thing, feeling she should have trusted him to take care of her. Jan had never wanted a gun: she’d hated guns. But Jan had grown up in the sixties; Rina was from a different generation. Peace, love, and Woodstock had been replaced by terrorism and Rambo.
“If you’re serious and you learn how to shoot properly, I’ll see what I can do about getting you a permit.”
“But that’s going to take months, Rina.”
“That’s okay.”
“That means you can’t hide the gun in your purse in the meantime.”
“I won’t.”
“Or under a car seat—”
“The gun will be kept at home. Relax, sweetie. You sound wired.”
He was wired.
“The other line is ringing,” he said. “Hold on a moment.”
He punched down the flashing white phone light.
“Decker,” he yelled.
“Take it easy, Pete. It’s only eleven o’clock in the morning.”
Decker recognized the voice.
“H’lo, Annie.”
“We got lucky, Sergeant. Can you make it down here by noon?”
“I’ll be there. I’ll even bring my own lunch.”
“What a guy!” She hung up.
He connected back to Rina’s line.
“Look, I’ve got to head on out to Beverly Hills. I’ll drop by tonight. We can discuss this further then.”
“I should be done with the mikvah around ten.”
“Ten it is.”
“What’s in Beverly Hills, Peter?”
“A dentist who may have identified the bones we found.”
“What’s his name? I can use a good dentist. My old one retired and I don’t like the guy who took over his practice.”
“He’s a she. Her name is Annie.”
“Does Annie have a last name?”
Decker smiled.
“Hennon,” he said.
“Does Annie also have a red afro and a dog named Sandy?”
“Not quite. She’s actually pretty. Not in your category, Rina, but her face wouldn’t cause your mouth to pucker. She has nice eyes.”
“Really now.”
“Yes. They’re green.”
“Noticed the color, did you?”
“I’m a cop, Rina. I pride myself on a keen eye for detail.”
“That’s just fine so long as you keep your keen eye above Annie’s neck.”
Decker arrived a few minutes early and was escorted into Hennon’s office by the office girl, dressed in a white uniform that barely covered her ass. Chewing on bubble gum, she cracked it in her mouth, then offered Decker a stick, which he politely refused. A second later he heard Hennon yell for the girl’s assistance.
The girl rolled her eyes backward. “That woman is a terror,” she said. Her lower lip was in a sultry pout. “Dr. MacGrady is so much nicer.”