Полная версия
A Baby On His Doorstep
“I completed my stint at the Fosters’.” Binney glanced at her watch. “In fact I’m filling a few shifts in ER until another outside job comes up. I’m working three to eleven tonight. Guess I’d better go grab the elevator to keep from clocking in late.” She dredged up a smile for Rio then peeled off the sterile gloves and gown she’d donned to enter ICU.
Gertrude Murphy shot a furtive glance between her patient and Binney. “Oh, so you two are friends.” She broke into a wide smile. “Or more than friends? I forget you younger nurses have lives outside of the hospital. If you two are dating, feel free to stop back anytime.”
Binney choked. “We’re not friends. Dr. Layton thought Mr. McNabb might have need of home nursing once he’s dismissed from here.” She wadded up her used gown. “He doesn’t think he’ll require home care.”
“Of course he will.” Gertrude made a face. “Wait’ll the morphine wears off and we try to get him up to see if he can manage crutches. The tougher these cowboys are, the harder they go down. You’d better keep in touch.”
“I’m not deaf,” Rio exclaimed, gray eyes thunderous. “And I don’t think I said for sure I wouldn’t need help, only that I didn’t want it. Dr. Layton or the resident said they’d be back to check me this evening. Earlier I wasn’t thinking straight. Now I have some definite questions for the doctor as to my prognosis. So, Binney...er, Nurse Taylor, keep in touch, okay?”
She felt a childish urge to stick her tongue out at him. Instead she inclined her head, and murmured to Gertrude, “The hospital has my phone number and ER schedule.” With that, she spun away, dumping everything in the trash receptacle situated right outside his room.
“It doesn’t sound as if you made a very good impression,” Gertrude chided, marching to Rio’s bedside.
He scowled all the way through her taking and logging in his vital signs. He practically growled when she pulled a syringe from the deep pocket of her uniform. “No more shots for pain.”
“Dr. Layton ordered a shot every three hours through tomorrow. Then he’ll reevaluate.”
“The stuff you give me knocks me out cold.”
She grinned. “That’s the point. Sleep facilitates healing. Come on. Don’t make me call in an orderly to hold you down.”
Rio noticed pain had begun to seep back. “Is there a reason I need to sleep sitting up?”
“You had a collapsed lung. You don’t want it deflating. I expect if all sounds good later, your surgeon will give us leeway to adjust the head of your bed. Between a tightly taped clavicle, a neck brace and recovering from a pneumothorax, sleeping reclined for the time being is preferable. Has anyone suggested you order a hospital bed to use at home?”
“Yes.” His scowl deepened.
“So is that what you and Binney were fussing at each other about?”
“Were we fussing?” Rio didn’t care to tell a friend of Nurse Taylor’s that his irritation at the younger nurse centered on the fact she’d all but admitted to lusting after Ryder. Not that he wasn’t used to women flocking around his more flamboyant twin, like bees buzzing over a flowerpot. He wondered when it had started bothering him so much. Possibly when he heard admiration for his twin falling from the kissable lips of the attractive blonde nurse with the striking green eyes. Those eyes were memorable, and yet he couldn’t place her. Damn!
Since his head had cleared a little, he searched his memory bank back to high school. It annoyed Rio that he continued to draw a blank when it came to Binney Taylor. He could phone Ryder on the PBR circuit and run her name by him. Given their last falling out, he quashed that thought. JJ was a bit older, but he might remember Binney Taylor. Or his fiancée, Rhonda, who’d also attended their high school.
Why did any of this matter? Why waste time worrying about the past when he didn’t even want to hire a private duty nurse?
In spite of telling himself that, Rio was beset by a longing to see her again. As he tried to sort through why that was, Nurse Murphy popped him with the needle she brandished, and in seconds Rio slipped out of the real world again.
Chapter Two
A bright light blinding Rio in one eye ejected him from a dark stupor. He tried to move his head to get away from the light, but was hamstrung by an immovable plastic collar he vaguely remembered someone clamping around his neck. His opposite wrist and ankle hurt like the devil when he moved either one, so he lay still until he could get his bearings.
“You are still alive,” Dr. Layton said, shutting off the penlight as he continued to loom above Rio.
Devoid of words, Rio simply blinked. Ever so slowly his thoughts coalesced with his body. “Barely alive,” he finally got out.
“Did you insult one of our nurses?” Layton pulled up a stool and sat next to Rio’s upper torso. He unhooked his stethoscope and plugged in one ear tip, all the while checking Rio’s pulse.
“If I did it’s probably because you’re doping me up like some street junkie,” Rio managed to feebly say. “I don’t recall insulting Nurse Murphy. But I didn’t mince words objecting to that last pain shot. I can’t remember what happens after one of those.”
“So I’ve heard from a few staff members. Including from one who claimed she couldn’t wake you to eat the soup I ordered for your supper.” The doctor clamped in his other ear tip and slid the metal chest piece over Rio’s lungs and diaphragm. After he finished listening, he sat back and slung it around his neck. “Both lungs are getting good air. Any chest pain now will be from the vertebrae and clavicle. You’re lucky you have strong ribs. A broken rib on top of everything else would’ve added months to your recovery.”
“Lucky. Yeah, that’s me.” Rio wrinkled his nose and tried to scoot up in bed, but couldn’t get any traction between his hand being in a cast and his opposite ankle in an inflatable one that extended below his heel.
“We need to try and get you up. I’ll have our orthopedic man on staff drop by and see if the swelling in your ankle is down enough to exchange the temporary cast for an Ace wrap. That should give you some better mobility. How’s the rest of your pain?”
“Manageable, I think. I guess I don’t really know since I’m zoned out more than I’m awake. Out of curiosity, who did I insult? If I swore at one of the nurses, I’m sorry.”
“Nothing that bad. You apparently have issues with Nurse Taylor. Whatever transpired between you two gave her second thoughts about working for you. Since Lola Vickers opted out, you’d best get used to the idea of spending a few weeks at Baxter Rehab.” After typing on Rio’s chart, the doctor then clicked off the system and rose.
Rio’s main issue with Binney Taylor was that she looked like a model, and in her own words once, and maybe still, harbored a desire for his brother. But were either of those things reasons for him to dismiss her services? Hell’s sake, he didn’t want to spend weeks away from his ranch.
“To tell you the truth, Doc, my conversation with Nurse Taylor isn’t totally clear. Could you apologize for me and ask her to come back to talk again?”
“I can do that.” Layton glanced at his watch. “In fact, she’s due to clock out of ER in a few minutes. I want someone to get you up to see if you can stand with crutches, and with help walk a few steps. The night duty nurse will check your vital signs, but if Binney’s available, let’s see if she can assist you out of bed. We’ll be more inclined to release you to go home if the two of you manage walking. Provided she’ll take you on as a private patient.”
The doctor talked so fast Rio had difficulty processing everything. Enough registered for him to know he needed to be on his best behavior with Nurse Taylor. Really he just needed to satisfy Dr. Layton. Once he got home what would hold him to keeping a private duty nurse? Couldn’t he tell her he no longer required her help? What was most important was for him to go home, where, even if he was housebound, he’d be there to confer with JJ and do the ranch bookkeeping and such.
A nurse Rio didn’t remember meeting bustled in to remove the inflatable cast and rebandage his ankle. Her badge said her name was Janet Valenzuela. In the course of their short conversation she revealed that she knew JJ and Rhonda. “I watched you ride in last year’s Abilene rodeo,” she said as she attached the clips to hold Rio’s Ace bandage in place. “My son and a friend do team roping.”
“Would that be Carlos? If so, I know him. He and his partner are moving up in PRCA standings. Even before the accident this was going to be my last circuit ride. I did think I’d sometimes enter ranch rodeos.” He tried to move his newly taped ankle. Pain shot up his leg and made him catch his breath. “Plainly that won’t be for a while,” he said through compressed lips.
About that time Dr. Layton walked back into the room accompanied by Binney Taylor. They both heard his last exchange.
“Working here the last fifteen years I’ve met a lot of you stubborn rancher and rodeo types,” the doctor said. “I’ve seen a few who don’t take my professional medical advice end up in the obit column of the local paper. You can be one of them, Rio, or you can follow my orders and be content raising and selling horses. Barring being caught in a tornado, you could live happily into old age.”
Rio caught Binney and Janet both wincing at the doctor’s blunt statement. Because his previously addled brain was beginning to connect to the truth of his situation, Rio thought he could accept Dr. Layton’s advice. “Some rodeo jocks don’t have options. I’m lucky to have the ranch as a fallback.” Rio mustered a smile. “Earlier I may have sounded like a blockhead. I understand my life has drastically changed. Truly I’m not like some guys who see rodeo as their whole life. I have a twin like that,” he added, his gaze boring into Binney as he spoke.
“You act as if that’s significant to me,” she replied. “Until today I hadn’t seen you or Ryder since the night of your high school graduation, when, as a junior, I helped set out snacks. You both went on the all-night party. I worked two jobs all through high school. That’s how I paid for nursing school. Which reminds me,” she said, handing him a manila folder, “as I’m the only private duty nurse currently in the area, here’s a copy of my nursing diploma and recommendations from nursing professors. The hospital HR had them on file. If you’d like I can get references from my private duty jobs over the past two years.”
“We’re wasting time,” Dr. Layton said. “I’m vouching for you, Binney. This guy has two choices, go to Baxter Rehab or hire you. Without further ado, can you ladies help our patient out of bed? Janet, I ordered crutches for him. Will you see if they were delivered to the nursing station?”
Acknowledging the doctor with a nod, the older nurse hurried from the room.
* * *
RESOLVING TO MAKE this work for Rio’s sake, Binney slid her arm behind his back to give him support so he could ease his injured torso off the pillows. When her hand accidentally burrowed between his loosely tied hospital gown and the naked flesh of his muscular back, she and Rio both sucked in shocked breaths.
“Sorry about my cold hand,” she hastily mumbled. “My bad. But someone needs to tie your gown tighter. It’s only loosely done up at the top.”
Having quickly jerked back fingers that still tingled from touching him, Binney made sure to have cotton fabric between her hand and Rio’s smooth, warm back during the next attempt to sit him up. Her reaction made no sense. She was, after all, trained to see bodies as machines. In all her seven years as a registered nurse caring for young, old and in-between men and women of all shapes and sizes, she didn’t remember ever having experienced such an immediate visceral reaction to simply touching anyone’s skin.
A nursing aide entered the room carrying a set of adjustable crutches. “Janet got called to a patient having problems in another room. She said she may be a while.”
The surgeon huffed out an irritated sigh. “I could help you, Binney. But the object is to see if you can get him out of bed.”
“I’ll manage. Are the crutches set for someone Rio’s height?”
Dr. Layton took them from the aide, who quickly retreated. “I’m six-one and he’s about the same. These would work for me. Just see if you can help him stand, Binney. I’ll save ordering him trying to walk until tomorrow.”
Not in the habit of arguing with attending physicians, nevertheless Binney knew it would be a disappointment for Rio to have walking put off. He’d made plain earlier how he resented feeling like an invalid.
Lowering her voice, but speaking directly to him, she said, “This will be awkward considering you have injuries to both sides of your body. Might I suggest you try using one crutch? The one opposite your usable foot. Let me act as the stabilizer for your right side. I can keep you upright and guide the portable infusion hanger, while you sort of hop along on your good leg.”
“That’s risky,” the doctor said. “He must outweigh you by fifty pounds, and could bowl you right over.”
“I’m five-eight and stronger than I look.” Binney smiled encouragingly at Rio.
“All right. I’ll be here this time to catch any slip.” Dr. Layton walked over and passed Rio one crutch.
“Dang. The cast makes it hard to grip the handhold,” Rio muttered. “Are you sure you want to try bearing my weight?” he asked Binney, who’d settled his right arm over her shoulder, and this time had her arm firmly around his waist as she slid him to the edge of the bed.
“Trust me,” she murmured near his ear.
* * *
TOTALLY CAUGHT OFF guard by the force of tremors running from his toes to his head as he experienced her touch and warm breath at his ear, Rio tested his uninjured foot on the floor and stood. Determined he could do this, he nevertheless needed a moment to get used to the feel of Binney’s soft breast and other womanly curves pressed tight into his side and hip.
“I’ve got you,” she said in a sure voice from somewhere in the vicinity of his chin. “I know you want to use the bathroom. It’s about twenty steps to get you there. Are you game to try?”
Rio felt cool air from the room’s A/C blow across his exposed backside. His hankering to use the facilities warred with an ingrained manly pride that said it was wrong to show off his naked butt. He certainly didn’t pretend to be holier than the Pope, but neither was he in the habit of displaying his man parts to a woman he didn’t know.
“Is this enough for today?” Binney queried quietly. “I’ll help you back into bed and you can try again tomorrow.”
“No,” he grated. “When I get to the bathroom you don’t have to stay with me, do you?”
“I do until you can navigate better on your own and not require help getting up off the commode, Rio. Earlier you mentioned at least one older injury. Did all modesty not go out the window then?”
“Even when I had the concussion I walked on my own. So, no, I handled everything I needed to do in privacy.” Sucking in a deep breath, he took a tentative step forward.
“I’m glad to hear that solid breath,” Dr. Layton said from behind Rio. “That tells me your lungs are performing well. Tomorrow, Dr. Darnell, the orthopedic doctor I’ve asked to see you, wants an MRI on your neck. He’ll decide if you need cervical vertebrae four and five fused or not.”
Rio straightened swiftly, a movement that caused him to swear. “Uh, sorry. I don’t like the sounds of fusion. Will that mean I can’t turn my head?” His question came out in fits and spurts, because Binney gripped him tighter and they were inching toward the open bathroom door.
“That’s something you’ll have to ask Dr. Darnell.” Layton spoke over the sound of his pager going off. “Blast it all, I’m on call and ER is sending an auto accident victim to surgery. Binney, you seem to be holding up okay. Would you rather I help get Rio back to bed? I’ve already written orders to get him up in the morning.”
“It’s up to Rio. I’m good so far.”
Rio was close to choosing to return to bed rather than be left alone with Binney for such an intimate excursion, when Janet Valenzuela rushed back into the room.
“Land sakes! That looks painfully slow. Here, let me get on his other side. Ditch that crutch for now. I’ll support you so you can hop a little faster.”
“I’ll leave you in their capable hands,” Layton said, striding toward the door. “I will check you again on morning rounds. It’ll be after I consult with Dr. Darnell.”
Watching the surgeon dash out, Rio had no idea why he’d feel relieved to have a totally strange woman witnessing his humiliation. Possibly it had something to do with Janet being more the age of his mother. In fact he knew she had sons in their twenties. Maybe he could find a way to dismiss Binney without sounding ungrateful. Especially if, as it appeared, he was going to need to hire her for a while in order to leave the hospital. His fervent hope was that by then he could work the crutches enough on his own to not need help getting to the bathroom.
Between them, the nurses maneuvered their patient into the small bathroom. It so happened that Janet entered first. With her short but plump body and Rio’s six-foot-two-inch rangy frame filling the space, Binney was left unable to fit inside.
She disengaged her hold on Rio’s waist and slid her hand the length of his right arm so he could maintain balance as the older nurse helped him be seated.
“Here, I’ll close the pocket door to give you some privacy,” Binney murmured, backing fully out. “Holler when you’re ready for a return trek to bed. By the way, Janet, we noticed his gown needs tying farther down the back.” Her words were cut off as she shut the pair into the small space.
Rather than hover outside, Binney hurried back to straighten the rumpled bedsheets and fluff up Rio’s pillow. She’d unhinged the right bedrail to get him up. Now she checked the left one to make sure it was secured. The last thing he’d need would be to fall out of bed in the middle of the night. As it was she couldn’t help but think how tall and broad-shouldered he’d grown since she’d last seen him that evening in his cap and gown. She had thought about the McNabb twins over the ensuing years. Texas was big on rodeos and their accomplishments were often in the Abilene news. Rio and Ryder were homegrown boys who made names for themselves on the professional rodeo circuit. She assumed their rodeo accomplishments were a big part of who they were.
She gave the pillow a last thump, feeling sympathy for Rio, who in all likelihood was going to lose a career that had helped make him more popular. However, he’d been brought up having the fallback of a ranch, and he hadn’t sounded disgruntled.
As she responded to Janet’s call that they were ready for her again, Binney made a mental note to take a run out to said ranch tomorrow. What had Rio called it? Lonesome Road. The name didn’t denote a place rolling out a welcome mat.
“Thanks for your help,” Janet told Binney after they returned Rio to his bed.
“Yes, thank you,” he rushed to add. “Listen, the doctors gave me your business card, Binney. Now that I know I can navigate to and from the bathroom with a little support, I’ll probably check out of here next week. Depending on how I’m doing, if I need your services I’ll give you a jingle. Okay?”
The two nurses exchanged slight frowns. It was Janet who said, “The doctors may move you from ICU to a room next week. But did Dr. Layton or Dr. Mason not tell you that you won’t qualify for release home until you can get around with crutches all on your own?”
“They did. But we’ll see. I’ll recover faster at home,” he ended with a plainly dismissive note.
“A lot will depend on whether or not you need those vertebrae fused, Rio,” Binney reminded him.
He closed his eyes and didn’t respond.
Binney sighed. “Right! Okay, bye, guys. It’s late.” Shrugging, Binney left. She’d been here two hours past her ER shift. She had noticed they’d scheduled her the next day for the 11:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m. slot again. While she appreciated having the ability to earn money between private duty nursing jobs, she sometimes wondered if it’d be better to go back to hospital duty altogether, where her hours would be more consistent.
* * *
THINKING HIMSELF ALONE again at last, Rio yawned. He opened his eyelids a crack when he felt fingers wrap around his right wrist.
It was Janet taking his pulse. “I can see you’re wiped out from the exertion of hobbling to the bathroom. I want to be sure we didn’t put a strain on your heart or lungs.” Dropping his wrist, she donned her stethoscope and had him breathe in and out normally.
“All sounds good.” She patted his hand and engaged the bed’s side rail. “Murph told me you hate the pain shots, but I have to give one. Doctor’s orders. He also wants you to eat some yogurt.” She brought a carton over and removed the lid. Arranging double pillows behind him, she handed him the container and a plastic spoon.
“I’d rather have a hamburger.” After saying this, Rio dug into the yogurt and ate it all in about four spoonfuls.
“You’ll be on soft foods awhile. At least until after they see if you need vertebrae surgery.” She whisked away the empty carton. “Okay, Rio. Sorry, but it’s shot time.”
“Tired as I am right now, just give it to me. I hope I’ll feel a whole lot better after a full night’s sleep.”
The nurse disposed of the container, logged on and wrote on his chart then went to a tray an aide had brought in. She picked up a preloaded syringe and checked that it was the right medication.
“Before you hit me with that, can you tell me a little bit about Binney?”
Janet eyed him quizzically. “What do you want to know? She’s an A-1 nurse. Everyone who has ever worked with her says so. Far as I know there’s not a person on staff who she doesn’t get along with. And she does more than what’s required. If you’re wanting gossip, I’ve never heard any.” She rubbed an alcohol wipe over his upper arm.
“She claims we went to the same high school. It bugs me that I can’t remember her.”
“I can’t help you there. About the time you two were in high school I was through nursing school and was probably long married. This will sting,” she warned, jabbing the short needle through his skin. “If you want my advice, you’d be smarter to hire Binney rather than spend a couple of weeks out at the rehab. There you’ll be one sheep in a flock, if you get my meaning. At home with one-on-one care—well, think about it, you’ll be the recipient of all the attention.”
Rio closed his eyes. He had been thinking about all that individual attention from the pretty nurse with the smooth hands and sparkling green eyes.
* * *
AFTER FINALLY LEAVING the hospital around 2:00 a.m. Binney only managed to sleep until ten o’clock in the morning. There were no calls or text messages on her cell phone. But had she really thought Rio McNabb would get in touch so soon asking to hire her?
Maybe she didn’t want to work for him, she thought in the middle of scrambling eggs for breakfast. The hospital would keep her busy until some other private duty job came up.
At the very least, supposing he did offer her a position, she ought to inspect his ranch first and judge for herself if it was more isolated than she cared to be cooped up on with a young, too-handsome cowboy.
Thank heavens for GPS, she thought an hour later when finally she turned her motorcycle onto a graveled ranch road that led to the Lonesome Road horse ranch. Binney wondered how her predecessor ever found her way around this rural community without one.
She slowed considerably as a flock of wild turkeys flapped across the road in front of her. The road wound through high desert brush, shaded along the way by gorgeous old live oak trees. A moment before the road opened up to a clearing, Binney spotted a white-tailed deer bounding through a thicket of mesquite and juniper.
As she stopped completely to take the measure of a stone ranch house that had a wide porch running clear across the front of the structure, a fuzzy-faced barking dog ran up to her. She bent to let him sniff her hand and then gave him a rub when he rolled over. She supposed someone was on the property caring for the animal. From reading his chart Binney knew Rio McNabb wasn’t married. But she hadn’t thought ahead to wonder if he had a live-in. A lot of cowboys did. And surely a man as handsome as Rio could have his pick of any number of rodeo followers. She refused to refer to them as buckle bunnies because that was so demeaning.