Полная версия
Merry Christmas, Cowboy!

It appeared Santa wasn’t immune to her charms.
The desire flickering in his suddenly dark depths told her Santa was having some naughty thoughts of his own. The realization gave her the courage she needed to wrap her arms around his neck. “I’ve always wanted to kiss a man with a beard.”
“That’s one Christmas wish that’s easy to fulfill.” Without warning Seth’s mouth closed over hers. His hands splayed against her back and he pulled her as tight as his overstuffed belly would permit.
Waves of desire washed over Lauren and she gave in to the moment, until an excited voice cut through the passionate fog.
“Daddy, Daddy, come quick,” Dani called from the doorway. “Santa is kissing Miss Lauren.”
Dear Reader,
Every author has books that are special to them. Some of my personal favorites are ones that involve children, especially little girls. This is probably because I have a daughter of my own. Children add their own special flavor to a book because, as we all know, you can never tell what’s going to come out of their mouths!
But in a romance, children serve another purpose, as well. How the hero (in this case, Seth) relates to his daughter, Dani, tells us a lot about him. To me, there is nothing more sexy and appealing than a man who is a good father.
In falling in love with Seth and choosing eventually to make her life with him, Lauren is also choosing to make her life with Dani. It was important to me to show she would be not only a good wife to Seth, but a good mother to Dani. When I ended this book, I had no doubts these three were perfectly matched and would have a wonderful future together.
That’s why I love writing for Special Edition. These are stories about real people finding their happily-ever-after. Seth and Lauren and Dani found theirs. I hope you find yours, too!
Warmest regards,
Cindy Kirk
Merry Christmas, Cowboy!
Cindy Kirk

has loved to read for as long as she can remember. In first grade she received an award for reading one hundred books. Growing up, summers were her favorite time of the year. Nothing beat going to the library, then coming home and curling up in front of the window air conditioner with a good book. Often the novels she read would spur ideas and she’d make up her own story (always with a happy ending). When she’d go to bed at night, instead of counting sheep, she’d make up more stories in her head. Since selling her first story to Harlequin Books in 1999, Cindy has been forced to juggle her love of reading with her passion for creating stories of her own…but she doesn’t mind. Writing for Special Edition is a dream come true. She only hopes you have as much fun reading her books as she has writing them!
Cindy invites you to visit her Web site at www.cindykirk.com.
To Patience Smith.
I can’t believe it’s been ten years since you bought
my first book. Working with you this past decade has
been pure pleasure. I’ve learned so much from you.
You’re knowledgeable, professional but also great fun.
I can’t wait to see what the next ten years bring!
To Shana Smith,
editorial assistant, for all your work on this book. I very
much appreciated your insightful comments. You have
a great future ahead of you in the publishing business!
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter One
“Are you asking me to move in with you?” Lauren Van Meveren placed the cup on her kitchen counter and stared at the handsome rancher.
Seth Anderssen, known in Sweet River, Montana, for his quick wit, didn’t miss a beat. “I guess I am. ’Cept we’ll have separate rooms and you’ll be there to tend to my daughter’s needs, not mine.”
Only when he chuckled did Lauren realize how her question actually sounded. She swallowed a groan. For an intelligent woman on the verge of earning her PhD in psychology, sometimes she could be amazingly inept.
“I knew that.” She met his gaze and shrugged, the cool response at odds with her rapidly beating heart. “We don’t have that kind of relationship. We’ve never even kissed.”
“That could easily be remedied.” His eyes took on an impish gleam and she caught a glimpse of the boy who’d once dropped a frog down the front of his sister’s dress.
“True.” Lauren kept her tone deliberately light. “Pressing lips together isn’t that difficult.”
“Is that all you think kissing is?”
Lauren thought of the few men she’d kissed. Ones with brilliant minds who appealed to her intellectual side. Ones with a sexual magnetism who appealed to her physical side. “It can be, more or less, depending on the man.”
Though she had the feeling with Seth it would be more. Since she’d moved to Sweet River five months ago, the way Lauren viewed him had changed dramatically. He was no longer simply the trustworthy older brother of her good friend Anna, the guy she’d met her freshman year in college when he’d driven to Denver to move his sister into the dorm.
At thirty-two, the widower and doting father of one was a well-respected rancher and head of the local cattlemen’s association. He was a man who—despite his own obligations—had gone out of his way to help her find subjects for her dissertation research. And with his dark blond hair, scintillating blue eyes and superbuff body, he was, hands down, the hottest guy in Yellowstone County.
However, unlike other single women in Sweet River, Lauren didn’t have happily-ever-after designs on him. Seth’s roots in this ranching community ran deep. And no matter how much she’d enjoyed her stay, it didn’t take an IQ of one hundred and sixty to know she’d never be able to realize her dreams here.
“Forget about kissing for a minute,” Seth said. “Will you do it, Lauren?”
Do it? Her eyes widened in surprise before she shook herself and jolted herself back to reality. “Hmm?”
“Will you move in and help me take care of Dani?” His tone was low, persuasive and sexy as hell.
The air between them thickened. Beams of light spilled through the lace curtains, turning Seth’s hair to spun gold. The dark blue depths of his eyes beckoned, tempting Lauren to step off the firm shore of complete control to a place where she could be over her head in seconds. His cologne teased her nostrils, the woodsy scent making her feel warm and tingly inside.
Lauren wanted nothing more than to say yes. But she’d never acted impulsively and she wasn’t about to start now.
“I understand the predicament you’re in, what with your housekeeper being too old to care for an injured child and all.” Lauren instinctively slipped into the calm rational tone she used when counseling patients. “However, taking care of a seven-year-old for three weeks is a huge responsibility.”
Disappointment skittered across Seth’s face and Lauren stifled a groan. Instead of reassuring him, her words had caused him to jump to the wrong conclusion. “I’m not saying that I won’t—”
“You don’t have to beat around the bush. If you don’t want to help us, just say so.” He rocked back on his heels and blew out a harsh breath. “I know she can be a handful, even when she’s well, but with a broken leg and arm—”
“This isn’t about Dani.” For a woman who prided herself on her communication skills, she was doing an abysmal job with this conversation.
“I don’t understand.” Seth’s intense blue eyes pinned her. “Is it me? Have I offended you in some way?”
“Not at all.”
The lines furrowing his brow eased and a look of relief crossed his face. “Then what’s the problem?”
“I want to be certain my work won’t interfere with my being able to care for Dani.” Not only did Lauren need to finalize her dissertation research, her counseling practice had grown consistently since she’d begun seeing clients several months earlier. She had to figure out how she’d be able to fit those sessions into her schedule and meet Dani’s needs, too. “Could I give you my answer in a few days, say right after Christmas?”
Anna had told her Seth had already made arrangements for one of the ranch hands to do his chores until January 1, so he could care for his daughter over the holidays. With Christmas being the day after tomorrow, if she said no, that would give him a week to find someone else. But Lauren hoped she’d be able to help him out. Dani was a precious little girl and Seth was a decent, hardworking man in a tough spot.
“After the holiday will work,” Seth said, surprisingly agreeable.
“I’m really not trying to put you off,” Lauren said.
“I know you’re not. You have valid concerns. My daughter isn’t going to be an easy one to watch.” Seth’s lips quirked upward. “She’s going to find those activity limitations hard to bear.”
“Keeping her occupied and stimulated will be a challenge.” Still, Lauren appreciated the child’s headstrong nature. In many ways Dani reminded Lauren of herself at that age. Perhaps that’s why she felt a special affinity for the little girl. She remembered the shock she’d felt when Anna had called and told her about the accident.
“Dani was incredibly lucky,” Lauren continued. “To end up with just a couple broken bones is nothing short of a miracle.”
“I don’t know what I’d have done if I’d lost her.” Seth’s voice thickened and his fingers tightened on the brim of the cowboy hat he clutched in one hand. “I should have made sure John Redmond knew I didn’t want her on an ATV.”
Seth didn’t need to elaborate. Everyone in town had heard the story. How Dani was playing at her friend Emily’s house. How Emily’s brother, Kyle, had decided to give the girls rides on his ATV. How none of the three had been wearing helmets.
Though hitting a rock in a pasture could happen to anyone, it was rumored Kyle had been going too fast. While the boy had been uninjured when the ATV had flipped, Dani had been thrown a full fifty feet. When the volunteer rescue squad had arrived, she’d been unconscious. The paramedics feared she’d injured her spine. Thankfully she’d only sustained a broken arm and leg and a mild concussion.
“Kids play. They get hurt.” Lauren’s childhood hadn’t been that way, but from the stories her friends told, it was amazing some of them had lived to adulthood. “The accident wasn’t your fault.”
“It was my fault.” Seth’s eyes flashed. “I’m her father. I promised Jan I’d keep our daughter safe.”
Lauren tried to hide her surprise. Seth rarely talked about the hometown girl he’d married in college who’d died from cancer three years ago.
“I understand you feel guilty,” Lauren said in a soothing tone. “But some things are out of your control.”
He lifted his chin in a stubborn tilt. “If I’d made it clear Dani wasn’t to ride the three-wheeler, she’d never have gotten hurt.”
It was becoming increasingly apparent to Lauren that nothing would be gained from pursuing this topic further. Seth was responding from emotion instead of logic. She heard the guilt in his voice and saw the pain in his eyes. Though she doubted he’d ever admit it, the rugged Montana cowboy looked like a man in desperate need of a hug.
Impulsively Lauren stepped forward and wrapped her arms around him, just as she always did with her friends Anna and Stacie when they needed comforting. Surprisingly, he let her pull him close. “You’re a good dad, Seth,” she whispered against the smooth fabric of the coat he hadn’t bothered to take off. “Don’t let anyone tell you differently.”
For a brief moment in time, they stood wrapped in each other’s arms. Having this handsome cowboy in her arms was very different than hugging a girlfriend. They fit together perfectly, just like in her dreams. As she breathed in the clean, fresh scent of him, she experienced an overwhelming urge to nuzzle his neck. But Lauren kept her lips to herself. Something told her this wasn’t a man who’d be satisfied with a brief fling.
Stepping back, Lauren let her hands drop to her sides. “Can I get you a cup of coffee? I just brewed a pot. I’ve also got sour-cream cake doughnuts Stacie brought by last night. She’s trying some new recipes and wanted me to check them out. I also have a couple of blueberry ones and some—”
She stopped midsentence and clamped her mouth shut. She was babbling—an unattractive quality under any circumstances.
“I’m not hungry but coffee sounds good.” Seth’s smile was easy, but there was awareness in his eyes that hadn’t been there before the embrace.
“Cream and sugar?”
“Black works for me.”
Lauren grabbed a mug from the cupboard. She was pleased, but perplexed. When Seth first arrived, he’d mentioned that Connie Swenson, his foreman’s wife, was watching Dani this afternoon so he could run errands. Lauren had thought he’d be eager to get home. After all, he’d barely left Dani’s side since the accident. Yet now he shrugged out of his heavy coat and draped it over one of the kitchen chairs as if he had all day.
Lauren couldn’t pull her gaze from him. The colors in his flannel shirt made his eyes look like sapphires. For a second she thought about telling him so. She smiled, imagining his reaction.
“What?” Seth settled into the closest chair and placed his work-hardened hands on the table.
“I like that shirt,” Lauren said. “It’s a good color for you.”
“Thanks.” He glanced down as if he’d forgotten what he wore. “Anna gave it to me for my birthday.”
“Figures. Your sister has excellent taste.” Lauren poured coffee into a mug, placed it before him then took a seat across the table. “I can’t believe she and Stacie are both married.”
Stacie had wed rancher Josh Collins in October, and Anna had married Mitch Donavan, a boyfriend from her high school days, just last week, only two days before Dani’s accident.
“Leaving you to fend for yourself.” Seth glanced around the spacious kitchen, which still retained much of its turn-of-the-century charm. “Do you ever get lonely?”
The old Victorian where Lauren resided had originally belonged to Seth and Anna’s grandmother. His sister had inherited it when Grandma Borghild had passed on several years earlier. Now Anna lived with Mitch in the log home he’d built at the foothills of the Crazy Mountains, and Lauren had this big house all to herself. Once she moved out, Anna planned to put the home on the market.
“Not really. I’ve never minded being by myself.” Lauren added a lump of sugar to her coffee and slowly stirred. “I’m an only child. When I was growing up my parents were always busy. I’m good at keeping myself occupied.”
His blue eyes filled with understanding as his hands wrapped around the warm mug. “Dani is like that, too. She can play by herself for hours. Which is a good and a bad thing.”
Lauren raised a brow.
“I worry about her being alone so much,” he explained. “That’s why I make sure to spend quality time with her every evening. And to invite friends over to play so she can learn to share and have an opportunity to socialize. I’m sure your parents did the same for you.”
Lauren wondered what he’d say if she told him she seriously doubted they’d ever given her needs that much thought. She’d been an unplanned late-in-life baby. Both had been determined not to let her arrival impact their careers.
“They did their best.” Lauren kept her answer simple. When it came to discussing her parents, the less said the better. She decided to change the subject. “I can’t believe Christmas is this weekend.”
“I know.” Seth took a sip of coffee. “Are you going home for the holidays?”
“My parents like to spend Christmas in Paris.” Lauren found herself strangely embarrassed by the admission. “Going to France has become a holiday tradition for them. Since they live on separate coasts it’s a good way for them to reconnect.”
Seth’s brows pulled together. “They don’t live together?”
“They do,” Lauren said. “About ten percent of the time.”
Confusion blanketed Seth’s face. “Are they separated?”
“Only by distance. My father teaches at Stanford.” Lauren kept her tone light. “My mother is at Cornell.”
Seth’s eyes widened but he immediately brought his expression under control. “Yet they’re married.”
“Thirty-five years next month.” Lauren added another lump of sugar to her coffee. “They have a modern ‘commuter marriage.’”
It wasn’t the kind of union most would choose, but it worked for them. She took a sip of coffee and grimaced at the sweetness.
“Hmm.” Seth hesitated, obviously subscribing to the tenet if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all. “It must be hard, having them both far away.”
“I’m used to it.” After all, even when she was with them, she felt in the way. “What’s difficult is being without Stacie and Anna.”
Unexpected tears stung the backs of Lauren’s lids. Though Christmas was only a few days away, she’d avoided thinking about the new reality as much as possible. It was too easy to get into “pity party” mode and that wasn’t fair to anyone. She was happy for both her friends. Happy they’d found someone they loved. Happy they’d found their bliss in Montana…but not happy to be the odd one out.
“I’m surprised neither of them invited you to spend Christmas with them.” A look of disappointment skittered across Seth’s face. “That sure doesn’t sound like Anna. Or Stacie, either.”
“They did invite me,” Lauren reassured him. “But they’re both newlyweds. I’m not going to crash their first holiday with their new husbands.”
“I suppose,” Seth reluctantly agreed.
“There’s no supposing about it,” Lauren said firmly. “They shouldn’t have to worry about entertaining me.”
“You’re being an awfully good sport,” Seth said.
Lauren couldn’t understand the admiration in his tone. “Anyone would feel the same.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure of that.” Seth paused for a moment. “I’ve got an idea. How ’bout you join Dani and me? The food won’t be anything special but it’ll be edible. It’d be great to have another adult around on Christmas Eve, and I know my daughter would enjoy having a different face to look at besides mine.”
Before she could politely refuse the offer, Seth reached across the table and took her hand. “I’d really like you to spend Christmas Eve at the ranch.”
Lauren was sure he’d meant it only as a kind gesture, an innocent show of friendship. But there was nothing innocent about the jolt of desire that shot through her. Her first reaction was to snatch her hand away, but that would make her look like a fool. Besides, she really liked the feel of his warm, strong touch.
She reminded herself that he was merely showing his support. And his offer was probably no more than any person in this small town would make.
“I make a great prime rib,” he added in a persuasive tone. “And I promise the brussels sprouts will stay in the freezer.”
Just say no. She could hear her father’s stern voice in her head. Concentrate on your dissertation. Your career must be your priority.
Still, Lauren’s entire being rebelled against the prospect of eating a frozen dinner in front of a computer screen on Christmas Eve. And really, what would be the harm in accepting Seth’s offer? It was just dinner. And she had to eat…
“C’mon, Lauren, say yes.” His fingers tightened around hers. “Aside from pleasing Dani, it’ll be a great way for us to get to know each other better.”
Lauren’s heart skipped a beat. When he put it that way, how could she refuse?
Chapter Two
“I told Seth that Dani could move in with Mitch and me until the casts come off.” Anna Donavan’s words were muffled by the scarf shielding her face from the harsh Montana wind.
Lauren hunched her shoulders and shoved her gloved hands into the pockets of her jacket. She resisted the urge to tell Anna to hurry up and open the door. Anna hated the cold as much as Lauren did and the fact that she’d stayed in town and reopened her shop on Christmas Eve was a testament to their friendship. “I bet your brother just wants to keep things as normal as possible for her. That means sleeping in her own bed.”
“That makes sense,” Anna said grudgingly, heaving an audible sigh when the store key slid into the lock. She turned the handle, pushed open the door and flipped on the lights before stepping aside to let Lauren slip past.
Lauren could feel her blood start to thaw as soon as the door shut behind her, blocking the wind. A blast from a heater duct provided a warm welcome. After a few seconds, Lauren pulled her hands from her pockets and glanced around. Two gifts shouldn’t be hard to find. Not in this store.
Sew-fisticated was the name of the eclectic shop Anna owned, along with one of her former high school classmates, Cassie Els. Cassie was a fantastic seamstress and Anna a talented designer. In addition to custom-designed clothing, they offered clothing repair, knitting classes and quilting supplies. And for Christmas the store had been stocked with a variety of popular gift items.
“I didn’t know you were starting quilting classes.” Lauren stared at the brightly colored notice on the community bulletin board.
“Cassie will be doing the teaching. I’ll be doing the learning.” Anna pulled the scarf from her head, sending flakes of wet snow flying.
“You?” Lauren didn’t bother hiding her surprise. Anna had always been the trendiest and most fashion oriented of the three friends. “Quilting doesn’t seem like your thing.”
“That’s what Mitch said.” Anna laughed, her voice filled with love for her husband of ten days. “Actually that’s not true. What he said was I’m constantly surprising him.”
The way her face glowed, Lauren surmised that Mitch was enjoying the surprises. “But quilting?”
“It’s very fashionable,” Anna said. “Just like knitting. Women are searching for something real, something they can hold in their hands.”
Lauren’s skepticism must have shown because Anna chuckled. “I know it’s a change for me, but the design part of the process fascinates me. Plus I like the idea of making something that can be passed down from one generation to another.”
While that was a rather old-fashioned concept, Lauren recognized the appeal. “Makes sense.”
“You could join me,” Anna urged. “It’d be more fun to learn with a friend.”
“Um, no thanks. Not my thing.” Lauren moved to a counter showcasing several varieties of men’s gloves. She took off her mittens and touched a pair made of soft pig suede. “Do you think Seth would like these?”
Anna moved to Lauren’s side and studied the gloves with a critical eye. “These are lined with soft acrylic pile for added warmth. And they’re nice enough to wear when he goes out, but sturdy enough for some of the lighter ranch work.”
Lauren smiled at her friend’s enthusiasm. Anna had worked retail for years before opening her own shop. It was easy to see why she’d been so successful. “I’ll take the gloves for Seth and that necklace with the pink heart for Dani.”
“I’ll wrap them for you.” Anna took the gloves from Lauren’s hands and removed the necklace from a display. Even as she put the items in stenciled gift bags, she glanced at Lauren. “My brother wouldn’t expect you to bring gifts.”
“I’m sure you’re right.” Lauren lifted one shoulder in an unconcerned shrug. “But he was nice enough to invite me to share his Christmas Eve and I want to bring something.”