Полная версия
A Little Bit Pregnant
She shook her head. “You know his name is Boyd and I know you know, so why do you insist on pretending you can’t remember?”
He blinked at her, his face an expression of innocence. “Know what?”
She sighed. “Fine. Be difficult. But I’ll have you know that Boyd enjoys romantic comedies as much as I do.”
Zane snorted. “He’s lying.”
“He is not. He likes the kissing.”
Zane walked to the table behind the sofa and set down his drink. “Yeah, the kissing is okay, but the rest of it is boring.”
As he spoke, he bent over her and pulled her from her chair to the couch. Nicki didn’t have time to protest, not that she was sure she would have. She liked sitting somewhere other than her chair, although she usually preferred to get there by her own power. Still, she couldn’t complain about a few seconds spent in Zane’s strong embrace.
He settled next to her and reached for the remote. “You have cable, right?”
“Of course.”
“Maybe there’s a game on.”
“Wouldn’t that be special,” she muttered.
He glanced at her. “What’s wrong? You’re into sports.”
“I know.”
She enjoyed a good football or baseball game as much as the next person, but didn’t Zane want to pay attention to her instead of a bunch of sweaty guys?
Obviously not, she thought as he flipped through over a hundred channels in less than two minutes. Note to self—this was not a real date and if she allowed herself to forget that, she was going to get her feelings hurt.
On his second round through the channels he stopped on a familiar scene with Tom Cruise. It took her a second to recognize the movie Top Gun.
She laughed. “Okay, so this is the perfect movie, right? Planes, death, macho moments and kissing.”
He chuckled. “You’re right. Something for everyone.”
He angled toward her and reached for his drink. After taking a swallow, he put the can back, but left his arm up on the back of the sofa.
His fingers were less than an inch from her shoulder. The second she realized that, she became painfully aware of how close they were sitting, of how she could feel him breathing. Tension crackled. Unfortunately it was all on her side. She doubted he was the least bit aware of her.
She told herself to pay attention to the movie. Tom and Kelly were having a heated argument, which meant the good parts weren’t that far away. But she found her gaze being drawn back to the man sitting next to her. To his strong profile and the stubborn set of his jaw. To the long, dark lashes and the scar at the corner of his mouth.
“You’re not watching the movie,” he said as he tugged gently on her hair. “You’ll miss the kiss.”
She knew he was right, but she couldn’t turn away. Zane was right there…close enough to touch. What would happen if she did something? Would he be shocked? Embarrassed? Would he let her down gently or would an answering desire flare in his eyes? Had he ever thought of her as something other than his friend?
There was only one way to find out, but Nicki didn’t think she had the guts. Yeah it was a new century and women were equals and all that but she was just plain scared. If Zane rejected her, it would change their relationship. Was she willing to risk not being his friend anymore?
The last question was easy to answer. She wasn’t. So she looked at the screen and did her best to ignore Zane.
The scene shifted, the music swelled and the screen filled with the two lovers. Nicki allowed herself to get lost in the moment and forget about her own needs.
“Movie kisses are the best,” she murmured without thinking. “Sometimes better than the real thing.”
Zane had been drinking and he nearly choked. “Then Brad has been doing it all wrong.”
She looked at him. “Boyd does it just fine. That’s not the point. Movie kisses are often highly romantic. That’s important. Not that you know much about romance.”
He set down his drink. “I know plenty about bodies and that’s what kissing involves.”
“It’s not just a function, like sneezing. It can be spiritual. The mind, the body, the heart are all engaged.”
“You think too much.”
“You don’t think enough.”
“Maybe not, but I sure as hell know how to kiss.”
Nicki opened her mouth to shoot off some snappy retort when Zane suddenly shifted toward her. Before she could stop gasping like a fish, he wrapped his arms around her, pulled her closed and lowered his head.
She had just enough time to clamp her lips shut when he kissed her. A for real, skin on skin, bodies pressing, heat generating oh-my-is-this-really-happening kiss.
It was heaven. It was five kinds of wonderful and if she died right this second, her life would end on a really high note.
He pressed his mouth against hers with a firmness that spoke of confidence and authority, but with enough gentleness for her to know that he wanted to share, not just take. His scent surrounded her, allowing her to get lost in the moment as she breathed in the essence of the man.
His lips brushed against hers, exploring, teasing, before settling in place. She was still caught up in the wonder of what exactly was happening when he touched the tip of his tongue to her lower lip.
Heat exploded inside. Funny how that tiny point of contact could make her body go up in flames. She was aware of her breasts, her legs and that suddenly wet and swollen place between her thighs. She wanted Zane with a desperation that made her catch her breath. She supposed it came from fantasizing about him for so long…not to mention close contact with a man who knew how to excite a woman.
He traced the curve of her lower lip in a slow, delicious movement that made her mouth part. When he slipped inside and lightly stroked her tongue with his, her entire body clenched. Then he angled his head and deepened the kiss.
He touched and tasted and explored all of her. With each movement of the dance, she found herself melting into a puddle of desire. She didn’t want to stop him—if anything she wanted to beg him to kiss her forever. But even if she’d wanted to put the brakes on, she was incapable of speech or movement or breath. She could only feel and savor those feelings.
His hands rested against her back. As the kiss continued, he began to slide them up and down her back. Strong fingers stroked against her. When he dipped lower and cupped her hip with his palm, she pressed into the contact.
She ached everywhere. The wanting grew until it was all she could think about. Need spun through her like a tornado; powerful, all-encompassing, overwhelming.
He shifted slightly and broke their kiss. Before she could protest, he pressed his mouth to her jaw, then along her neck. Hot tingles shot through her. At the same time he slipped his hand from her hip to her waist, then higher still. Anticipation made her cling to him. She dug her fingers into the tight, honed muscles of his shoulders and arms.
More. She needed more.
He pressed an openmouthed kiss to the sensitive skin just below her collarbone at the same time his hand closed over her breast. She sucked in a breath as his gentle touch soothed her aching flesh. His thumb brushed against her nipple and she gasped as fire jolted through her. Exquisite pleasure joined the out-of-control need. Between her legs, she melted, swelling, readying, wanting.
What had started as a simple kiss turned into something more. While Nicki wanted to lose herself in the moment, a persistent voice in her head screamed a single question over and over.
“What on earth are you doing?”
Did she want to be sensible and stop this? Did she want to ask Zane if he knew what he was doing? Not “did he know he was making love?” but “did he know he was doing it with her?” Never once in two years of friendship had he ever hinted that he saw her as someone other than a buddy. So why was he suddenly acting as if he knew she was a woman? And did she really want to know?
As if sensing her internal confusion, he sat up and stared at her. Passion darkened his eyes to the color of midnight. His mouth was damp and swollen, his hair slightly mussed. He looked so good that had he been a magazine ad, she would have assumed he’d been digitally enhanced.
The sound of a jet taking off cut through the silence. Zane turned, grabbed the remote and turned off the movie. Then he moved his hand from her breast and rubbed his thumb across her lower lip.
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