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A Ranch Called Home
“He’s the one,” Dessie called out from the kitchen.
Sara and everyone else nodded in agreement.
And Sara could only pray the ugly bruise forming on the stranger’s left cheek had given him the clear message he was not welcome in Conrad.
He looked at Dillard and said, “My name is Gabe Coulter and I didn’t come here to cause any trouble. I came to see my nephew.”
Dillard purposely looked around at the damage.
“And I didn’t start the fight,” he added quickly. He pointed to one of the locals standing in the back of the diner. “That big guy started the fight.”
Dillard looked over his shoulder. “Is that true, Mack? Did you start the fight?”
“No way, Sheriff,” Mack said. “He took the first swing then I decked him.”
Everyone looked back at Gabe.
“Forget it,” he said, shaking his head. “It’s obvious I’m outnumbered here. I’ll pay for the damages.”
“And what about the damage you did to my son?” Sara demanded, hands on her hips now. “How dare you waltz in here and inform my son you’re his uncle without my permission. Don’t you realize how confusing that could be for a five-year-old?”
“You tell him, Sara,” someone in the crowd agreed.
He simply stood there, staring at her.
“I apologize,” he finally said. “You’re right. I shouldn’t have introduced myself to Ben without your permission. But when I saw him, he looked so much like my brother when Billy was that age, that I…”
Sympathy pulled at Sara’s heartstrings for a second.
But only for a second.
And Dessie definitely wasn’t sympathetic over the mess the fight had made. She entered the room, drying her hands on her apron as she marched in their direction. When she stopped beside Sara, Dessie pushed a strand of gray hair off her forehead and looked over at the sheriff. “I want to press charges, Howard. Lock the boy up. Maybe if he spends the night in jail it will improve his manners.”
Gabe laughed. “I can make my own bail, Sheriff.”
Dillard frowned. “You want to bet on that, son?”
“No. I can already see where this is going. But I’ve told you I’ll pay for the damages. And I’ve apologized for introducing myself to my nephew without his mother’s permission.” Gabe glanced at Sara for a second. “If she’d stop running from me long enough to hear me out, she’d know I only want what’s best for the boy.”
“Stop running from you?” Sheriff Dillard repeated. “Are you saying you’ve been stalking Sara?”
“Yes,” Sara said. “He’s been stalking me for over a year now.”
“The hell I have,” Gabe said. “I haven’t been stalking her at all. I’ve only been trying to talk to her.”
Sheriff Dillard turned to Sara. “Are you interested in anything this man has to say, Sara?”
“Not in a million years,” Sara said, staring him down.
But she shouldn’t have taken such a long look at him.
Despite the family resemblance, there was something about him that told Sara physical appearances were where the similarities between the two brothers ended. Billy had been loud and boisterous, with a fast line and a devil-may-care attitude. This man had an air of confidence about him that said he took life seriously. The determined expression on his face said he was used to getting what he wanted.
Everything about him spelled danger.
Tall. A hard, lean body. Exceptionally broad shoulders. He was all cowboy from his tight-fitting shirt and faded jeans, right down to the tip of his high-dollar boots.
And those eyes.
A similar pair of blue eyes had led her down a treacherous path before. But Sara saw something she hadn’t expected in this man’s eyes. She’d seen genuine affection for Ben when Gabe met his nephew for the first time.
That realization scared Sara even more.
“You heard the lady,” Sheriff Dillard said. “Sara isn’t interested in anything you have to say. But because I’m a reasonable man, I’m going to give you a chance to avoid any jail time. You pay Dessie for the damages. Then you go back to wherever you came from. And you agree to leave the boy and his mother alone.”
“No,” Gabe said stubbornly. “Not until she hears me out.”
He kept staring at her.
Sara glared at him.
“Well, Sara?” Sheriff Dillard said. “Are you willing to talk to him? Or do I lock him up?”
“Lock him up,” Sara told the sheriff.
She wheeled around and left without a second thought. Sheriff Dillard would keep Gabe Coulter in jail for at least twenty-four hours—Dessie would see to it. By then, Sara and Ben would be long gone.
“Ah, come on, Sheriff,” she heard Gabe say. “Are the handcuffs really necessary?”
Guilt washed over Sara for a second.
But only for a second.
She hated that he was going to jail, but he’d chosen his own fate. He’d found her. She’d told him she wasn’t interested in anything he had to say. So he should have accepted her answer and gone back to Colorado the way Sheriff Dillard suggested.
Jail was Gabe Coulter’s own fault—not hers.
With a clear conscience, Sara hurried down the hallway. She was going to find her son. Then she was going to get as far away as possible from another handsome Coulter who was threatening to turn her life upside down.
“WHERE’S UNCLE GABE?” Ben hopped off the cot when Sara entered the storage room.
Sara’s heart sank.
She knew Ben was starved for male attention. Had she not watched more men than she could remember drift in and out of her mother’s life, she might have been more receptive to dating after Ben was born. But having Ben get attached to someone only to have the guy eventually move on was not a chance Sara had ever been willing to risk.
Ben was not going to grow up the way she had.
But that was a lifetime ago, Sara reminded herself.
And she wasn’t her mother.
Kneeling beside him, Sara pulled Ben to her chest for a fierce hug. She’d allowed her own fears to rob Ben of knowing his father, and she’d always regret that. She’d planned to avoid Billy only long enough to find a better job and get a decent place to live—something more suitable than the welfare-assisted housing project she’d been living in when Annie first told Billy about Ben. Then Sara would have contacted Billy on her terms—even agreed to let him meet Ben after she was positive no court of law could say she wasn’t able to take care of Ben properly.
But Billy was dead now.
And Gabe Coulter had no claim on her son.
“Mom, you’re squishing me.”
Sara released him and forced a smile. “Your uncle Gabe had to go back to Colorado, sweetie.”
The disappointment on his little face made Sara wince.
“But as soon as Dessie gets through serving lunch, you and I are going to go visit Aunt Annie,” she said. “Won’t that be fun?”
Ben nodded, but he didn’t look convinced.
“You remember how much you like staying with Aunt Annie and her dog, Coco,” Sara reminded him. “And remember how much fun you have going to the pool at Aunt Annie’s apartment complex?”
Ben frowned. “But I wanted to see Uncle Gabe’s horse.”
“But sweetie,” Sara said patiently, “Uncle Gabe didn’t bring his horse. His horses are on his ranch in Colorado.”
Ben’s face brightened. “Can we go to Col-dorado and see them?”
Thankfully, Sara was saved from an answer when Dessie walked in. She leaned over and whispered in Sara’s ear, “Coulter’s on his way to jail.” Then Dessie straightened and sent Ben a big smile. “Ready for lunch, little buddy? I fixed you a big hamburger with extra, extra cheese. Just the way you like them.”
The promise of a juicy cheeseburger sent Ben running.
As soon as Ben left, Dessie looked at Sara and said, “Before I take you to Houston, I think you should stop by the jail and talk to this Coulter man.”
“Absolutely not!”
“You heard him yourself, Sara. He isn’t going to stop chasing you until you talk to him.”
Sara’s chin lifted. “Then I’ll—”
“Keep running?”
Sara refused to answer.
“And what about when it’s time for Ben to start kindergarten in the fall? Are you going to spend the rest of your life dragging Ben from one town to another? From one school to another?”
“Don’t you think I’ve thought about that? That’s all I have thought about, Dessie. But this man wants more than just to talk to me. I could see it in his eyes. He wants Ben!”
“Maybe, maybe not,” Dessie said. “You won’t know for sure until you talk to him.”
Sara slumped onto the folding cot. “And what if I’m right?” She looked up at Dessie for an answer. “What if he wants Ben and he threatens to take him away from me?”
“Then you threaten him with a restraining order if he doesn’t stop harassing you,” Dessie said. “You’re a good mother, Sara. Don’t you ever doubt that.”
“No, Dessie,” Sara corrected, “I’m a struggling mother who can barely provide for Ben. All it takes is one call to Social Services. And I should know. That’s how I ended up in the system.”
“But there’s one thing you have that your mother didn’t,” Dessie said.
Sara looked up again. “And what’s that?”
“The courage to stand up and fight for your son,” Dessie said. “You march over to the jail right now and you tell that cowboy he picked the wrong mother to mess with.”
THE LAST PERSON Gabe expected to see again was the very person who walked up and stopped in front of his jail cell. Arms folded stubbornly across her chest, her pretty nose was held high in the air, and the expression on Sara’s face was deadly serious.
“You have exactly five minutes to say what you came to say,” she said with authority. “Then I want you out of our lives. If you ever come near us again, I’ll get a restraining order against you.”
So that’s how she’s going to play it.
He’d caught her off guard at the diner, and it scared her. She’d reappeared now to prove she was in complete control of the situation.
He rose slowly from the cot and took his time walking the short distance across the cell. He’d rehearsed the speech he planned to give his nephew’s mother a thousand times. Now, all he could think about was Smitty’s “she’ll scratch your eyes out” warning. It made Gabe thankful for the iron bars separating them at the moment.
She glanced at her watch. “Four minutes and counting,” she warned.
“I know my brother had his faults, but turning his back on his own child wasn’t one of them. It isn’t the Coulter way of doing things.”
“Well, here’s a news flash for you,” she said. “I’m not interested in the Coulter way of doing things. I have my own way of doing things. And I made the decision not to tell Billy about Ben because there wasn’t any reason to.”
“He was Ben’s father,” Gabe reminded her. “He had the right to know he had a child.”
She looked him straight in the eye. “I disagree. DNA doesn’t give you the right to be a father. You earn the right to be a father. I was eighteen and stupid when I met your brother, but I wasn’t too stupid to realize Billy wasn’t father material when he didn’t even consider me worth a goodbye when he left Houston.”
“People make mistakes,” Gabe said.
“True. But it doesn’t really matter now, does it? Billy is…” She faltered for a second, unable to say the word.
“Anyway,” she said, “I’m sorry about your brother. But as far as I’m concerned any connection Ben had with your family ended with Billy.”
Gabe frowned. “And that’s where I disagree. Blood kin is blood kin. We Coulters have always taken care of our own.”
He pulled the check from his shirt pocket, unfolded it and held it up for her to see.
“Take Billy’s insurance money,” Gabe urged. “Use it to start a new life for yourself. But let Ben come to Colorado with me. Let me give Ben the home and the heritage Billy would have given Ben if my brother had lived long enough to find Ben himself.”
Her reaction, however, wasn’t what he’d hoped for. She stared at the check as if it were a coiled rattlesnake ready to strike.
“We’re done here,” she said.
She whirled around and walked away.
“I didn’t come here to play games,” Gabe called after her. “You go ahead and get your restraining order. But I have five years’ worth of information on how well you’ve been able to provide for Ben alone. I don’t think you want me to use that information against you in court.”
She marched back to his cell.
“Now you’re threatening me?”
Gabe stepped back from the bars. She was so angry she was shaking. And the expression on her face said threatening to counteract her in court was the wrong thing to do.
“Take me to court,” she challenged. “I dare you. If I cared a flip about your money, I would have shown up on your doorstep a long time ago. But a court of law might have a different idea. Force the issue and you may end up selling your horses and your ranch and giving Ben half of the proceeds.”
The slam of the door at the end of the corridor as Sara left punctuated her words.
“Dammit!” he cursed, feeling like a first-class jerk.
He never should have offered her the money. And he definitely shouldn’t have threatened her just because she threatened him. He could see that now. But put a woman in his path, and he never had a clue what to do next.
That’s why he’d never had a woman in his life—at least not a full-time woman. Women were too complicated. Too temperamental. Too damn hard to please.
He was a rancher, not some smooth-talking womanizer like Billy. The ranch had always come first with Gabe, always would. He had horses to train. Ranch hands who depended on him for their livelihood. He didn’t have time for this kind of bullshit.
“Damn you, Billy,” Gabe muttered.
He walked away from the bars and flopped down on the solitary cot, wondering yet again how two brothers could have possibly been so different. He’d always been the responsible one—Billy never once considered the consequences of his actions.
Just like with Sara Watson.
There was no doubt in Gabe’s mind Billy had taken advantage of her being eighteen and innocent, just as she’d claimed. And Gabe certainly couldn’t blame her for coming to the conclusion that Billy wasn’t father material.
Still, Gabe would chase her forever if that’s what it took.
Unlike Billy, Gabe took his promises seriously.
And one way or another he would take his nephew home.
“WELL?” Dessie asked when Sara stormed back into the lobby of the sheriff’s office. “What did he say?”
“Just as I expected,” Sara said, still fuming. “He offered me money for Ben. And when I refused to take his fifty thousand dollars, he threatened to take me to court.”
“Fifty thousand dollars,” Dessie repeated, her eyes wide in disbelief.
“It could have been fifty million dollars and it wouldn’t have mattered to me,” Sara said, pacing to work off her anger.
“True,” Dessie agreed, “but if he has that kind of money to throw around, Sara, he’s a bigger threat to you than I thought.”
Sara stopped. “What do you mean?”
“Money talks,” Dessie said. “And big money means high-powered attorneys. I hate to say it, but you wouldn’t stand a chance against this cowboy in court.”
“What’s this about court?”
Sara and Dessie both turned. Sheriff Dillard walked out of his office into the lobby.
“Sara was right, Howard,” Dessie said. “Coulter wants Ben. When Sara wouldn’t take his money, he threatened to take her to court.”
“Well, I just got off the phone with the sheriff in Pitkin County, Colorado,” Sheriff Dillard said.
Dessie looked over at Sara. “Howard ran a check on Coulter’s license plate. The Coulter ranch is located near a town called Redstone.”
“And the Crested-C Ranch is one of the largest family-owned quarter-horse ranches in the state,” Dillard added. “Sheriff Carter not only knows our boy, but Gabe happens to be an old fishing buddy of the sheriff’s. Carter said Gabe is one of the most respected men in his county.”
“That’s strike two against you, Sara,” Dessie warned. “He has money and he has a good reputation.”
“There’s something else that might shed some light on why he continued looking for you after his brother was killed,” Sheriff Dillard said. “Gabe was at the rodeo when his brother was injured. And according to Carter, Billy made Gabe promise during the ambulance ride to the hospital that he would find his son and bring the boy home.”
Sara shuddered, thinking about the news footage she’d seen on TV. She hadn’t realized one of the men hovering over Billy immediately after the accident was his brother. And apparently neither had the media, because Sara knew that story would have been milked for all it was worth.
“I hate to say it, Sara, but that’s strike three against you,” Dessie said, shaking her head sadly. “There isn’t a jury alive who would rule against a man trying to carry out his dead brother’s last wish.”
“Will you stop being so negative, Dessie,” Sara scolded. “What happened to the ‘march in there and tell him he’s messed with the wrong mother’ lecture you gave me earlier?”
Dessie ignored Sara and directed her question to the sheriff. “Is Coulter married?”
“Oh, please!” Sara said. “What does his marital status have to do with anything?”
“His marital status has everything to do with this situation,” Dessie argued. “If Coulter doesn’t have a wife, who would take care of Ben if he did manage to win custody?”
They both instantly looked at Dillard for the answer.
“No wife,” Dillard said. “The sheriff described him as a loner, completely devoted to the ranch and his horses.”
“Well?” Sara asked, looking at Dessie, then back to the sheriff. “No wife means one point for my side, right?”
“Not necessarily,” Dillard said. “Carter said their folks were killed in an accident when Billy was in grade school and Gabe was still a teenager. Gabe stepped up to the plate, took over the ranch, and raised Billy himself.”
“And we all know how well that worked out,” Dessie snipped.
“Now, Dessie,” Sheriff Dillard said. “I hate to come to the man’s defense, but a bull killed his brother. Not a lousy upbringing.”
“Don’t be so sure about that.” Dessie snorted. “Coulter intends to raise Ben on a ranch with a bunch of rough and tough cowboys, the same way he raised his brother. If you ask me, that’s too much testosterone for anyone’s own good.”
Sheriff Dillard let out a loud groan. “Can we please not turn this into a man-versus-woman thing?”
“Oh, hell, Howard,” Dessie grumbled. “It’s been a man-versus-woman thing since the beginning of time.” She grabbed Sara by the arm. “Come on, Sara. We’re wasting time talking to this old coot.”
Sheriff Dillard immediately stepped in front of them.
“Stop right here, Dessie. I’ve known you too many years not to recognize that look on your face. You’re up to something. And when you’re up to something, it always means trouble for me.”
Dessie pushed past him but said over her shoulder, “I’m depending on you to keep that boy locked up until tomorrow, Howard. And if you intend to be reelected next term you’ll do your job.”
With that said, Dessie marched Sara out the door.
GABE STOOD when he heard the door at the end of the hallway open. He was hopeful Sara Watson had thought things over during the past three hours, and had finally decided to reconsider his offer. Fifty thousand dollars, after all, was a lot of money for anyone to throw away on foolish pride.
His hope evaporated when the sheriff approached the cell. In typical lawman stance, both hands were at Dillard’s waist, feet planted firmly apart.
He frowned at Gabe and said, “Your first mistake was offering Sara money in exchange for the boy.”
Gabe didn’t even bother to argue.
He’d already figured that much out for himself.
“Your second mistake,” the sheriff said, “was threatening to take Sara to court.”
“Well, what did you expect me to do?” Gabe asked. “She threatened me first with a restraining order.”
“Do you really blame her?” Dillard asked. “You admitted you’ve been chasing her all across Texas for over a year now.”
Gabe frowned. “I told you. I only wanted to talk to her.”
“And it never crossed your mind the only reason she kept running was because you were chasing her?”
“Bullshit,” Gabe said. “She kept running because she can barely keep a roof over her son’s head.”
“And you never considered offering Sara the money so she would be able to keep a roof over Ben’s head?”
“This isn’t about just keeping a roof over his head,” Gabe said. “This is about his heritage and his future. Half of the Crested-C Ranch belongs to Ben now. And one day I hope he’ll be the fourth generation to run it. But that isn’t going to happen unless Ben grows up on his own land and the ranch actually means something to him.”
“Then why didn’t you tell Sara that instead of flashing your money in her face?”
“I didn’t think it would make any difference to her.”
“You don’t have much experience in dealing with women, do you, son?”
Gabe sent him a warning look. “I’m in no mood for an education on dealing with women, Sheriff.”
“That’s too bad,” Dillard said, “because your threats just put Ben and Sara in danger.”
“And what’s that supposed to mean?”
“Desperate people do desperate things,” Dillard said. “After Sara left I sent my deputy over to the diner to keep an eye on her. I found out a few minutes ago she’s taking the boy to Mexico.”
“Dessie has a niece who runs a resort in Juarez just across the border from El Paso,” Dillard said. “I’m sure that’s where Sara will go. But do I need to draw a picture for you? Juarez is a dangerous place. Mexico’s underground prostitution is big business in Juarez. And Sara and Ben would both bring top dollar.”
Fear sucker punched Gabe in the stomach.
He shook the iron door in front of him.
“Then let me out of here, Sheriff! Help me stop her.”
“Not so fast,” Dillard said. “First, you tell me how committed you really are to your nephew.”
“I’m here, aren’t I?” Dammit! Gabe didn’t have time for stupid questions. Not with a dozen horrible scenarios already running through his mind.
“But are you here for the right reasons? I did a little checking on you, Coulter. I talked to your old pal Sheriff Carter. So look me in the eye and tell me the truth. Are you willing to do whatever it takes to give Ben the chance to grow up on his own land? Or are you really just trying to keep a half-assed promise you made to your dead brother?”
For the second time that day, Gabe was thankful for the iron bars in front of him. Had it not been for those bars—and the fact Dillard was thirty years his senior—Conrad’s sheriff would have found himself flat on his back, compliments of Gabe’s own fist.
But Gabe managed to reel in his anger. And he met Dillard’s gaze with a deadly calm stare. “A man is only as good as his word, and there’s never been anything half-assed about mine. I’ll do whatever it takes to give Ben the chance to grow up on his own land.”
Before Dillard could comment, a loud squawk from the radio on his hip prevented his answer. He pulled the radio from its clip and clicked the button. “Go ahead, Joe.”
“They’re on the move, Sheriff.”
“Ten-four,” Dillard told his deputy. He clipped the radio back on his belt before he pulled a key ring from his pocket. “I’m going to take a chance on you, Coulter, and let you prove how good your word really is.”
“You won’t regret it, Sheriff,” Gabe promised, motioning for Dillard to hurry and open the door.
“But under one condition.”
“Name it.”
“If we stop Sara, you’ll let me do the talking.”
“Agreed,” Gabe said, and he meant it.
He’d only make things worse.