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Bought: For His Convenience or Pleasure?
‘If not you, Ellie…then your father! He has spent time in prison before for theft, has he not?’
The Russian sighed, as though it was all a mere formality, and Ellie’s blood ran colder than any ice-packed river as she looked into that handsome, unforgiving face.
‘What would you do in my position?’ he asked. ‘I have been both deceived and betrayed. Do you not think I deserve to be compensated in some way?’
‘You can’t involve my father! He’s done nothing…I know he hasn’t! And he’s not a well man! Going to prison again would likely kill him!’
‘How dramatic you are! I see there is indeed fire beneath that deceptively cool air you exude.’
‘Don’t mock me! If you’re so set on accusing me of crimes I know nothing about let alone have participated in, and if you want compensation—then perhaps there is a way I can somehow pay you back? We should talk…work something out. I’ll do anything as long as it doesn’t involve my father! Please, Nikolai… Whatever you decide, leave him out of it!’
STUDYING the flawless buttermilk complexion of the lovely face before him, and steeling himself against her heartfelt plea, Nikolai sensed a renewed sting of fury and something perhaps equally disturbing but more personal sweep through him at the thought of Elizabeth with his brother.
Before he knew it, a blood-heating memory surfaced inside him, of an unforgettable encounter with her the day before the accident. It had been evening, the baby had long since been put to bed, and Nikolai had been looking over some important documents concerning a meeting he was due to attend the next afternoon. There was a lot of small print and equally as much red tape to wrestle with. Usually he didn’t flinch for a second over such tasks, however tedious, but at that moment a world of onerous responsibility had weighed him down like an iron cloak across his shoulders, and he had longed to throw it off.
He had been groomed to take over his father’s multimillion-pound oil empire when he should have been enjoying his youth—just as Sasha had been allowed to enjoy his. He had spent every minute of his day dealing with the complexities and demands of running a hugely successful business. All of a sudden the realisation had come to Nikolai that he was fatigued and disenchanted, and that the only thing he really longed for right then was his freedom… And not just from his sense of duty and responsibility. Veronika and he had barely been speaking to each other, and on the rare occasions when they were actually home at the same time lived in a state of near excruciating stalemate—neither of them having the time or energy to bring the increasingly brittle marriage to its deserved and grateful end. Nikolai had long suspected she might be seeing someone else.
Unexpectedly, Elizabeth had knocked on the door, shaking him out of his agonising introspection, and he had been grateful. She had brought him a cup of tea made just the way he liked it—black with sugar and lemon. When she had first arrived at the house to work he had been instantly drawn to her warmth and shyness, and her eagerness to learn new things. When she had exposed an interest, he had personally schooled her in the intricate art of making his favourite beverage in the highly decorated brass Samovar that had originated in Moscow and had belonged to Nikolai’s great-great-grandmother.
Her thoughtful gesture in bringing him the tea, and the radiance of her presence, had acted like a soothing balm to Nikolai’s soul, and he recalled smiling up at her with much more warmth than usual, his worries temporarily forgotten. He remembered Elizabeth placing the mug carefully on the side of the desk, and how fascinated he’d suddenly become with the graceful contours of her small, pretty hand as she’d uncurled it from the porcelain. A powerful desire had consumed him to discover if the flawless texture fulfilled the idea of satin and silk, as its appearance so alluringly suggested.
Compelled by some irresistible force he hadn’t been able to fight, Nikolai had reached out and cupped his palm over her knuckles, momentarily holding her captive. A bolt of electricity had harpooned through him like lightning, and Elizabeth had been equally affected. Her sweet breath had whispered over him like hushed gossamer silk, and Nikolai had gazed into her eyes and seen the same helplessly wild longing that he had known must blaze in his own hot glance.
‘By all the saints!’ Before he’d known it he’d been rising to his feet and cupping the back of her head, to free the pale ivory comb that confined her hair. It had fallen onto her shoulders like warm summer rain, drifting softly onto a sunlit meadow, and trickled through Nikolai’s fingers like smooth, silken skeins of pure spun gold. He had caught his breath in sheer delight, the parameters of his world narrowing down to just the vision of her lovely face. His senses on fire, he had touched his lips to hers, finally drinking at the exquisite well that promised to satisfy his thirst and heal his wounds like no other…
Wrenching his mind free of the distracting and stirring memory, Nikolai forced himself to return to the present. The fact was—if his suspicions were correct—the lovely face and bewitching but treacherous lips before him had also been caressed by his brother, and it made him wonder if he had imagined the mutually hungry response and naked need in her eyes that day five years ago? Or was it simply that Ellie, as she called herself now, was a girl who took pleasure in teasing men with her beauty and sexuality just because she could?
Even though he had no evidence to support the idea, it was utterly distasteful to Nikolai’s strong sense of male pride that she might employ such disingenuous behaviour—even once—and it completely doused the heat that had automatically flared inside him. But he knew that it would undoubtedly surface again. He had always been attracted to his brother’s beautiful sister-in-law, and could no longer deny it. But he had been married when she had dropped out of college to come and take care of Arina after her sister’s death.
Sasha had been in no fit state to take care of the baby himself, so had agreed to let Nikolai take charge of things. And, although there had been a definite maturity about the way Ellie had conducted herself, and also the way in which she’d taken care of her small charge, there had been a touching innocence about her too, and because of her comparative youth Nikolai had fought hard against his growing attraction for her.
‘So—’ he broke some bread between his fingers ‘—we will eat our meal and I will take some time afterwards to consider what kind of compensation I would like from you, Ellie.’
She pulled her gaze away from him, but not before Nikolai saw the tide of hot colour that rushed into her cheeks. Was it caused by anger, embarrassment, or something else? Like that illicit kiss they had shared the evening before the accident? His interest deepened.
‘In the meantime…I’d like to see Arina,’ she said, injecting a determined note into her soft voice.
Immediately Nikolai’s fierce sense of protectiveness towards the little girl who had become his pride and joy surfaced, and he already knew his answer. ‘That is not something I am going to agree to straight away—and I am sure you can guess at the reasons why. Arina is my daughter now. Yes…after Sasha died and Veronika and I split up I officially adopted her. After such an upsetting start in life she is happy and well-adjusted, and I am not about to jeopardise her happiness in any way—no matter how much you say you desire to see her again!’
‘What do you think I’m going to do, Nikolai? Try and force her to accept me and like me?’ Ellie’s eyes were round with hurt. ‘I didn’t tell you before, but now that I’ve got used to the idea I’m glad that you found me! Yes—glad! I’ve wanted to see Arina for so long—even if it’s only for a few minutes. She is my sister’s only child, and I meant what I said when I told you I loved her and have never stopped loving her!’
‘You will have to let me think about it. First of all I will need to see for myself the kind of person you have become in the years we have been apart, and whether you are indeed someone I would want involved in my daughter’s life.’
‘You make me sound like the very worst criminal!’
‘Where Arina’s well-being is concerned, I take no chances.’
‘That’s all I want, Nikolai.’ Suddenly she looked close to tears. ‘A chance! A chance to prove to you I’m neither a liar or a thief!’
‘Trust has to be earned and built up… Especially when it has been shattered as badly as it has been in my case!’
The waiter brought the wine Nikolai had selected, and while the man expertly poured it into the waiting slim-stemmed glasses after his nod of approval he concentrated his gaze once more on the increasingly distressed expression on his beautiful companion’s face. In a weak moment, Nikolai took pity on her.
‘Arina has been at school full-time for about a year now—since she was five. She seems much enamoured with it.’
‘Jackie always loved school…At least she coped with it much better than I ever did! How do you—how do you manage taking Arina and collecting her every day with your work commitments now that—now that your wife is no longer with you? Does she still have a nanny?’
‘Between my housekeeper and my au pair we manage very well. Elsa—the au pair—is in charge of the school run, and Miriam—my housekeeper—also helps out when she is needed. Arina is fond of them both.’
‘You have never—you’ve never thought about remarrying?’
Ellie’s question took Nikolai by surprise for a moment. After the soul-destroying relationship he had shared with Veronika he’d told himself he would avoid making a similar horrendous mistake again like the plague! Apart from occasionally thinking that Arina would benefit from having a mother in her life, he would not be human if he did not admit to feeling lonely from time to time too…lonely for a tender, loving woman who would not only warm his bed but would be a true partner in every sense of the word.
Women to warm his bed Nikolai could easily find…but someone tender and genuinely caring of his welfare…that was another story entirely.
‘Not lately,’ he replied, finally answering the question. ‘But then I have preferred to devote my time and energy to taking care of Arina rather than invest it in a relationship. Besides, I have my work as well, and that also takes up a lot of my time.’ He leaned forward a little across the table. ‘What about you? Why are you still alone, Ellie?’
She bit down on her lip. ‘How do you know I’m alone?’
‘Because since I saw you on that television programme a month ago my sources have revealed that besides your father there is no one in your life… No one and nothing else to care about but your work!’
‘You’ve had people checking up on me?’
‘Under the circumstances I did what had to be done.’
Her returning glance was reproachful. Nikolai shrugged it off. It hardly mattered what she thought of his methods when she had treated him and Arina with little or no concern at all!
Taking a careful sip of his wine, he inclined his head approvingly. ‘A good choice,’ he remarked, allowing a corner of his mouth the briefest lift upwards. ‘Even if I do say so myself!’
The man had a charismatic allure that would always guarantee him plenty of female attention, Ellie mused somewhat resentfully. She was drawn like a magnet to the arrogant, almost autocratic set of features before her. Imaginative fantasies about what the hard, fit body beneath the expensive tailoring he wore would be like in bed would inevitably always be aroused too. And women would feel that same helpless pull towards him even if he was a pauper!
Ellie shivered as the familiar unbidden, disturbing fantasy stole into her mind…fuelled by her dizzying recollection of that kiss they had shared five years ago.
Having only been kissed once before by a boy at college—and pretty clumsily at that—nothing in the world could have prepared Ellie for the barely civilised and frightening passion of Nikolai’s sizzling kiss. Even before his lips had made contact with hers, when he had simply covered her hand with his, an electrical bolt had shot through her insides and flooded her with the kind of heat more generally associated with the tropics. And when he had penetrated her mouth with his hot, silky tongue, Ellie had barely known how she remained standing.
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