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The Little French Lawyer: A Comedy
To promise much, before a play begin,And when 'tis done, ask pardon, were a sinWe'l not be guilty of: and to excuseBefore we know a fault, were to abuseThe writers and our selves, for I dare sayWe all are fool'd if this be not a Play,And such a play as shall (so should plays do)Imp times dull wings, and make you merry too.'Twas to that purpose writ, so we intend itAnd we have our wisht ends, if you commend it.Epilogue
Gentlemen,I am sent forth to enquire what you decree}Of us and of our Poets, they will be }This night exceeding merry, so will we }If you approve their labours. They professYou are their Patrons, and we say no less,Resolve us then, for you can only tellWhether we have done id'ly or done well.APPENDIX
p. 373, ll. 3-40. Not in 1st folio.
p. 374, l. 2. 2nd folio misprints] aud.
l. 25. 2nd folio misprints] Frcenh.
l. 27. And banisht.
l. 35. Will you? and yet—.
l. 37. Mistris, feathers.
p. 375, l. 30. godly.
p. 378, l. 8. Epithalamin.
l. 21. for 'twill be.
p. 379, l. 15. Upon a.
l. 23. tempest.
l. 39. Omits and.
p. 382, l. 22. 2nd folio misprints] by.
l. 33. Transfers to to beginning of next line.
p. 383, l. 16. 2nd folio] their.
l. 36. parts.
p. 384, l. 2. 2nd folio] beween.
p. 385, l. 25. On my.
p. 386, l. 8. make rise.
p. 387, l. 36. Those dedicates.
p. 388, l. 30. Lewis eleventh.
p. 389, l. 3. you persev'd.
l. 19. danger or.
l. 33. A comma has been inserted at the end of the line.
p. 390, l. 4. honours.
l. 5. suffer.
l. 9. loose.
p. 391, l. 8. to this.
p. 392, l. 1. up you.
l. 3. 2nd folio misprints] pecies.
l. 17. If you.
p. 394, l. 33. 2nd folio] Avocate.
p. 396, l. 14. Beau, instead of Cler.
l. 20. what a.
p. 397, l. 18. Omits stage direction.
l. 36. loose.
p. 398, l. 5. What master.
l. 27. Cock a two.
l. 37. makes all this plaine.
p. 399, l. 3. 2nd folio misprints] Bur.
l. 19. 2nd folio] thow.
l. 34. Omits singing in stage direction.
p. 400, l. 16. my whole.
p. 401, l. 13. Declare that.
l. 27. And hunny out your.
l. 31. 2nd folio misprints] my.
p. 404, l. 17. 2nd folio misprints] imfamie.
p. 405, l. 39. Omits not.
p. 406, l. 7. In our.
p. 409, l. 27. going lesse.
p. 411, l. 9. ye did.
l. 29. Pray.
l. 36. Omits do.
p. 412, l. 1. any corner.
l. 5. the louer.
l. 35. laughters.
p. 413, l. 10. y'are? Gentleman.
l. 15. hate.
l. 17. for my.
l. 22. and carriage … calls.
l. 35. your.
p. 414, l. 24. Hee is.
p. 415, l. 4. will make.
l. 12. Why, to it.
l. 21. wake.
l. 38. Slaves feed.
p. 416, l. 19. 'ore.
l. 28. a meane.
p. 417, l. 6. Adds stage direction] Wine.
l. 8. doe but kisse.
l. 11. Will you.
l. 28. Adds stage direction] Recorders.
p. 418, l. 37. thou knowest.
p. 419, l. 4. quarter.
l. 12. Madman, a fool … shew thee man.
l. 14. No I'le.
l. 32. no flame.
p. 420, l. 40. point you.
p. 424, l. 16. 2nd folio misprints] dies.
p. 425, l. 29. 2nd folio misprints] Cler.
p. 427, l. 5. Adds stage direction] Put off.
p. 428, l. 32. Firsts, seconds, thirds.
p. 429, l. 1. p– on't.
l. 27. still devising.
p. 431, l. 19. Gives this line to Lam.
l. 22. Adds as though a stage direction] Now.
l. 31. Reads My legs in my good house, my Armour on.
p. 432, l. 12. yet are, if men.
p. 435, l. 12. Reads] La-wr. Bee't then. | Mens fates, etc.
ll. 15 and 16. Gives these two lines to Sam.
l. 18. 2nd folio] Vertagine.
l. 23. Strike.
l. 25. Gives No, no, … not to Verta.
p. 439, l. 11. Corvina.
l. 34. loose.
p. 440, l. 1. Quinti.
l. 3. the Chamber doore.
p. 441, l. 16. 2nd folio] vills.
p. 444, l. 27. hand of heaven.
p. 445, l. 24. Omits is.
p. 448, l. 4. Omits Din. by mistake and prints enjury for enjoy.
p. 449, l. 35. My mortall.
p. 450, l. 36. mine Uncle.